People Share Worst "Neighbor From Hell" Behavior They've Witnessed (r/AskReddit)

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what's the worst neighbor from hell behavior you've witnessed we live near a protecting area for endangered animals one of the animals that the sanctuary is meant to protect is bald eagles since we live next to field it's pretty common for an eagle to sit on our porch and disembowel its rabbit for dinner we have a neighbor that keeps calling the cops on us because the bird is on our property and claims it is traumatizing his innocent children he treats us like we're the ones murdering fluffy bunnies for our own amusement looked out of my window to see my neighbor leaning over my six feet high fence and stretching right into my yard to saw some of the main branches off my tree my tree had never extended over the fence and her limb hacking killed it a few months later she cut one of the wires attached to our boundary fence that was holding up a shade cloth in my backyard I called the cops on her and a couple of weeks later all the plants along our boundary fence mysteriously died and seriously damaged some of my trees and I still have no idea what her problem 'is plant mulberry trees those things are unkillable and grow rapidly and they attract birds who will eat the fruits and [ __ ] everywhere this holy [ __ ] this my grandmother's next-door neighbor planted one when she was a newlywed when I was a kid the thing was so huge it hung over my grandmother's driveway and the bird shits were so bad they would stain the paint jobs on cars that were parked anywhere nearby city ordinance said she couldn't cut the branches down herself because the tree roots were on someone else's property when she retired and got a huge bonus from her company she purchased the lot on the other side of the neighbor and lined both sides of his yard with mulberry trees that she patiently groomed and bent so that they'd hang over his yard he got really pissed off about it and cut off the branches of the trees so she called the city and sued him for destruction of her property he was forced to reimburse her for the trees it was glorious I guess not from hell but still the neighbors ducking kids man it starts every spring they only have one speech volume which is scream it sounds like children being murdered on a daily basis they jump all over my porch win even though I have repeatedly asked the parents to tell them not to they run up and down the stairs of my porch constantly I am just waiting for one to get seriously hurt and then it's my fault I have a narrow driveway and lost some of the one got his bike wedged between my house and my car's passenger door scratched the [ __ ] out of it basically they just run wild and the parents either don't care or are too drunk to notice at times I don't know when I turned into a crotchety old man at 30 but damn those kids I live down the street from the heroin dealer my house was constantly being robbed by his customers I forgot to lock my car and they stole my GPS and all my loose change I didn't lock my shed and they tap my lawnmower and gas I assume they filled their car rap but on the bright side they returned the can to my shed after using it if it wasn't locked up they would steal it which is why I don't have a bike anymore superstorm sandy flooded my house with two feet of water my front door wouldn't close because it had swelled from being immersed in water my neighbors cleaned my house out they took everything I owned they even went through my attic they ripped my pipes out of the wall they stole my oven my sink my furnace my water heater my refrigerator my pavers my car my boat my sports autograph collection with signatures from Willie Mays and Mickey Mantle my guns but as expected they never even touched my book collection back to what they took my guitars my video games my TV my sleeping bag my computer and my coin collection living next to a drug dealer isn't always bad my cousin and his roommates had their house robbed turns out they had been living across the street from an OG who goes by gee money he was a decent neighbor told them that if they didn't give him any trouble he'd keep his customers away from them after their house was robbed word got out that they were friends of g-money who happens to be doing time right now long story short they paid $40 and got their five laptops back along with a letter of apology edit while this really blew up to clarify the $40 was a dead drop type of deal all they took were the laptops it still sucks to have your house broken into but paying $40 to get five laptops is better than having to buy new ones and the letter of apology was along the lines of sorry we didn't know you were friends of g-money neighbor behind my house would scream at our kids daily to the point our kids would be afraid to play in the backyard bye scream I mean things such as you ducking little comments get the duck out here verbatim quote to a kid that looked like he was eight or nine my ex even tried to help out one day one of her kids was up a three-story tall tree of hers that hung over our fence and wouldn't climb down I wonder why and this van she was screaming all sorts of bile at him to come down my ex Conley says to the boy please climb down sweetie you might fall to try and convince him the woman then turns on her what the duck do you think you're doing don't you ducking talk to my kids I made the mistake of calling the cops on her once while she was abusing several people she then came after me physically neighbor's kid used to always just walk right in the front door before I moved into the house the original owner murdered the previous neighbor for always parking in his driveway houses cursed to make annoying neighbors I guess edit I don't know why people keep saying American Horror Story no edit people keep asking why we didn't lock the door my mum wasn't much of a mom and we were four young boys who had better things to do than worry about that stuff nowadays I'm always locking my door I work in the agricultural industry and sometimes have to help sort out disputes between neighbors I have always been shocked as to how two grown adults or two families will allow the situation to degrade to the point of violence one time I was contacted because of a dam usage dispute basically the two warring neighbors were unsure of the boundary between their two properties and both wanted to use this one particular dam both had in the past fenced it off and both had cut the other neighbor's fence down I identified who the dam belong to and provided advice accordingly the neighbor who came off second best wasn't happy he didn't say anything to me really but he did throw a ton of dynamite in the dam rendering it useless it also exploded the animals drinking from it at the time of detonation another person is suspected of taking revenge on his neighbor for some sort of personal sleight I say suspected because it's been thoroughly investigated and no one knows the clear details all I can say is that the neighbor disappeared without a trace and rumor has it was cut into pieces and stuff down and out of commission borehole on other occasions I've had to deal with neighbors who have shot at each other let each other's infrastructure on fire stolen each other's property including livestock or even in one case revenge at the neighbors daughter keeps life interesting my neighbor cut the cable with her garden shears I presume an argument over the bill she wouldn't let the cable company in to repair it so they had to bypass her house my house and about six others had no TV phone or internet for eight days not from hell exactly we used to live in a property with two units and we were in the back lived there for four to five years before the new front unit neighbors a couple in their 60s to 70s moved in a few weeks in she complained about our front yard a bit which was not a shared area and it consisted of a tree and three to four small bushes she wanted us to plant something nicer in our private area two times one meter keeping in mind we were in the back so no one from the street could see it anyways my mum told her she didn't have the time to do that so she suggested we hire her gardener to take care of our area and mum told her we didn't have that kind of money to spend next thing you know she sends us her grandson he would have been late twenty's to try and convince us to change our plans to what she wanted she hinted we should do it because he was a professional private detective and he was really good at his job crazy plant lady I have actually been a terrible neighbor it's something I actually still feel a little bad about sort of basically where we lived we would get a lot of snails when it rained I mean buckets full of them it was the ritual of my mother's to go out and collect them all and dispose of them humanely with a brick being a six year old I absolutely love snails and would feel really bad for the little guys and we'll go out and grab as many as I could in order to save them of course it made sense for me to simply throw them over the fence into my neighbor's yard where they could go live happily it was only much later that I overheard a conversation between my neighbor and my mother in which she was saying all her OSIS had been almost destroyed by snails the even worst part was apparently they belonged to her husband the roses who had passed away so they held a lot of sentimental value after that the snails got released to the house behind us who my mum didn't like so no one was none the wiser sorry lady neighbor I hope your OSes grew back okay my neighbor crazy old [ __ ] one week after buying my house asked me to remove the pile of roofing shingles from the corner of my lot she asked nice enough however I informed her that I had an entire kitchen to install a bathroom to put in house was stripped when I bought it and floors that needed redone I only worked on the house maybe three to four hours a day after work so the shingles weren't too high on my priority list but I was obtaining a roll off dumpster next week and that I'd cleaned them up when I got the dumpster seriously where would I put a house worth of used shingles without a dumpster somewhere else in my yard about three days go by and she comes over and orders me to remove the shingles from my property corner still about ten feet away from her property because her dog is eating the shingles and getting sick her dog weighs literally two pounds and is named little bit I said well while we're having this discussion of your dog eating shingles on my property I can fix this for you keep your dog off of my lawn for the safety of your dog I have a 90 pound dog I am bringing when I move in and I don't want your dog to get hurt she called the police on me I informed the officers of the dumpster coming in a few days they asked me to hurry it up I had to tell them that you can't hurry up a waste management company dropping off a roll off at a residence as contractors tend to get priority so he was fine with it that was enough of that that isn't all of it after two years of living here she moved her firing most of the way onto my property still having the snowplow blade on my Cub Cadet I pushed it back over into her yard it was made out of neatly stacked bricks it became a sloppy pile of bricks and - when I was done pushing she got hostile over that as well call the police I called a severe friend of a friend over and he came over right away with detailed information about my property officer told her to not put anything on my property again and to let me just do my own thing to avoid future confrontation and the latest thing she has done two weeks ago I planted some nice evergreens about eight foot off my property line two rows of them mostly to block off the view of her house and to add to the appearance of my property I am saving money for more trees to transplant onto the back of my property line in much the same fashion but I don't have the holes dug quite yet so just that two rows of trees on my property between me and my troubled neighbor I come home from work on Thursday and she had called a tree cutting business and said that the property was hers and that her grandson had planted the trees without her permission while she was in the hospital and she wanted them removed they destroyed my yard and removed all 14 trees I asked my buddy across the street what the duck happened and he gave me the company name I found said company they apologized and since the trees were small they kept them so they have given me back the trees the owner of the company is coming out today to help me put them back in himself good company probably suing the neighbor over this one in our last apartment we lived on the second floor a family on the fourth floor had this kid who was maybe three years old every morning between 6:00 and 8:00 they'd walk up the staircase after having been out and most of the time the kid would start crying loudly what was the solution of the parents leave the crying kid in the staircase on its own for 15 minutes our apartment doors carried sound through them very well so it was basically like having a screaming three-year-old in your hallway every morning let's just say it got on my nerves rather quickly so what did I do nothing of course i'm a swede law many stories but I will leave this bit of speech my genius neighbor spouted last weekend screaming this from her front porch to her adult son who just jumped in his Jeep put your seat belt on you've been drinking
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 124,956
Rating: 4.8867393 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts, askreddit crazy neighbor, askreddit neighbor stories, askreddit neighbor problems, askreddit nosy neighbors, askreddit noisy neighbors, reddit top posts, bad neighbors reddit
Id: 1rerASVhbO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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