When Asians fail Math

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stephen i found this in the house wait are they nunchucks like bruce lee just remind me of when i walk up here okay i have to ask you this time how do you walk uphill both ways oh backing my day physics wasn't invented yet show me what you've got uh i i've never i've never used these before what am i supposed to do if you can hold you can swing sing things i don't think that's how that works dad you sing the bruce lee movie yeah good [ __ ] what you do if timmy took your bubble tea i probably want that back oh my god did i just do that what i could have done that stupid why didn't you tell me like i thought the lion with no weapon yes that's exactly what you said your father was the best [ __ ] sorry just a mistake the the bird fly bite you know the atmosphere atmosphere not as strong as china totally atmospheric aerodynamic off oh you sure magnetic field off today oh yeah it's just a small small tiny lipstick right just like how i got cm this week what the hell you say you tell me you get the seat you do no c stand for the failing i whip your ass into monday what's up let's who the hell didn't unface the chicken no we we didn't get it yeah totally meat no meat i did not know it's flying connections magnetic fields today maybe the phone didn't how go shoes your father was the best fighter oh [Music] that noise then why did you tell me ah this is just funny now i probably won't [Music]
Channel: Steven He
Views: 2,048,795
Rating: 4.984983 out of 5
Keywords: asian, math, steven he, funny, comedy, chinese, fail mail, when asians fail math, asian parents, asian dad
Id: lKPn6T10RQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 41sec (161 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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