What's The Worst Party Foul You've Witnessed?

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what is the best worst party foul moment you have ever witnessed I saw the guy snorter holds an axe then throw a pool stick through a flat screen I don't know if that counts it does a friend of mine threw a party at his house a few years back the house was split up into apartments the first floor being one apartment and the second floor being another both floors had a deck out back one right above the other I'm out in the backyard smoking a cigarette and talking to someone I look over to see a few people drinking immediately behind the first floor deck I happened look up at the second floor deck to see someone walk out he then proceeds to whip his dong out and pee off the back of the deck onto the group of people below I was at a house party where the token hated roommate immediately got smashed and was stumbling around he goes into the bathroom for about 30 minutes and comes out giggling like a madman he loudly declared that he left an upper Decker in his own bathroom boy will his room is pee and he thought it was the funniest thing on earth he didn't find it so funny the next morning where they all but forced him to clean it up the moment he was awake I know a guy that wiped his butt with a nice white face towel in my friend's washroom because he was too lazy to look for toilet paper in the drawl as beneath the sink also been to several parties where people got mashed and just tore the freaking house up stealing and breaking crap for the heck of it that to me is the ultimate party foul if someone is kind and gracious enough to offer you a roof to get drunk under snacks seating and company you better dang well leave the place in relatively good condition my sister once wiped her butt with one of our nice bath towels when I walked in and saw it yep she left it there so we could score it I guess I noticed a full box of tissues sitting on the toilet tank she said she didn't see them but honestly I feel like a careful person would figure out all the options before electing to wipe their butt on the first one to present itself I was at a party in an apartment complex I stepped out to the backyard for a smoked when I had a powerful urge to pee I was already hammered at this point and didn't give a Frick had only one shoe on for instance and I found a nice remote corner in which to relieve myself now I'm done I suddenly hear the door to the backyard smash open and hear what the frick are you doing i zip up and turn around to find the super now this super was already a legend for being an butthole but that night he was getting ready to hit the town and being the middle-aged Romanian he is he had a seventies tuxedo style shirt on with the buttons down to his chest he had his hair slicked back and was sporting a huge gold chain Miami Vice style I freeze think frying Dutchman think I just stammer no English what did you say no English we no English I'm Asian I'm saying this in my most broken Chinese accent imitation helped on by untold shots of Jameson weary from China says I know you freak what apartment now my English breaks down utterly and I still gesturing and pointing and saying crap like my friend his friend his place up up there after five minutes of this he glares at me and kicks my butt out of the apartment complex which is fine except I'm wearing one shoe don't have my keys wallet or phone I see the super lock the front door in the backyard door I have no way to contact my friends at this point so I walk across to the neighborhood bar the bartender kinda recognizes me I explained my situation and he just shakes his head and gives me a pint of beer he lets me use the phone to call my friends but they're already too hammered to pick up so I end the night standing across the street from the apartment building hiding in the shadows of a tree so that the super doesn't spot me and waiting for someone anyone to enter the building so I can sneak and behind him later on my friend tells me the super went around asking everyone if they knew the Pete [ __ ] TL DR alcohol turned me into a one shooter legal immigrant in grad school a few friends moved into a house together in there year the house was the death trap waiting to happen but that is another story they threw a party a few weeks after getting their keys and for some unknown reason a group of 10-12 freshmen had caught wind of the party and just showed up to get too drunk I arrived late to the party with some friends and immediately noticed two things a it is a complete sausage fest all of the freshmen that a ride are now be the faint but very distinct smell of poop invades my nostrils as soon as I opened the door not dog crap or cat crap human crap I guess that is the curse of having a very sensitive nose I seek out one of the hosts will and he gathers his run mates to make sure no one has clogged a toilet or upperdeck them all of the bathrooms are clear yet the smell remains and it is growing stronger my friend Alice one of the very few women figures out that the smell is coming from one of the freshmen in the living room that is drunken dancing with a huge load of crap sloshing around in his pants not just a little poo a huge sake bulge that is clearly visible through the kids cocky slacks the smell in that room was overwhelming but somehow none of the freshmen seemed to notice or care we all just stared at him slack-jawed for a minute before Alice just walks up to him and tells him he may have had an accident he flips out and bolts out the door leaving little splotches of poop every time his foot hit the floor the poop had run down his pants leg and was just beginning to drip off the cuff when we caught it I left they clean up and kicked out all the rest of the freshmen and he was forever known as poop Farrar sometimes his royal poo penis sometimes PF sometimes PF Changs eventually everyone just called him Chang's and no one remembered why but he remembered a friend of mine hooked up with a guy and then told him she loved him at which point he avoided her at all costs the next weekend she shows up at a party in his dorm crawls in his roommates bed and cries and vomits for three hours getting her home was a blast a twofer as some of you know if you pop the top of a beer bottle with the bottom of yours all the beer comes out so the idea is that you have to drink it all right this one girl goes up to my friend with the right idea and pops the top of his beer bottle but I guess she was a little bit too drunk and just shatters the entire bottle in my friends hands my friend who is now bleeding looks up and goes but my hand is bleeding someone get me another beer a friend did a heroic job of finding a trash can to Rafe in last New Year's unfortunately it was a mesh trash can I hate when people use my dad's name as a term for vomiting a friend was getting pee off with a guy who was throwing a party so when everything calmed down and most people were gone or asleep he got the butter he microwaved the butter then poured the melted butter into a bowl then shat in the butter carton then poured in the melted butter and let it set in the fridge then left I was there he shat maybe the butter didn't look right after but I don't know because we left and yes he got the idea from the urban legend there was this guy on my swim team in college super nice guy but terrible with women he used to be really shy about changing in front of the rest of the guys in the locker room and would always change under a towel while the majority of the rest of us wouldn't then one day the towel drops and we all see he's got a huge dong at first we were all flabbergasted that this quiet semi all could prototypical nice guy was so well endowed no one could keep it to themselves and pretty soon all the girls on the team knew about his big secret had the next big swim team party after a night of drunken teasing and congratulations I think he felt emboldened so in an attempt to distract the other teams opening shot at bay root beer pong he whips his dong out and starts spinning it around helicopter style his spinning dong accidentally knocks over all six of his team's Cup and they instantly lost what a dong I was having some friends over for dinner and one of them began to eat his salad with his enter a fork the rest of the party was absolutely horrified I nearly dropped my monocle well I never I was at a party in high school and one of my loaded friend's house she had a hot tub which a few of us noticed was being seriously underutilized my friends widely despised redneck girlfriend got in first and after I got a fresh beer I stripped down to my boxers and made my way across the enormous back deck to the flow she said hot tub as I stepped in my foot slipped on the smooth fiberglass seat and my foot shot out to my side right between redneck girls legs I actually felt my big toe penetrate her vag as I fell into the water I managed to keep my beer level and above water as soon as I got my head back above water she screamed Makuta righted and stopped laughing for a very long time and still yelled at sometimes when I see that friend I think I redeemed my drunken clumsiness by saving my fresh beer and B eliciting such a ridiculous reaction a TL DR I slipped getting into a hot tub fell in said hot tub kicked my friend GF in the bag who screamed mark hooter managed to hold on to my full beer well that's one way to lose your virginity watched a girl puke mid beer pong throw all over the table then scream puke and rally we all cheered she was one of the last ones up I watched a guy puke into his almost empty beer glass then he looked around to see if anyone noticed and continued to party at a bar in Liverpool UK I was talking to my girlfriend at the foot of some stairs suddenly a guy fell forward down the stairs right between us rolled onto his feet and walked away without missing a freaking beat the best part was he was wearing a fur coat sunglasses and a hat carrying a drink and had a cigarettes in his mouth as he walked away his drink was unspent and his cigarette remained firmly in his mouth his hat and glasses were similarly undisturbed must have been some kind of party ninja pimp wrong thread that is the exact opposite of a party foul beat a bunch of cocky dudes at beer pong with a hot girl as my partner proceeded to lift her up with her straddling my waist and gyrated quite obsolete in triumph over the table I was quite drunk so I dropped her and the cups beer tabletop went flying you win sir for his story both funny and non gross a girl pooping her pants at the bar I saw a girl in a miniskirt crap herself as she was being escorted out of a bar by two bouncers I can only assume she was wearing a thong because what fell out has been affectionately referred to as the split lock by the guys I was with my friend when drunk has a teensy bit of vomit problem he was angry and paranoid one night and started using his puke as a projectile to ward off people chasing him from behind the same night I was helping him relieve himself of vomit in the carpeted hallway of my dorm a young gentleman shook his head as he passed by saying that's just sick and continuing on to pee in the trashcan opposite of us I like my school my friend had an old prince albert's car that he shot bottle rockets out of when he got drunk one party he was in the kitchen and shot a bottle rocket out of his junk and it flew right through the living room it hit my other friend right in the forehead and exploded just as he opened the front door to enter the party he got a cuss on his forehead and was freaked out pee until we explained and that he almost died laughing we sure were young and dumb LT D our friend shot a bottle rocked out of his dong and accidentally hit my other friend in the face with it sister came home from a hard night of partying and apparently had taken four consecutive shots of Wild Turkey 101 as she was leaving minutes later my brother comes bounding out of her bedroom saying you've got to see this dude we go into her bathroom to find her passed out in the fetal position one foot from her toilet with a skirt big knob panties pulled halfway down to her knees a large firm turd halfway protruding from her underpants resting gently on the inside of her thigh we then call her ex-boyfriend to come clean up mrs. poopy he comes over cleans her up and put her to bed at which point she begins to vomit all over herself and her white sheets creating a pink vomit River leading to the edge of her bed resulting in a lovely vomit waterfall I put her bucket under the waterfall and went to sleep a large firm turd halfway protruding from her underpants resting gently on the inside of her thigh that was beautifully descriptive we were at a 21st birthday of this girl we knew things got a little out of hand and hotdogs started getting thrown one hit me in the head so I picked it up and proceeded to carry it to the kitchen I open up their refrigerator and found a three-stroke fourth full gallon of milk I opened it up and dropped the raw hotdog into the milk jug I laughed so hard when I saw it drop from my hand into the opaque container she called me a week later Pia's heck she found it because it said morena into her cereal bowl she had been using that milk for a week before that horrible day my college roommate he knew how to party a few of his gems got drunk as a skunk at the apartment with a bunch of friends me and those friends went on a beer run left him alone when we got back the cat litter was filled to the brim with urine he said holy crap you just missed it that fricking cat pee a lake while he was choking back laughter he was drunk darling in a very destructive manner one particular night he had my phone and was calling people like my parents boss's ex-girlfriends it was bad news I was with some girl in my room and had no idea what was happening did one of my buddies was on it he took the phone and hid it in the freezer well my roommate didn't give up and started looking until he found it maybe an hour later I was back out in the living room at this point when we heard a bit of a clock along with a bunch of other scary noises went into the kitchen and the microwave was on fire he found the phone noticed he was cold and decided to heat it up in the microwave that was my damned phone we were at a house party another night and he was as usual hammered and he was causing damage and getting to the point where people were worried that he would hurt himself the host decided he needed a cold shower and some sober time so he told him that he drink more after the shower sending him off to the bathroom this freakin genius the drunk roommate locked us out of the bathroom and turned on the shower thought all was well until the shower was going for a good hour someone came to the party and said that the house next door had been TPD pretty well when we went outside to see it we noticed the bathroom window second-story mind you was open the sucker threw 20 rolls of TP out of the window then jumped out after it in his underwear in December in Michigan he tp'ed the place then ran off to who the Frick knows where ville we went searching and found him wandering the streets probably shortly before hypothermia would have set in he was still fired up and ready to go TP more houses on a camping trip again wasted right that's how it always starts he is yelling very regularly and drinking as much as possible he decides to climb a tree gets pretty far up it in the dark while everyone else is pretty much ignoring him maybe 50 yards away by the campfire he is climbing and intermittently yelling beer we hear the following crack crack crack rock snap crack snap thud I figured he was likely injured pretty bad at that point he'd climbed at least 20 feet up probably more or so we start heading that way yelling hey dude are you okay with the girls clearly distressed out of the darkness he bellows out to be here I could write a book about this dude those are probably the best though not sure if he is awesome or stupid some guy brought a chicken to a kegger at my apartment while I was in college we kind of lived out in the boondocks so it wasn't that unusual to have farm animals running around but he had this thing on a leash with a special harness and everything the chicken was almost like a dog really it followed that guy around knew a few basic commands and actually had a lot of personality so we were all getting drunker and drunker playing with this animal and we somehow start dressing it up I made a little jacket for it out of an old t-shirt some guys are fixed makeshift shoes to its feet with rubber bands I think he even had a seventies style chain around his neck finally someone put a little ford arrow on him and that's how he became our party foul well played got very drunk and a little stoned in friend's backyard saw a light go on in his house so we all got giggles scared and hid behind his above-ground pool I don't know how we did it but somehow all five of us leaned against it just right in this split open and tsunami doll over us I thought the world was coming to an end two weeks ago I spilled a drink on my friend while we were smoking a bowl on my porch she had to take her pants off to let them dry shortly thereafter I lost my virginity score one for spilled drinks man that's not a party foul that's like a party extra point my friend and I rented a hotel suite to have a New Year's Eve party we were all set to have an awesome night with about 15 people coming over one of our friends we will call him John Doe to protect the guilty call the front desk at 8:00 p.m. and asked them to give a message to us indicating he wouldn't be able to make it to our party so the hotel manager calls us and says the following in broken English are you ready to party John Doe can't make it to party no party allowed in Rome we had to cancel and sat in the room and disbelief and how our friend just ruined our party by trying to be thoughtful someone stole my only bottle of 2009 dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA from my cooler this is a highly limited yearly release beer that costs $10 15 for one little bottle and I was saving it for that night my birthday apparently they didn't like it because the next morning I found it open bid fall on the bathroom counter I get pee when I find open full bottles of anything the next morning I can't even imagine how you felt ever heard of a flaming Dr Pepper you pour a shot with amaretto and Everclear light it on fire drop it in a cause light and down the whole thing at once it does taste like dr. pepper and is a great way to get smashed anyway I saw a guy spill the shot after he lit it on the tile floor of the kitchen the freakin tile floor was on fire that and he spilled alcohol serious party foul went to array sometime in the late 90s I think somebody thought pulling the fire alarm would result in sprinklers dousing the whole party no fire marshal came and buy and evacuated the building to inspect everything buzzkill my buddy and I were doing some drinking at his friend's party and my buddy who is rowdy as Frick drunk slaps the hosts GF in the couch which off-course causes the host to try and fight my friend but fortunately they were brought and he was forgiven however he then proceeded to knock over the beer pong table mid-game 20 plus cups of beer on the floor the entire floor of the living room hardwood was covered in about one stroke two inch of crappy beer good times then as we were dragging him home he tried to park her everything including people's vehicles on the street but he ran full speed into a pickup truck and was covered in blood the next morning he also attempted to scale our five-story dorm and ran full speed into a glass window that somehow did not break well anything but his face about a year ago a close friend of mine who cannot handle her booze at all suddenly made the vomit monster she ran to the toilets to throw up that there was a girl sitting on it instead of using the sink or bath my friend stuck her head right between these girls legs and threw up in the toilet while she was sat on it flailing in horror my friend claims not to remember a thing in the pour toilet to use it subsequently became known as the bucket this guy I lived with for only a couple months chief - passed out girl by drawing dongs on her face in sharpie then her boyfriend who was just in the next room went ape crap and wanted to kill him and punched our metal door and dented it then we realized the girl with sharpie dongs had disappeared and had left the apartment there were like 200 units in the building and so began a search led by myself and another neutral party eventually I found her on a different floor asleep in someone's doorway we got her down to other neutral parties car there were DD and they let this crap go down where they discovered she pee herself I got them some water and went to retire as it was now like 3 a.m. I felt what my roommate did was wrong so I did not tell him she had peed herself in his bed but he hopped into his bed and noticed it was all wet he exclaimed freg she pee my bed then became quiet and softly said our frick'n slept in the pee bed ha ha ha tequila I was at a New Year's Eve party at a family friend's house a few years ago my fiance's friend came and brought a date we'll call him Scott because that was his name whoo she had only just started going out with Scott was a decent guy and I was having a good time talking to him and introducing him to people at the party I left him for maybe a half hour and in that time he had finished off three strokes four of a bottle of Johnnie Walker I know the outcome wouldn't be good so I distanced myself from him for a while well word starts going around that there is a guy outside throwing up a lot turns out it was Scott my fiance and I told her friend that our date needed to be taken care of and apparently he got overly embarrassed and apologetic and told her he was just going to drive himself home she tried to stop him but he pushed past her and gods in his car and then nothing happened for about an hour turns out the dude passed out in his car before he could even get the keys in the ignition but locked the doors so my buddy and I start knocking on the windows trying to wake the kid up but to no avail we start gathering some tools to break into his car when all of the sudden the engine starts and the dude peels off swerving up the street blew through a stop sign and drives away we only saw him once after that me and my friends went to Vegas couple years back and hit a strip club we were all horrendously drunk one of my friends a small messy guy who is like Jekyll and Hyde with alcohol goes to the common toilets the stall doors a clear glass and frost over when closed he can't afford a lap dance so heads in and starts fapping several people walk past eventually about sir passes and in shock proceeds to tell my friend how to close the door properly my friend apologizes profusely and closes the door returning to his fapping session five minutes later after several more people past the bouncer returns to see my friend still couldn't close the door mayhem ensued TL DR caught fapping twice in a Vegas strip club at a party in high school at a guy's house this house was due to be knocked down in the near future so obviously crap was going to get messy it was pretty standard stuff though people brought paint and flicked it at each other and you wouldn't give a crap if someone spat on the floor or something like that good-natured that was until a friend of mine pull the kitchen cupboard off it hinges genuinely by accident 15 minutes later the whole house was a state a guy punched through a window and cut the crap out of his hand so someone drunkenly rang an ambulance and the police came with it and closed the whole party down I think it was the host who called 999 so he sucks but it was the best hair of a party I've ever been to New Year's party two years ago at a friend's place we had loads and loads of cheap champagne which was terrible but we drank it anyways got pretty P now this party is in an apartment on the first floor we are about to leave for another party but the host decides he has to take a pee out of his window now I missed all of this because I was out getting cigarettes I was on my way back turned into the street and saw one of my mates in front of the front door head tilted back and somebody pouring champagne from the first floor into his mouth turns out it wasn't champagne but it was the host peeing down poor fella downstairs was just too wasted to realize it had to wait 20 minutes for him to take a shower golden rain some stay dry and others drink champagne golden rain a party goer will have died off shame golden rain the school gossip will end up here again golden rain the pissah can only wonder where it went this past Thursday a friend of mine threw a house party this one girl and I are flirting back and forth which leads me to losing my virginity however I miscalculated how drunk she really was because right when we were done she walks to the corner of the room and pisses straight on the floor but there was a bathroom next door I went to a party of some bands house with a co-worker while I was in college while I liked this girl she had a really hard time controlling herself while drinking especially liquor we went to quite a few parties together but this was the last one I went to with her she got so drunk she semi passed out on the ground up against a tree a few friends and I tried to no avail to get her up off the ground she just laughed and kept falling back down eyes fluttering and then she peed herself not a little bit of pee but a massive amount I felt so bad for her eventually she realized what she had done and let this guy she knew and I get her up and into his car he subsequently took her home we still remained friends after that but I never took her to another party so my buddy grew a herb plant in college his landlord found it so we had to get rid of it we ground up the whole thing and decided to make it into some cookies so we melted some butter and added the entire herb plant we got his little brother to strain it he poured the butter down the drain and kept the green brown mouse that used to be a herb plant that is now entirely empty of THC I have never been so pee off and laughed so hard at the same time buddy of mine drained a whole fifth of ouzo puked everywhere in the two vehicles that tried to drive him to my place we saran-wrapped him to a couch on my back porch and covered him in laundry he woke up that knocked the grill off the back porch after that I let him sleep on the pull-out couch bed downstairs two hours later he's but frickin naked in my upstairs bathroom trying to and clog a toilet that's not clogged i frickin flipped crap and yelled at him til he was dressed he didn't wake up till 4:00 p.m. the next day barely alive two hours later he's but frickin standing at a crazy busy party waiting in the lineup for the one and only bathroom I swear I had been waiting at least 35 minutes I'm almost at the front and the guy in front of me can't wait anymore and mumbles I can't and just whips his dong out and starts pee in the middle of the line people are jumping out of the way girls are screaming and my one and only motivation is that I am NOT leaving this fricking line up and nobody is getting in front of me so finally I get in and my buddy who has been waiting with me gets into before we can close the door these hot chicks jump in with us and ask if they can wait inside and me and Buddy see no problem with this so I start to pee even though they are clearly watching and commenting on my dong I was a right with it my buddy gets up and it's his turn but he gets stage fright and can't pee the girls go in front of him and the last thing I remember is him begging the next person in line for five seconds of privacy while Maya cappella group was on to her in college some guys accidentally put a hole in the kitten wall of the house we were staying in the guys who were around when it happened took turns standing in front of it for around two hours until the kitchen cleared out and they could leave the next morning some guy comes down the stairs and sees it and goes oh man was that frickin charlie other guy it is right at head level guy one lowers his head near the hole crap that's at Shelly sized hole at Charlie head level Charlie freaking again this is like the third time the serendipity of having stayed in the campus rugby house hit us about them I was at a frat party so stupid things were expected to happen there was a cup on a table that people had been putting out their cigarettes in all night one person came by and spilled some beer in it to make sure they were all put out some guy comes by and says can't waste good beer then drinks it just the beer not the cigarette butts at that point it's no longer good beer I went to a party once and this guy smoked so much pot that he fell asleep right on the couch I like many other discovered the joys of alcohol while in high school my parents would frequently leave me alone on the weekends they didn't see me alone as a threat to their house because up until that point all I would do is play while weekend long one Saturday night while my parents were out of town I decided to have a party my friends and I acquired alcohol with the help of Guatemalan day-laborers and hurried over to my house where we began drinking I invited a good 15-20 people over and we were all having a good time drinking smoking shooting the crap a mutual friend let's call him Dave came over to my house to join the party everything seemed to be going well until I noticed Dave start drinking allit not just a few shots he was started chugging Majewski sub ten dollar sign handle vodka the kind of crap you don't flick with the next thing I know he locks himself in my bathroom and starts acting really freaking weird he starts shouting things knocking crap over and causes a commotion the whole time were trying to coach him to find the key and unlock the bathroom so we can help but the next thing I know I start feeling really sick I was an amateur so mixing grass and liquor did me in bad my last memory is my few friends who are left at the party trying to get him out of the bathroom while I am puking my brains out in my room by shortly pass out and awake at 7:00 a.m. I opened my bedroom door to find my bathroom door completely broken down the frame ruined my bathroom windows smashed and my bathroom in shambles there were post tip notes all around the bathroom from my friends who were trying to help that read pray call us in the morning et Cie et cetera I called my friend and got the whole story apparently Dave was on a myriad of medications for his disorders and well you are not supposed to mix some perscription drugs and alcohol after they got Dave out of the bathroom he instantly started chugging more alcohol and ran across the street to a local park it was pouring rain to get Dave to calm down my friends beat the crap out of him called his parents and they drove him home to this day Dave still apologizes for that night he's a good guy he got his self under control since then about seven years ago and has quit drinking altogether I was grounded for six months TLDR when I was 16 I had a party my friend mix various prescription meds and alcohol went berserk broke a window a door then got the crap beat out of him I was grounded for six months for facilitating the party the morning after a huge party at my friend's apartment we stopped by to pick up our friend to go bridesmaids dress shopping while waiting for her to get ready we see a friend of ours still awake drinking at 9 a.m. in the morning he was just sitting in the backyard by himself on a blanket drinking five o'clock vodka and chasing it with get ready French onion dip just shovelling handfuls into his mouth you've been spotted by the curious cow comment below and let him know what you're doing if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot
Views: 28,141
Rating: 4.8637137 out of 5
Keywords: party foul, party foul firework, worst party ever, funny party games, funny party moments, best party, party, parties, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: KMkMQrD8ydM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 19sec (1999 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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