What's the weirdest warlock concept you guys have? #1

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A teenage boy arsimar who was living on the street until he was contacted by... his dad. His dad is an angel somewhere high enough in hierarchy that he doesn't even want to tell his son his name to not endanger him.
However to atone for all the years he didn't even realised he have a son the angel grants the kid portion of his powers and teaches that helping people is what is a right thing to do.

Could be fun to play a teenage boy rised on the street and full of puberty juice suddenly trying to be a good citizen and responsible adult.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DemogorgonWhite πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not solely mine but it is good One day the party finds a 1 lb loaf of bread on a pedestal at the end of a dungeon Later one of the players would use the bread as a character and would only be able to move with mage hand Oh and anything that eats part of him has a chance to be mind controlled The best part is that he was once a human that made a deal with a forbiddenΒ  bread fiend god

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ok-Airport-864 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have an Orc celestial warlock who thinks he is a cleric but because he is an Orc and not that smart due to a 6 int. the pointy horned horse hasn't given him all the stuff clerics can do so he prays hard every day and worships the unicorn like a God. I haven't got to play him yet but I think Grong the warlock will be a blast to play.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hick_the_Arboren πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh man no way, I'm gutted I missed the reddit submissions for this one, I have a great one that I would have loved to share!

Maybe next time

As the forever DM in my group I never get to play my characters I make :(

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_MarkyPolo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I made the post that featured in this video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dragonwolf67 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I mean I have one that's just an asshole cat who has magic because some archfey thought itd be really funny

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ThatCamoKid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

An high elf warlock named "Peeal Banners" who actively tries to defy and insult his patron so that way the patron will stop giving him power because he sees his warlock abilities as a curse. But the patron just keeps giving him powers just to mess with him and puts him through lots of psychological torture. The patron happens to be "Bana Bo" the diety of bananas and beaches, and as such, the half elf came to fear bananas and the color yellow. All his powers manifest in the spectral form in the shape of bananas and he has a familliar that is essentially a banana sprite.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BigCut5442 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I played an unemployed sommelier genie warlock named Sterling in a noir style Eberron one shot. He used a wine bottle as his genie vessel, his genie was a merid named Cabernet, and his eldritch blast was him uncorking the bottle and blasting targets with a stream of red wine. Since he was going through a messy divorce, he began drinking from his bottle and became increasingly drunk through the one shot. This caused him to unknowingly sell the crime fighting warforged toaster in the party into warforged slavery. After being killed, he was revived via a dark goose another character made a deal with and his wine changed from red to white. While the dark goose didn’t corrupt his soul, it did give him literal goose feet. He then became a changed man with this second chance, gained more confidence, and would go on to save his marriage, even with the new feet he now possessed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ferustan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

An elite team of warlock knights. Each one has a weapon typically with the soul of there patrons within them. Each weapon is benevolent inspite of origin. They task themselves with tracking down worthy users and other weapons similar to their own while also destroying any evil weapons. Each member his there armor magically change shape to better resemble the patron the work with. The one I'm currently playing is Adrian Silverwind a Dragoon. His patron is a Silver Dragon in a trident(reflavored a hexblade) He's multiclassing into Drake warden Ranger. So far my DM has allowed me to freely throw my trident and recall it without issue, eventually he will be mounting a dragon and raining trident and eldritch blasts from the sky.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Irohtigon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey everybody it's buddy vaughn aka brian von va your favorite narrator and voice actor from ohio how's everybody doing out there you guys and gals and everybody in between staying hydrated and healthy out there hopefully hopefully fingers crossed make sure to be safe out there okay now let's get right into the story shall we what's the weirdest warlock concept you guys have part one it's one of two the offspring had a succubus fiend genie works too who gets their powers because the fiends never had a kid and knowing what's out there and that the kid wants to be slash is an adventurer wants to keep them safe and ends up helicopter parenting i called in a few favors and i got you the ability to see in the dark as a gift because you keep exploring caves do you have enough can trips how's your sword form looking these days a shitty criminal who stumbles into a great old one and swears a pact sarcastically because they think it's their friend gifting them a big floating eye with sea detrious covering it i've seen this bit greg we all know you can make illusions sure i silently swear myself to the service of mr libel infants wakes up able to talk to minds i like the dark and edgy warlock who made a pact with an arch fae but they instead got an arch fae in training who is a tiny sparkly bubbly little pixie glitter flies everywhere when they cast the spell eldritch blast is a pretty rainbow their tome is covered in lisa frank stickers etc the patron is actually their descendant who travels back in time to grant them the power to ensure their descendant's birth vice versa the character is reborn and they seek help from their past selves lizardfolk exiled from their tribe finds a dead horse and eats it unbeknownst to him the corpse was a unicorn and he is slowly being corrupted by the goodness celestial warlock i played a goo warlock who went mad after reading a book he was serving the question a living inquiry he started out trying to become a bard wasn't very diligent went to the library to hide from classes and met the guy who had the book the librarian gave it to him to read and it opened my guy's eyes he became obsessed eventually killed the librarian in a fight over who should own it and then ran away becoming an adventurer on the run whenever he would say the word question he'd have to stop himself and say the question must be answered he would do things like shout and flip through his book then tear out a page and eat it or draw in the margins right over the existing text etc when he hit third the book tore itself apart and reformed as his packed tone as time went on i was going to have him become gradually more sane but still driven to answer the question the patron doesn't matter a lot mechanically for this concept but i've always imagined it as a goo lock your patron is the unknowable entity that is narrating your life this is either the dm the player or the game system itself having the lucky feet and two levels of wizard for diviner or chronologist helps too you as a warlock realize that you are a character in a game and or a story this realization is what gives you your powers but it's also your life so you still have to be somewhat invested in what happens to you you occasionally point out meta absurdities in your attempt to educate everyone around you that they live in a game but they all treat you like a crazy conspiracy theorist you don't know that there are literally dice etc but you understand that everything is contrived this requires a considerable amount of dm and table buy-in otherwise you will annoy the life out of them as you level it represents you getting a better handle on the gameist elements of your life a devil fiend patron who purposefully enters into a pact with a good aligned pc in order to take out his or her rivals in the infernal hierarchy so that they can get ahead i don't see why this can't be a mutually beneficial agreement you get to smite evil and i get a promotion for some reason i envisioned the patron as jon hamm having screw tape letter style conference calls with other fiends and taking notes uh-huh uh-huh yeah man that ritual sounds super impressive you have how many cultists again and what kind of traps did they set uh yeah it would be such a shame if some goody two-shoes came in and smashed everything and then feeding all that information to their warlock undead patron warlock whose patron is a very old lich that has become a massive swarm of incessantly buzzing insects of all types the warlock is stuck in a burning structure and left to die but survives until the inferno dies out their horribly burned body gets swarmed by bugs carrying small bundles of flesh which interconnect and form into what the character used to look like now the patron basically always has a part of himself completely covering the warlock when he casts spells a small number of the bugs detach themselves and fly off to perform the magic revealing the character's burned body underneath the voices as a goo lock rather than being one singular entity that bestows power upon you it's hundreds of thousands of tiny little sparks of outer plane's magic asking questions demanding things offering knowledge joking laughing crying as your warlock level grows so do the amount of voices maybe there were just a few initially but they become a dissonant chorus within your mind that refuses to let you ignore them and they all sound suspiciously like an average streamer's twitch chat oh you absolute monster could you imagine the level of backseat driving in that i hate you for just suggesting it warlock that doesn't know they're a warlock an unknowable entity has for equally incomprehensible reasons decided the warlock has performed some service for them and decides to reward them with power whether the pc understands this or rationalizes it to themselves is up to the player to decide a canku warlock have followed some guy into the woods and heard him say some stuff at an altar the kenku then repeats the words and forms the exact same contract the guy just did the patron now has a warlock he had to give some power but doesn't know what to do with i'm not sure how weird it is but in one game that hasn't started yet i'm set to play a ranger warlock that used to be a serial killer that's a random twist first couple of ranger levels that met an arch fae by chance and fell in love with her ah third level ranger swarm keeper with butterflies that represent the archfay his patron is actually good and was reluctant to even give him the time of day at first but then realized he's actually pretty competent and she could use a fighter like that in her employ so she agrees to provide him with power as a sort of employment reform program eventually trusting him enough that she agrees to use his talents for violence for the greater good granting him a bow with pact of the blade and the improved pact invocation and directing him to help people i have an idea for a han solo slash chewbacca situation where a human warlock's patron is a genie who pledged a life debt and gratitude for finding its vessel and releasing it adventuring for a hundred years or so is no big deal for the genie and it might actually be a nice way to gradually get re-acquaintant with the world the genie is incredibly cautious though and knows the dangers of giving power to mortals but as they travel together and get comfortable with each other the genie slowly gets more and more willing to share greater levels of power my girlfriend's next character is going to be a hex blood archfey warlock whose patron is her adoptive mother the hag that her parents made an unknown deal with when she was a baby she wants to travel and see the world and the hag let her go on the condition that she travels with friends and carries a book of shadows to keep in touch with a quixotic beekeeper with a hollow reinforced tree trunk hive on his back at first glance you mistake him for a bumbling old fool talking to his bees who thinks he is a knight at the amber court in the service of his queen bee constantly spouting conspiracy theories about the nefarious ursine but eventually you'll realize it's all true the bees are fae the queen is real and they are at war with evil fairy bears stealing their honey mechanically it's a genie chain lock with the queen bee as his patron the vessel is in the tree trunk eb rb's attacking the familiar is a big bumblebee serving as his squire and the new summon spells are swarms of bees and of course spirit shroud so this wasn't originally my idea but i remember someone flavoring a goo as a supercomputer one of the shows i was on during this pandemic was person of interest a show where an ex-cia operative and programmer uses a surveillance ai to save people so a warlock who makes contact with this ai and is given knowledge in exchange for furthering its plans and following its orders again all in the flavoring of abilities sounds like skynet to me a warlock who's a failed bard they have ambitions to become the most famous and beloved bard in the land but they have no talent for performing no matter how hard they try when a patron offers to make their dream of becoming a famous bard come true they leap at the chance not entirely aware of what they signed up for a war forged hex blade where the character is their sentient weapon and the weapon controls the robot body rather than the other way around a hex blade whose patron is their mother a cruel and spiteful hag who has a soft spot for her child the hag acts like an overbearing mother sending her child gifts of magic to keep them safe on their adventure mine is a celestial warlock whose patron needs someone to do all the wrong things for the right reasons like purge an entire village because they found out some eldritch secret or kill a child because he will grow up to be hitler or something celestial warlock lawful good always wanted to be a cleric and follow in his father's footsteps couldn't ever manage to connect with his god decides to seek out a being who has a direct line to the upper planes finds and makes a pact with this creature and is so happy he can finally do cleric things but his god is asking him to do some pretty messed up stuff can't say no to god though right turns out he accidentally sold his soul to the world's only evil unicorn i had an idea for a broad shouldered small town type that wanted to be a knight or paladin but due to a lack of funds and low-born status was stuck as a merchant's guard one day he stumbles upon a magic pond with a beautiful maiden standing in the center the lady of the lake gives him a big gorgeous sword he swears fealty to her promising to do her bidding unfortunately while he wants to be lawful good she's less concrete in her morality he finds himself stuck doing things that are either on the fringe of what's good or not good at all eventually they would butt heads hilarity ensues he'd be a variant human to get the heavy armor feet taking hexblade all the other players would think he's a paladin and that's what he would tell them eventually they'll figure out that it's strange that he never heals never smites and his giant sword magically appears from thin air hey everyone brian von vay here checking in after the vid if you liked the vid make sure to leave a like subscribe and ring a ling ding dong that bell so you can get notified whenever we post a new video or go live if you would like to submit a story to us to read out loud in a video or on stream make sure to leave it in the comments below or preferably on the subreddit r slash mr ripper and for more goody goody action make sure to follow us on twitter and twitch links are in the description below using a help action you can come say hi to me brian von va over on youtube where i stream games voice your dnd characters and do a lot of voice acting memes too as always i try to end things on a positive with my stories and i just wanted to say one thing a lot of people out there have been hurt by people who are untrustworthy or that take advantage of your kindness and your heart now i just want to say yeah i've been there too more often than i'd like to admit however that's not the end of the world it feels like it at the first time it happens feels like the second time third time every time it happens it feels like the end of the world but i want to tell each and every one of you that you are worth love you're worth time you're worth effort you're worth love so no matter what someone does to you pick yourself back up off the ground and keep on going be it a doctor that failed to see you on time be it a job employer who kicked you out a girlfriend or boyfriend that screwed with you or even a family member who has abandoned you pick yourself up know that you're worth love dust yourself off look in the mirror smile and enjoy your life because you deserve it all the love everybody we will see you next time bye for now you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 19,077
Rating: 4.9779816 out of 5
Keywords: MrRipper, Dungeons and Dragons, dnd stories, reddit stories, please sub for nat 20s, BBEG, dnd encounters, askreddit, r/askreddit, tabletop games, tabletop simulator d&d, dnd, dungeons and dragons, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dnd campaigns, dungeon master screen, tabletop rpg games, reddit tales, dungeons and dragons how to play, family friendly gaming, ask reddit videos, homebrew, reddit funny compilation, dnd 5e character creation, dm tips dnd 5e, dungeon master 2
Id: qt6_RoKafCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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