I forced students to learn engineering...

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mankind is on course to destroy itself whether it's climate change the threat of nuclear war or a deadly virus we can all agree architects are to blame for too long we have let them plague our cities with horrid buildings forcing us engineers to make reality their horrid drawings but there is still time to change with education teaching the new generation between right and wrong we can nurture the next batch of engineers and ensure architecture doesn't end the world and today we're going to be doing that in two point campus yes hello fellow engineers and this video is actually sponsored by the awesome people at sega was that good i think that was actually quite on point was it anyway let's get into a new game and basically we're starting here at freshly meadows where we're going to be building at the school of engineering so it's not going to be called two point no no no no no it's going to be called rce school of engineer just engineering doesn't fit in all right so this is the first campus i'm in charge of and as this bloke says down here we're going to be running the scientography course because of course the cornerstone of engineering at least one of them is science so we've got to start off building a science lab so if we click this hammer down here we can click on science lab and then up the top we've got the requirements there's got to be a five by five room it's gonna have a door it's gotta have all sorts of things so let's go build one of these in here somewhere so the science is just gonna be that shaped we've got a bunga door on the front so let's wang that there yeah they want a white board so we'll shove that there and then we've got this thing this is called a science hub just testing something thankfully if i if i click and hold i can rotate this wherever i want which sort of means i could do a science hub nato oh god where's it gone it's gone off the screen it's gone crazy it's gonna mind on its own anyway back to the science hub later and now at the top you can see all the requirements are ticked so we can click the tick and then it's built next up has my little assistant telling me we've got to hire a teacher okay mr mate so if we click this button down here hire staff we've got two teachers to pick between so we'll go with the first one because this guy is a bit like paddy he will play fetch he's also got an iron bladder so we've hired him and then i can make him fly around every where we go mate yeah we'll plunk him at the front gate because then he can get a sort of a sense of what we expect from him we expect big bulb ideas to come out of your noggin so first off before you disappear dude we're changing your name to peachy muck teacherson so pretty much i'm gonna click start next year and then we'll see students will start arriving here we go there's a coach load there's a coach load of people and there's people just walking the locals they're all coming in oh wow we've got the classic goth we've got the bunker there look at his haircut we've got the jock that was definitely me at school definitely me oh and who's this who's late oh damn clown kids it's always the damn clown kids are late isn't it right and so the first class is underway so everyone's sort of arriving as you can see the teacher is teaching them on the board and now he's given them some practical stuff and what is what are they doing with this are you meant to be hitting that with a hammer me i'm not sure if that seems sensible i don't get why this guy is like behind like a bulletproof ball thing anyway while they're busy learning i should probably actually name this so this isn't campus building one no no no every every campus building gets a name after someone memorable so obviously this is going to be called the paddy the dog building right anyway you can see most of our students got a c plus however as our bloke says it seems a number of them were distracted by one need or the other we did see someone crying we saw the jocks being all jockey so yeah students are distracted so we've been tasked with a number of things such as giving them a place to relax and relieve themselves relieve themselves okay so we've got to build a dorm now if i know anything about university the smaller the dorm the better so let's go to our rooms let's build a dormitory what sizes have to be two by two minimum room size so we'll come into this corner we'll block a two by two in there yes the paddy building is multi-purpose it's not just a science lab we've gotta put a wardrobe in and we've gotta put a bed in there dormant trees are a great place for students to relax and they are low on energy one bed between five students is considered not what well it looks like the goth has gone to bed and the other guy's coming in oh everyone everyone has come oh wow oh wow so yeah everyone's trying to get into the same bed i feel like i've seen a video of this online somewhere anyway my university day certainly wasn't like this but let's carry on with doing what the game wants us to which is to build a bathroom now this has got to be two by one so i'm guessing we'll just do like that size and then a toilet cubicle at the back so that is done and i don't know why i'm watching that dude take a turn let's let's go over here a second because we've got to build some some way for our students to get food now obviously being a student the only way to get food is from a vending machine so we're gonna put a cheesy gubbins machine down so i guess that can go there and then we can do a drinks one next to it as you can see they're spending their hard-earned cash on junk food and fizzy drinks meaning my monthly profit is going up and up love to see it anyway as you can see people are now littering oh look he did the little he did the crisp packet into the triangle thing that is something i actually learned anyway yep lots of rubbish about so we've been tasked with hiring a janitor and placing one bin so we're going to the staff if we go on this tab up here rather than teachers we can hire janitors now they all seem to want the same salary so do you want to go with pam she is behind the times d fuddle he's been here before so you might not try as hard as the others and barbara wetter is a lollygagger which i don't even understand what that means so i'm going to go with pam so we'll grab a bin i'll probably just shove it in the corner there okay so now our students they have some of their needs met they're not worrying about where they're gonna sleep oh that bed is grim look at it it's like stinking did you just fart in there before you got out the clown guy is going into the fart bed oh he's he's in the dutch oven he's in the dutch oven oh right but yes most of our students anyway have their basic needs met so they're now in their lecture hall so you can see they're all in their little chairs the lecturer down here he's teaching them about posting cats and parcels and what anyway i'm sure it's all very very interesting stuff granted they'd probably rather be learning about engineering but no you got to start somewhere you've got to start with science and then maths and then physics and then engineering and whilst i'm here i am actually going to name all these people so i think the jock guy at the back that's not tessa minia that is motorway matt we've also got in here we've got john the editor he's he's sitting at the back he's a cool kid with me now the person working in the middle that is definitely kendall the editor she she loves to work uh and meanwhile at the front it could only be one person really kind of itch michael what a nerd right anyway who is this guy out here he's like he is the punk guy he's a bit renegade as definitely my other editor the suited bird and the clown that is probably most likely c top right anyway the the monthly profit zone we made 7 600 quid the paddy the dog building on campus is a money-making machine so in the bottom right we sort of we have like things from the students a campus memo so uh kendall the editor has written to me asking whether we could install a library and nine people agree so i'm probably gonna have to accept that i think i get eleven thousand nine hundred quid as a bonus so cheeky library over there what we got we got a bookcase and computer and a giant book why is that book so big so we've built that as fantastic looking library we do need a library assistantly so we'll come down to the high staff button we'll go into the middle one the assistants and these are all library assistants now these guys they all have different wage requirements i will probably go with the cheap one because well who's who needs books hey we're practical engineers here we don't really care about learning but we will we will hire a library assistant to please kendall but anyway let's take you on a trip we're flying through the air you're gonna get run and we have found a bridge we found a bridge you know what that means it's time for a bridge review a nice stone arch bridge that has space underneath for a canal and a footpath it takes car traffic on top and to the side of it is a lock meaning barges and other boats can pass underneath isn't that nice librarian so overall i give this bridge a librarian flinging 7.0 out of 10 bridge review all right so let's put our librarian down there and obviously they are a bit of a book worm so i've given them a name brook worm now you can see everyone is crowded into they really want to learn about engineering look at that guy staring at the giant book what the hell that person just put a book inside the book that's like the exception what anyway the monthly profit is in we're making 6562 quid a month and the students are back in the lab oh my that is that guy is stinking who is stinking up the laboratory that is oh it's blitz what surprise it's blitz but yeah essentially we're trying to make sure these guys pass with a grade b now they should be able to do that because they're less distracted since they have the library for learning they've got the bedroom that they all share and fart in so hopefully we should be able to get a grade b out of everyone because look down here this bar sort of tells us where we are so our academic results are about 72 which in the uk that is a first class honors degree if you can get above 70 in your final exams you get a very good grade and look our students have gone from sea grade chumps to b grade brain heads and because of that we've had some kudos for completing the objectives if we head into here we can scroll down and we can see what we've unlocked bottom right we got 230 kudos so we can buy any of these things and all of these have like little bonuses so if we bought a cactus that increases attractiveness if we get the crazy taxi machine that increases entertainment but i think what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get the knockoff version i'm gonna get meat wizard machine as well as the cactus because i sort of wanna i wanna use these to guide people to where i think they should go all right there we go now people have to navigate the cactus the cactus maze i feel like they'll just stimulate their minds a bit more perhaps they might be physically stimulated if they bump into a cactus as well the key with this is to always have your students learning so bottom right we've got more more of these things so someone's a park bench six people agree this guy doesn't like sitting on the floor anymore fine we'll place a park bench there bloomin c top he's just asked if i can put a student lounge in i think that's because i beat him at fps chess but okay we'll build that for you seat up and shove it in that corner that's gonna have a sofa facing the wall in it perhaps a dart board and then an indoor table with a super sucker on it so that is that built that is lovely that stinky guy is loving that oh schmeichel schmeichel you are stinky a bit close to that michael meanwhile we've got lots of people making their way through the maze including myself motorway matt i'm i'm filthy i'm gonna tell you what though i am i'm gonna put a shower room in because people are absolutely humming i might make it two by three give them a little bit of space in there so shove a door on the front shower thing at the back and then the shower room is done so hopefully the hygiene problem will be reduced at this university yeah we also need a staff room for our staff to relax so let's build that give them a nice couch in there maybe a lamp maybe a copy of the meat wizard machine meet wizard nader oh god it's got mental all right so there's the star from done that's some very snazzy carpet they're gonna love that why would i build a brand new one and make it like 60s yeah we've also we've got some extra tasks up here we've got our higher five staff so let's hire some of those quick i'm gonna go with the most expensive janitor because i feel like splashing out he's got excellent personal hygiene that should bring up the average hygiene within the campus hopefully he's even wearing a yellow heart out wow do you need the toilet mate and since brooke has left the library on its own i might get another library assistant maybe one with the comic timing perk so mark chopper you hired me and then brooke's gonna come back and be like i lost my job that was my seat actually look she's playing the old the meat wizard alright so apparently blitz wants a relationship item request he's been slowly but surely developing romantic feelings for my friend dave rainbow that's quite an apt name as well okay we'll unlock that all right so that's in there that's got nice love heart so people can learn to love around that tree i gotta complete another assignment as well kendall and john the editors they they literally both work together ah and perhaps that's why because they have a relationship item request as well interesting interesting i i guess that makes sense guys yeah they want a bench press so kendall can show off her 500 pound one-handed bench lift and then john will really lap that up so yeah let's unlock that 75 kudos and then we're going to shove that right out the front so everyone can watch anyway we finished the end of the first year let's see how we got on oh look we feel like a proper presentation going on the graduation ceremony class of 2022 congratulations nine of you passed only one of you failed schmeichel and as you move from freshers into second years i hope you take what you've learned with you from the rce school of engineering and apply it to your everyday lives try and make the world a better place the amount of awards you've earned is astounding and honestly i'm really proud right okay so we're into the summer break this gives us time to actually build some more things because i spent most the actual academic year just planting cactuses apparently so if we come to manage courses we can pick other courses that we're going to do perhaps we can get closer to engineering and to do that we'll be learning about virtual normality and as our mr man has reminded us a new group of students will be joining next year so we do actually need to expand we need like more bedrooms more toilets and all sorts and as you can see the paddy the dog building it's a little bit it's getting a bit cramped in here we've got a little bit of space left but we're gonna need to expand now thankfully there's a plot of land we can buy over here there's also another one up here one over there one over there and i'll tell you actually i'm going to build i'm going to build on this one because that is close to the bridge they got a fairly reasonable score and because it's close to the lock as well perhaps we could do our fluid dynamics training as well so we've bought that plot they're gonna turn it into a nice university campus building they've even laundered and put stripes on and everything okay so that is looking fantastic so in the building we're gonna be calling it my safe place the home of virtual reality so we're gonna bung a vr lab in the middle of this room look at that that is gonna be very fun for the students to play with we also got this one i think that's a hair dryer that you see and of course for that we need to hire a virtual normality teacher now because this on cv they are actually dabbing i think that is a sign that you are the right person for my university i mean in their reference to previous people said they they gave it a go i think that's good enough for me so we'll hire them we've also got put a lecture theater because it's not just practical stuff we've also got to do the academic side the theory behind vr and check this out i've actually made it so that there's a door at the back for the peasant i mean for the students to come in and a door over this side for the for the lecturer to get into the room so that is fantastic our final campus requirement before we start the next year is to get another scientology teacher so let's hire one of those quick uh jessica stench i feel like you'll fit in quite well here so i'm gonna shove you in the middle of the cactuses you gotta find your way out that's your first job all right so i think we're ready to go i've added a few more bathrooms a few more bedrooms and stuff this one's got two beds in it so i can fit ten people we know how to cram them in at the school of engineering yep we got both scientology and virtual normality classes so let's get it open so all the freshes are arriving right fresh oh what what a nerd that pressure is and that one and that one we've attracted those of nerds we're definitely an engineering school all right this is good everyone's passing the first test as well they're all they're not going through the front door they're going around into the side entrance so that there's less cactuses they got to get through or kept high i should say so the suited bird my other editor he's asked for a love bench because he's got a girlfriend reject yeah look these two freshers they get on fire look at all their happy faces making friends making memories of takes me back to my university times yeah i did i did a lot of learning at university a lot of physics based stuff the persistence to cover everything in my friend's bedroom in foil yeah good times good times at university anyway our average happiness rating is very nice and we're just waiting for our first class of the vr stuff and everyone's heading to the lab they all look like they need the toilet i don't know if that's just how nerds walk apparently good times motorway matt anyway we're just waiting for our virtual reality class to finish they the clown literally lost his head what the hell was that bald cap inserter or something at the end of year one people oh god they got an f they got an f 28 all right so our academic results have dropped dramatically so we're gonna have to try and spend some more money unfortunately oh it's because all the cactuses died oh no we haven't got enough janitors they haven't been watering them bloody yeah where's that guy have you come straight from a wedding he wants a nicer dormitory okay maybe we can work on that for you i mean your dorms are a bit dodgy i will i will give you that and i think first though i need to hire a lot of janitors so you're hired honey gruff you're hired red meringue that's a weird name you are hired oh wow the students are rising up 29 of them want better accommodation fine fine we'll work on that for now so let's shove a dormitory in here we're gonna have i love bp why why'd they want to announce that they love toilet paper i don't know maybe a nice desk oh look at that it's got one of those cool bully things on it hand sanitizer by the bed don't know what that would be used for that is the fanciest dorm i've ever seen for university students and yes our campus is leveled up to level seven that is gonna increase grades dramatically who's gonna be first in is this dude it's simply chris and what's he up to he's he's got oh he's putting his teddy bear on the cupboard drugs can't have teddy bears oh wow what the hell why is there a space-time continuum in there suddenly anyway a lot less bed-sharing should cheer people up and it should distract them from the stressful university life so they can focus on their education and oh look all the characters are coming back to life that is good i know that some people are absolutely busting for the toilet surrounded by people with watering cans only making it worse and they gotta they've got to try and get their way through the maze of cactuses maybe that's why people are unhappy donate probably probably just coincidence everyone's unhappy so i'm just trying to hire janitors so the toilets get cleaned and stuff oh we've actually done it we've completed it we've unlocked a new campus oh look all these new items you've got as well a hot dog kiosk nice anyway yeah people were unhappy because things are a bit dirty and i feel like how many janitors have i hired i've got 12 janitors and only there are three teachers and 12 janitors i feel like my campus isn't actually like a campus it's actually just like an extreme training simulation for genesis but yeah that was two-point campus and if you guys want to check it out yourself click on the link in my description a very very fun game out on steam now thanks once again to segal for sponsoring today's video if you want to see more of course let me know in the comments and boost the like button i will say peace love and bridges bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 275,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: two point campus, two point studios, two point campus game, two point campus gameplay, two point campus game pass, two point campus walkthrough, 2 point campus, two point, rce, real civil engineer, two point hospital
Id: y8s862wqNQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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