What was the funniest Wild Magic instance for your sorcerer? #1

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I've been wanting to build a Wild Magic Sorcerer, but we (the gaming group I'm part of) don't have any games such a character would fit into, nor do we have any relevant rulebooks.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MrUniverse1990 📅︎︎ May 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

sounds like Swaggersouls monologued this ngl...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheGuardianDex 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

DMing a homebrew campaign and the party's current objective is to, of course, find the McGuffins from various identical looking vaults. The party has some very experienced players so I have to prepare for anything. So I have it in my notes that if a player happens to be smart enough to cast "speak with plants", the mushrooms in the vaults would reveal the secrets connecting them.

Cue the Wild Magic Sorcerer™ finishing off the boss, and triggering a surge on the final hit. What does he trigger? Of course, Speak With Plants. So our little half-gnome/half-elf with an intelligence of 6 (-2) gets to chatting with the mushrooms. During which I give my lecture on the secret of the vaults which, keep in mind only he can hear. His response to endgame levels of information dump? "Yeah yeah who gives a shit about all of that, just tell me which ones of you are poisonous and which ones taste good"

The rest of the party now just has to strive to avoid metagaming, as he never told them and almost instantly forgot everything the mushrooms said

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CatJezus 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone brian von viet here back at it again with another set of d stories today we've got a doozy of a floozy what was the funniest wild magic instance from your sorcerer part one jumping off of a cliff trying to cast featherfall instead getting wild magic and turning into a potted plant a serious death-defying escape suddenly turned into hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy we were a divine zealot kenku it was me a wild magic sorcerer and a mastermind rogue and we found ourselves to fight a hydra first spell of the sorcerer kicks in the wild magic and as a result from the original table required to roll on that same table for a minute which was around 10 turns things start out pretty normal until the wild magic causes everyone to turn invisible hydra included the barbarian zealot managed to kill the hydra while invisible but since the hydra was still invisible the character had no way to tell it out even the dm even thought he did not clearly say the hydra was dead it intends for her to be so so it ended up excavating the body of the hydra believing she was still alive in the meantime wild magic still kept rolling and the sorcerer summoned a unicorn the unicorn looked at us in confusion wondering why he was there looking at a canku mercilessly hitting air and spoiling blood out of nothing and the sorcerer being the one that summoned it while the rogue kept to himself in invisibility playing chess next role was casting a magic missile obviously wanting to avoid any harm the sorcerer casted on a tree the unicorn takes it as a sign of aggression against it and nature so attacks the sorcerer back the barbarian was still at the hydra when he sees a beam of energy hitting a tree and the unicorn attacking the sorcerer and being the pious and devoted zealot he was thought it's a sign of my god need to kill horsey and jumps on it the thing goes on for a while up until a half-pissed rogue says do you want to keep quiet for once pulls off the crossbow and sneak attack crits the unicorn dealing more than enough damage to kill it on the spot so this is it we excavated an invisible hydra and killed a unicorn we were sent there to find a tribe and talk to a chieftain but their camp was desert and no one was to be found and we never figured it out in character it was just a one shot and the dm told us what happened only after well dm can you tell us what happened please had a player who had a halfling sorcerer at the beginning of the game during introductions he used wild magic surge to show his class off he ended up dropping a fireball on us fastest tpk i've ever seen our tabaxi sorcerer asked for a demonstration of their capabilities by the fey queen during an audience in her throne room the players surprised and delighted us all by using alt herself to change his appearance to mirror the queen precisely however wild magic ensued which luckily took the form of a unicorn appearing not missing a beat the sorcerer jumped destroyed it and began a florid monologue about the majesty of the fae court and their wisdom in selecting his party to aid them until precisely one minute had passed whereupon i informed the player that their unicorn disappeared a deck's throw failed spectacularly the sorcerer crashed to the floor failed a con save and turned back into themselves albeit with a bruised posterior thankfully the fey loved nothing more than humor at another's expense it wasn't really our sorcerer but we had a rule during a campaign where any magic had the chance to go wild i played as a changeling and in order to nerf it a little we rolled changing as magic the very first time i changed i got wild magic followed by the role that makes you continue rolling followed by grease pink bubbles fear and another 10 rolls all in all a fun time we wanted to sneak past some guard fly up the ramparts and surprise attack the bandits sleeping at the other side tent campment it went reasonably well with great stealth rolls even better our wizard flew up and bound a rope so we could climb up not wasting spell slots me barbarian and rogue player went down the stairs to kill the guards the moment chaos started that was the plan the wizard and source found a nice little spot where the dm rolled they had half cover so they bunched up our wizard prepared fireball for one corner and called he would cast it after the source's turn now our source charged fireball and spend some points to enhance the damage he also rolled wild magic which was exciting since we saw the table but never had it happen in combat before this is where it went to hell our source rolls and gets the fireball centered around yourself that hits both him and the wizard failing his deck save the wizard goes to critical levels of hp source makes it but still hurts but remember how the wizard didn't cast fireball as soon as the source but after his turn well it is mathematically impossible to achieve the con save needed to hold concentration so our dm rolls the wizard drops his fireball and also explodes it now me and the rogue already prepared our actions higher initiative roles so we just whack two guards when we see explosions going off and nothing else when our turn comes back up the wizard and source have both one failed death save and about eight bandits are readying arrows to kill us all the source killed four in the other tent we decide our pcs can't expect anyone to live a double fireball and just fled the scene the wizard made it out with a crit 20 death save and used fly to escape from the bandits so that is the last time we had a wild source in our party the party was fighting a death tyrant and several no thicks in these ancient corrupted woods it started out well but quickly began heading south as skeletons began showing up and separating us three character deaths occur within seven turns of the beginning of the fight and i was on death's door suddenly the sorcerer fireballs the death tyrant and rolls wild magic you go back in time one minute suddenly previous us gets an additional party member just before this ambush occurred and we clean sweep the fight with no one going down the darkest timeline is ignored and the wild magic surge stopped a tpk our sorcerer has somehow managed to roll the summon a unicorn slot four times in a row spanning months of in-game time the dm decided that it's the same unicorn each time so now we have a new friend who occasionally pops in from the celestial plane to catch up and help us in battle randomly we had a rule that whenever our wild magic sorcerer was with our party any time anyone rolled a natural one they had to roll on the wild magic table we were on a boat in an underground river and because of some stupid from everyone in the party we had to make some wisdom saves or be frightened of our sorcerer everyone succeeds except for me as i roll a natural one not a problem though i have advantage and i proceed to roll another natural one whatever it shouldn't be too bad right wrong i roll on the table and get fireball of course so everyone makes their decisions save and i fail and so does our wild magic sorcerer who gets another natural one he rolls in the table and gets you guessed it fireball i fail again and now not only is the boat basically disintegrated but i'm also dead face down on the water that's when we realize that cave that they are currently swimming down and that i am gently floating down is alive and somehow things went downhill from there we were fighting a rathalos from monster hunter inside a fairly large cavern our fighter had been in and out of consciousness the entire fight a result of my previously lackluster encounter and adventure design after about three-ish trips to sleepyland he's up with 21hp prone it's the sorcerer's turn he had used tides of chaos and thus he had a wild magic surge waiting he casts chaos bolt summoning a lance of red force energy to his hand his hold on his wild energy fails i use a few custom tables then i switch between every session player rolls his d100 and we inspect the result i do believe it was a 12. though that's a minut detail i can't remember the result reads that the next ranged spell attack you make ricochets off the target and strikes a random creature within 30 feet okay fair enough we assign numbers to all the creatures in the cavern and roll for who gets hit the red bolt streaks forth and reality seems to bend around it as it gets close to the enemy and sends it off in another direction our fighter not even stood up yet and having said no words except for lord dammit is struck by a chaos bolt that deals exactly 21 force damage and sends him back into unconsciousness we all had a good laugh including that player that session also taught me a good lesson about action economy the pace of adventures and got me to put the gritty realism rules in place which has done a lot of good due to the speed at which i go about adventuring days so all in all it was a win-win not my sorcerer per se but in my party his name is doug doug has a wild magic surge he rolls a 1 on the table which means he has to reroll 10 more times every 6 seconds slash each turn but we've just exited combat so he flips out feeling a powerful and dangerous surge coming on he starts running our ranger hannah follows she's the only one able to right this second my paladin and our warlock are occupied with something post-combat we just killed a wyvern we're in a village beset by cultists while running he keeps rolling and nothing overly consequential happens by pure luck eerie music is faintly playing around him he is vulnerable to piercing stuff that might affect combat but honestly while he's role-playing running in fear does not do much but his running leads him into an encounter where he and hannah are badly outnumbered and already weakened from a tough battle with the wyvern in a last-ditch effort doug asked the dm if he can essentially give in to his wild magic and allow another surge to happen at the expense of his last spell slot the dm allows this as a result he permanently shrunk 5 inches thankfully my paladin who rolled amazingly during the wyvern encounter and was still in top shape and our warlock who obviously still had plenty of eldritch blasts to pop off and was rolling well when we came to save them got there in time to save their asses then we role-played doug being noticeably shorter and his pants and shirt fitting really poorly before deciding to find a safe place to rest running out of the abyss and there's an area where any and all active magic users trigger a role party is fighting a few banshees and two are taken down by the screech the paladin tries to compel duel to keep one occupied wild magic surge and the party assumes that they're now all dead the last thing you want to see on your dms meat face is unbridled glee so the paladin says your fight is with me poof what a unicorn has joined the party how's it going everyone brian von va here checking in after the vid make sure to leave a like subscribe and ring that bell to get notified whenever we post a video or go live do you have a story you'd like us to read out head on over to our subreddit r mr ripper and pop it in over there also be sure to follow us on twitch and twitter alike make sure to look in the description below for all the links using a help action be sure to stop by my youtube channel brian von va where i stream games and dish out some lovely voice acting meme videos trying to always end on a positive here i just want to say i hope everyone is doing well and that you guys and gals get your vaccines just fine too if you've already gotten it let me know in the comments below and tell us how you've been handling it if you haven't don't worry be patient and get that puppy as soon as you can you're gonna be just fine all the love everyone be safe out there and we will see you next time bye for now you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 51,030
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Keywords: MrRipper, Dungeons and Dragons, dnd stories, reddit stories, please sub for nat 20s, BBEG, dnd encounters, askreddit, r/askreddit, tabletop games, tabletop simulator d&d, dnd, dungeons and dragons, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dnd campaigns, dungeon master screen, tabletop rpg games, reddit tales, dungeons and dragons how to play, family friendly gaming, ask reddit videos, homebrew, reddit funny compilation, dnd 5e character creation, dm tips dnd 5e, dungeon master 2
Id: qeje3MtB9B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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