When I Take Mining To The Next Level in Hydroneer

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I can finally mostly to sit here and wait for it to rain gold and other stuff coming down look at it all this is fun this is finally what I wanted took hours of fine-tuning and setup to get here but I think we're finally here I think we can still go a lot bigger known order to ramp things up again I'm gonna need some more money if only I knew where to find some gold this in itself is probably gonna be a very annoying process cuz I've got a lot of very big gold nuggets to pick up and drop in here but it's gonna be fun to see all of this put into basically one little piece of jewelry I would to set these up to automatically go into a container but where's the fun in that I like to see the pile of gold this looks to be about half the gold I'm gonna put it into a few separate gold bars which will make one piece of jewelry and while I'm waiting for that to smelt I'm gonna swap a few things out I'm told you should put the boosters a little further down the line go bar number one and that's gonna be a valuable one that looks to be about the rest of it and then we just need one colossal gem I think this is about as big as they get one enormous ruby which looks something like that which gets poured into there which makes another gold bar which when heated up gets turned into nothing because I forgot to pick what I wanted a ridiculously expensive amulet prices are down 81 dollars for these today so that means it's only worth fifty three thousand one hundred and one dollars that's probably gonna be enough to cover our adventures for the day but I guess that depends on exactly what it is we're gonna get up to the good day to be the guy that owns this store and there is going to be a lot of buying today the first thing a what or more the Goliath drills cuz I've got a plan for these seven in total should probably be enough and I do want a few of these water valve pipes because I want to be able to start and stop the flow if I want to and then one of these new conveyor Shredder's which turns the big clumps of dirt in this smaller one now let's go take all this stuff back and get it roughly into place we're still gonna need to buy a lot more stuff and before I forget for the millionth time let's put a plug in that that's gonna save me a little bit of water pressure for now and the next six drills are just gonna work the way up the conveyor belt for now they should also find really big gold provided they have adequate water pressure the picture this times seven or just look down here now I still have to plug them in but they're in place and now that I'm back here digging behind them I might have to space them out a little bit just so I can make sure they're all plumb into each other but we'll see what kind of pipe parts we get to play with going to install a valve somewhere right here for now as well also placing went underground right before all this stuff now I can shut it off and don't burn all this stuff out constantly because it's a lot of fun to have to fix this stuff every ten seconds and then it's back to the store to buy a whole bunch more stuff and to be honest with you and this might come as a surprise but I'm mostly just guessing at what I need right now I'm just gonna buy a whole bunch of the things I think I'm gonna need and I'm probably still gonna need to come back for more of them I always feel like it's gonna be a good idea when I buy so many parts they all blend together someone recommended the more filters would help my stuff last longer so we're just gonna try that anyway and then from here we got to buy some conveyors but we got to pay for them first the mountain of gold I'm picturing at the end of all this is really putting a smell on my face right now well it's kind of hoping I could load load back into the game without this happening but my stuff is unloaded itself again so hopefully nothing too important fell into the sky uh the game is also crashing well no there it goes she's working his way out of the truck probably should not have loaded in with stuff in the back of my truck I knew better I just didn't listen honestly that's not that big a deal the only problem is the ground is probably gonna start eating some of this stuff pretty soon so that's gonna get annoying now I need to build this conveyor up just a little bit higher something like this then we've got a door grinder thing and then that thing's gonna sit kind of way up there and then it's just a matter of carefully placing some blocks in just the right spots at least it lets me walk all the way up here for building what it is unbuilding but to do this I've got to steal my boxes from their old location and that part's done it's not pretty but it's gonna work maybe I'll even add a funnel that way looks a little more professional and now I'm gonna tackle the plumbing of all this probably gonna have to relay them out like I said but we'll get this that's the last piece I needed to have them all plumbed in I'm a little bit concerned with how easy that actually was that this means something down the road is gonna go horribly horribly wrong but is it right now if I always turn the water on I would have seven Goliath pumps all feeding dirt to this conveyor belt don't quite have enough pipe to finish what I wanted to build yet so I got to go back to the store but before I do that I get a remove everything from the dirt otherwise it's gonna fall to the ground well commandeer some more boxes and this is basically gonna be where my new mountain of gold is gonna fall by my math I needed in another 30 boxes and that's on the low end of things I don't know if you've ever seen what it's like to try and put boxes into the back of a truck in this game like it's not fun now that might not look like a lot but if the truck were to flip we're doing anything exciting the game would probably crash in a horrible fashion and lastly maybe just a few more tool bags because I feel like a lot of stuff is gonna break at least place in the boxes at this point is very quick to do and this should've at work the last thing I really need to do before he can fire up and start placing the boxes over here to block what these things spit out and we're somehow short by one entire box so I guess I'm going all the way back to the storage just for that and just like that I'm actually more or less ready to fire this thing up at this point it's gonna place a few of the pyro crystals where I think they need to go and maybe add a few filters and this one in here just to make sure that that thing is getting maximum results because it's about to be eating a lot of dirt already taking predictions on how long this is gonna last before something breaks I'm basically gonna be spending my whole time repairing things but that's gonna be worth it is the whole thing working now we have pressure we have pressure so my grinder thing is working I need to turn the valve down here to get my conveyor belt going and also the drills b-7 large drills this one sounds like it's working uh do you guys all want to turn on then oh I've gotta get her to manually turn these on this is gonna be a little bit of work in itself but think about all that dirt we're bout to get placed until they run out but then you know we'll worry about that I'll keep beating these things as they go I'm gonna have to add a few more boxes up here because I can't actually walk along the conveyor like it pushes me and obviously here comes our dirt and yeah we're gonna have a lot of dirt I might actually have to slow this down a bit but I'm kinda curious to see how this goes dirt gone through Oh is it falling out there I might have to yeah it's just piling up at the top well that's all right I got a grinder right there just for that problem and uh you know probably also this problem my grinder will eat this dirt up and into smaller chunks but then that's gonna send it to the other big one but you know what I knew this was gonna be some fine-tuning so all we gotta do is take this guy you put in here and then right this one here we'll take this big one and throw it over there whatever this will work this will be fine having too much dirt is actually a good problem I swear it's just gonna be a matter of fine-tuning this thing until it works it might be because there's a cork here actually that's stopping things I'm working I'm gonna take that out for now and hope that was the problem whoops gonna have to give things down there a little more room as well they're just piling up over like a huge piles of dirt down there that are making it anywhere fill you back in the grinder and yeah that's actually working a little better already we're struggling a little bit so far we're getting some gold and we did get some power crystals so we're succeeding definitely gonna add some more juice in places to make sure we're getting the big big gold because there's a few big and a few medium things over here and we're gonna have to widen up that tunnel at some point or even put a few grinders sporadically along the conveyor belt I'm not really sure yet let's uh free these up already got our first broken thing that's no surprise really got a few of them broken who'd have thought it's all of this guy up and see where it goes the adventure of a rock goes up gets minced and then pushed against the other rock which somehow doesn't fit how did that even get there went to the grinder before he even got there yeah I'm gonna need to put a little platform up here just for staging rocks cuz I feel like I'm gonna be spending a lot of my time up here but look at all the gold we're getting already ok bye I'm kind of glad most of these are broken right now because I need a minute to kind of recalibrate things but so far I'm considering this mostly a success right so I'll add a little more power right there that should give me a little bit better results of top and if need be I'll add another power crystal these trails need to be on nope for me to fix them I can just go up and down the list hopefully this actually works and I don't know if they still have dirt I think they do I ran out a tool bag already will it's resumed our operation hopefully it's a little bit more efficient than it was before not that I'm complaining well already it's spitting out a lot of rocks hopefully those just land exactly where they post your I'm glad I put that clear I know right before no up they're piling up into a big rock already outstanding but here comes some more they're still taking for dirt and it's better so far still not perfect but it's better look at how fast those things go into how much gold we're gonna find down below and we'll kind of clean up some of this mess we have lying around it was a little bit tricky to place but they'll find their way to where they're going eventually hopefully maybe oh we got to get that's where all my stuff is hiding kay I'm taking the funnel away because that's not working for me so far so good the only thing I've got ever be removing are these because I need to use these occasionally all around the area I never gold hiding up there yeah there's definitely a bit but whatever and I think these guys are all out of dirt for now I'll replace them in just a minute since the conveyor is still going let's get the rest of these comes to dirt up there so they can be processed at least I keep getting these little Jam ups all it takes is one Rock to sitting around place and the whole thing doesn't work so I might need to find a better way of doing this that one's probably too big we'll feed it to the grinder the grinder is a nice touch but still need some fine-tuning for this little guy I just remembered that I can use my shovel to place dirt in certain spots so I might be able to use the dirt as a kind of funnel for up here might make a big difference I want to see what this guy breaks down into big rock oh okay we got another Jam of course we and that turned into a big rock again okay you yeah good enough and their progress anyways after a few days of running we already have a pile of this big so that's definitely quicker than if I was doing if I had no need some fine tuning it's definitely a bit of work we'll figure it out the first thing I want to do with the dirt is kind of plug some of the holes right there that way the gold can bounce out or backwards he's got a fall out of that slot edit a few corners of dirt that might help them sit in there more Center so they get ground up more efficiently but maybe not there's only one way to find out also need to find a way to replace the dirt under these fairly easily looks like I might actually able to do this well the drill is in the ground not so much a gamers gonna like this method but if I don't have to remove these a billion times that's gonna save me a lot of time and let's give this guy a test run to see exactly yeah that kind of works actually those pieces of dirt will make a difference I'll keep funneling them as need be refilled the drill dirt made a few switches so let's see exactly how this is gonna work everything should be up writing again the drill should be going by conveyor belt should be moving it should be processing and so far that one's not a piece of dirt still sitting where it shouldn't be so it might add some dirt to that but this should be still improved yeah hi you're in a conveyor belt so if you want it there we are right yeah we got a few of these broken for now but I got to turn them off and on again because they like that looks like I might actually have to take them off and replace them every time if I want to replace them with dirt yeah that looks like it's gonna be the ticket and there we go dirt is on its way back up to the top and that timing kind of isn't gonna work what if that's why they're getting stuck to all the dirt is smashing together down there it doesn't matter if they get big up here cuz this thing leave them and grind them anyway but don't below they will jam up it's definitely running a lot more efficiently it is ate all those dirt jumps and I didn't even have to help our pilot go down there's gonna be getting big how did a piece of dirt get all the way down there no wonder we're having so many Jam ups and you go through there I want to see exactly all this parts working out uh pretty good stuff is making it through but a lot isn't so we're gonna manually drop some of this down though this is more or less two days of inefficient running I can't wait to see what else we can do I think I've I kind of place the dirt almost all the way around and dig out the centre of it that might make enough of a funnel to be able to feed this thing a little better already I like to look at that a lot better they just give it a practice drop with a bigger piece of dirt that holds it pretty Center I'm not sure how much that's gonna help for the your pieces but whatever well fire it up and see what happens is painfully replaced all the deer for all the drills so let's fire it all up and see what happens I also found her face down below for a Power crystal to power my drills better since I've got a million of these things anyways you know what I'm really gonna have to wait to be able to get that thing in here let's have really quick you open get in there and close Aiko's easier than it normally is orys dirt of the day is it gonna work with my new little funnel design please work please work so far so good everything goes flying through and I need to put a lid back on the boxes well the game definitely doesn't like what I'm doing it seems to be stuttering a lot yeah I didn't want that piece of dirt anyway that's fine oh we're getting more jam up so I might have to raise the ceiling down here I mean when things are working great it's a continual line of dirt which is a continual line of gold but there's a few hiccups need more room so for my new funnel design is actually working great I've only had one gem up early so far and we'll see what this one does watch the big guy go through and jam up course okay let's shut things down for a minute while I address the clogging problem I'm really hoping this is gonna be just as easy as raising the ceiling and they'll slide on up if not there so be considerably more workers out to rearrange everything but so far it looks like they're actually free and let's try that resume by the time I get over there I should hopefully see some large chunks that are going up my conveyor belt including the one that's already clogged at the top so that's fun are they moving they're not moving that's not good alright well we'll have to think about a new way to do that I might be able to use dirt for that as well I can tell things are going now because their frame rate is dropping and I can your gold flying everywhere that's the sound of profit I mean considering how much gold we're finding every day we're doing pretty well but I still want a few adjustments to make this better I'm curious to see if just removing the top row boxes is gonna give them enough room to bounce over the top if need be so we're gonna try it just like that also made a new little funneled improvement here which so far seems to be working very good they're not spitting an eater no yet either because they're out of dirt or they're broken the next thing I'm gonna have to buy is repair kits I'm gonna do this smart way this time I don't know bottom-to-top that way I don't get crushed by dirt this entire time good news I think you're out of dirt anyway so what I'm gonna do is just clean up some of this area for now does that all the big chunks go up there and hopefully get processed because they're cluttering up my space and something else broke because nothing is moving and I don't have any more repair kit so there's a problem way out there Oh both things broke ohh standing this operation is absolutely great when it works but it definitely has a few hiccups like 95% of the time I'm gonna buy like 10,000 of these and also a spare shovel and a pick because I'm tired of having to chase it around everywhere I'm also gonna try placing some dirt around the bottom of this to hopefully fill in some of those gaps so little pieces stopped getting stuck there I had to build myself a little staircase just to get up there not really sure how well that's gonna work but I did fill in some of the gaps that hopefully should help a view of the jam ups the dirt has all been replaced I forgot I need a repair kit of which I now have a billion now I'm just hoping for way less jam up so why do these ones not on hello lights on thank you so far so good no Jam ups as long as this gets into where it's going and that's not good it's sitting right on top of the grinder it doesn't want to grind what's that about I was mostly worried about John moves down there and so far we actually haven't had any so this is running more efficiently than ever before imagine that mountain to go down there getting ever bigger I think we're basically there already if you ignore problems like that down there but the dirt that does make it up here makes it in and there's very few jams at this point our pile of good stuff is getting big boys wanted it to rain gold on Muses gonna work yeah here it comes look at it all falling out it's very leggy though because the game isn't loving all the things going on but if the frame rate isn't suffering I'm not trying hard enough I guess at this point we're mostly just waiting for a giant pile of gold to appear below us while we sit here and slowly maintain this mess we are getting a whole bunch jammed up down there I'll fix that after today but for now I'm just enjoying a massive amount of progress or making everything funnels in there so nicely and easily now Oh as soon as I shut up my operation that came run so much better it just got way too much stuff going on down below but there's a pile of gold now he even got a few clumps of dirt down here somehow but what Queen things up eventually this mountains gonna get big and I give the conveyor belt a lot more room to work with because I removed a bunch of the boxes now all of the pieces of dirt should have more than enough room and this should hopefully catch all the pieces of dirt as they fly out now let's see if my newest improvement is gonna be any actual improvement or not so far it's not looking optimistic but I also need to repair each and every one of these because they all break on cue not sure if adding any more filters is gonna help that or not but they do need to be fixed I think today know that our district based all the dirt this is as efficient as this operation is gonna get and you can tell by how likely it is that there's some dirt moving my new barrier to keep the dirt rolling isn't really working super grade so far I thought I had that just right but I guess not it should work pretty good though as long as dirt doesn't crash into each other like it can't be that bad it's just things like that happening it's almost getting too leggy to play at this point anytime anything happens or framerate drops so bad that I can barely even move the game runs pretty good though if I turn off all the drills like I did and get this work the conveyor belt and then it works pretty fine I'm also gonna add another two of these grinder things to help break down the rocks before they get to the crusher part of things because sometimes they still make it they're really big and clog up my thing I probably could incorporate some of this stuff to help my operation but I don't really feel like getting creative at this point I just want to keep going with what I have to make a mountain and a matter of fuel again do you think I'm close to this store so I can just buy a bucket and fill er up not sure if this is gonna make much of a difference but I sure hope so let's throw one of these really big rocks on top nice and Center for once and then see what happens once against to the top hopefully it breaks it down breaks it down again into nice small pieces and they don't ever get big again no one ever said it was a quick process they didn't get jammed up right here and that's not really good oh they make it over eventually okay what happens they break down and kind of stop well they made it in eventually but they're also kind of stalling along the way but I think if these ones coming up behind them they will push in eventually so let's ramp it up a bit and throw like a hundred of these big rocks on in there that should make it up and then we'll throw another one behind it to see what difference that makes and go number ones about to ram number two and it's gonna fall right off need to do something about that transition point but it broke up a few times and turned into gold well here's an interesting problem rocks this big are the wrong size they won't actually get grinded up they'll just pause right here and that doesn't help anyone I think it worked better with only this single grinder decided I did want to try a little experiment this might work better I might not have stuff flying out quite as much anymore this could be hugely helpful now the only question is did this make things better or worse if I kept paying it to my track record then things just got much much worse let's see my main concern is mostly these really big rocks have a way of just falling off because they roll off to the side or they hit each other and bounce off to the side this should hopefully keep them clumped up though it might make them jam up a lot also kinda like that but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to place them a lot nicer now because normally when I play some I kind of throw them now they'll fall right in there and then not move at all is so great well it kind of works I mean I'm my old success I guess it also makes a huge difference when your conveyor belt is properly powered and moving at full speed though if I can actually get a rock to land on there look how much faster that goes up now so it'll pump right over the topping go on in those things well yep there we go it's working yep okay so far so good I'm liking this I'm not liking that part still getting the jam up so feel like no matter what we do while you're getting job ups anyways it's turn all the drills back on and just let the material go now that we got our little flaps holding everything in it should be more efficient than ever before which means more gold than ever before so the rocks will tumble up and yep as long as I keep doing just that we'll get tons of gold because the dirt comes up in those nice big clusters we still lose a few off the edge for some reason but I'll fix that up eventually boy I wonder where my pick could be maybe right here trying to disappear to the ground forever you may have noticed the frames have dropped once again the game is going a little bit slow I'm trying to clean that up right now I'm gonna build those round things all along here to work a little bit better for this dirt I think that's gonna be a lot better way of doing it I gotta go buy a whole bunch more of those ramps look how much of my stuff is flowing in the air now I think these two gonna work out pretty nicely at the very least it looks kind of cool whether or not this is really gonna work we're about to find out enjoy these frames oh we have them massive leg spike incomings replaced all the dirt from the drills you okay things seem to be moving along now except for me I am the only thing that's stuck and my conveyor belts aren't moving anything at all okay and that rock wishes jammed for some reason do you go now and how about you would you like to go alright so far so good always worried the rocks would catch the edges of the roofing stuff but you know so far they're holding on really nicely though that point but at least they're still holding on and of course so far things aren't too bad I'm a little curious as to why more dirt isn't coming up from the bottom considering they're all fresh they failed drills well there's one piece coming up they might actually be shooting over the ramps a little bit or maybe there's only a few of them turned on that could be the problem and the big rock actually makes its way up it gets caught a few times but it does make it out so that's an improvement and the baldies still do get caught in the corner but the littler ones pushed them along and so far it's actually working really well I'm really impressed with this part of the setup so far because it's just needing me gold I can finally mostly to sit here and wait for it to rain gold and other stuff coming down look at it all this is fun this is finally what I wanted took hours of fine-tuning and setup to get here but I think we're finally here I can just sit here and wait and yes this pile of gold definitely is a very big considering the base of it is way bigger than the last one I built well we are start getting Jam ups but they're fewer than they were before and bigger rocks can make their way out I just don't think the world is ready yet for my creations things feel like they're running a little slow again so I'm gonna add a little bit more power right here not sure if we need it here but I'm gonna out of here I've got like a million of these lying around anyway we might as well just go full juice one little pile of gold is definitely starting to get pretty big unless it was still quite a bit of it jammed up there it kind of trickles out every time it starts to get pushed through I mean I guess that's a pretty big pile of gold judging by how slow the game is we're definitely moving some dirt today how did you get a little bit of a buildup but actually it's mostly managing itself pretty well has occasional clogged there and at the corner of the ramp but it mostly just mines a whole bunch of gold for me I am pretty sad I can't do sticker all day let it rain gold on me because it needs so much fine-tuning and adjustment but you know what I'm pretty happy with the result overall I would love to smelt this and weigh it and sell it and see what it's worth but we're gonna have to save that for next time cuz I'm just out of time my goal in my brain initially was to make a pile of gold as big as my truck didn't quite get there but still did a decent job over this many hours
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,080,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerously, funny, dangerouslyfunny, dangerously funny, gameplay, pc, hydroneer, gold mountain, hydroneer gameplay, When I Take Mining To The Next Level, goliath drill
Id: jF768qqwVoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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