What is the worst decision ever made in history? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what was the biggest fuck-up in history Archduke Franz Ferdinand's bodyguard I mean talk about a butterfly effect holy it the Fourth Crusade it started as a crusade for Jerusalem from an invasion through Egypt and the Crusaders ended up invading Croatia and Constantinople this also led to the weakening of the Byzantine Empire and eventually its downfall while not the biggest it was still a pretty bad duck up the Prohibition it failed completely to stop people from drinking cause tons of deaths and injuries because people would drink anything with alcohol in it including paint thinner it also gave rise to massive organized crime in the most famous mobster ever Al Capone operation cottage 1943 US and Canada landed on the island of Kiska which had been occupied by Japanese forces they successfully took control over the island though 32 soldiers lost their lives fifty soldiers were wounded and 191 soldiers went missing the duct up the Japanese weren't there they had secretly left the island two weeks prior year salt outside of political moves probably the time Western Union told Alexander Graham Bell to duck off with his toy the telephone they offered the patent to W you for 100k dollars dolla sign's who em today and two years later was president regretted it saying if he could buy it for 25 million dollars dollar sign 550 em today it would be a bargain bill went on to start what would be American telephone and telegraph a tant cost your minds back to World War one the Allies had no good ideas on how to make machine gun bullets go through spinning propellers for their fighter planes the running method was to mount the guns on top of the wings where they would be hard to aim and harder to operate then one night a German pilot was flying along in his until you put a gear equipped fighter but got lost in the bad weather eventually he saw an airfield and landed safe and sound unfortunately for him it was an allied airfield and the West had just captured the all-important interrupter gear the execution of genghis comes in void by the shot of queer as 'm Persia or modern-day Iran more or less jenga's can legitimately wanted to trade with them in order to fund his war with China instead the Shah decides to insult a smelly Mongol and kill his representative this of course infuriated the Great Khan leading to the Mongol invasion of first cuirass man than the rest of the Middle East resulting in the complete destruction of his kingdom and devastation of the entire region millions of deaths and the eventual burning of Baghdad one of the world's greatest cities and great repositories of knowledge this legitimately could have changed the course of world history at the time the Islamic world was the richest and best educated region of the world they had the largest cities the best scientists and artists and were generally tolerant of other cultures especially in comparison to Europe at the time all of that was burnt to the ground because one ruler was at the head who didn't want to treat with a smelly [ __ ] for more see Chernobyl was right up there on the pretty big duck up list hey look it's a boat with some white people on it I'll go see what they want I'd have to say the agent bTW Zed's virus it was so strong that the Pentagon couldn't defeat it it was found on a USB stick in a parking lot in the beginning the universe was created this has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move Douglas Adams Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812 he marched the Grand Army six hundred and eighty thousand soldiers strong into Russia and June and they retreated in December with only 120,000 survivors imagine losing five hundred and sixty thousand men in five months edit in the middle 1800s a South African coarser woman non-core use prophesized that her tribe would receive divine powers if they obeyed the spirits of her ancestors by killing all of their cattle and destroying their crops after realizing that they had destroyed their food source around 78 zero zero zero corset members starved due to the resulting famine the Japanese failed to deliver their declaration of war before the attack on Pearl Harbor they had hoped the sudden loss of all the Pacific fleets battleships would have been enough of a blow to force a negotiated peace but the feeling of betrayal instead galvanized Americans like nothing before him saw high-school students walking out of class and factory workers walking off the line to go enlist the u.s. was so incensed the chances of a negotiated peace were killed instantly invading Russia in the winter going in against a Sicilian when death is on the line the decision to stop bombing British airfields and instead bombing London if the Germans had continued destroying allied air bases and other supporting infrastructure they could have won the Battle of Britain it's a lot of Napoleon and Hitler references what about invading Iraq when there were no WMD and destabilizing the country and region resulting in thousands of civilian deaths and directly given rise to Isis issue the EMU war I can't link it I'm on mobile but it was basically the Australian Army fighting the dreaded EMU with machine guns and the soldiers couldn't stop the constant EMU assault like how do you duck up that much your soldiers in my view the destruction of both the library in Alexandria by multiple people in the library in Baghdad by jingus Khan which destroyed invaluable books and manuscripts before there could be duplicated many satyr plays Suffolk owes works possibly the recipe for Greek fire and more are now permanently gone because empires are greedy for resources that the head in America who was trying to date a very old tree by taking a quarter count the Rings the wood was too hard for his core tool so he cut it down only to find out that the tree was one of if not the oldest living tree ever seen more than the tree which was at least four thousand eight hundred and sixty-two years old and possibly more than five thousand was cast down in 1964 by a graduate student and United States Forest Service personnel for research purposes the people involved did not know of its world-record age before the cutting see below but the circumstances and decision-making process remain controversial not all the facts are agreed upon by all involved Mary lying about her pregnancy a Confederate courier dropped a copy of general movement orders in the War Between the States it was found by a federal soldier and allowed McClellan to win the Battle of Antietam I think I'm gonna have to go with the austro-hungarian coach driver that ducked up map reading and got his passengers shot starting World War one and indirectly causing World War two which caused the Cold War introducing Rabbids to Australia some jackass released a few in 1857 so that he could hunt them for sport obviously nobody had the birds of bees but especially rabbits conversation with this guy Hannibal SH Maggie ball he won't dare attack Rome oh it he attacked Italy send a big army to take him head on they were massacred by Hannibal's forces send another one seriously for a while it looked like Rome was being led by zapp brannigan one of the biggest one has to be the legendary operation with 300 percent mortality by Robert Liston born 1794 amputated the leg in under two one hour two minutes the patient died afterwards in the ward from hospital gangrene they usually did enforcer up olicity Riana days he amputated in addition the fingers of his young assistants who died afterwards in the ward from hospital gangrene he also slashed through the coattails of a distinguished Surgical spectator who was so terrified that the knife had pierced his vitals he dropped dead from fright that was the only operation in history with a 300% mortality Gerald ratna's joke turned his family's change.you in a business into a company valued at you acute 840 million plus in 1990 and the largest retailer of jewelry in the world during a speech for the Institute of Directors he makes a joke about his products we also do cut glass sherry decanters can with six glasses on a silver-plated trick that your Butler can serve you drinks on all four you accused 4.95 people say how can you sell this for such a low price I say because it's total crap he also compared their earrings to a prawn sandwich they're cheaper than a man's prawn sandwich but won't last nearly as long low at the valuation of the group to around 32 million a year later practically killed the business in the UK they changed their name from ratner's to signet and make no mention of their original name in their history blurb on the website funny joke possibly the biggest duck up to ever occur in the world of business I just learned that the inventor of pop-up ads on the internet thinks he screwed up because it allows tracking of personal information that was not his intention edited to add I was half listening to the news while red lighting I'm sure I could have gotten the details wrong my apologies anyone have a link this was asked 10 months ago some of the answers from there Mulder in the mass killing of birds because he thought they would eat the corn off the farms and compromise the harvest in the end the lack of birds lead to her explosive growth in parasite populations that destroyed the harvest completely in some areas what followed was a massive famine killing millions when Ronald Wayne sold his 10% stake an Apple for $800 that would be worth 35 billion dollars today the beginning of the universe this has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move in 2003 a lost hunter lit a signal flare near San Diego the flare started a fire that would later spread to become the biggest one in the history of California the fire destroyed an estimated 300,000 acres 2322 homes and killed 14 people in terms of the entertainment industry blockbuster turning down an offer to buy Netflix invading Russia 1666 Great Fire of London started by a Baker who left a pie in the oven too long perhaps the bigger duck up was that most of the buildings were made of wood and built very close together that grad student who killed the world's oldest tree trying to measure its age not excepting Hitler to art school I always think the fact that ver Union Carbide Bhopal disaster is so little known today is atrocious given that it may be the biggest duck up in history it's certainly the world's worst industrial disaster basically there was a pesticide plant in India where management severely under invested in basic safety procedures from equipments to training so there was a giant chemical pesticide leaked into the surrounding urban areas in the middle of the night in December 1984 complicating things further we still have no idea just what chemicals were released Union Carbide never released that info but we do know that 30 tons of it was this stuff no one knows for sure how many people died either but the estimates range from 4,000 16000 depending on who you believe with 500,000 injured it's believed that the groundwater at the site is still contaminated by chemicals and many of the people who live in the surrounding area are still drinking it for reference the Chernobyl disaster is estimated to have caused 4,000 deaths when it's all said and done from cancer I remember first hearing about this a few years ago and being stunned that I had never heard about it and angry when I realized the reason was likely that very few people care when thousands of poor people die in India to discuss it three decades later even if it is considered a world's worst industrial disaster Enzo Ferrari insults attract her maker creates his biggest competition Ferruccio Lamborghini was a simple man born into a family who farmed grapes for a living his mechanical knowledge and entrust eventually lead him to enter the business of making tractors during World War III most of Italy's industrial output would be related to war needs thus neglecting other needs like agricultural equipment this is why after the war on due to post-war reform initiatives his tractor manufacturing became very popular and lucrative so business was doing well for Ferruccio after some years he even started other companies that manufactured oil heaters and air conditioners and so he buys a being that he loves tinkering with cars and Ferrari as a prestigious car brand affordable only to the successful and powerful he traveled all the way to Maranello to purchase a Ferrari 250 GT after owning it for some time he then noticed that it had an inferior clutch that would always break and would force him to bring the car all the way back to Maranello over and over he brings up the complaint all the way to the owner Enzo Ferrari and argued to him that his tractors had better clutches than Ferrari cars pride filled Enzo Ferrari shrugged off his complaint thinking that a mere farmer had nothing against the prestige and pedigree of his Ferrari cars this is what pushed Ferruccio Lamborghini into the business of automobiles only Enzo Ferrari lowered his pride his company wouldn't have to deal with what is now a very significant competition Hitler invading Russia wasn't his great duck up he probably could have been successful and came very close to reaching Moscow the greatest duck hop in history was his ill-fated decision to postpone the attack if in the fall of 1941 he hadn't diverted Army Group center away from their deep advance toward Moscow to support the stalled advance of Army Group south near Kiev he would likely have taken the city dramatically demoralizing and destabilizing the Russian Communist quality and disrupting the mobilisation of thousands of distant troops potentially breaking the Russian will to resist this was the greatest duck up in history because it took place as part of the largest and most violent on conflicts in human history the Eastern Front of World War I I did it as someone pointed out Hitler was very close to reaching not taking Moscow whether or not he could have taken it with such stretched supply lines is less certain still though in my opinion the great mistake was the loss was the momentum of the attack on Moscow the diversion to assist AG South in Kiev gave the Russians and Moscow a lot of time to plan fortify and : reserves my point is that the high-water mark of Hitler's were matched could have extended further into Russia potentially to the capital displacing the government to practical exile in the hinterland and disrupting the already tempestuous Russian morale at this point in the conflict Atlas strength is a commander was the speed of his advances not his overall strategic vision it was the latter that lost him the war the anti Sparrow Chinese campaign vici extract the campaign against the for pests was initiated in 1958 as a hygiene campaign by Mao Zedong who identified the need to exterminate mosquitoes flies rats and sparrows sparrows US or mainly the Eurasian tree Sparrow one two oh so were included on the list because they ate grain seeds robbing the people of the fruits of their labor the masses of China were mobilized to eradicate the birds and citizens took to banging pots and pans or beating drums to scare the birds from landing forcing them to fly until they fell from the sky in exhaustion Sparrow nests were torn down eggs were broken and nestlings were killed one three sparrows and other birds were shot down from the sky resulting in the near extinction of the birds in China for non material rewards and recognition were offered to schools work units and government agencies in accordance with the volume of pests they had killed by April 1960 Chinese leaders realized that sparrows ate a large amount of insects as well as grains three to rather than being increased rice yields after the campaign were substantially decreased one to mold at the end of the campaign against sparrows replacing them with bedbugs in the ongoing campaign against the four pests three by this time however it was too late with no sparrows to eat them locust populations ballooned swarming the country and compounding the ecological problems already caused by the Great Leap Forward including widespread deforestation and misuse of poisons and pesticides one ecological imbalance is credited with exacerbating the great Chinese famine in which at least 20 million people died of starvation 5:6 the 1917 Halifax Explosion in the morning of the 6th of December 1917 the French cargo ship long-long was carrying munitions from New York through Halifax ultimately to go to Bordeaux France as it made its way into the Halifax Harbour it made a collision with the Norwegian vessel SS mo the mo was traveling through the harbour at an accelerated rate having had been delayed earlier in the day it was attempting to make up for time despite repeated attempts at advising the emote to slow down the captain disregarded them and continued through high speeds the mo would eventually meet its fate as it began towards a head-on collision with the more blong at this point both ships were aware of the potential collision and both had shut their engines off to prevent significant damage a four stop wasn't used by the morn long for fear that doing so may set off its cargo eventually the two ships were steered to the point where they had become parallel the more long passing the mo bow avoiding a collision the mo for whatever reason decided to go in Reverse causing its head to swing into the more blong initial damage wasn't severe the problem there was that barrels events all toppled over and began to spill out as the mo restarted its engines it flew out sparks igniting the vents all vapors the resulting explosion released an energy equivalent to 2.9 kilotons of tnt at the time the largest man-made explosion until the development of nuclear weapons the explosion obliterated all nearby structures completely destroying the nearby community of Richmond killing around 2,000 people and resulting in the injuries of another 9,000 it was a blast so powerful that it ended up creating a tsunami which subsequently wiped out a native population who were living on Tufts cove pieces of the moor long was scattered traveling miles away from the initial glassed area its main gun reportedly traveling 3.5 miles north it was so loud that the explosion was said to be heard over 100 miles away all because the captain of the mo was feeling a bit impatient that day in the 12th century a monk made a prayer book paper was scarce in those days so instead of shelling out for brand-new paper the monk pullin an old manuscript off the shelf and just wrote it using that he scraped the ink off be cut and flipped the pages and set out writing his book later analysis have shown that that worthless manuscript that he practically destroyed was actually a book called the method by Archimedes the book to put it lightly laid out the basics of calculus and physics moth are 1,500 years before Newton and Leibniz who knows how advanced we might be these days if that monk hadn't written his book [Music]
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Id: zPXviTP0fmc
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Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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