How did your friend destroy your friendship? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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how did your friend destroy the friendship he was going through a bad time with a woman that he was living with and they split up I offered to take him on a snail sports holiday he accepted but he was struggling for money so I paid for him to have a place to stay lift passes food etc basically everything was paid for and all he had to do was get mad I get a call a few weeks before we're going and he says he can't make it too much work because his workers had let him down he ran a building and home improvement business et Cie by etcetera I say okay I go away on holiday and whilst I'm away he puts pictures of himself snowboarding in Bulgaria with his workers the ones who apparently had let him down saying snowboarding with my mates , another lovely day of the mountain etc he'd rather go with his workers than the person who met him at 12 years old who protected him at school and beyond who lent him money who was his best man at his wedding who picked up his stuff when they divorced who knew him for over three decades et CET CET see etc that was the moment I stopped caring for him and refused to speak to him since on her 21st birthday I went out with her me and one other were the only people who showed up she was my best friend for eight years she rented the duplex next to me when we moved to a new city together I got too drunk during the bar crawl I went to the bathroom to throw up I come back to the bar and she's gone the two guys she was speaking to were gone as well she took my jacket which had my house keys into my wallet hailed down a cab promised the driver I'll and pay him when I get my wallet at home get home she's refusing to answer the door won't answer her phone I call this guy I just started seeing and give an explanation he offers to have the cab driver take me there $40 cab fare that he paid and I had work in five hours he drives me home in the morning and my friend pretends like nothing happened I realized then our entire friendship was always revolved around her and I couldn't remember a time she was there for me but always me being there for her but since then I've never had a friend to talk to every day like I did with her my life is much more lonely it's weird edit wah wah I had no idea this would get this kind of attention I've never had gold before and receiving one for sharing a bad experience is super comforting this community is amazing and being able to share this and have so many different responses from so many people is really special thank you for the gold and thanks for everyone who replied with their own stories and situations I hope everyone can find friendships that are both mutual and respectful and move on from the harmful ones constantly trying to bang any of my girlfriends I brought around him he always blamed the boos I blamed his lack of integrity huge scars were left on our friendship and we rarely see each other these days good friend and I work at the same place I buy the business now friend works for me friend Falls hard for coworker she rebuffs him he starts stalking her and threatens to commit suicide hot mess have to let him go she turned all our female friends against me at university because she liked our mutual male friend and she thought he liked me instead of her he wasn't into her but it wasn't because he liked me it was because he was gay so I lost most of my friends at university in the last year because my [ __ ] of a BFF couldn't figure out our other good friend was gay he literally would say how didn't like the idea of SX with women and told us how he often sleeps in the same bed with other men decided he was too good for the rest of us and only gave us the time of day when he needed something unfortunately because dude is exceptionally charismatic half of the group sided with him when the other half basically told him to screw off so he actually destroyed multiple friendships and still uses the half that stuck with him really sad to see actually she was having a bad day and decided to tell me what she really thought of me because freakish I guess okay then good to know I won't waste any more of either of our lives there well I guess he probably didn't really consider me her friend but I thought of her his mind overheard her talking to another friend about how much he couldn't stand me when I was in the boob listening to people's mics to make sure they were working before opening night of the musical that was pretty crushing I haven't confronted her about it but I just try to avoid her now not really my friend but my wife's best friend for 10 plus years I met this guy at work and we had been getting along pretty well for about a year so I decided to invite him and his family over for dinner as soon as he gets there my wife recognizes him and greets him by name turns out he's an ex-boyfriend of my wife's bestie from more than five years ago row small world right so we have a nice little dinner drink some beers our kids play and then they go home the next day my wife's friend comes to visit and I casually mentioned that he had come over I honestly forgot they had ever dated but this girl just totally loses her sh t and starts crying and screaming at my wife , how could you do this I thought we were friends I can't be around you anymore you betrayed me so she leaves and gets on Facebook talking all kinds of sh t about my wife being or SLT and how our marriage is doomed to fail because she is so selfish they haven't talked since and this was about a month ago my wife is still upset about it and will cry she has too much to drink he feel really bad for bringing it up in front of her but how the hell was I supposed to know she would react like that I was 18 and I got drunk as a house because I thought it was a safe place to do so she was 20 and her BF was 21 and he bought the booze with our money her dad was cool with it and he said as long as you are being safe and not driving home kids will be kids just be safe so me and her and her bf two other female friends and her dad drank together I was the youngest and the drunkest I ended up vomiting all over their bathroom and passing out on their futon at about 3:00 a.m. her bf snuck out of her room and Arpad me in the living room literally right outside her bedroom I was too drunk passed out to fight back and I barely remember but I remembered enough to wake up in the morning crawl into her room and timidly accuse him in front of her she believed their friendship ruined about two years later he admitted to it and they split up and she still hasn't spoken to me went from my girlfriend right after we broke up they're married now I tried to reconcile even they wouldn't have it moved away and blocked me on everything now we're not friends I guess cheated on his amazing girlfriend with the girl he knew I had a crush on rubbed it in my face after the fact - that friendship lasted way too long he kept inviting my ex to every event we would go to dart in his defense though it was his twin sister he went out with my female best friend cheated and hurt her then proceeded to go out with my crush cheated and hurt her frickin hell she started screaming over texts out of nowhere about how I never make an effort to see her and how I'm too busy seeing other people to care about hanging out with her she lives over an hour away and since I don't drive it's expensive to get to her and she always wanted to do things last-minute anyway she also started making wild accusations and had nothing to back up her claims with and then she started bringing my deceased mother into the mix that was the last straw she never wanted to talk things over like a rational adult and I don't have time for high-school drama in my mid-twenties so I walked away if she wants to come back and discuss things maturely I'm here but if not then I'm over it my husband had a friend who was chronically late we were all planning a dinner and a movie and said we're leaving at 7:00 no matter what 7:15 came around trying to give him a chance and we left he showed up at 8:00 and we were gone in the theater not answering firm we get out of and we all have dozens of missed calls we try calling him and he won't answer oh well next early morning my husband's phone is blowing up with texts and calls and voicemails from this guy , please don't read that email , just delete it , I'm sorry , call me I need to talk to you what not knowing this can't be good he decided not to entertain the idea of giving this guy another chance and logs into his email he had written a short message about how SH TTY ever personally is mind you this guy is pretty much on the bottom of the totem of friends he's pretty much an acquaintance just a brother of another friend who invited him once and he never left he's not sure why out of everyone he chose him to rip apart come with a final straw my husband's dad died when he was 2 he wrote , you're a B StarD at least my dad is still alive you'll never know what it's like to have a dad in your life I'm reading over his shoulder and I'm about to go hunt this guy guy down I'm irate he goes coma heart he slowly closes his laptop he calmly said comma well it won't be seeing him anymore he tired calling him a bunch of more times but I'm sure he knew he already read it he screwed up and stopped never saw him again Shawn knows actually he probably doesn't and that's the issue we had been friends for two decades and I finally realized he wasn't a very good friend he's more of a narcissistic [ __ ] that prefers friends as long as they Center their actions around him well Frick that we had some good times brother but I'm not your b tch it was sixth grade and I was kind of realizing that I wasn't straight but that I also wasn't gay I told her that I had a crush on this older girl in eighth grade I trusted her as my best friend to keep her mouth shut and not to judge me for anything instead she told everyone including my parents and the girl that I was a lesbian and then told me she couldn't be my friend because I would are paler Hank I made the decision to move out of state and they flipped out on me won't even talk to me now all because I moved best friend of eight years I moved about six hours away from home to go to college and every time she'd come to visit me she would make the trip and crash somewhere else just coming to party wouldn't make any effort to see me on my 21st she actually surprised me which was like the nicest thing she's ever done by coming down but brought her Poe's boyfriend we made plans to go out that's knife so I told my new boyfriend and housemaids that I was going out with my best friend and to leave without me while I waited for her after getting ready for two hours making us absum seek tails I tried to get a hold of her for like five hours nothing turns out she decided to lay in bed with her bf at someone else's house never said sorry or talked about it again spent my 21st alone too embarrassed to tell my other friends bf that my best friend ditched me I spent two years publicly fending off a stalker and became very touchy about privacy and paranoid about being safe and alone in my home my friend who I hadn't seen in nearly a decade despite several invitations to visit announces on Facebook that she's going to be vacationing at my house mused to me I quietly let her know that no she wouldn't so much for that lifelong friendship borrowing my car then crashing my car killing my xxxx and three other people on the freeway then running from the scene of the crime me finding this out when cops showed up at my house arresting me telling me I was the driver only to find out three hours later I was nowhere near the car for the last week I was upset because my other best friend was diagnosed with stage four cancer in her early 30s coma I don't give a sh t about your friend with cancer says my best friend of 15 years that was the last time I talked to her but I still miss her every day she punched me in the boob we were inseparable BFF soulmates and I loved her I even joined choir so we could hang out an extra period well she started treating me like garbage in front of her rude choir friends and threatened one day as a joke in front of them that she punched me in the boob I told her if she did it I'd walk away and never speak to her again because I didn't like how she was treating me that's the only time I have ever followed through on a threat so serious sure enough she did it and we didn't talk for three years even then it was just a nasty message from her about how stupid I was I'm still a little sad about it ten years later but it was a good choice on my part a good friend from high school came back into my life via Facebook a few years ago we reconnected and became inseparable watching movies and playing video games every weekend our kids became close friends as well one night I was watching TV with my wife of 20 years and Hailey my ex friend started texting my wife he said he had a problem and needed her help with she met with him and he confessed he loved her and watched her all the time he had several candid pics on his phone of her mostly from behind he showed her to prove his love he said he'd take better care of her than I did she was disgusted and left to tell me immediately I called him to discuss it but he wouldn't answer it's been three years and he hasn't contacted our family lifelong friendship ruined when he told me he was into child pornography this was a 23 year old man that would lure young girls age 10 - 14 on the Internet into sending him naked pictures by pretending he was a young girl and wanting to compare bodies he told me he would then blackmail them with the pictures so they would send more and he thinks some of them might have even killed themselves he had over a thousand of these pictures on his phone yeah I told the authorities and last I heard they took him in but I don't know if they found anything or what happened with him but I haven't been in contact with him for a long time she appropriated my personality to the point where I heard her expressing some of my most unique and totally weird because clay sometimes I am weird opinions and thoughts as her own then she's still one of my chess and slashed my tire okay bye bye then best friends through teenage years into late 20s roommates we were both best man at each other's wedding and then business partners he stole a ton of money from the business and stopped paying out bills he was using our money to fund drug dealers car rentals each week my guess is that he was getting free drugs out of it he also used company money to fund his I entire wedding which was an absolute nightmare he didn't used to be like that but meeting and marrying that woman changed him now he's 32 moved back home live with his family divorced turned miserable I can't tell you how much I hate that man she's one of those I'm not like other girls said she hates drama but we'll always gossip about her friends and talk badly about them behind their back including myself I'm sure blend her relationships with guys and then complain they end up to her standards example , I'm a good person I deserve better and not be treated this way she said this after an ex couldn't get to her place to take care of her when she was sick runs through relationships with her friends like clockwork she hasn't done one thing per se but a lot of things and I'm just tired of it all when I realized how SH TTY she was to me always bringing me down and making everything about herself it was already at a very low point in my life contemplating suicide and disappearing when I confided in her she brushed it off and didn't talk to me I didn't need an answer from her or for her to cure my depression I just needed a friend and she wasn't there for me like I was for her and that hurt the most that day was the beginning of the end for us it just took two more years for me to grow the courage to walk away from that relationship literally shot me in the back of the head we were hunting this past season and a bird flew overhead while he was sitting behind me in the canoe not sure how he thought this would be a good idea but he sent two shots whirling over my head and a piece of birdshot caught me in the back of the head when I regained my hearing and yelled at him he got mad at me for telling him what to do needless to say we haven't spoken since then constantly criticizing everything I did as well as making fun of every mistake I made around him it got to the point where the mean in the friend group was that I was wrong about anything and everything he tried reconnecting with me a year or so after I stopped talking to him told him to eat a D CK this gal and I had been friends for a long time almost 10 years by this time I suppose pretty much best friends after some time lots of bad relationships knowing each other well being there for one another we finally started getting emotionally closer you know the cliche movie sh-t we like to want to happen she tells me she loves me we say we wish we'd done this sooner we make out and are intimate but don't seal the deal with intercourse a couple days later she gets really awkward and ducks out on me begins avoiding me avoiding texts etc for about three weeks which really frickin hurt me like WTF happened you just told me you loved me after that time she says it was a mistake and it should never have happened turns out she went on a date with someone on Oh Cupid about the same time we got emotionally involved and started banging them and was more invested in the already having SX I found this part out from a third party feels bad bro well here's the kicker after the grace period of her feeling bad and avoiding me and then telling me she thinks it was a mistake she then assumes we can go right back to being best friends whoa whoa whoa hold the frickin boats you are my best friend and you basically professed your hidden love for me were intimate on a deep emotional level and then you went and flicked someone else and blew me off as if it never happened then you expect us to be best friends again like nothing ever happened what kind of person hurts their best friend like that freak off Kimberly blamed me for talking in the hall on the way back from lunch in fifth grade even though it was actually she and Chelsea I got time on the fence at recess as punishment it's been 16 years but I still remember thanks a lot Kimberly he had feelings for this girl who we were both friends with I told him it probably wasn't the best idea but he really pursued it hello unfortunately the timing was just off it was the summer so we were home from school and they were only talking over texts and snapchat but they were talking nonstop one day though she pretty much stopped talking to him found out later that she was into him originally but by that point she wasn't anymore and figured the best way to handle that was to cut off communications he didn't appreciate that and said that I shouldn't hang out with her or any of her friends who also are some of my friends anymore because they're all clearly terrible people I disagreed with that vehemently sure some things were handled poorly and maybe that girl made you feel SH TTY but she's still my friend so my friend and I fought about this for months never able to agree to disagree or hang out around the same people eventually it just became too toxic to the point where I felt uncomfortable around all of my friends one day he and I had that one last argument at that point of no return where he told me not to talk to him anymore done deal I've talked to him only once or twice since then I've been hanging out around these other friends for a while now and I love them it may have been a tough decision to break things off in the moment but looking back and thinking about where I am now and how much happier and loved I am it was the right decision eld are a friend and I disagreed about whether or not to still call someone else a friend people telling me who my friends can be should not be my friends told me extensive details on her a sex life harassed me to talk to her every second I was home and then upon me asking for some space as I had work to do and was going through scary medical staff threw a fit and insisted that I never listened to her and only ever talked about myself never talk to that selfish b tch again hope you never managed to convince that poor boy to let you blow him and cursive to ours my former friend group hates my current so she didn't mind me hanging out with them because there were still my friends and she's not the kind of person to tell me who I can and can't be friends with they on the other hand kept telling me that I could do better and questioning why I was even with her it all came to a head when they gave me an ultimatum of us or her I was very direct and told them her I told them she would never put me in this position and they are not really friends if they think they can't manipulate me like that I haven't spoken to them since and I'm happy with my current so [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 23,472
Rating: 4.8938055 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: 6aGlWRIHk04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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