What's The Weirdest Thing You Found On Your Kid's Internet History?

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parents who have checked their child's internet history what is the weirdest or most freaked up thing you found on it stepdaughter was into ninja turtles for a while she would read fanfiction and roleplay with some random people she would pretend to be pregnant with turtle babies triplets and another time she was one of the ninja turtles having gay sex with another turtle a direct quote was i rub my dong on your dong and moan lightly there are some things you do not need to find lol i hope in 15 years she googles that exact quote and an archive of this comment appears not a parent story but close enough used to be the i.t department for a kinda through fifth grade school once we actually received a budget to purchase laptops for the classrooms i was tasked with imaging them all and also implementing a web content filter which we hadn't had previously since it was before students had computer access well i wanted to make sure my filter was working well so naturally i test it my go to site is always boobs.com because it's relatively benign or it was haven't checked it in 10 years and it should always trigger a filter it gets blocked filter works life is good i deliver laptops to the classrooms and go about my job as usual a few months later a teacher comes ripping down into my office holding a laptop breathlessly yelling we have a problem the kids are systematically trying to bypass the filter i'm like whoa whoa how do you know i've checked 10 machines now and everyone one of them has boobs.com in the search history as soon as she said it i realized my mistake i used the first laptop to check the filter which happened to be the laptop i used to create the donor image that i then cloned onto every other laptop in the school i successfully put boobs.com as the only address in the search history on every school computer you're welcome parents my kids have an old android phone of mine that we let them play games on my son is for and managed to figure out how to use the google voice search he went and hid in his room and searched for youtube videos on how to grow up this is adorable my son looked up screaming freaking b he was 11 at the time not ordinary freaking b the screaming kind that almost sounds like it could be the title of a really bad or really good b movie i received my first computer when i was 15. before that my only interaction with the internet was when i visited my older married sister during the summer my first experience with the internet was when i was 12. i visited my sister and she left me alone in the house for the day while she and my bill worked my parents did that all the time it was cool that night when he got home my bill sat me down he had a little smirk on his face he thought he caught me red-handed did you know my computer keeps a record of the websites you visit number i didn't he proceeds to pull up his internet history and sees nine hours of activity of any morphs searching for an amorph websites posting in any more forums reading about any morphs reading an amorph fan fiction looking at an amore fan art just animorphs my guess is he expected me to look up p and instead of telling me not to do it ahead of time he thought it was fair and reasonable to bust my balls after the fact and humiliate me but frick that douchebag animorphs is where it's at i'll shame this young child entering puberty about his growing sexual curiosity that'll show him hahaha this is about my mom and my brother who was 14 at the time my brother was just discovering internet p and would get up really early in the morning to look at it but my mom caught on after a virus was downloaded and she started looking up the history one morning my brother looks at a website with an address like jugs.com or something but he spells it wrong and it takes him to a sport website when my mom gets up she looks at the history sees it and at breakfast she looks at him if you wanted p you should have spelled it with 2gs his face was priceless not me but my boss told me a story of his eight-year-old son's youtube history apparently he would take the ipad and just watch videos of asian children crying for hours on end a friend's younger brother was starting to get to that age i think 11 or so their family computer kept getting infected with viruses and whatnot parents wouldn't do much about it until they found how big is a vagina in the google search and they decided to sit him down for a little sex ed cracks me up every time i deleted my dad's p history and he was p it was the early 2000s and he had a subscription to reality kings is it weird i jacked off to the same p might added after the third or fourth time having to clean my parents computer of viruses i bookmarked a few sites that were safe and told my dad he should stick with those from now on i searched boob when i was younger on the family computer and we were all called over to figure out which one of me and my siblings did it my older brother got the blame as he was the only boy sorry bro it was me just the one i'm 21 i'm more concerned about my parents checking my browser history now as opposed when i was 12 stroke 13 crap gets a lot darker fast not my kids but when i was in high school my best friend and i went through his little brother's computer to my amazement in a week he had gone from simple boobs searches on google to finding hardcore bestiality and there wasn't just one site there were several over two days we clicked on the first one and both of us started to gag and didn't check any others out we decided not to throw him under the bus to his parents but as we all played halo after we kept making analogies for anything negative that happened to animal p we were dying by the end of it and little bro just laughed uncomfortably never found it on his comp again but he may have just cleared his history from then on surprised it took this long to find the best reality story in this discussion when i was 13 and my youngest brother was about eight or so i found his ipod touch and decided to check his google search history in safari it read as such guns call of duty p just the word p no context or modifiers those were also the only entries he's a simple man with simple pleasures america my son was looking for nice racks when confronted he pointed out we told him he could decorate his room and he was looking for shelving 10 stroke 10 for creativity on the spot well i'm sure my dad was disappointed by big tits roundaciz.com judging by the fact that he couldn't look at me when he told me not to go to those sites my dad installed a blocker that i quickly found a way around five-year-old looked up on youtube when i wasn't around for fidgener videos and pepe videos and he didn't mean rare peeps what the frick is with all these frogs my mom used to give me crap for finding my search history that of course had pee in it this was late 90s early 2000s the problem was my mom is actually and still is bad with computers she knows enough to do her job at work and that's about where that knowledge ends so one night she comes to my room to berate me for looking at p and threatens to install parental control software and in a move only a smartest teenager would think is brilliant said are you going to have me install it too my parents are divorced so she immediately phoned my dad and complained to him about how i'm out of control she eventually hands the phone to me and my dad says son that was funny as heck but don't talk back to your mother and don't be so obvious about your pee habits well grown up here and that was freaking brilliant i bet your mom was a little proud too and just couldn't let on when my son was about eight he'd been searching for vagina and clearly come across some websites that told him had been blocked due to content filtering that was the point at which he went searching for unlocked vagina it still worries me what horrors that search for well this happened to me but my dad when i was younger saw 60-year-old penis in my search bar and was completely shocked still super embarrassing to think about my son is 16 now so this was about four years ago i had got a new tablet and he had gotten in the habit of taking it into his room to play games on i got curious one day and looked at the search history pokemon cheat code halo map big boobies dongsuk minecraft it was such an odd mix i had to laugh i bookmarked some sites that he could look at that weren't hardcore p s i swimsuit site etc i let him know he could look at these and it was okay the last few years he's had his own laptop and i really don't even bother anymore trying to control a teenage boy's masturbatory habits is the definition of fighting a losing battle you should have bookmarked a few soft core sights and then one where clowns fart on each other just to mess up his sex life my parents if they had looked through my history would have found a bunch on medieval torture methods i was nine i looked at the internet history on the home computer to find how to fist people i confronted my son about it and he told me that somebody upset him at school and he wanted to fist him he got suspended from school the next day for fisting a kid in the face i laughed continuously for the next 10 minutes thereafter when i was 13 my friend really excitedly ran up to me and told me he fisted a bully in his class i couldn't stop laughing for weeks when i was around 12 i would look up 12 year old girls naked p surprise we never got a visit from the government although this probably put me on a list i used to do the same then i realized that it was illegal my kid looked up ruth ginsburg naked clinton naked hillary clinton naked followed by spongebob lyrics life on mars ending with condo lisa rice naked needless to say there was no more internet for her still trying to figure out why she wanted to see those people of all people naked but we can't talk about that too weird good ol condo lisa i caught my eight-year-old brother looking up naked eight-year-old naked eight-year-old with boobs naked eight-year-old pretty and my personal favorite naked 8 year old ugly he's 10 now and doesn't know i seen anything had i been older i probably would have talked to him about it but i was a pretty naive 16 year old so i just deleted his history i check his history now from time to time though i hope listing his searches didn't put me on any list lol to be fair the government probably realized that kids do this by now and so knows how to ignore which times are obviously kids not my child but i cleaned up a computer for my dad's co-worker it was her son's computer and i found several pictures of his escapades and some random pee the most memorable was two dudes dressed as pterodactyls banging a chick in a forest we used to get drunk and make people watch pterodactyl pee all the time the best is that the guys get into it forget they are supposed to be pterodactyls and then suddenly remember and start flapping their wings again not a parent but when i was 12 10 years ago now i had my own laptop and did the whole google image search for most of my naked women boobs needs but one night i got a pop-up saying you have a virus download this now if you want to stop it and dumb12 wyoming downloaded it in a panic i woke my father up at like 2am brought him downstairs to try and fix my laptop and just hearing him reading through my history to try and find what caused this virus just half a sleep grunting saying and then suddenly saying my first lesbian.com that virus sure put some weird sights on there i don't even know what that is i mean gee we like his dad i was helping my husband's nine-year-old cousin hack his pokemon game when i accidentally opened the browser on his ds which had some very hardcore p pages displayed he quickly snatched his ds from me and hid for the rest of the family gathering in the bathroom claiming he felt sick not as sick as i felt kiddo i doubt my son has anything close to mine i spent a month taking pictures of the remains of successful suicide bombers and turning them into textures four games in 2004 i've kinda had the total opposite of this i work in a phone shop and naturally get asked to fix the family's phones whenever they're acting up dad has a problem with his phone not connecting to the internet one day reset it and open the browser red hot milfs tab is still open proceeds to scrub hands until they bleed i work in tech and it's always the teachers principles and clergy that have the barely legal p i never gave a frick when i was a kid on my parents computer it'd stay typing in boobies big boobies boobs every day in the search engine half the time putting it up on the screen when my dad went to the bathroom and coming back in on him and acting surprised like he was the one looking at big boobies dang you were establishing dominance hardcore my 11 year old daughter was role-playing on instagram she had about 15 different accounts all differently characters there were some conversations that were getting a little heated talking about making out and stuff luckily i caught it before any clothes came off but there was some under the shirt touching but the saddest thing was that sometimes she was just switching between accounts and rpi'ing with herself i cried a lot that morning not a parent-child story but semi-relevant at a training course for professionals that by included a few co-workers the instructor opened his laptop which was set up on the projector when he opened his browser pounding buttholes was in the search bar only one co-worker and i seemed to notice i had to step out in the hallway as i could not control my laughter when i stepped back in he's continuing to demonstrate the basic functionality of the website and ready to teach us to make our own accounts here he suggests searching for this website create account he realized what was in the search history and promptly deleted it i think our mirth finally clicked then and then he fainted onto the podium which created quite the gash on his forehead which led to the cancellation of the class oh lord if my parents checked my log between the age of 12 present 19 it have a lot to explain my history was cuter when i was younger simpson sex on youtube in 2007 now it's euphoria my six-year-old is into my little pony and undertale stuff on youtube every so often i'll have to stop a video where some neck that takes the subject to uncomfortable levels i can explain sexuality violence etc but how do you explain a grown man spending 15 minutes rendering rainbow dash's anus while listening to pop how do you explain son and papyrus making out and holding bones with blushy faces and hearts i've taken a very realistic approach towards parenting and telling my daughters the facts of life santa isn't real dragons and unicorns are make-believe but some crap on the internet is extremely difficult to explain undertale really isn't a kid games though tbh the fan base ended up like that for who knows why but the game is all about murder and twisted philosophy during a certain storyline i watched my daughter watch mickey mouse toy unboxings yesterday that isn't odd and of itself but the people that make these videos are freaking scary you only see their hands and hear their voices but you know they are adults at our way into toddler toys not a parent however i was around a lot when my friends would torture their younger siblings one time i was at a friend's house and he wanted to frick with his little brother while his little brother was out we got to hold off his laptop to check out his internet history apparently his brother had a thing for chicks with dongs we found one particular image of a [ __ ] with a huge boner wearing an m a bison hat naturally we saved it as his background image took a screenshot deleted all of his desktop icons hit the menu bar and changed his admin password fun times and he wanted to frick with his little brother read that as wanted to frick his little brother and was very worried for a second i walked in on my daughter googling debbie ryan naked debbie ryan being the star of disney's jessie it was a good teaching moment about sexuality and internet security she was 10 at the time my daughter not debbie ryan i wouldn't know how to talk about that i was the youngest my brother saying he'd find videos of guys working out on the computer embarrassing cause i was in the closet at the time my younger brother would watch youtube tutorials of how to make different kinds of superhero cakes when he was around six seven he found a captain america one that he absolutely loved so of course we made it and of course it didn't look anything like the tutorial probably the most innocent comment here reading all these stories got me thinking about how back in the day my friends and i would trade floppies containing two or three whole bmps of the most vanilla crap possible we thought we were hardcore though i never got caught or at least i thought i didn't you can never ever be sure my parents never said anything though folks these days will never understand the frustration of a pick loading in tiny increments in the paranoia that your parents would catch you in the act especially since most of our computers at the time were in living rooms worse yet was when someone called me download and you had to dial in and start over praying no one would walk by crap is way too easy these days when it comes to the pen i know my mum found a furry p story i forgot to get rid of because she left me a note asking that i not look at such things something something uncomfortable with it wait until you're older i died a bit inside that day i work at a school during state testing in the computer lab a seventh grader took it upon himself to search girls with melons it called us right away just an innocent fan of fruit not a parent but was helping my uncle's foster son fix up his computer in his google search history was how to kill an electrician my uncle is an electrician kid was highly troubled although every now and then i remember vividly when one night we were at a hotel traveling to motorcycle vintage days and he looked me dead in the eyes and said this is bulls dogs can lick their own balls why can't i someone at his school showed my son the reaction video from family guy of brian seeing two girls one cup naturally he wanted to see what all the fuss was about he was 12. the search was done his ipad touch he denied it claimed someone had hacked his ipad to frame him well i don't have kids but i was at my grandparents house and needed to use their computer when i started typing in the address bar i got a lot of suggestions for websites leading to ebony p my grandparents racist as frick and he's 80 years old i was preety surprised if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: parents, parents stories, parenting, parenting tips, parenting styles, internet history, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: no2jqkln5Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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