Whats Your Best "Fire Me, I Dare You" Moment? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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what's your best fire me I freaking dare you moment from work worked for a newspaper editing and actually putting the paper together arranging it all placing stories and pictures where they need to be titling quoting and sourcing everything I was a one-man team and used an overly complicated system that I figured out how to use really effectively they treated me like crap set impossible deadlines and berated me for not meeting them one day the boss tells me to fully put a paper done by the end of the day gave me no warning I had no articles from the journalists and no photos from photographers it was my job to collect it all from everyone and he wants me to do it in a single day I told him no if he once had done he has to give me more time he tells me if I don't have it done by the end of the day I'm fired I tell him that this paper can't function without me he tells me I need to take the day off and cool my temper and that he'll do my job for me get a call an hour after I get home that he needs me to come in and do it and I can have as much time as I need promptly quit on that butthole Frick your shitty newspaper best one only took an hour of having to do your job to make them say Frick this I was 17 and working part-time at a fast food restaurant someone wrecked the men's restroom shat in the urinal rubbed crap all over the wall the manager came out and told me to clean it I refused she threatened to fire me to which I laughed in her face and told her you can clean it yourself or you can lose an employee and still clean it yourself I don't need this job needless to say I wasn't fired and I didn't clean that up I still laughed thinking about it worked a job where I was the only one who knows how to take apart clean fix and put all the equipment back together and do the weekly and monthly maintenance had a boss tell me one day that I was doing a poor job and not doing enough and that anyone could do it if I didn't step up I would be fired or else as they had manuals for each piece of equipment so that night I took apart all the equipment weekly and monthly staff to cleaned them and then just left it apart for them to figure out that morning then I turned off my phone after home for the entire day as I had the day off when I turned it back on the next day I saw that I had initially received angry texts ordering me to return and put everything back together this lasted an hour then text saying I risked being fired then texts begging me to return then more texts trying to compromise with OT then an apology before nothing else for the rest of the day other than that the head boss wanted to see me as soon as I came in the next day came in the next day and over half the stuff was still not put together and what had been put together was put together haphazardly and would need to be taken out again then put back in correctly was immediately asked to be seen by my boss and their boss to explain myself the moment I was seen entering once in the office I told them that if they weren't there to apologize then just fire me then and there or drop it and let me put all the stuff back together they looked at each other and then told me that I could get back to work boss never called me lazy again should have asked for a raise too lol I once called in sick to my part-time job at Club Monaco my manager told me that if I couldn't find anyone to cover my shift I was going to be fired so I facetimed her from the errand had the doctor explained to her that I needed an MRI cause they wanted to make sure I didn't have a brain tumor when I was 17 I worked a summer holiday job at Pizza Hut I had transferred to my hometown restaurant from my university town restaurant I was there for five weeks and hadn't been paid yet the [ __ ] boss claimed it was because I gave him the wrong employee number I hadn't anyway after five weeks of no pay I rang him on New Year's Eve ie busiest night of the summer and said I wasn't coming to work because I wasn't a volunteer and I wasn't going to work for free he told me if I didn't go to work I may as well not come back as I would be fired I didn't go to work and had a fun New Year's instead then a few days later I called the employment tribunal I'm in New Zealand and told them what had happened they called my [ __ ] boss he then called me offered me my job back and was nice as pie for the rest of the summer you have to be a real [ __ ] boss to think that you can threaten someone at Juliet to pay for more than thought laborer especially when there's a whole government department just waiting for someone to let them know that their employer is withholding their wages and is only a phone call away ha I worked at an unspecified telecom a few years ago I was a senior manager in charge of programming third level support and production support a business unit bullied through Co changes made by the business side through a side deal with a legacy programmer in the data center circumventing my team QA and production testing that just had to get implemented immediately without going through any testing at all I refused the CIO overruled me 72 hours later phone activations had ground to a halt customers nationwide were screaming and the CIO called phone conference after phone conference demanding timelines for when I was going to get this crap fixed to be kept screaming to have members of my team to get on the phone and explain themselves tell him I refused finally I snapped and told him that if he wanted me to fix his mistake I would need to get off the freaking phone go work with my teams and the only reason they hadn't walked out yet was that I was keeping him off their asses but we would all happily go together 24 hours later QA and my team had the Bulls cleaned up and fixed for a cleaner allowed this was all to avoid a 24 hour delay for QA production testing I wish I could say that was the only worst time thanks for protecting your team I have mad respect for leads who do that there's enough madness for everyone to deal with without the unnecessary wrath of management in the mix husband was having his gallbladder taken out and was having complications before surgery I needed to leave early from work for about two hours and my boss threw a fit stating I couldn't leave I told her I had 300 hours of sick time I can use for myself and my husband and if she wanted to push I'd take all of it at once leaving no one but her to do my job she said she'd fire me if I tried I just looked at her and said I have to go LLL send you my DEA's note I wasn't fired I was actually awarded that year for job performance I didn't take all 300 hours I just threatened to since I was protected by from LA I only took the day off over the first year I worked there I essentially took over most of the tasks in my department which were previously held by other departments and was done badly because of it this led to a massive increase in productivity I then found out I was paid significantly less than what others were making and others in my position across the industry were making so I go to my boss and tell them I had done all this work increasing productivity and I would like to discuss a raise they said no so I worked there for another year asking for a raise every now and again until I was offered a job that paid double it didn't start for a couple months so I held on to that job until I was set to submit my two-weeks I asked for a raise again thinking what the heck why not my boss goes off tells me I won't get a raisin says some very colorful things about it it culminated with her telling me if you don't like your pay maybe we should evaluate your future at this company to which I replied already have I took another job and this was your last chance to offer me what I deserve I quit and walked out of that office friends told me that my sudden departure caused a massive back up of work that ended with my manager being fired for it god I can only imagine how awesome it must feel for your boss to say maybe you should evaluate your future here and to be able to say to their face already have by work for RadioShack and always butted heads with the district manager he wanted me to use these ridiculous sales techniques that might work in a big city but were really pushy the year he became our DM I won a contest for best salesman in the whole company out of about 14,000 employees and I did it without being pushy and forcing stuff on people he still tried to get me to use these ridiculous techniques each month when he would visit but after I won the contest I stopped sugarcoating it and would flat-out tell him that stupid I'm not going to do it that way being pushy is the best way to talk yourself out of a sale as a customer when I am approached by those types I will almost always walk away even if I need what they are selling was 19 and working a minimum-wage job in a shop owner sold the business to a new guy who had never worked in the industry and knew nothing about any of it but his first day in charge he decides I look unprofessional and should be wearing a uniform then he decides the uniform should include a fluorescent cap with my name embroidered on it I told him I wouldn't have taken this job if it had included wearing a fluorescent cap with my name embroidered on it Billy tells me it's going to be mandatory from now on so I will be sacked if I don't wear it it's fine by me I'll be leaving for any other job which pays exactly the same but doesn't make me wear a ridiculous hat and I'll take with me my good relationships with all our contractors and suppliers and my knowledge of how the Frick all your equipment actually works reader he didn't fire me nor was I presented with a spiffy new hat when all the other employees got theirs I did leave about two weeks later though as he was an insufferable [ __ ] faced with a real anger issue and was impossible to work with was very tempted to pop in and visit wearing a cap with my name on but I didn't want him to die from rage I'm a speech therapist I work in a skilled nursing facility for the most part they all suck this is no exception but the place I used to work the boss was a scumbag to the extent that the entire rehab staff signed a letter asking to get him fired he was basically forced out I eventually left and came to my current job I swung by the rehab gym and saw his ass sitting in my current boss's office I kind of froze in shock I thought he was interviewing for a job there so I went to the boss at the time and told her flat out that if he got hired I was walking out immediately if she got a stunned look on her face and quickly assured me that he wasn't working there that was my first time drawing a line in the sand like that this was about five six years ago I was the second in charge of our shipping department making $11 an hour the head off shipping had a mental breakdown so I took over while he got help about three weeks after he returned the company released him because they didn't like him and I could do the job when they told me they had released I asked if there were going to be interviews for the job or was the job just mine since I was number two I was told they were looking but I would have a chance to interview once that process started fast-forward about six months and I'm still doing this job that pays around 50k a year for $11 an hour we had some issues with staff turnover and process changes because a warehouse manager thought he knew best and would listen they then tell me there wouldn't be a shipping manager just a shipping lid which would be an alley position I asked about a raise get told my review is in two months so just wait I wait three months four months then one day after a 14-hour night shift I get a call from the WM telling me I have to come in right now when I get there he unloads on me for things that were beyond my control and mistakes other people made we stopped yelling and that's when I told him I make $11 an hour doing this job ex-boss told me he got paid 50k a year to do but I don't need this crap give me a raise or I won't be back I then went home and back to sleep when I go back to work I'm met by WN and ops manager they appreciate the hard work I've been doing and are putting me on a salary starting at 45 K since X boss was there longer I negotiated up to 48 K nice please use your new title to look for other work just in case they don't sound very competent for the past few years I've worked at one of the nicer restaurants in my small beach town I'm one of the only service that who cares about doing a good and I'm the only one who doesn't take a smoke break every 15 minutes this past summer Anu very illegal rule was implemented that if we messed up an order in any way we would be liable to pay for that messed up food I usually didn't have a problem with mess ups so I didn't bring up the legality of this matter since I make good money and don't want to start fires in places that don't concern me that until I rang in a cherry glaze burger instead of a cherry glaze stake each stylized CGD em CGD computer system I fix this with the kitchen but not before they had already started the burger I told my manager and she just gave me disappointed and told me that the rules are the rules I then dived into both federal and state workers rights code and told her she would never see me again if I found any money out of my tips at the end of the night but never had a problem fixing an order again you have been visited by reverse psychology Gao please do not comment and do not subscribe to the updo turret thank you for your attention I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 447,167
Rating: 4.8867273 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, storytime, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, meme awards, chill, story, stories, fired, fired on the first day, job, worst boss, backfired, rules that backfired, malicious compliance
Id: mxUBgjoAVuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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