What legendary move in a campaign will live on forever in infamy (good or bad)? #1 (r/askreddit)

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It was part of a Star Wars Saga Edition campaign. The party was essentially a special forces unit put together to deal with high-value targets; planet defenses, information, Sith, etc. Anyway, this one time we are sent to investigate a missing battleship and end up running into our GM's deus ex machina pirates. It's our one ship and a few fighters against two (or was it three?) other battleships and a squad of min-maxed space superiority fighters... and the party is all ground crew with the exception of our captain who is on the coms bantering with their leader. From my GM's bragging, it became pretty clear that if we won we were going to be spending a few weeks in space dock and most of our requisition allowance to get the ship fixed.

And through all of this... I'm bored.

My character was the tank focused not-a-jedi that couldn't fly squat and could only talk to people because charisma was her core stat for using the Force. So, I basically had less than nothing to do but sit on the bridge and roll skill assists and let my mind wander...

Brain: "You know, privateering is a thing."

Me: "Wait, what's that again?"

Brain: "State-sanctioned piracy."

So, in a moment of pure lack of filter, I turn to my GM and drawl out: "Hey, you guys want a job?"

The guy playing the captain gives me this, "Are you high, drunk, or stupid?" look that becomes slowly more and more deadpan...

GM: "Uh... was that in or out of character?"

Captain: "I roll diplomacy to hire the pirates."

He succeeded while everyone in the room dissolved into hysterical laughter. Our GM almost fell out of his chair he was laughing so hard.

TLDR: I derail an entire encounter by hiring the baddies to work for us.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/E_Delta88 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 29 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

We had a Barbarian with a greatsword. Who would not stop messing with stuff. Each time something strange showed up there was our barbarian getting us into trouble. For example: "A giant fire burns in the center of the room. In the center there is a great sword stabbed into the floor standing straight up." The party "this seems like a trap" "I'm gonna poke it with my sword!" Says the barbarian "You have not spoken the password!" Echoes a voice through the room. We all look at the barbarian "really?" From then on someone had to babysit the barbarian as the rest scouted the next room.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Emsentric ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 30 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Not necessarily legendary, but certainly worthy of MVP for the session.

So during 3rd watch of the night, we get attacked by 5 Shadows. Our party consisted of a Blood Hunter, a Ranger, a Monk, a Bard, a Sorcerer, and a Healer (Me).Healers don't have any combat capabilities, but many support spells. So since the Bard can damage them without having to roll to hit via Vicious Mockery, I decided to cast Bless on the Blood Hunter, Ranger, and Sorcerer.

And dear God, did they need it.

Almost every attack roll and saving throw against them nearly failed, but the d4 Bless would turn to success as even the DM was at a loss on how much it was foiling this encounter. A couple did get hit by the shadows in the end, but it was nothing a couple Lesser Restorations couldn't fix.

Afterwards my healer went back to sleep and they even allowed her to finish a long rest and rewarded her the next morning.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Goshujin-Neko ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 30 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This was the final encounter of our campaign that had run over many weeks. Our party consisted of a barbarian, cleric, ranger and my GOO warlock who has an Imp familiar, all level 8. Also with us was an NPC daemon. We have just fought our way thru a fort filled with Minotaur and end up in the final room only to be looking at what can best be described as a massive Minotaur crossed with a Devil (BBEG).

We go in and attack the BBEG. It does not go well.

NPC is vaporised in a single charge after the BBEG did triple figure damage. (We suddenly realised we done goofed up)

We manage to chip its health down. After a few more turns, the cleric is killed out right from another charge, (Not the first time this campaign). Barbarian is knocked unconscious and so is my warlock not long after.

We are left with the ranger doing a fighting retreat and my imp. At this point in the game, my imp has never attacked using his claws directly,(I had been loading him up with bombs and using him as a stealth bomber). BBEG has just busted into a hallway and can charge the ranger on his next turn. Ranger unleashes a solid amount of damage and can see the BBEG is hurting badly.

My Imp throws caution to the wind and attacks. Needs a 19 or above to hit, rolls a 22. Rolls a 7 for damage and kills the BBEG (Turns out BBEG had 1hp left). The ranger looks on in disbelief as the Imp steals the glory and wins victory.

As it was the end of the campaign, we concluded that killing such a high level monster caused the imp to become a higher level devil in his own right and became my warlocks new patron. They now travel the land causing mischief and mayhem on those who deserve it. The ranger still sulks about the kill he almost had, and the barbarian now runs a loot emporium happily trading gold for potentially dangerous magical items to anyone with deep enough pockets.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hellynx ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 06 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hello loves it's me Dave makes noises just wanted to thank everyone who came to hang out with us on the livestream on Friday we've got another one on the books soon stay tuned for the announcements now without further ado I beseech thee dm's and longtime D&D players what legendary move in a campaign will live on forever in infamy good or bad part one I was playing with a guy who played a halfling with high charisma while going through the forest we were surrounded by ten bandits who wanted us to go with them at knifepoint there were three of us and this was pretty early in the campaign the campaign made a turn none of us were expecting by saying that he would suck all their dicks so we could pass he rolled for it and with that infamous roll the DM let him suck those dicks all ten of them individually it took ages for him to get to all ten but he finally did it well once he was finished more like once they were finished how am i right the lead bandit said they were still taking us to their camp because they never agreed to let us through in exchange for the BJS so that whole exchange just led us to look at our friend in a different light that at the slightest inconvenience you just thought better suck these ticks oh my god my players tied two boats together and started a country they called it boat land eeeh over time they took over more boats and kept adding them to this boat city in the middle of the ocean I've added a boat land eeeh as a major city to every campaign I've hosted from then on out edit one of the players dropped alchemist fire on a boat and destroyed the entire town the rest of the party was pretty mad but he got a ton of xp for killing so many people who that took a turn that got dark RDM was bringing the party from the backwoods of our elven village to the big human city for the first time and this involved an encounter with an NPC who really wanted to buy my mule with a totally legitimate drawn note old-timey check the only problem was I'd rather have the mule than the money but this was a pushy and PC and I ended up asking what do you want mom ooh and PC breeding purposes entire campaign ground to a screeching halt as the entire party argued with the DM that mewls cannot breed be it should not require a knowledge nature role for my character to know that and see the DM has clearly fumbled his duh check back to the game in response to the nice elven hick ladies baffled confused how the NPC laconically responds oh I have a device this has been this friend groups catchphrase ever since and that is real friendship we needed to defeat a large dragon that would be difficult to fight so we came up with a plan we would frequently come up with creative solutions instead of just fighting the major enemies directly my character who was a chemist had the knowledge of how to make gunpowder and there was a village nearby where I could get all the supplies I needed to make a crude pipe bomb one of my friends went to the town and asked for the corpses of any recently executed criminals he got high rolls during negotiations with the town's government he then proceeded to put the three bombs that I had made inside two corpses we then left the corpses outside of the place where the dragon lived and hidden nearby while waiting for it to come and eat them it eventually came and swallowed them the entire plan hinged on the fire mage she rolled high and was able to ignite two out of the three bombs within the dragon's stomach causing it to blow up in a gory explosion story time at this time I was DMing over Skype for some friends know that feel including one I'll refer to as paladin since he always plays a paladin know that feel it was one of my first times as DM and I decided to pull a prank on paladin the party walked into a tavern and was greeted by a woman who asked the party for help retrieving some heirloom that a gang of kobolds stole the party finds the kobolds kills the kobolds grabs the heirloom and returns to the lady the lady thinks the party drags paladin to a back room of the inn and closes the door I now have my players attention she takes off her gloves everybody in the party isn't sure if this is really happening she takes off her coat everybody is laughing now that they know that this is really happening she takes off her skin the party goes silent paladin is extremely nervous and confused turns out the lady was a succubus and she nearly took out the party after mind-controlling paladin we had fun that night a few weeks ago I played as a player for the first time before I had only been a DM I was playing a human celestial warlock with +4 to charisma a young dragon attacked the town killing the mayor and I think we were supposed to run but we somehow defeated it and while the other players were trying to figure out how to prevent further attacks or who was responsible I told the DM I'm going to run for mayor so far it's been working party is in a large cavern deep in a dungeon with no easy way back to the surface they are in a nasty fight with a dragon the dragon is winning and they are trapped they can't climb out the dwarf fighter is in bad shape one more attack will kill him the dragon goes in for the killing bite at the same time the dwarf pulls out the most useless magic item ever a Qualls feather token he slams it into the ground as the dragon bites him in half killing him Qualls feather token tree a token that causes a great oak to spring into being 6 foot diameter trunk 60 feet height 40 feet top suddenly a fully grown Oh cram straight up the Dragons throat knocking the Dragons lower jaw off killing it and pinning its body against the ceiling 50 feet up in a kind of massive grizzly trophy dripping blood and acorns the last 10 feet of the tree breaks through into the floor above the rest of the party is able to climb up the tree to escape the level above this shortcut allows the party to get back to town and raise the Fallen dwarf in barely enough time a few hours later and he would have been dead for too long to be successfully raised I had one player who lost a bunch of money but not much considering their wealth through late night barn Fight Club betting I say that right I did unreasonably upset about this he determined to find out who handled the money and it turned out to be party friend and confidant Bob the farmer well he decided to follow Bob home snuck up behind him and said he would like to hit him in the head with a club ok no worries roll well that's a natural 20 Bob goes down hard player scoops up the coins and books it out of their player immediately started beginning negotiations with the other players about how it would be better if instead he be allowed to rewind and replay that event the players are dubious but he eventually convinces them to agree to it so he turns to me and says that he'd like to do it again no dice it happened next morning bob is found on the road severely injured and requiring CAIR through all the attempts of local healers they are unable to get his skull back together quite right and bob is bedridden and unlikely to be able to walk unassisted ever again player tries another rewind negotiation at this point no dice being such a good friend of the party Bob starts requesting the player to come sit by his side while he recovers and spends much time reminiscing of the good times they had together and how he is one of his only true friends and how much he appreciates the support during such a difficult time the player even led a search party to find the perpetrator but somehow did not find the culprit despite a number of near misses one player talks to a single NPC for like two hours just him and this is a guy who generally doesn't really participate he was like super high so he kept asking the same question just with a little bit more it was hilarious I had a character that constantly sought power due to having a little dick complex he was resurrected into a body with a micropenis you see the quicker and easier he could get power the better and he wouldn't heed the risks involved when the opportunity arose for him to make a deal with the snake gods here he took it in exchange for becoming as a here's vessel he would be granted enormous power he was obviously deceived by Zaheer snaked by the snake God and he was transformed into a gargantuan snake right there inside the temple which was near the center of the city but before losing control of his body he managed to shout for the entire city to hear as they bore witness to the giant beast that emerged from the city center I got a big day this literally happened on Wednesday night my players destroyed the entire Forgotten Realms with a wall of force and a dust of dryness pellet players are fighting big boss boss has just chow down on the party's drew it nearly killed her wizard casts wall of force as a sphere centered at floor level to trap the boss in there with the pally and the monk dumping the druid outside the monk decides to smash a pellet from a dust of dryness that had been used on a massive pool of holy water to drown the demon boss in holy water 3375 cubic feet of water appears in an indestructible 2094 cubic foot hemisphere assuming real-world physics this compresses water volume by 62% no big deal right only water doesn't like to be compressed it really doesn't like to be compressed maybe a physicist could given explain like I'm 5 or a more accurate assessment on this but according to our calculations this results in cataclysmic nuclear reaction as the water begins to fuse with itself everyone including the boss the pally and the monk and probably the entirety of faerun when the wall of force drops dies lessons learned by players electrostatic repulsion is a harsh mistress lessons learned by diem probably shouldn't allow real-world physics in D&D on my first time DMing pathfinder D&D for people who don't like maths it was also me and my entire groups first time playing tabletop the pre-made mission was to go into a cave and kill the black fang who was a slightly weaker than normal black dragon and by weaker than normal i still mean a party of four level ones is gonna die unless they're really [ __ ] lucky the idea was to need to force a retreat or the encounter is almost certainly gonna end with a TP k and my group did at first throughout the dungeon there are goblins and skeletons the party had been role-playing their [ __ ] hearts out and were on ok terms with the goblins the ones they didn't kill hew them fronting up to their second encounter with a dragon with a [ __ ] squad of goblins and their skeleton best friends for life it was ludicrous but they role played hard and so I let it slide the big team combat was difficult but we made it work ended with the party shoving a goblin down the black throughout to temporarily disable his breath attack and then ganking the [ __ ] out of him stood out as a super memorable intro to Pathfinder despite me basically DMing major parts of the game away because of the rule of cool hawaii inspired campaign with we're creatures and stuff of that like the entire campaign went as follows group boats out to round key for a vacation on some islands the moment they got there they find out that we're beasts have been running rampant and that there is always a full moon group needs to go the long way to the main city Oberyn look because the Kingsguard is trying to stop the infection from getting their groove traverses around the island fighting various creatures first a helpful Erik khakhra they meet becomes a where vulture without realizing it and they have to put him down they are attacked by a where octopus on the beach and learn that the infection is the work of either imps goblins or tea flings if I know where scorpion in the forest learning it's not just animals that can spread it but bugs too and while all this is happening they pissed off a crazy tera Mansur living on a beach early on so he stops by randomly to kill them they get to Oberyn look where they learned from mayor oz that they've successfully kept out all we're beasts except one and tasks the group with killing it the group comes across it but it's a mailed Ryder not a we're beasts they try to kill it but it escapes the group returns to the mayor he compensates them and gives the task to his own police force the group [ __ ] off and the side quests to get stronger they help several people around the city some dwarves give them weapons they help a church where the matriarch mother jun teaches the paladin some new healing spells and they aid an artisan named Peterson with money issues giving them all some good stat buffs all in all well played out trip the group island hops but come back to the city when they find out that it is in fact ancient goblins creating the where beasts and placing a full moon Mirage over the islands they go to tell oz find out that he's been captured by the goblins are now in control of the city they hold him hostage and demand a surrender the group fails all their charisma checks and dropped their weapons to spare the life of the mayor the goblins take the weapons and let the mayor go surprise mayor was a master goblin warlock in disguise he and his cronies were creating the we're beasts to use his weapons and were keeping the city clean so that they could evacuate it and in fact boat fulls of people traveling around the world as the group tries to reason with Oz the dry during the piss out of him group uses the confusion to grab their weapons and launch a full-on battle against the creatures they team up with the dry der and chase the Warlock throughout the capital building leading into an epic dungeon battle the Goblin falls to the ground dead the dry der transforms into a human the artisan from before it was at this point my paladin caught on he just called me a [ __ ] and leaned back in his chair much to the confusion of the other party members and so I ended with the following epilogue as you stand above the body of the Fallen warlock you sigh a sigh of relief this may have been your most dangerous quest yet a bite from any of your foes could have turned you into a vulture an octopus scorpion a lizard a chameleon so many seemingly harmless creatures and as you stand over the fallen goblin his green skin sagging off the corpse you look at the artisan with hope knowing that no matter what the island is always under the protective watch of Peterson the friendly neighborhood dried er man with that one marinate for a second audible confusion from the group followed by overdramatic anger past six months had all been a giant [ __ ] meme on my part it was all the spider-man reference pasted out so they would forget enough about what they had just done to not notice it how the locations were all anagrams round key is New York Oberyn look is Brooklyn the characters were also referenced without notice mother June is Aunt May the angry gnome who ran the printing press was briar Bradley Barton and then there was the Tara mansur at the beach earth wizard controlling sand the sand man it was so stupid it was awesome and they say I can't diem anymore hello my sweet little snack thank you so much for hanging out and watching this video to the end you rosy cheeked little [ __ ] cherub you if you're new around these parts please say hello in the comments if this ain't your first tour with us please share a fun fact in the comments maybe I'll use the best ones as tinder intros because I don't know how to online date all that well so you'll be helping me spit big game and that's always appreciated my boob if you wonder where all this big day of energy comes from you can [ __ ] around and find out by looking up our didi friends over at adventurers coffee company you can use our discount code mister Ripper for 10% off on some mighty [ __ ] beans dude please be a sweet darling and check out our upcoming live stream schedule by the time this video airs we will have one I assume because it's about to get a whole lot cozier over here and rip daddy's house you are in for a treat and I am excited for all of us anyway that's the scoop for today kiddos check out our discord it's chaotic something in there check out our subreddit same to be honest and please sub for not 20s thanks again for watching and we look forward to the next one
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 169,620
Rating: 4.9474516 out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role
Id: vN5-LTYtjEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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