What's your "I finally met my online friend" horror story? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what's your I finally met my online friend horror story I met a guy online we really got on and he came over a few times so we could hang out I did find him attractive and tried to him that I was into him no I can't flirt to save my life but nothing ever happened after a few dates he suddenly vanished to fly no social media he wasn't answering texts or emails nothing I thought he'd ghosted me after six months he reappears I asked him where he'd been and he said I didn't want to talk about it a few weeks after there was a fad where people were googling their names and posting humorous stories they had found about similar people with their name mine was about a ship that had my initials and I started to Google friends names just out of boredom morbid curiosity googled his name and found a local news story from his area one of those prime and quartz things that he had been done for statutory a pay of a minor online grooming and had his computer and phone seized as evidence guy I knew in college met a girl online and spent every day talking about her she lived about six hours away so he planned to take a semester off and pursue this relationship he got a job in her town and asked if I'd had him mop out there since my car would hold more than he could take on a bus I had a long weekend off and figured why not a road trip cold be fun I'd Drive him out as a goodbye present and the way back I planned to visit Yellowstone well we arrived and it turns out he doesn't have an apartment lined up and he found a job posting in his girlfriend's town he hadn't actually gotten the job or even applied yet I make a bunch of phone calls and find him a room to rent that will let him move in that day with just first/last and deposit even without a job I'm tired and disgusted with his lack of planning but figure it's worth staying the night and trying to end things on good with my buddy then he breaks down and confesses that he hasn't actually met this girl the nights he spent video chatting with her were really just him watching her vlog and jackin it they've never talked never texted never even emailed hell he's never even left so much as a comment or like in one of her videos she genuinely didn't still doesn't know he existed his plan was to hang out at this game shop she talks a lot about until she showed up and some--oh how create a relationship from that he thought that they'd meet and she'd fall in love with him and move back to our college town to marry him all before the next semester began that didn't happen instead I made my buddy buy a bus ticket for his ride back to school and left he came back to school and got more cringy not less I lost track of him after that this is way back in the mid oside nineties bulletin board systems were all the rage I made friends with this guy from NC he was friends with a bunch of us from my door mostly females which should probably have been a red flag but I was extremely naive at the time a couple months in he mentioned he was coming to our state for a wedding and asked if he could come by our college to meet everyone it was agreed he'd sleep in my dorm room since my roommate was almost never around now there was no discussion or thought of air sex but I was pretty excited to meet this guy and see if he was as funny and charming as he was online well day arrives dude shows up I should mention that I earned all my college friends were 18 or 19 this guy was 24 or so he said guy looked like and I'm not exaggerating a cancer patient Hey Gaunt features long greasy pale blonde hair except where he was bald on top and just generally looked like he was about to die or he was dressed as a girl for Halloween he insisted on hugging all of us I was trying to remind myself that looks don't matter in that he was a cool guy despite his very unsettling appearance but then when we all started hanging out things just got worse he was asking really invasive questions of all of us making weird comments to whatever was said just all-around creepy and distressing I was sitting on the floor with another friend and actively rocking back and forth from discomfort a Leyden said I had hurt my back and that sleeping on the floor helped because that night he kept insisting we could share my tiny twin college bed nope nope nope nope nope last time I ever met anyone from that site I don't know if it's a horror story but at how I ended up where I live now I played well for years with a pretty regular group got to know than a flying and at one point two of them a couple invited me to move across the country at the time I didn't have anything tying me to where I was so I packed up and moved not out here moved in with my friends and everything seemed okay my buddy was along an all driver so he was always gone for days at a time his girl would try to set me up multiple times with two of her friends at the same time one in Minnesota I ended up having a hard time finding work for a while finally got a job though and was putting some money away while helping watch their kids out of nowhere one day my buddy accuses me of trying to fool around with his girl nothing had ever happened but I had noticed her spending more and more time in my room where he wasn't there I knew his history and his previous relationship had ended after she cheated with a friend of his he wouldn't listen so I got kicked out without any warning and they stole about $1 keh worth of my stuff and later moved altom Utley it all worked out for me cut the friend and his girl out of my life completely and moved on now I have a good job here wife and kids edit clarified that I cut out the friend and the girl all not my wife and kids we were friends online for years we'd meet up every so often and when we started families we'd meet up and take the kids to the zoos or whatever she wanted us to go on a cruise together with our husbands and kids I made the comments towards the effective we can't afford that and she went nuts we shouldn't have had kids if we can't afford them we shouldn't have more children our life sucks blah blah blah because I didn't want to go on a goddamn cruise with her and her bratty s kid sounds like a nightmare a guy in a foreign for a specific hobby would talk to me a lot but never revealed his real identity until out of the blue he suddenly asked me to please come to see him in hospital when he died a few weeks later I used to play well with my now ex our guild leader actually wound up moving to our states with his wife my ex and I broke up before we got the chance to hang out with the guy and right after the breakup he messaged my ex essentially asking if it was cool if he and his wife got me drunk and took advantage of me ex showed me screenshots when I was getting my stuff from his place and I cancelled my plans to meet the guy and his wife my ex had been physically abusive and broke up with me to date the girl he cheated on me with I tried leaving before that he'd faked suicide attempts and I was so scared he'd go through with it so I stayed even though he was in a new relationship he tried to keep tabs on me and control me but I saw it as my chance to escape I happened to move right Otto we split and he didn't know my new address I blocked him on everything somehow he kept getting information on me though turns out the guild leader was feeding him everything I hadn't deleted the guy off Facebook cause I figured he was only a problem in person when I confronted him over messenger bringing up the abuse and the guy said , he said he chirped you because you guys were arguing and he was afraid he wouldn't get the chance to speak he still loves you sidenote the choking was cause I was defending myself against accusations of cheating which I hadn't done he was driving cross-country with a friend I said I had a couch floor leg could crash on if needed he was great she was an annoying D TCH she hated everything was annoyed by my cat didn't like anything I had to eat or drink etc they were literally there for like 16 hours I met a really cool group of people from a chat group website called that dad lives in minimal distance away from me like maybe 15 minutes and the horror story part is that I was in my emo phase and probably made a great lasting impact on their lives as a hot topic connoisseur after 4 plus years of playing well together and chatting online and on the phone he invited me to visit him in Australia I figured it was safe since I'd known him for quite a while and had never gotten any weird vibes no flirtation no creeper nurse nothing two days into my very clearly stated platonic visit he tried to our pay me I ditched all of my stuff except what I had in a small duffel bag and took off traveling on my own for the two weeks until my flight home a few months later I received an unsigned postcard from the Gold Coast that just said coma thinking of you with a smiley face this is more of an embarrassment story when I was in high school in the 90s I was active on the local dial-up BBS see I was friends with someone who went by the handle Venus I knew she was a woman that had no idea what she looked like I also knew she was dating a guy in real life with the handle law gambiae who was also a friend online being a socially miss adjusted fifteen-year-old I had a crush on her anyway even though I knew they were both like 18 this was like 1992 so privacy wasn't as big a concern and they knew my address this was also when people would randomly come by your house to see if you were home that's unfathomable today so one Saturday morning I'm at home on my computer totally disheveled and showered and just gross in ratty sweet prince and no shirt I hear a knock on the front door and go open it there's a woman who was incredibly beautiful standing there and she just goes hi I'm Venus I stood there for a minute it seemed like jaw dropped trying to say something when Lord Gumby walked up and was like hey doofus ever met a woman before needless to say I wanted to sink into a hole in the ground and die but I hung out with them and I guess I wasn't too horrible because we hung out a lot after that but that whole time I was like Frick my life choices haven't talked to them in decades I wonder how they are doing it's not a horror story it's a story about how I was put off meeting people from the Internet I was friends with a bunch of people I met through an online game after about two years I decided to meet two of them the two I was meeting were a long-distance couple one from one country and the other from mine they had met many times and had spent two weeks together prior to meeting with me we met in the city said hi and hugged and did some touristy stuff took their pictures et Cie etc but throughout the whole time they weren't really talking to me at first I put it down to anxiety as I was nervous too but even after lunch they were only talking to each other and I felt left out I even took a sneaky video of them talking to each other and sent it a friend who agreed it was odd when it was time for me to leave I told them I had to go but I had a nice time and they continued to chat to each I said it again but no response so I started to walk away until one of them said oh by II I was really hurt it was like they didn't want me to be with them I had spent a lot of money getting down especially since at the time I didn't have a job when I got back I stopped talking to them the friend who I sent the video to sent a message to them asking why they were ignoring me and they tried to turn it on me saying that I was the quiet one and that I was being rude to them especially leaving without saying goodbye I blocked them all on the game few months go by and one of them finds my social media and tries to reconnect starts off well and then goes back to blaming me haven't met anyone from the internet since I used to play a war game and I was friends with this other person was a guy and we became good friends and talked and all then out of the blue he asked me to be his girlfriend he was a truck driver in the USA and I was only 12 it freaked me out a lot and I ghosted him it was a terrifying experience and a real eye-opener for me I was on MeetMe Metis guy who was super cool we ended up texting every single day and I took the train out to Los Angeles to meet him when I got there he was being kind of TTY and he told me that he hadn't gotten much sleep because he was partying until 5 a.m. we walked to his house and when I walked into his room I was kind of shocked it was a rate x6 5 room all he had was a mat on the floor and a small little jewelry box full of mementos on top of his suitcase of clothes we took a nap together later we went to get ramen and he asked me to pay I didn't mind we went back to his place and we listened to music while we waited to go to her party fast forward to that night we met up with some of his friends and they were so mean to him they kept roasting him and picking on him and he was visibly getting upset I stopped him for a bit so his friends could walk of us I reminded him that it was all son Envy games and to ignore them ended up at the party and lots of people knew him I sat out at the patio with a few cool people that I had just met while I waited for my friend to come back from saying hello to everyone inside he never did I was outside in the patio with these strangers for about three hours people kept coming up to me and asking if I was alright ADK if I looked sad or if I just looked like a plain loner I went to find him and it was so packed didn't see him so I walked back I seen his room mate and asked him to please tell my friend that I was gonna go get a motel he went to tell him came back and said my friend was being a D CK and he would walk me back to the house instead so I didn't have to spend money on a hotel we got to the house and I thanked him for walking all the way back home I really appreciated it as my friend was probs inside doing coke or freaking girls I went to bed in my friend room and he woke me up in the middle of the night kissing me trying to get his freak on I simply said no I'm not interested in having a sex his exact words were , are you serious what was the point of you coming here you're such a waste of time my feelings were really hurt I went back to sleep woke up and left never wrote him after that he had texted me a month later asked him to borrow $50 I simply ignored the message and moved on I mean it was okay for a while but I ended up having to leave his house and take a bus in the middle of the night to a hotel because he was upset that I wouldn't kiss him or sleep with him and that I call him toxic for trying to get me to have been through the same thing honestly the guy was much older than me and I should have known better I was like 16 couldn't see him as anything other than pathetic after he wouldn't take no for an answer and pouted about it then a couple of years later he was busted for CP back during while second expansion there was the sky my guild I'd become friends with mostly through other friends we talk more and more over time and became fairly close he had this our soul run mate and I could hear the guy sometimes especially when something went wrong during a raid he'd scream and throw fits he was pretty awful sounding my friend told me he wasn't just loud and obnoxious but verbally and sometimes physically abusive to I had my own apartment so I said you know what come stay with me just long enough to get you on your feet and into a place that's safe he showed up at my place with a trash bag full of his stuff and a laptop I set him up in the apartment and started trying to help him find a job well he did not want a job he did not get a job either he sat in my apartment day after day eating my food and slowly draining my savings no matter how hard I tried to get him motivated he would just dig in his heels and somehow become more sedentary eventually I told him he had to go I couldn't afford to keep him there he was just couchsurfing I spoke to some people and eventually piece together that his method of securing a new temporary place was playing on the sympathies of his friends to convince them he was in a terrible living situation it just worked really well on me because he had that loud obnoxious roommate to play off of he wound up calling a nearby relative to come and get him I think his aunt I don't know what he told her I supposedly did but I have never seen a more venomous look from someone in my life as far as I know he moved in with his sister and brother-in-law after that but frankly I don't care where he ended up he also stole a bunch of my stuff first and last time I do anything like that I had a layover in Amsterdam and I met up with a buddy I'd been chatting with on Soul seek for years electronic music file-sharing he gave me directions to his work we delivered a huge wheel of cheese to a church in the red-light district then got drunk and high in a bar 10-spoke Tenma's Dutch experience possible in Amsterdam only horrorshow pot was how tall Dutch people are and how they speak English the guy was like six feet seven and his voice was high to match and all loopy and sing-songy very hard to take seriously as a person Medus do don't ever question we've played games together ever since when a part of the same guild help each other out on mobile games and have conversations about life in general it isn't him that's the horror story it was his mom so one day I think we were playing while at the time I log on to do some quests suddenly his user comes on and asked to chat my video we have done this before and there's no problem but after I click to start the video chat there's his mom butt naked on the screen she asked me to watch her m.stuart and I'm like no lady this is just walk without and I log off for a few days I get an email from my friend and he wants to know why I haven't shown up for quests or anything so I tell him what happened and he is seriously like WTF turns out his mom had been doing this to a lot of his online buddies and she eventually goes to prisons for our ping and minor or two but he's doing great though wife and kids plus we still play the occasional game together not a horror story but about a year after I made the move from Massachusetts to South Carolina I was playing video games and a guy on my team talked about how he just moved into a house in the same area that I moved from so i pm'd him and turns out that he moved into my old place and was playing in my old room with his desk in the same spot I had mine back in about 1998 I met someone playing an online word game we were both 16 year old girls and we just hit it off and became very close finally in 2004 she was passing though where I live so I invited her to stay for a few days she shows up totally cooked up then she invites some guy over and they were snorting cocaine off a car key in my living room I didn't know she used coke and I was so uncomfortable the entire time it was like having a stranger there yet we knew everything about each other we remained in touch and I still really liked her but it was just such an awkward visit we haven't seen each other since though edit fixed a typo I went down to Stockholm to meet him he was so tall I felt myself nearly shrinking in intimidation and social anxiety we are married and have been together since early 0-8 I was the horror in this story I was part of an online writing community that I really enjoyed and I made a lot of good friends through the years one man and his wife were visiting from another country so another guy from my area and I were going to take them to dinner and have a nice in-person evening with sightseeing and conversation things kind of blew up for me at that time my now ex-husband and I were having major issues and I was near my mental and emotional breaking point I had lost 15 pounds and three weeks just from pure stress on top of that my family had chosen that evening to have a get-together for my uncle who would soon be traveling to undergo surgery for cancer I showed up in body but that was basically it my mind was a million miles away I wasn't talking if at all and I left after about an hour I feel like I lost three good friends that evening because of my behavior at dinner and my subsequent withdrawal from the whole community I'm sure they look back on that evening and think what a nightmare host I was edited to have several missing T's I never actually met him but I used to play runescape when I was younger around 11 ish I didn't pay for the member accounts so there were a bunch of items and things I couldn't get some member started gifting me things and I was super grateful every time I went on he would help me with my quests and whatever but over time he started asking more personal questions like what I looked like what I like to do etc etc in return he told me his first name that he was 14 and that he was in the army as some cadet program or something but back visiting family blah blah I knew nothing about the army a cadet program at that age didn't sound that far-fetched to little ol me he started to escalate how he was talking to me and started sending me messages like Oh city s5 miss you come back and talk to me babe etc I stopped replying because I was creeped out and was 11 I still thought boys would gross anyway in school the next day I was making small talk with a girl i sat next to and she mentioned how her brother was home and how much she missed him while he'd been away in the army I got a sinking feeling then which continued when she told me his name a match in desperation I asked her if he ever played runescape in which she said he didn't his username was a sifrin su surname she showed me a picture and told me about how she was really excited about how he'd finally found his calling in the army dude was 26 yikes I met a guy through March come HTTP match come after countless exchanges we went on a date he showed up handsome well-dressed and successful we went to a beautiful French restaurant during dinner he claimed to feel bad and asked if we could not talk then proceeded to ask for the check right after the entrees arrived I asked for the waiter to box my meal when we got into his car he said let's go my my house have coffee and listen to music I said no thank you and please take me home he drove in the opposite direction after a 5-minute argument we went to Starbucks for coffee and he yelled at me because he couldn't smoke in the cafe just then a friend texted and invited me to her party a few miles away I figured this was my out I asked him to go with me we were there for about an hour and he said he was ready to leave they told him I was staying he said come on you are not leaving with me I told him no he then slapped me across the face in a room full of my friends and no one saw it I was shocked he leaned in an inch from my face and said , what's wrong cat got your tongue he turned around and walked out he then continued to leave me harassing messages calling me names and stalked me for the next three months he'd show up as places he knew I would be he would call me from other numbers and cry and asked me to go to counseling with him he finally stopped it ruined online dating for me forever didn't happen to me but a good friend of mine when I was living in Oregon around few years ago he had an older sister who met some random guy from the East Coast online and were constantly chatting after some time they developed feelings for each other and he decides to move cross-country in order to marry her the issue was she was 26 didn't have a job and was still living in her parents house he was incredibly lazy a slob never graduated high school and also couldn't keep her job to save his own life but since she is lonely and insecure she accepts and continued living in their parents house to this day I never actually met the guy but spoke to him on the phone we'd met on myspace when I was in college and exchanged email addresses when we realized we lived in the same town eventually I gave him my phone number and made hands for him to call me when he did his voice creeped me out it was how I imagined the serial killer would sound by the time I got past it and was comfortable talking to him on the phone I started noticing other red flags whenever I brought the neighborhood up he changed the subject at one point I asked him what his favorite restaurant on the boulevard wasn't he hedged so I made up a restaurant that I said was my favorite he immediately said that was his favorite too and that he especially loved one of their dishes he went on and on about this wonderful place that didn't exist and there wasn't a similar one in town so he couldn't be confused I called him out on the fact that he'd obviously never been to my neighborhood turned out he didn't even live in the same state as me I was probably the horror of the story posted this beforehand for what it's worth I'm not proud of what I did met a girl my age in a chat room when I was 16 we talk every day and things got serious in a puppy love kind of way I'd only ever seen once picture of her which was in black and white but when she floated the idea of me coming to spend the week with her whilst her parents were away I booked a ticket and traveled several hours on the train to go see her she was waiting for me when the taxi pulled up and my heart sank she looked a lot heavier than her pictures suggested and I wasn't attracted to her at all to top it off the house I had to spend the next week smelled like dog for simple reason we put Lethal Weapon 4 on for us to watch and it was during the film that I decided I'd probably made a mistake and had to leave as soon as I could the next day probably would have been too soon so I decided in on a day after next the part I'm least proud of his sneaking into her room before my taxi arrived and erasing my number in her phone then on realizing that the majority of messages in her phone worth from me in that she'd still have number I snuck back into her room and deleted all those messages the taxi came and I went home and never spoke nor heard from her again not a nice thing to do at all I'm sorry Emily you deserve so much better this was about 16 years ago I 26f was talking to a guy online and we were calling each other back and forth he lived in NJ and I lived in mass we finally decided to meet so he drove up here from New Jersey my friend was working at a laundromat at the time so I decided it was safe place for us to meet there after hours of waiting he pulled into the parking lot in an old beat-up car with all his belongings in the back seat and he looked about 50 years old he was pretty scary and I was pretty freaked out I guess he thought he was moving in which was no way happening as I had a roommate what he told me on the phone he was a few years older than me and I never saw a picture I guess I was very trusting because everything he told me I believed good thing I decided to meet him last minute in a public place I had to tell him that I was not interested and he needed to leave at night that was such a bad situation okay when I was 14 I applied for jobs around my local area online most places didn't get back to me because I was a child except for one man who ran a printing shop who wanted to talk to me on msn I was eager for the job so I began chatting to him he was late 50s and seemed friendly after a week or so in talking he wanted to interview me in person I jumped at the chance the day of the interview I dressed painstakingly neat and smart he led me around the back of the shop and upstairs to a small room I already had major misgivings at at this point but was too afraid to back out he locked us both in that room together and turned a camera on to face me I didn't remember much of what was said but he forced himself onto me and then came all over my smart clothes I was in shock and really shut down but I remember the bizarre thought of how he'd ruined my clothes so yeah there's a file video of me out there is a teenager being abused by an old man and I never reported it because my mother beat the sh t out of me for messing up my clothes when I was younger I met an online friend in a public place for the first time he was about my age and hadn't lied about that so I guess I'll let my guard down anyway after we walked for a while I noticed he had led me down a dark alley with no other people he then looked at me and said how he really wanted to our pay me right then and there right after he'd said that my instinct kicked him and I ran as fast as I've ever run in my life until I came to the train station here I jumped on the first train I saw and got the hell away from him with a girl on tinder and we agreed to meet up with a nearby coffee shop when I arrived I was sitting in the parking lot and noticed only two people in the coffee shop some old guy and a girl who looked similar to the girl I matched with on tinder she didn't entirely look like the girl I match with on tinder but she looks enough like her for me to pass it off as her using filters to make herself look better I texted her that I'm here when I did that the old guy and the girl got their phones out at the same time and I got a text that said I'm inside I went inside and went up to the girl and said hey mothers are right she looked up from her phone frowned up and said umm no wrong person right after she said that the old guy tapped me on the shoulder I turned he gave me a toothy smile and casually said howdy I ran out like I was running from a cooler met a girl online once can't remember where but this was 15-20 years ago we chatted for a while and seemed to hit it off eventually she invited me to her house turns out she was having a party with about 30 people she pretty much ignored the whole time I was there hung out with some cool people and played some Mario Kart left when everyone else started to never spoke to her again I have a lot of online communities I'm involved in between some forums I'm active and in death FXI I wasn't there for it but a bunch of my FFXI friends got together one weekend 10-15 years ago one of them got drunk off his ass trashed some stuff and made everyone else miserable he never got invited again the most prominent one was where I got seek blocked by nine stroke 11 I had a trip cross-country lined up for a car show and meet up with a bunch of people from a forum I was on I had been talking to a girl out there for months beforehand and it had gotten pretty hot and heavy so I plan to go out for the show then hang out with her for a week or so after I also had some work to do out there but it was mostly to hang out with her 9 stroke 11 happened the Tuesday before the trip I ended up on one of the first flights out of town that Thursday 90% of the group canceled their trips though when I landed she sent someone else to pick me up and she was nowhere to be found I saw her at the show for about 5 minutes but besides that she ghosted me I heard from her after a few days her ex and I have gotten back together after 9 stroke 11 happened because life is short let's try it again etc I spent most of the trip in my hotel room watching the first x-men movie on HBO it was a surreal experience all around they're not all horror stories though through the same group I made friends with another girl out of state we hung out a few times but figured out we click better as friends I met her best friend on one of my trips and we started talking online constantly she flew down one weekend to see how we'd get along in person been married 14 years just about so I guess it worked out [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 187,024
Rating: 4.8289261 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: 3qoj1Jpmgl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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