Every time I eat I get bigger in Roblox get big simulator

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we are currently a one microcam slime that's about to take over the world and this is a really original idea the more things we eat the bigger we get just a few green peas later and we are 7 8 microgr as we get bigger our HP and damage go up as well there's also instructions I don't entirely understand but we're going to give it a try okay we need two milligrams we are still microgram so we got a ways to go it seems we can also pick fights with whatever these things are and once that thing's dead I think we eat it for even more gain we also got coins this is why we need more damage so we kill the fages quicker fages are very small so that shows how small we actually are so far and I can't really help myself when I see things that I can bully I'm going to go ahead and do it I could get some easy easy size over here we seem to have some sort of slime Hedges that are much much stronger so we're maybe going to need a little bit more HP and damage before we could properly fight these or we could just try it I've accidentally started to fight with basically all of them so we're going to sort of have to commit to this for a second if I understand that correctly I think we found a virus slime open the chest for uh if I knew where the chest was I would happily open it okay I found it we saved up 100 coins so we get one chest out of that we're going to get who knows what we got a squish 40% size slam the ground dealing 300% damage to nearby enemies uh we get 40% bigger slime balls from enemies and when we want to use that we can press q and that's the big damage let's try to against some of these guys got them okay that's much easier I also just founded another hidden slime so I got something for that we about 150 microgr and we got 100 more coins to open another chest more damage so increase damage by 30% I definitely won't say no to that now we're going to go back to fighting the hedges this time I'm going to do it a smarter way we're not going to fight all of them at once we're going to fight them one at a time then we're going to get a much bigger size every time we kill one uh I also want to slam this one just to be sure to get a good first hit in didn't mean to attack that big thing but I think we're actually just about big enough to fight it I don't know what happened for some reason I'm Auto targeting the big ones I guess we just Target whatever's closest which is kind of funny but also annoying so we'll fight the two slimes to the death uh they're surprisingly hard to hit despite how big they are we are up to 40 damage though so it's only going to be a few more hits for that one who just sort of evaporated on us and no doubt we've automatically attacked uh that one as well okay these are just evaporating we're not getting anything maybe we've got to kill them before the timer runs out I think I'm understanding this now cuz once you start hitting them there's actually a timer in brown I think they need to die wow that took off most of our health so they perhaps need to die before the timer goes out and then we get our reward that's much better 320 micro gr S I guess we're so big now we can really bully these guys as well so that might actually be the best use of our time at this point we're getting way bigger already though these Hedges were giant compared to us a while ago now we can just go in there and stomp the ground and kill them all I now see that we're actually touching these hidden slimes that's how I'm collecting them like we got an amoeba slime there we up to about 60 damage so now we'll be able to kill these guys properly quickly and then we'll get bigger faster I guess I can also probably slam that one for a better first hit too 65 damage I bet it gets really big of eventually to the point where we're destroying universes I finally got the 1 mgram in weight so we're going to be a big grownup slime real soon I do like this ground slam a lot it's getting big and we can just destroy a lot of things our damage is getting close to 100 at this point and because we've earned over 1,000 coins we're going to open up 10 chests and then we'll get to pick all sorts of good stuff we did already found more damage too which is a rarer upgrade plus 90% size bonus as well so we can increase our damage by 55% that'll take us of 97 up to 138 if you get 10 of them you can merge them together I don't have 10 of anything yet but we'll get there one day I have collected enough gems that I can unlock another item slot so we could take more damage again so that puts us up to 160 damage so now we can really murder things and we're bigger than these guys they used to seem like a mountain compared to us now we can absolutely destroy them yeah they only take a few hits and we can take them out so let's get in there and fight a whole bunch of them at once it's only going to take one more of our Q attack and got them now that we're 2 migs we can fight the boss so we're going to do just that as soon as my thing respawns but I've been stacking damage for this battle so we're going to be just fine we're going to Q attack him that took off a lot of his health pretty predictable attack pattern so far and dead I've also climbed up the uh Helix to get the DNA slime now I need to go into a portal to the next area where I go from being the giant to something absolutely tiny again so to start we're going to need lots of little pods on the floor and before you know it will be enormous I guess I didn't stackle his damage for nothing uh actually we're doing really good damage wise that's way quicker but it's also time for a 750 coin chest which has critical hit so I'm going to unequip one of my damages and 15% chance to deal three times damage that no doubt is going to be a big one we're already doing 330 so a critical hit I think will be a th000 damage we move on we need to be one single gram uh we're also going to fight the ant slimes because it turns out we can actually kill them fairly quickly and put on a lot of size and the critical hits are definitely adding up as well but we're putting on tons of mg that's definitely a slime I need to touch this is also a beautiful cluster of murder for us as long as I can get some uh Critical Hits and not take too much damage here we should be able to take them all out really quickly maybe we'll find out about the nerd slime over here okay they absolutely destroyed me but that's only because I got hit if I don't get hit they won't hurt me again as long as I don't get hit we're perfectly fine we just going to whittle away their health one little piece at a time my base damage is up to almost 1,000 already so we're actually taking him down in not that many hits and we're long over do to open a few more chests bigger slash and more Health which we don't really need but that's tier three and one more Health regeneration which could be interesting if we get into trouble I think I'm going to try slash in uh place of Squish because this should in the be a lot better because it's blue so we slashed him that's a pretty good hit it takes a while to regen ground might be better I've decided to now uh for now to just Stack Up pure damage on everything we don't have any special abilities just pure damage that did put us up to 1,300 base damage though when we're doing some crits so we're uh hurting things very badly turns out I had an ability all along that I could have used which is a bigger bullet that does 400% damage and it respawns really quickly and I see a slime hiding up here we're long overdue to open some chests I've upgraded my luck and we're also going to get more growth size so naturally I didn't really get anything new but we are starting to stack up the numbers and I just need to remember that the bigger I get the more damage I do so while it might be slow at first to kill these guys it speeds up fast we're pushing 1 and 1 12 G of size so we're definitely getting very big our base damage is 3,000 so when we hit with that attack it's about 12,000 damage and our damage is already up to 3 and 1 12,000 before fighting the boss we're going to open 10 of these we're going to do it quickly and then we're going to open another 10 of those quickly I was hoping to find something to merge but that's just not the case so instead we're going to fight the boss and I feel like it's going to be a pretty easy battle cuz we're three times the size we need to be so we have three times the damage plus more think I found another hidden slime up here moving into the next area because we're triple the size we should have just a a little bit bigger of an advantage so to fight the next boss we need 100 G we're already five so we're off to a good start and our damage seems to be perfectly fine I thought it would be fun to get some gems so we can open up a new slot and then I could add more damage again also so that we could open a rare chest for much better things like movement speed five and fast cool down which is a prismatic uh this one only uh increases my ability cool down by 14% that's not enough to worry about the extra movement speed could be fun but since I have this we're going to go back to uh squish because if I can zoom around that quickly we might as well utilize it cuz I can uh jump up and down and move very quickly to get in and out of danger like all these guys we jump up and down hurt them all to a large degree wait for that to recover a little bit then we jump right back in and do it again until they're all dead the strongest slimes here seem to be the ones in a cup don't know where that hidden slime was but we did find one these guys have 165,000 Health but they do die but I am also at the point where we can like Massacre these little yellow ones so it's just much safer and easier we sa to open up coins we can open up another 10 big suggest and we do still have some chance to get rare things out of these so we're going to equip critical hit three cuz that's going to give us much better damage I'm also going to take up ground slam we're going to add a new one for 550% damage up front uh next we're going to challenge the boss who's in a really awkward spot because he's just hard to see and if we go too far to the other side uh we go into the shop and if we go too far this way we start hitting other slimes and then that happens okay glitch slime has been defeated officially onto the next area now we're getting big enough for like a real creature we're going to start eating cats soon but first we're going to defeat the mice slimes and our damage is more than up to the task of defeating these so next we need to be 5 kg which is something like it would actually be have some actual weight to it so for now we'll just keep picking fights with things we may or may not be able to defeat but every time we kill something we get much much bigger our base damage is up to 55,000 now so whenever we fight something we can do some real hurt we've also got enough gems to open another rare chest we can get up to a shiny tier five tier six Prismatic shiny we did get another movement speed and I think we actually going to take that just because we get 500% size and that refers to the uh increase that we get from the enemies we're also going to open a few regular chests more coins is kind of nice actually more coins is really nice we're going to lose some damage we're going to get 80% more coins we'll be able to buy more upgrades this is ultimately going to equate the more damage anyway because we're going to get so much size from each and every one of these that we're going to be enormous these next sles that we have to defeat have 1.6 million HP we're doing 32,000 damage so we can defeat them but it's going to take a second and if we hit too many different ones they're going to defeat us back at least at this point I'm big enough to be mistaken for a lava lamp and my damage is up to 77,000 base so when we're hitting these things with crits we're really hurting them also didn't realize how much money we had saved up so we're going to open 10 of those and we're going to open 10 of those again we got something called explode where we damage all enemies around us for 500% so let's test how to explode on some toddlers that seems pretty good that's actually a really big area it's a huge El long cool down though so I don't like it one bit I decided to take away our ability and this straight up give us 95% more damage doing 170,000 base damage so we're going to see what that feels like against the boss and so far yeah we're going to whittle him away pretty quickly all we got to do is get a few of our Critical Hits on him and he'll be dead very quickly it's very hard to aim this for some reason when I go toward him we aim to the right always fun and he's about dead we're now an 8 kog slime fighting new things but we're getting bigger to the point we're going to be getting people soon we're getting about half a kilogram uh per kill and we're getting a lot of extra coins right now so we're going to save up for big upgrades going down stairs we've literally found cats including a cat slime I've defeated enough kitty slimes that I can open up 10 of these chests we get up to tier five on these and we did get a tier five turret so we're definitely going to change this around a little bit create a turret that automatically shoots enemies okay we're taking that away and putting a turret in critical hit is going to be replaced by a better critical hit and I'm going to take away the more coins for now for more damage and also shoot no just kidding we're going to do more damage twice we only need one ability but this puts us up to half a million damage so now when we shoot things they really get hurt so we'll just kill them much quicker we don't need extra coins we need to kill things quicker we'll make more coins this way anyway plus we weigh 28 kilos which is the size of like a medium to large dog now we can start a fight with a glowing hedgehogs in the Next Room I've laid down a turret that's currently not doing much of anything okay the turret uh did start attacking very slowly I think I need to actually attack something before it attacks it doesn't do a lot of damage we're going to do a better ability instead of turret we'll just shoot the enemy and we actually one-shotted that one for big damage next we got to defeat the chef slimes uh they're holding knives in their hands should be able to defeat them as long as we don't get shanked they do have uh 17.4 million HP so it is going to take a second to defeat them but our damage is getting pretty high and we gain like three kilos every time we kill one of these and once this one's defeated we'll pick up those three and we're officially over 100 kilos and our damage is over 1 million so our crits are getting really big but every time we hit them we're taking a big chunk of their health I'm officially big enough to challenge the boss but I'm starting to really Massacre the chefs in the kit kit so I kind of just want to enjoy this for a minute okay I'm twice as size as I need to be to fight the boss so let's see how this is going to go it's really not a lot of room to maneuver uh they killed us in one hit but we took off half their health with one of ours this would be so much easier if I could actually see what I'm doing uh so we're just going to going to go like this and hopefully the I don't know what happened yeah we got him this time only because I was jumping around just trying to avoid him now we're getting somewhere out in the open world where we can fight viruses to move on we need 12.5 tons our damage is high enough that we're actually able to one-hot these guys when we crit but the weight is going up really really fast we've already gained 150 kilos we've only been here for a minute and we can open up the next tier of chest we have 1% chance of a tier six item we didn't get any of those but we did get a lot of cool stuff like we did get a better version of shoot which is going to give us uh more from enemies but we sadly didn't get more damage that's okay we can just start fighting mud slimes and they'll make us bigger than ever we're officially over 1 ton 1,00 kilos whoops and now we're over two tons bullying the little slimes that also gives us about 4 million base damage and giant Critical Hits grinding away we've saved up enough to open another 10 of these hopefully we get something amazing like damage not the biggest in the world but I will take it these giant rock slimes have 300 million HP which we can destroy fairly quickly I've also managed to really really break the game suddenly so that's also super helpful naturally I decided it's time to open up some more rare chest we can go as high as shiny with a 5% so instead we got shoot but that gives us 1,00% that's a tier 7 we're going to open one more of those health regen which we don't want we're getting so big now that we can absolutely Massacre these and these were very tough to kill a few minutes ago base damage is a modest 14 million at this point so we're really starting to bully these things managed to grind this idiot up to 12 and 1 12 tons that means we can fight the boss so we'll see how this fight goes at least I have the room to actually see it this time so this will actually be fairly easy the boss appear to be getting bigger over time not really sure what that's about not really sure I care it's got 1.12 billion HP it's a bamboo slime and it's running out of HP accidentally walked into the shop for a second there but it's defeated now we're getting somewhere look at everything we're bigger than a car already we opened one chest and got more damage five which brings our base damage up to 17 million which means we can almost oneshot even the slimes here it's creepy and weird as they are but 400 million HP drains pretty quickly but we managed to create a 15 10 slimes so I'm happy [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 206,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dIJdanT7xN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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