What's ONE Reason To Stop Watching P...

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what is one reason to stop consuming pornography [Music] you accidentally recall pawns to names instead of actors in front of people as someone with two-step families i'm happy i grew up before the incest porn became a thing amongst friends groups you become insensitive to the hanky-panky you do with your boyfriend girlfriend only fantasies can get you off no matter how much you try with your partner i had these issues with my gf she would give me [ __ ] intercourse would last 30 minutes or longer because i become tired even though i haven't finished there were times i would fake it because she becomes upset when she can't please me but i know it wasn't her fault i just stopped watching porn even when the urges came my hanky-panky life improved drastically real hanky panky is better also i'm told my friend said her partner just choked her without asking if she liked that imagine having hanky-panky with someone much larger and stronger than you you're at your most vulnerable and then they try to strangle you she thought he was trying to kill her and understandably freaked the frick out i then heard this same type of story from multiple other women apparently it's a thing in porn these days that and very aggressive sex which again if you don't know it's coming suddenly feels very much like the person hates you and is trying to and will most likely hurt you i imagine it doesn't make for a calm and confident return to hanky-panky for these women it has no nutritional value it's really hard to verify the upload consent for amateur content like pornhub for example has huge controversies over homemade uploads not having the consent of one or both participants usually lacking female consent also age verification for some sites is not rigid enough actual porn actors don't make as much money as they used to and certainly not as much as you think the lines of consent being pressured into a scene can be pretty blurred porn can have a damaging impact on your views toward sex your appearance the gender you're attracted to how hanky panky works consent and performance length porn can promote a more violent version of hanky-panky this can be particularly damaging to the sexual maturity of younger people who are either not old enough or are barely old enough to view the content porn addiction is very real and made worse by how crazy accessible it is porn is also a monopoly with one company owning a bunch of the major player websites desensitization if you consume too much so much porn that is available on the internet is created with quite questionable consent lack of protections for the workers and overall lack of integrity i think avoiding porn just to not support potential trafficking or abuse is reason enough [Music] you've seen it all literature is way better you should try it there are so many reasons man i am a porn addict and let me tell you that it has ruined my life in so many ways it sets up unrealistic ideas about sex so if you one day will have hanky-panky ira it just won't be the same because you have filled your brain with this and realistic idea about what hanky-panky is and the thing that they do in sex not all are into that have heard many stories where guy thinks girls like to be spit on for example i mean some may but not many at all porn makes you objectify people mostly women they become objects for your pleasure not real humans with emotions it can easily lead to you treating women like that iral porn can lead to ed you can get turned on by real life partners because you have gotten so used to women men in porn it has sadly happened with me staying away from porn helps me but it sadly has affected me a lot porn contributes to human trafficking and that just makes our world worse there is so much more i could write i am addicted i know not everyone gets addicted but being addicted to porn as hell every day feels like a raphael battle trying to overcome this addiction i had a college professor in my freshman year tell every guy in the class that watching porn led to ed he then proceeded to call us [ __ ] if we watched porn it gives you so much dopamine to both watch it and nut to it that your brain stops putting effort in meeting new people and it drains energy there's no real way of knowing whether or not the actors and actresses were coerced or forced into it for a majority of videos unrealistic expectations you become so addicted to it that it negatively affects your daily life and your relationships with people [Music] human trafficking there's even allegations of physical and sexual abuse plus the underage contents didn't stop facebook however i'm surprised how much i like self-control it's been a few months for me now very freeing a lot of the actors are coerced into performing they are given booze and drugs so they can perform the women are paid more than the men but many of them spend what they make on drugs and booze and are forced to perform even though they don't want to there are a lot girls who get sick especially the ones who shoot scenes where the male actor penetrates her only and then vaginally in short i find the industry despicable and i refuse to support their exploitation of young women and men i think a good point is when you find yourself looking at some extreme porn and pretty much watching porn daily as most things it's all right in moderate terms but when it becomes excessive is when it becomes a problem [Music] that an awful lot of it is not made by consenting adults if you must watch it at least try to source ethical porn it's not for nothing pornhub has belatedly taken down so many videos a lot of misery is hidden behind sections of the porn industry i can instantly tell if a male partner of mine has an unhealthy relationship with porn each of them were really poor in bed even if they were trying really hard to listen to me as i communicated i've had one or two male partners who watched porn on occasion in very healthy amounts and were good in bed but for the ones with regular unhealthy poor news i believe it would be a really long and uphill battle to get back to a neutral state in regards to sex let alone a positive one after all the conditioning they put themselves through because it discourages imagination because a lot of it like anal hanky panky and deep throating looks really painful to the woman and i doubt the monetary compensation can make up for that when i see a girl with tears running down her face it really breaks my heart i think it's a pretty damaging thing porn is no longer looking at boobs in a magazines it's up close and incredibly disturbing to most people but young men are becoming desensitized to it many people i know that are self-described feminists claim it's a great thing for feminism and freedom of expression etc etc the reality is it's hurtful towards men and women it's bad for our society it harms relationships we have to make it much more regulated than it is currently 13y oh boy should not have access to the close of upper 10 inch pp plowing six women you're gonna have unrealistic big pp expectations off yourself you don't know if it's consensual even with professional porn professional porn is notorious for having an actress sign a contract for specific hanky-panky acts and then springing different ones on her mid-scene at the end they have the exit interviews where the woman will say she consented to everything but if she doesn't do it she's blackballed from the industry and probably won't get paid amateur porn is even worse because you have no idea if the person is of age if they consented to if they know they are being filmed even if all those boxes artic did they know the film would be used publicly or were they under the impression it was a private film made with their so [Music] the men i updated who had a problem with porn stand out the dynamics shift and it's sad for both of us they couldn't sexually engage with me without porn involved they had no imagination they had limited interest in my pleasure they fixate on this ideal type of woman which is young and usually thin or petite which yes is somewhat natural but it always seemed taken too far they were more likely to make sexual demands that served them without regard to me they looked at women in public as hanky-panky objects and nothing more they were also a bit lazy overall and smoked so much weed i'm sure there are some overlapping conflicts there overall it was really sad and dehumanizing i def don't mind porn but i do wish it wasn't so important to so many dudes also i've heard that men who give up porn find a wider range of women attractive which would give me a better shot porn watching is time consuming and if want to get your life together that's also need time you have to choose between these two that's why i stopped watching it it completely ruins your idea of what hanky panky is like or even how the opposite hanky-panky acts it also can be incredibly harmful your hanky-panky life and you're probably unknowingly supporting some pretty terrible people i think porn can give people unhealthy ideas about sex like if you're a woman and you're seeing women in porn always being submissive minus may be offended mitch it can lead you to think you're biologically wired to be submissive regardless of your personality your self-respect takes a blow and you're more susceptible to internalizing misogynistic beliefs [Music] during lockdown i came to realize that it was an addiction i was using it to cope with stress and it kind of snowballed i was like a crack addict sneaking off every couple of hours for a line i'm 37. i always figured that when i was a grown up i wouldn't need to masturbate anymore and wouldn't be so reliant on porn yet here i was with no sign of my habit waning i felt like the pawn was controlling my hanky-panky drive and that i wasn't anymore i quit porn and masturbation about three weeks ago i've masturbated three times in that time as opposed to at least once a day and without porn it was more an intense need to nut like i had to empty myself it's an improvement at least and was surprised at how much harder it was to get hard and to come masturbating every day had made me oversensitive and i hadn't even realized it to reset your expectations of sex it's a movie not real life you desensitize yourself to normal sex i don't say to king shame but it's not likely that you will find a partner into geriatric grandma's spanking twink boys with a german army helmet orgy and once you go down that road missionary with your significant other probably seems too tame you can't know if the people in the video are actually consenting it's fake and unrealistic literally nothing good about it in my opinion too many people are addicted knowledge of the porn industry and the damage it does to gain a taste for the type of women who might actually freak you it gives fake expectations of men pp size women's attitude and character and overall sexual relationships the industry is filled with issues from consent to underage stars to mistreatment to contract inequity go support your local cam girls but stop using produced porn there are way too many videos where you can tell the women are straight up in pain that's someone's daughter the whole girls do porn scandal there's a non-zero chance that the actresses in whatever video you're watching were either forced into doing the shoot or lied to about what the shoot would entail porn sites are also filled with revenge porn i guess it's a personal choice but for me the reason i decided that porn isn't worth it is cause it definitely warped my view of sex love and relationships it clouded everything with lust and for me it was very addictive there are many things i could point out but physically mentally and spiritually i feel like porn is bad for me but with all that said i'll admit as if porn were a drug sometimes i relapse but afterwards i never feel any better and sometimes i actually feel significantly worse sue much of it is non-consensual and the industry contributes highly to hanky-panky trafficking just pcr on a well-known site doesn't mean it's safeborn to improve your hanky-panky life i had a problem where i needed porn to climax finally breaking that habit properly you are looking at someone else's child how would you feel if that was your child also hell your imagination is better and in 4k edie swallowing all those magazines isn't doing anything good for your health [Music] not supporting an industry that's responsible for most of the human trafficking substance abuse and pedophilia in the world just like how substance abuse addictions often lead to escalating needs to get your fix it's the same with porn addiction it's common for people to start finding it harder and harder to get off requiring them to get into more and more extreme stuff and making it harder to get what they're looking for that can be really unhealthy and really dangerous they also actively support this tendency by making lots of content focused on cheating incest non-consent jail bait etc i've also heard and i think this is something with addiction in general that it erodes your willpower putting aside the topic of addiction the industry itself is pretty messed up and shouldn't be supported hi there look if you enjoyed the video well why not go ahead and hit that like and subscribe to reddit stories in fact if you want to see even more responses to this thread well then take a look there's the link in the description below and remember show some love to those authors while you're there and i look forward to seeing you next [Music] time [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Id: o-xPuYM3VYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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