What's the most supernatural event you've witnessed? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what is the most unexplained supernatural or paranormal event you've ever witnessed I heard my two-year-old daughter talking in her room in the middle of the night I went in and asked her what she was doing he said , talking to Samantha she's on the ceiling my wife had miscarried a few months prior it was a girl we were going to name her Samantha you should know that I consider myself to be a very rational person I'm not superstitious and I don't believe in psychic powers or the supernatural my best friend Travis and I used to play guitars together almost every day that's not important now but it will be later one day we decided to go to the beach with our girlfriends and take some mushrooms after a little while when the mushrooms were kicking in Travis said that he wanted to wander off alone so I stayed with our girlfriends we all had a great time as the Sun began to set Travis girlfriend asked me , where's Travis none of us knew where he was but I could hear him playing the guitar so I suggested that we just follow the sound of the music until we got to him the girls told me that I must have really good hearing because they couldn't hear anything I said , well I can definitely hear it so just follow me now here's the strange part I followed the sound for several minutes into the forest and went directly to him but when we reached him he did not have a guitar and I realized that we had left our guitars at home I still have no idea how that happened I posted this story in other places I once found my pet tortoise in a tree casually munching on some leaves all the evidence surrounding the story is conflicting and doesn't give us any answers edit the tortoises name is speedy not tittles and she is way too heavy for even a pair of bald eagles to pick her up I was very anxious in the 24 hours prior to my brother's death and there was no reason I should have felt that way dude I have a similar story also I'm really sorry that happened to you I live in a city two hours away from my family my grandma dad's mom was in hospital dying of bowel cancer I didn't know how bad it was in terms out exactly long she had I woke up at the exact time she died 2:00 a.m. with the worst pain I have ever felt in my life radiating from my stomach it lasted about 20 minutes I woke up in the morning 9 a.m. to a text from my mum asking me to call her I immediately knew what had happened when I called my mum she told me she had a dream like the exact same time 2:00 a.m. in which line and was wearing all white looking really chill and happy laughing saying it's ok I'm all right everything will be ok still gives me the heebie-jeebies once I came home from work and the house was clean wife was the only person there all day have never been able to explain it played wieder with some friends and it started being threatening and Saturday so we threw it away in a church dumpster the next day that church was struck by lightning and burnt to the ground when I was about 10 I saw a large rocket fire almost vertically down into the sea this was on a small Mediterranean island and there was no explosion of a mention on the news no sign of it off to Rhett entered the water no one else was nearby to see it I'm late to the threat but reading some of these has compelled me to post this isn't my story but my mom's she is an extremely rational person but this event caused her to have such severe panic attacks that she had to return and live with her parents for six months all of this happened a few years before I was born my mom's first husband was a Navy pilot during the or the carrier was about ten days into its crews and operating with complete radio silence she hadn't heard anything from the ship since it left but that was to be expected this was a law on that night about ten days into the cruise my mom woke up suddenly in the middle of the night she saw her husband standing in the room it wasn't an affair you'll form either he appeared solid and utterly the same the only thing different about him was that his head was shaved he only had one thing to say coma goodbye this whole experience startled my mom and she couldn't get back to sleep she went to the kitchen to get some water when the doorbell rang all military wives know what the late-night doorbell means her husband had suffered a massive heart attack and died aboard the carrier she was grief written but reasoned that the apparition had been a hallucination born of the stress of having a spouse deployed besides with his head shaved he didn't even look that familiar her mother and mother-in-law flew out immediately to plan for the funeral and receive the body she stayed strong until the first feeling of the body a lifeless husband was born in a letter from his nfo the shaved head was explained as the result of a lost pet there had been no way of knowing that his head had been shaved and my mom suffered a minor mental break my wife and I were getting dinner on the table our four-year-old son was in the adjoining room and said comma hey that's the job I had in my last life he's looking at the TV and there is a man shaping metal over a fire we were shocked because we had never discussed reincarnation with them or even with each other in his presence we're atheists I tried to get him to elaborate but he just went back to what he was doing like he never said it I have a lot of stories but I'll go with my favorite my grandpa who was a tough-as-nails World War two marine vet had a little stuffed bunny he kept it out in the open and what he would walk past it and thought no one was looking he would pet it big old tough guy petting a little stuffed bunny an adorable secrecy it was an ongoing family joke anyways he committed suicide and we all went to the house to deal with the police and Demi and everything we stayed in the house that's night and it had an overall creepy vibe because of what had happened we were all naturally upset and struggling and doing dumb things to try to make ourselves laugh to try to deal with it and we realized the bunny has been moving like it would be on the dining table and then we will see it in the den an hour later I thought someone was doing it as a joke but everyone swore they wouldn't do that and we never caught anyone doing it I kept an eye on that bunny the entire week never saw anyone touch it but it would still be moved I think granddad was playing jokes on us not the most convincing or scary story but I liked it his cell phone also called his landline that was weird edit thank you guys for your funny additions to this story grandpa is in Valhalla with the bunny and the bunny might have actually killed him or the bunny had a clues to treasures or I stole the bunny myself close bracket you guys always know how to lighten these things up I love it me and some of my buddies were smoking hash around 3:00 a.m. we decided to play Bloody Mary two of my buddies and I went and nothing happened then Ollie went in said Bloody Mary three times and came back unscathed while he was grinning about the fact that were such fools to believe something would happen his nose began to bleed when he realized that he got into semi shock and just sat in one place shivering like it was minus 30 degrees the rest of us just went numb and sat there trying to contemplate what the frick just happened no one slept that night was spending the night at a friend's house as a kid around 12-30 parents weren't home so we decided to go out do some dingdong ditching get into some young angsty debauchery we get home and it's around 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning QR ringing of the doorbell naturally we think it's the cops or a piece set off neighbor my friend had a small window that looked out onto the front porch that you couldn't really see into from outside so we took a peek at who was calling at such a late hour standing at the door was an old woman in a dress and a young boy in a weird news the outfit both were dressed extra Meli out of period as this was the 90s and my friend had never seen either in the neighborhood before we ducked because we are a bit freaked again no less than 10 seconds later and they're both gone nobody on the street walking away no cars driving away they were just gone without a trace we did not sleep well somewhere out into the mountains near Mammoth CA as a kid my dad myself the few family friends were out gazing at the Stars being as I was from LA I think it was the first time I'd ever seen the stars without light pollution so I was fascinated I pointed out to a cluster of three stars and said hey look it's saurians belt my father corrected me and showed me that Orion's belt with elsewhere so I asked well what constellation is that Ben and pointed back to the one from before he conceded that it did look very similar to Orion's belt but that he couldn't tell what it actually was a little while later what appeared to be the middle star of the three started moving quickly asterisk it zigzagged through the sky for several seconds before its brightness intensified and then just like that it disappeared to this day the only thing I can think of that it could possibly be was some kind of experimental drone but this was in the early 90s and I'm not sure drones existed back then and if it was a drone it was must have been a damned advanced one because it stood still for long enough that myself and several adults nearby all thought it was a star anyway kinda boring story I guess but that's the only thing I've ever seen in my life that I really can't explain scientifically my mom passed when I was seven flash-forward to middle school we were at this band clinic thing at my mom's old high school each school prepared their own peace with their vans and then we all got the same piece to do together if that makes sense anyways we were waiting around to get back on stage to play with everyone and were just chatting away as a group I looked over and at the back of the room was a woman who looked identical to my mom same red hair glasses height everything I caught her looking at me a few times and smiling at me turn to tell some friends about it and by the time I looked back she was gone and I didn't see her after that also I graduated with a French award from high school I did my walk across the stage obligatory photo with my department head who I'm close with looking out at the crowd three rows behind my dad stepmom and aunt I saw the same lady from before super Airy but also kinda nice I lived in a haunted house with three roommates they lived there for a couple of weeks before I did and swore up and down that a young woman was haunting the house one of them said they had some incense manually extinguished when they weren't home another one said they were feeling around in the dark looking for a light switch and felt the hair on the top of someone's head someone that wasn't there when the light came on I being a good and proper atheist and knowing my room mates were kind of hot Air's thought it was all bollocks and that they were paranoid a month or so after I moved in I was laying in bed when I heard a girl crying in the hallway two of my room mates were girls so I got up to do the requisite investigating and consoling I opened my door to see who it was only to discover that I was the only person home at that time I'm still not a major believer in the supernatural but I won't rule anything out now making toast late one night facing the kitchen bench eating for a good 5-10 mins cleaned up and turned around and every single cupboard door and cutlery drawer were open they were all closed when I went into the kitchen and there was no way anyone could have snuck and undone it because I was home alone I also didn't hear them open and the time I was there scared the SH T out of me so I froze let it register for a few seconds then calmly closed everything and went back to my room to hide until daylight one of a few weird things to happen growing up not me but my stepfather's best friend Colm doom has supposedly been experiencing paranormal activity since he was a teenager he's a court reporter stepdad was a speechwriter very skeptical and stoic guys there were countless stories they got on an elevator full of people in downtown Atlanta stopped at a floor that was all kinds of wrong 1940s they call abandoned dusty then the elevator went back down and opened on the opposite side of the building Jim's dog died a week later the stereo turned on by itself and started playing a song Jim loved to play for his pet though CD inside it had snowed the night before and there were paw prints in the backyard leading to the house but none near the gate he frequently finds giant piles of coins under his pillow he lived in London for a time thinking he'd escaped the spirit which had begun to scratch him hard on his arms and legs after six months he found a little pile of pennies in his bed even though he hadn't been carrying American coin the personally witnessed one strange event while Jim was around was walking down the stairs and felt something whipped past my head and heard it hit the wall looked down and saw a quarter dated 1948 I thought my sister was messing with me but she was down at the lake with everyone else Donald Trump's incredible rise in popularity the rise in popularity isn't as fascinating as the way he talks I've watched numerous videos on this topic and he seems to be brilliant in communication skills it's not only that he's anti-establishment but it's also is the way he presents himself in the way he plays the media one time when I was little I really really really wanted an extra yellow Lego to finish my masterpiece land statue and the next day I found exactly one yellow Lego in the exact size that I needed to finish it if that doesn't prove the existence of God I don't know what does my husband talks about stuff like this happening to him all the time he calls it manifesting for example he cut his finger at work and thought he really needed a band-aid a few minutes later he reached into his pocket for his phone and found a fresh band-aid his pants had just been laundered in the band-aid who was brand new this stuff happens to him all the time when I was around 6 or 7 we had a cat that had kittens we knew it had kittens because it was pregnant and then it wasn't anymore the problem was that we had no idea where the kittens were I was wondering about it and looked right at the cat and sort of thought in my mind where are your kittens but without using words if that makes any sense immediately the location came into my mind it was through some broken boards just above our porch that our cat could jump into from pillows on the side of the porch I knew that they were there I walked straight over there climbed onto the stone pillar and looked through the hole in the board's the kittens were right there I've never had a similar experience again in my life my girlfriend and I were visiting my sister who lived in a 200 year old home in western ma that used to be a brothel we were staying in her guest room which recently had new carpet installed that was rather tall and stiff this made it quite difficult to open and shut the door I recall using my bodyweight to force it shut and deeding to yank it open as I'm trying to fall asleep I hear something bumped the door from the hallway I assume this is my sister her boyfriend their dog a few minutes later I hear something at the door again but this time the knob turns I freeze as I see the knob slowly turn in the door begin to open until I see a shape resembling the silhouette of a young girl the only child in the house is an infant I immediately roll over onto my side close my eyes attempt to convince myself that what I saw was the silhouette of the dog I don't mention this to my girlfriend or my sister because I don't want to alarm anyone fast forward a few months my girlfriend and I are returning to Western ma to attend my sister's wedding and we will be staying in the same room on the plane my girlfriend says I have something I feel I should tell you about your sister's house I immediately know where she's going with this as it turns out she was awake when the door opened but he got a better look than I she describes seeing a girl of about five or six wearing a Victorian styled nightgown opened the door and stare her in the eyes with a penetrating intensity before my girlfriend looked away I tell her my story and we decide to make sure we drink enough to pass out every night so we won't be awake if we are visited I saw the pH annex lights with my own eyes in a hardcore UFO alien government conspiracy not ever since the pH annex lights were a series of lights that appeared one after another on the 13th of March 1997 forming this huge arc they floated in the air for an hour or so thousands and thousands of people reported seeing a silent craft the size of a football stadium passing over their homes as well including the governor at the time Fife Symington it was never fully explained I was watching my parents dog while they were out of town my sister passed away in their house about a year prior while I was there I witnessed a picture of her fall off the wall and I discovered that every picture of her in the house had fallen off the wall seemingly at the same time they didn't keep many pictures up in general so it was only four different pictures combo I chalked it up to something shaking the house even though we live in Ohio and I felt nothing I went home to my apartment face up on my desk was a picture of my sister and me that I knew I had packed away I don't believe in things like this but this occurred at a time where I was still very much actively grieving the loss of my sister and it hit me hard still can't explain it I was staying at a hotel one visiting family and I ran back up to our suite to grab something before heading out to dinner I noticed my brows were a little off so I grabbed my eyebrow brush to touch them up as well as a lip gloss to apply i sat the brush on top of the chest of drawers next to the TV stand that sat on the chest standing right next to the chest in front of a mirror on the wall I applied my lip gloss I then went to grab my eyebrow brush but it was gone I looked under the TV stand on the dresser underneath the dresser all over where I knew I had left it over the course of about two minutes as I finally checked again under the TV I heard a drop of the carpet like something had fallen and there in the middle of the floor at least four feet away from the dresser was my brush no idea how it got there or how I heard him drop as I was looking for it several seconds after I noticed it was missing from where I put it there's no way I would have ended up in that spot from where I set it and I heard him drop after I saw it was gone from where I put it this seems like a dumb story but I slept with the like son regardless so much paranormal sh-t happened to me when I was a kid one that has always stuck was when I was about three or four years old back then I used to randomly wake up in the middle of the night really often for no known reason I was still sleeping in my parents bed at the time so I would just lay in bed and look around I swear every frickin time I'd look at the doorway to the living room I would see two really tall figures standing there they looked like the old farm couple in that one painting except they had hollow eyes and they were thinner they never really didn't do anything but stare back at me at first one night was especially weird I woke up as usual and saw them standing there I front of the doorway again only this time something felt a bit more off than usual the ceiling fan was on high and the blades were going so fast that the entire fixture was moving back and forth I look back at the figures and they have some really dark creepy grins on their faces I got scared and buried myself in the blankets hoping they'd go away then all I heard was the ceiling fan spinning even faster somehow the beads at the end of the switches were tapping against the glass light cover furiously I peeked up out of my covers and the two figures were right next to the bed standing right over me with their ugly smiles I screamed bloody murder and the glass cover on the light came off and shattered on the ground my dad jumped out of bed immediately in turned on the light to see what happened but the two figures were gone already I was crying hysterically and took my mom a long time to calm me down so much other stuff went on while and lived there that was the worst house I ever lived in I was having a horrible dream of being stabbed by the beaks of small tiny dinosaurs they were foaming at the mouth and had an insatiable hunger for my blood I woke up in a fevered sweat contemplating how utterly real the experience was I could still feel the aching pain in my back coma whoa what a freaking close one that was I thought I shifted in my bed to try and find that cold a fresh piece of blanket that wasn't covered in my body warmth and sweat in doing so revealing one mighty breaded chicken wing prodding into back it is true what they say one know what not to involves you in the kernel late at night when I was young probably around 8-10 I caught chickenpox I woke up in the middle of the night one night and called for my mom because little kids can't do sh t for themselves when they're sick a woman came into my bedroom and sat on my bed and stroked my hair until I fell asleep for whatever reason I thought it was my grandmother but she was dressed funny when I woke up the next morning I went downstairs for breakfast and asked where my grandma was and naturally my mom told me that she was at her house like she always was I told my mom she'd been in my room the night before and my mom laughed and said that had just been dreaming however my arms who tended to believe that sort of thing more was babysitting me that day the upside to chickenpox meant there was no school for me and I told her the story she asked me to describe the weird outfit and it was a nurse's outfit from the 50s early 60s my family knew the previous owners of the house the wife was a nurse in the 50s and had died a few months previously can I say with 100% certainty that I had an encounter with a spirit no but it's certainly a spooky coincidence kind of late here but anyway when I was about 12 I had a very vivid dream that I was at the funeral of a young child but no one could see me at some points in the dream I figured out that the dead child was my elder sibling as far as I knew at the time I was the eldest woke up waving to my dad about being there , I saw him bury the elder one etc' before just passing out I remember my parents being really shaken when I woke up and they revealed to me that my mum had had a miscarriage a couple of years before I was born and never told me freaked me out to this day I get a little creeped out when my dreams are little more vivid than normal not me but my twin brother we were around six years old and in Central Australia without dad and elder brother we were doing some nature walk and he fell back a bit he then screams and runs and catches up he told my dad he had seen something later that day we were in the town nearby and my twin pointed at a painting in an art gallery and said that the figure in it was what he had seen my dad went into the gallery and asked the person at the counter what the figure in the painting was and they said it is an aboriginal spirit that takes children who wander too far from the camp or family was sitting up in bed meditating one mid-morning and a paperboard lampshade crumpled on one side as I looked at it just one side caved in as if someone had driven a fist slowly into it was bent inwards light was off totally inexplicable once when I was about 13 I was home alone when I heard a rattling coming from my dad's room upstairs I went up there to see what it was and saw my dad's computer chair spinning to a slow halt as if it had been spinning rapidly up to the point I had ventured up there we lived in a hundred-year-old house and I often justify it as maybe a rat jumped on it and started the spinning or something but the noise was loud enough for me to notice with the television on a fairly mild volume well Monday I started to worry about my grandpa the moment of worry passed and I went about my day later on I posted an article about automated lawn mowers saying that my grandpa would love this since taking care of his yard was his hobby literally right after I hit share my dad calls me we all know this feeling it's the drop in your stomach when you know something terrible has happened or it's about to a feeling that your world has changed and there's nothing you can do anyways he tells me that my grandpa was rushed to the hospital with a bladder infection followed by several heart attacks but he's still alive I didn't think anything about worrying earlier at least until I woke up the next morning my dream that night was what made it click in my head I guess in the dream I was sitting in my grandpa's shed watching something and he sits down next to me without any pretense he starts talking , the next few weeks are gonna be hard and they will test you don't worry about me in a few hours I won't have any use for it we ended up spending more seemed like hours talking about a lot of personal things things I honestly didn't know or didn't remember about my grandpa most of which my dad and his brother have confirmed to be true although a little exaggerated apparently grandpa didn't die until around noon on Tuesday pretty much just a few hours three-hour time difference after my dream I'm not religious nor will I be but Frick's sake what a freak I know the subconscious mind can do things like this but some of the details he told me about his life are things I wasn't there for or even a life for [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 35,367
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: t0cDIqtZC8A
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Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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