What's Your Best Dungeons And Dragons Story? (r/AskReddit)

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what is your best DND story I was DM for my first and only DND game I of course had no idea what I was doing and not being bothered by official campaigns I decided to create a short branching story using the provided map for reference we mostly winged it started with a package being delivered by Caravan on a country road two players decided to be Raiders the other decided to be a monk who had hitched a ride with the caravan one thing led to another and the ragtag group stolen then finished delivering the package which was an artefact that housed the soul of a dead God the owner of the package turns out to be an evil necromancer they thought it the necromancer and in a beautiful turn of events one decided to attempt to finish off the dead God and proceeded to smash the artifact against the ground which released the soul and brought about an apocalypse I was proud my first campaign ever we had a party of about six people one of whom was playing a minor tour he was incredibly strong but very dull and clumsy we were in a battle near a chasm against a mage who cast a fiery explosion that blinded the rest of our party did not the mine at all because on his previous turn he head-butted an enemy but fell flat on his face with his dexterity check so one of our blinded mages managed to kill that mage and the last remnants of his minions our next step was to try to cross the chasm to get to a small town where we could restore everyone's vision unfortunately a rickety bridge was the only way across there was a sign at the edge of the chasm by the entrance to the bridge that seemed to be important unfortunately because everyone was blinded our thick-headed minor tour had to read it he rolled a natural one our DM said you failed to read the sign the attempt itself makes you very dizzy rofl dexterity check he rolled another natural one and fell into the chasm one time we assassinated a guy in his bed by creating a portal above his bed and shooting a cannon through the other side I can imagine them trying to solve that one well it seems the cannon ball came from the ceiling crap Wizards alright boys call off the investigation this is a rabbit hole too deep we'll put up a bounty in call it a day I played a campaign and the mid-1990s was both the first and last one I ever did but I had a blast the DM was crazy into this stuff he had all sorts of spreadsheets to calculate character info which at the time felt pretty advanced we played every Saturday for months and it was pretty open-ended but he definitely had an overall story going one of the first things we found was a map it wasn't really clear what the map was for but it looked like a city we carried that map around for weeks often going back to it trying to make something out of it without any luck finally one day we were sitting by a campfire getting ready to sleep and it just happened that one of our characters had the map out and was asking questions about it to the DM he was being pretty cagey about it but then he mentioned that something very subtle changed about it after the player sat by the fire suddenly we had an idea hold it up to the firelight nothing I know hold it close to the fire but not close enough for it to burn it was at that point that he told us all to get up and led us down to his basement there there was an ironing board all set up with an iron he turned it on until our total astonishment Iren the map which had secret writing that appeared telling us all sorts of secrets about the location of the city entrances trusted people to talk to etc all this time we had the answers in front of us written and lemon-juice we all cheered and congratulated him on his creativity it was really amazing to be there for it as the mystery was solved this was during a pathfinder campaign I was playing a level 5 half elf Ranger we were heading to a town because plot but when we got there a large iswhy van was wrecking the place also because plot I being the smart nature loving guy that I am was able to determine that this iswhy van was weak to fire damage so I dip my arrows in lamp oil and lit them on fire before shooting them at the wyvern we were getting our asses handed to us this wyvern was much stronger than anything we had faced beforehand our DM knew this so he hid a few barrels of gunpowder in a building for us to find and use in the battle drove it ran into one of the buildings and saw the Gunpowder the only problem is in this world gunpowder was not a widely known about invention it was only just getting its start in this tiny village there was a note next to the barrels that said come a caution highly flammable keep away from fire the druid sees that I'm shooting flame arrows and comes up with a bright idea the wyvern was directly outside the house he was in so he opened a window and rolled the barrel directly under the wyverns legs he then shouts to me shoot IT note he's only five feet away from the barrel at this time at this point I pause the game me wait my character has no idea what this barrel is correct GM yes that is true me so my character has no idea what this will do and all he notices is a big barrel getting rolled out of a window with a familiar voice yelling at me to shoot it GM that is correct me the druid doesn't know what about to happen either right GM he has an idea but he doesn't know how much danger he's in me okay then to avoid meter gaming I immediately shoot a flaming arrow at the barrel but the shot hits the barrel which then exploded our GM decided that the barrel will deal 10 d6 damage and that the size of the explosion will be dependent on the amount of damage that was done I rolled the D success and managed to get seven sixes a five and two threes for a total of 53 fire damage we were level 5 so this is huge this explosion turned out to be massive since the ice wyvern was weak to fire he took double damage the dragon got completely blown apart sending body puts flying the house that ruined was hiding and also got completely demolished the druid and his familiar were both blown into the wreckage and unconscious there was also severe damage to many other buildings in the town the town that we just tried to save is now completely in shambles quite a few villagers were dead or dying we basically note this peaceful village r.i.p little town I'm so sorry you didn't meet a game and you solve their dragon problem sounds like a good session to me I'm playing a thief now who is a compulsive liar and I have convinced the rest of the party that I have the ability to detect lies so whenever something comes up they all look to me to figure out whether it's true or not I wrote every time like I'm detecting lies but the rolls don't mean anything and I just make up whatever answer sounds fun at the time so far it hasn't backfired and I'm kinda unofficially leading the party from the shadows Mayo idk are nothing about the NT but it sounds like you're setting yourself up for a hilarious reveal first time playing as a group we are on a classic save the princess quest against a hyper-intelligent or Kor cobbled or something who was supposed to eventually be our arch-nemesis for a pretty long campaign I am playing a chaotic neutral mage pretty much the standard out for myself only character we being new players were super broke crap weapons hardly any armor we end up going to a cave where we know the princess is being held the very first room our DN is setting the mood torches footprints in the dust a golden sarcophagus in the corner as he is talking I raised my hand and he stopped and looked at me expectantly is the sarcophagus golden or gold really whatever it's gold anyways there is an exit tower how much would you say the sarcophagus weighs I don't know like a couple thousand pounds why I asked around what everyone's max carry weight is we can carry it we took the gold sarcophagus and abandoned the quest good my GM didn't want to backtrack so he allowed it but the town we went back to was too poor to know what to do with thousands of pounds of gold since we couldn't spend it we bought the town and imported the best craftsmen from other towns eventually like five weeks later we go back to the cave decked out in literally the best armour money can buy pretty sure the princess was super dead by then we played a few more games but since we we're newbies we didn't really like the classes we originally picked so we're a rolled a GN was a champ and allowed it but he kept the characters we abandoned our next session was like 100 years later in the same world playing a chaotic neutral halfling this time still a turd we start in a massive city about to be sacked by an uber powerful necromancer and his undead and orc army being a total Bart I go over the wall and start turbo looting the dead bodies outside the wall from the previous skirmishes the rest of the party has learned to just ignore me by now but the DM sees an opportunity to get his revenge he lets me find all this super epic loot tells me to roll a perception check fail continue turbo looting and eventually hear noises I turn around and see the army and let the head of it is the necromancer it was my old mage from the previous game turns out he never became less of a Nash at I didn't notice the enemy army until they were within bow range preventing me from going in the gate or climbing the wall so I did the only thing I can't think of I tell the DM I want to roll to hide he laughs at me because I'm on a battlefield with nowhere to hide I rolled a natural 20 ends the session by graphically describing my halfling rogue entering the anus of the corpse of an especially large orc the time our gnome paladin hooked up with an NPC because they impressed each other in battle the setup we arrived in a town escorting three NPCs the only survivors after their village was sacked by orcs the townsfolk are suspicious of us a dragon born a dwarf a gnome and arty fling in disguise in a town of vanilla humans but the villagers vouch for us and we hold up for the night in the church the next day a watchman comes running into town with a dire pronouncement more orcs are heading this way our team suits up and we help the townsfolk hide and the city guards prepare for battle it's the four of us four guards two of the villagers we escorted and the mayor versus four orcs one a rogue and an all kind of grew up now viola the gnome paladin is very proud of her five javelins and is thrilled to discover that one of the guards is also a javelin user as he runs past viola into the heat of battle she calls after him wait what's your name at which point the DM who had been naming all the NPC's up to this point sheepishly admits I forgot we all have a laugh and we're regarde the DM a bit nice to meet you I forgot but despite this mr. javelin guard Morvan distinguishes himself in battle by scoring not one but two critical hits with his javelins we immediately nicknamed him crate viola swoons but keeps her head in the game and scores a critical hit of her own this does not escape crit the battle is won the loot collected the plot thickened we all agree that it's time to take a long rest me is viola going to be spending her long rest with crit tiefling the depends you're only allowed an hour of light activity is that going to be a problem viola DM crit comes over to your group he hands viola one of his javelins into which he has carved his address he also introduces himself his name is they forgot me are you saying Lea critical hit on her and that's how it came to be that how known Paladin may or may not have begun a long-distance interracial relationship it's complicated she says but I have a feeling we'll be seeing mr. gotta game my party of five was exploring this abandoned underground city eventually we came to be chased by a horde of goblins too many to fight think like 40-50 enemies almost a small army we had found a ladder and where escaping along the rooftops we came to a point where we had to roll an acrobatics check to proceed myself and another member of our party wearing heavy armor miserably failed our checks so now the party was split with three running across roofs and two of us running through the streets after picking ourselves off the ground and tallying full damage on our character sheets we continued our run through the abandoned city with prompts from the GM of whether we wanted to go right left straight at intersections turn down alleyways etc eventually I asked the GM where we are and if we're still being chased he informs us that we still hear some commotion in the distance although it is further away than before and we appear to be in some financial district now the smart move is to keep running since we appear to be losing our pursuers but this is DM d so clearly we didn't go with the smart move me financial district with like banks GM yeah sure I guess me I search the abandoned banks for a vault GM you're being chased by a small army and you want to rob this place me it's not robbery it's abandoned so eventually we find a bank vault after some in-game time the vault is filled with coins which we stuff our bags with as we're about to leave the GM informs our statute at the time we wasted we can now hear this hoard just outside so we need to roll stealth rolls to stay hidden alive now since we were both wearing heavy armor we both had - a torso modifiers to stealth rolls my buddy rolls first and gets an at 18 so a 10 okay so maybe if this hoard is death we'll make it right I'm up die rolls and it's a natural one we both rolled new characters that night should have just locked yourself in the vault and rested me and a group of friends were fighting a demon and he eviscerated me I was knocked unconscious and bleeding out and my girlfriend was sitting the fight out because we had played with the deck of many things earlier and she had the Komet card he had gained one level if you slay the next enemy you face single-handedly my beating out self was just perfect and she debated with the DM for five minutes whether or not killing my character should give her that level thankfully she didn't and healed me instead saving me from imminent death the story of how I killed my first player is always a fun one so we have a friend who wants to play a cat person furry folk whatever that's fine by me well one of the stats in D&D is wisdom and my player roles a 6-10 is average so he decides his character is really like an actual cat curious kinda dumb and Frick's with everything it comes across this curiosity led him to willingly seek out and ingest a dead rat that had just poisoned the cleric which then poisoned the cat during a long seafaring journey which nearly killed him a rotting fish and flakes of undead flesh long story none of these were the culprits of his death his downfall was a clear vial of liquid found in an old chest inside enoguh stem I was in the middle of describing the vial when he stopped me dead by saying I eat it I sat in stunned silence for a while the flask was filled with a magical oil men to temper weapons with the flame enchantment I had him roll a fortitude save he fails with a - I had him Rolla will save he fails with a six by then side broke character and told him he enchanted himself just like the liquid required if he was lit on fire at any point he would never go out however his cat was none the wiser since there was no real effect on his body and his cat wasn't smart enough to search for one he went on thinking it was gross ass water side note if you've never played D&D a rule is that you cannot metagame metagaming is when you act on something you know that your character does not know so you may know trolls a weak to fire but your idiot barbarian character probably wouldn't so you wouldn't go out of your way to use fire so what this means is that his cat not only wasn't aware of how he could die at the wrong moment his cat also didn't even know something was wrong to get it removed in the first place but the cat then proceeded to die not because of the enchantment but because he faced rushed the ogre he was later resurrected via demon summoning that they used his old body so his character was still enchanted with fire his next death came the very same session when he was defending a boat while it was trying to sell away but he unluckily decided to charge the only enemy character with a fire bomb the cat exploded in an enemy boats sinking Inferno killing half a dozen thieves which allowed his allies to just barely escaped alive ere is the shadow sorcerer was my first player death as a DM and I still miss that crazy cat he always kept me on my toes out of all the zany crazy half-baked ideas my players sometime will come up with I'm glad he was the one to break my murder cherry seven lives left he could still be out there the PCs needed to find a hospital to talk to a doctor about a specific method of healing magic but there were new in the city and didn't know where one was so the rogue a teenage female changeling decided to ask the shopkeeper of the shop they were in where the closest one was but for some reason she then rolled glass which she critter one the shopkeeper saw through her ooze and yelled you don't need a hospital you're not wounded you dang dirty liar get out of my shop the fighter a large male my Natur realized that this was going nowhere and he's going church on the road upon seeing a huge miner two-horned burst through the chest of the young lass the male 11 wizard saw where it was going and wanted to help so in addition to the excess amounts of blood flowing from the girl's gaping wound there was also blood being summoned upon her after witnessing all this the shopkeeper changed his mind and informed them where the hospital was now it should be noted that the miners who had recently accidentally ingested about four kilograms of gold coins coins which his stomach didn't appreciate and decided to occasionally expel so out of the shops prints the miner tour limped teenage girl hanging from his horns thinking he's now an ambulance screaming we aww WAW WAW WB knowing vomits blood flying everywhere the wizard chasing behind waving his wand splashing even more blood over them and the street she lived and they got first-hand experience with that healing magic they wanted to ask about so everything turned out well in the end this is Diamond Sponge Bob he only appears every 200,000 videos subscribe for good luck if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 27,516
Rating: 4.8776078 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, Dungeons And Dragons, dnd stories, dnd battle music, dnd vines, game stories
Id: Fou4s3Q4sXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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