What Bad Things Did You Learn From Your Criminal Parents?

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redditors who grew up with shady criminal parents what did your mom or dad teach you was okay to do that you later learned was illegal or seriously frowned upon serious quite a few things backstory my bio dad was convicted of murder got away with another murder through claiming self-defense no clue if it was truly self-defense and apparently had a third murder that he never got caught for he would steal constantly from things from people to things inside stores one of my earliest memories is wanting this super cute pink hat i believe i was around eight he put it on my head and told me to walk to the car i remember asking about paying and he said don't worry just walk so little me walks to the outside doors with her heart pounding and then the alarm goes off i freeze and run back to my dad that was still shopping first lesson i can remember i learned you just need to keep walking when those alarms go off he died a few years back my brothers and i are decent people my brother is a great dad despite who he had as a dad no none of us five kids have murdered anyone as far as i know he was an extremely abusive father and husband i was the only daughter and he sexually physically and emotionally abused me from 7 14 years of age i ended up in foster care at 14 have two great parents who were my first foster family a loving bio mom who does her best and even more siblings from my former foster parents i have my own struggles but you'd never know the trauma we went through if you met any of us my dad did a lot of petty crime as i was growing up because we were lower middle class hard on money and he was cheap biggest thing that comes to mind was us living near a christmas tree farm out in the country there's a little trail that leads through the reforestation in front of my house to the tree farm so for a few years we stole our christmas tree from there we would go one day during the day for a walk and tag one of the trees that we wanted and then that night we'd come with flashlights cut it down and drag it through the trail to our house but dad didn't want to spend 30 on a tree from home depot he also broke into my mom's dad's house when i was young to look for money he apparently kept in a tin can hidden never found it but when i was young my parents told my brother and i that he was looking for my nanny's wedding band he was abusive she left in the middle of the night with the kids he always said he threw away her ring but she never believed him now i'll look back and go wtf i never thought it was normal growing up but i also didn't experience these things and go holy crap my dad's breaking the law my sister she's 18 years older than me so my mom would occasionally leave me with her sometimes for the day a couple times for five days one her boyfriend pimp coming over and then strange guys coming and going i was like what are they doing in there two driving to her drug dealers rv in a trailer park she left me and my niece outside while she fricked him for dope again what are they doing in there three waking up to all kinds of weird people in the dining room doing drugs out in the open at 8 a.m four driving severely impaired with two kids in the car five she would sleep all day my niece and i would wake up she was 5 i was 12 and there would be almost no food in the house so i had to scrounge i'm talking potted meat or moldy bread baked beans for breakfast it was some of the most freaked up times i freaking hate that woman to this day don't even bother giving me the ocean addict poor her be kinder to her number she also let both of her ex-husbands touch my niece she was so negligent i'm shocked that we didn't have worse crap happen my sister is not my biological mother you all need to take your conspiracy theories somewhere else there is solid evidence to prove that she is not my mother also we thought this crap was normal like weird people in the house eating moldy food going to sketchy places i'm gonna further explain why my sister is 18 years older than me my mom had her at 18 and then i was a surprise at 36 i look like my mother and my father and not like my sister or my nibblings my sister resented my existence from my conception she was an only child and then i came and fricked it up my sister didn't become a full-blown drug addict until after my nephew was born three years later there's pictures of my sister and mother together with my 36 year old mother pregnant and my sister not pregnant in the early 90s there is a specific photo of my whole family together including my father who was just my mom's boyfriend at the time they broke up and she told him to kick sand and she is pregnant in the photo okay i know baked beans for breakfast is a thing in the uk and us but in texas it's weird off that's some poverty crap over here baked beans are for serving with bbq and dinner i hope your niece is okay or on her way to being okay your sister is seriously fricked up when my relative was physically shaming me at seven years old i walked out of my room and to the living room where my mother and her friends were high off their asses i said mommy is making me my mother told me to go back to bed and sent me back to the room with him i was punished for being up after bedtime i thought everyone had an uncountable amount of aunts and uncles who only ever showed up once in a while for five minutes or less many of who i never saw again when i was somewhere under five i found my babysitter's boyfriend strung out on the couch with tourniquet and needle still in place i was told he was checking his diabetes my mother taught me how important it was to lie to the police and cps because they were monsters and just wanted to take us away from her for no reason i learned how to lie without hesitation my mother always had me wear long sleeves to cover the bruises growing up from the physical abuse of certain relatives and family friends i remember the moment my innocence was shattered my mother and i were driving in the middle of the night blasting afroman because i got high i asked my mother if she did drugs not expecting her to say yes she said i can't lie to you do you know what the word discrete means i was eight years old friends were never allowed inside the house and eventually their parents for no reason stopped letting them over i thought all of these things and many more were normal quite a shock in middle school when i made friends and saw what their home lives were like somehow i always knew it was wrong despite knowing it was wrong sometimes i still went along with it i mean getting paid 50 to act as a lookout while mum along with other relatives would break into and steal hundreds of dollars in quarters from various washing dryer machines was pretty dang awesome to a 10 year old and by 50 i mean 50 and quarters may as well have been a billion dollars because i always felt like scrooge mcduck diving into his vault when i got paid i hated helping to count and package up her portion into those bankrolls though in case anyone was curious she had keys for each machine i won't go into details as to how she obtained copies of the keys but let's just say it was part genius and part social engineering all cod jones the method still works to this day but it's much easier to get caught thanks to technology and really good quality cameras for her drug related crimes i also knew it was wrong and i stayed completely away from it i was and still am terrified when it comes to harsh major drugs m h etc i've seen too much to know that it's not for me and hopefully never will be then there was my stepdad he ran his own con completely separate from my mom but again i knew it was wrong but still sort of went along with it he would steal various items from his jobs plural because the dude worked one full-time job at a major retailer then had his own janitorial business with a good amount of accounts probably sleeping no more than five hours a day at least five days a week then sell them at the flea market going with him to the flea market and helping set up and sell his items was fun the flea market vendors had their own community of sorts so we knew all the other vendors in our area and they all treated my brother and i like family during christmas he'd steal tons of toys from his job and my brother and i would get to choose our own presents for christmas before he sold the rest of the flea market my brother was a few years younger so i don't think he was aware of how we got all those toys i guess you can say they taught us to be okay with doing crimes as long as you never got caught neither of them ever got caught but they did divorce and he did better with his life while she spiraled deeper into a bad path until ultimately dying of drug-related complications h2s and other shady dealings with dealers and the likes my mother and her husband were long-term hair and users they knew each other since they were teenagers and got married young my mother met my father while her husband was incarcerated for drug-related offences they remained friends and only for back together when i was maybe 15 or so my mother was always ill like it felt like she was going to die any minute she was in agony most of the time she was conscious and her age fix seemed to be the only thing to chase the pain away we later found out that she was riddled with cancer he cervix uterus and a large portion of her bowel from long ignored problems that developed from my birth she was incredibly afraid of hospitals so just never got checked out from as early as i could remember i was my mother's primary carer i would often go to the local pay phones on the estate to contact her dealer for a fix for her and even transported her drugs across town on my bike i was pre-teen it didn't feel wrong i want even aware it was illegal all i knew is what i was doing would ultimately give my crying screaming mother a little bit of a break from the pain and agony she was always in ironically she eventually kicked her habit after being forced into hospital for her cancer treatment around the early 2000s she was better and healthier than i had ever seen her we would do gardening together walk in the woods and so on unfortunately her cancer treatment radiotherapy destroyed large portions of her bowel that were unaffected by the cancer and she ended up using a colostomy bag this coupled with a lifelong reading disorder left her dangerously underweight and she was hospitalized in 2005. a doctor administered a hickman line feeding tube now irony as hickman was her married name but he incorrectly inserted it and punctured her lunch she drowned in her sleep on the 6th of september 2005 and today 12th of september is her birthday freaking hate this time of year holy crap i'm so sorry for you so much tragedy in this story and for you growing up so much crap that went wrong i'm so scared to say this because i've literally never told anyone but frickit here it goes my stepmom worked in the drug treatment field how it works is if clients stayed in rehab for a certain amount of time the person who got them in there would get paid my stepmom had a good heart at first she really did however 80 percent of her clients were back on the age before the week was over so my stepmom would take her throwaway clients give them drugs while they're in rehab for however long so by the time my stepmom got paid they would be back on the streets doing the same crap as usual she was paying them and dope to stay in rehab the only reason i know this is because i got snoopy and looked through my stepmom's phone when she let me use it when i needed to call somebody while my phone was broke i eventually built up the courage to confront her about it as she said she didn't do this with all of her clients some really wanted to get help and she did help them and that is true however there was no justification for it it escalated into a heated argument that led to me storming out of the house she would say things such as this is how the electricity stays on however after a very meaningful talk and she doesn't work in the drug field anymore i truly do believe she feels bad as she should we decided to not tell anyone else in the family mainly because my family is full of ex drug addicts my stepmom has been clean off h m for 12 years and it would literally tear our family apart it feels nice to finally get this off my chest it has stayed in secrecy since 2015 after reading a lot of these stories i find comfort knowing that i'm not the only who comes from a fricked up family so many things my mother and father grew spanish tomatoes that never fruited along the back fence the naive neighbor asked when they'd get a crop so my mother went to the store and bought some tomatoes gave them to her and got praised for how nice her homegrown tomatoes tasted compared to store-bought ones later there was a jar of greenish adult biscuits we weren't allowed to touch when my parents split up mum got with our stepfather who would get us to help him steal the emblems off of cars at night but only ford's the aim of the game was to collect as many as possible and not get caught same man found out we never had a pet dog and got us one turns out he stole it the dog jumped the fence one day a few weeks later and ran home we moved house a lot which we were told was because our biological father was stalking us turns out our stepfather was wanted for some serious crimes and would rent houses under a pseudonym we weren't allowed in the sheds because it was his office space got into one when they split up and found a bunch of drug paraphernalia and sandwich bags with money our stepfather got us a laptop for school that clearly belonged to someone else i had more biker uncles than biological uncles to be fair most of them were lovely that's it off the top of my head i remember when i was around six or seven years old my mother father one year old brother and myself was riding in a brown car that my mother was driving as she turned a corner in a residential neighborhood the power steering went out and we ran into a parked car in front of a home a man and woman ran out screaming that they were calling the police all of a sudden my dad grabs me and starts running full speed down the street throws me over a fence in someone's yard jumps over himself and we both laid down a few minutes later police cars with fire search lights start circling the neighborhood the officer gets on the bullhorn calling his name and saying he is trash for dragging his six-years-old daughter with him while he ran apparently he had serious warrants for what i have no clue i just remember being so happy and proud of myself for keeping up i kept asking did i do good daddy he disappeared when i was eight years old never to be seen again i heard he died a couple years back in my early thirties that's really tragic and sad i hope you've had better role models since my entire childhood my parents kept pounds of weed and stacks of money hidden i started picking off some pretty sizable chunks at about 12 years old for consumption and my own little side hustle years later i found out my dad suspected this but my mom told him he was crazy so he never did anything about it i remember once when i was probably 9 or 10 late 80s my mom snatching my kid's sister and i up early in the morning and just the three of us darting to my uncle's house i found out later that she got a call the police were coming my dad blew it off and slept in she taped 20 k worth of bills to her body and fled with us in a panic she was dropping stacks on the way into my uncle's house he started yelling at a goddammit maria you're dropping money everywhere my uncle yelling is all i remember i got the details decades later towards the end of my teenage years they expanded their offerings to include crack and starting using it the whole decades-long operation fell apart they separated started behaving like crazy crackheads dad got locked up for a few years where he cleaned up mom ended up homeless for a while we put her in a state-funded women's home where she cleaned up both live very modest but normal lives now my sister has a master's degree in ed and is a high school guidance counselor i landed in a high-paying occupation and run multiple profitable businesses on the side all legal we both invest in real estate i often think our successes are due to the psychotic upbringing we had my dad is not a criminal but he loves free stuff i have two amazingly hilarious memories of when this almost got him into trouble when i was a kid one when i was about 12 he took me and a couple of friends to a local amusement park this park has picnic pavilion areas and on weekends in the summer it's common for there to be work picnics there around lunchtime my dad takes us to look for a work picnic so we can get free food we find one get in line and start eating the spread was really solid catered burgers hot dogs potato salad ice cream etc i'm halfway through my burger and i realize the sign hanging in the pavilion is for the local fraternal order of police yep we were crashing at the local city police department's family summer picnic i tell my dad and he plays it cool a couple of people try to strike up conversations with him and each time he either stuffs his face with food and attempts to communicate while chewing with a full mouth which causes the person to walk away or he says i then pretend to know someone on the other side of the picnic and says excuse me i'll be right back i wanna go say hi to insert bulls made up name to see how his mother's surgery went we were there for a solid 45 minutes to an hour and ate all that we could 20 years later and one of my friends who was there with us still texts me randomly to reminisce about how ridiculous that experience was two local mlb baseball team did a free ticket night for cancer survivors for cancer awareness my dad's never had cancer it's damn it does he love baseball and free stuff so he gets tickets for free and takes me to the game i had a good time and he was able to bs his way through conversations with other cancer survivors who didn't expect anything was up after all what type of low life lies about being a cancer survivor to get free baseball tickets answer my dad while leaving the stadium a cable news team stops my dad to ask him his story about overcoming his cancer diagnosis i crap you not this actually happened the camera is pointed in his face and my dad blanks completely blanks he mumbles a bit reporter tell me about overcoming your cancer diagnosis sir dad uhh i got over it reporter where was your cancer located dad my body reporter which part dad uhh my stomach reporter how long have you been in remission for dad uhh like two weeks uh years two years they took my stomach out two years ago reporter looking confused as heck that's remarkable sir you're an inspiration and i wish you all the best this interview made the 11 o'clock news that night everyone we knew saw it everyone everyone i knew in the entire world saw me grinning like an idiot while my dad lied about having his stomach removed all so he could go to a baseball game without having to pay for tickets while my dad was never a criminal unless you count the one time he was wanted all over the u.s because he forgot to convert cad into usd when paying a ticket warrant expired i think on terms he had been a good boy since it so he tells me he had fun in his past a few things he taught me were if you ever get in a conflict try to walk away if you can't run if you still are unable to get away turn around and beat them until they go down tell them to stay down and if they try to get up beat him down again repeat as nasty allowed to drink and do drugs all i wanted on the condition i asked him he would find me clean stuff taught me that if i ever got grabbed shove my fingers into a guy's eyes and pop them like grapes taught me how to street fight either one who stands up and walks away wins comma allowed to drink and do drugs all i wanted on the condition i asked him he would find me clean stuff i remember the drugs talk if you wanna try drugs come see me first your dumbass friends are gonna get you burned thanks dad after being around you i t titled to 25 and 20 years later i still don't care much for any of it especially liquor good job my dad is pretty much known for stealing stuff from restaurants taking a souvenir he would sometimes make little me steal things like ice skates that we hired plates from restaurants etc i needed a few bikes in my life and every time he got me one it was stolen i stopped asking when he gave me one with child seats front and back he would always drive drunk when i was with him in the weekends this drunk drive was from the bar to home cause that's where he took me 10 at the time and my sister seven at the time he even got us drunk one one bottle of booze around this age a few times whenever he asked me if i needed anything he would find a guy who has this which basically means someone who for a low price sells stolen crap when he was in fights with his gf he just insult her curse and threaten her me and my sister would just sit there most times really scared because of all the screaming his gf was also very manipulative towards us i luckily was mostly raised by my mom and myself stealing has been oak for me for way too long never really received that moral compass drinking and driving always felt wrong and i don't drink that much only when i go out like once a month i hated the fighting so i try to avoid that as much as possible but i think i turned out all right well they acted like m was okay and beating women was acceptable i didn't realize how fricked up my family was until i was 18 and i met a guy whose family would have family night twice a week their kids could bring their friends it was super chill they'd do a big meal and hang out one of those nights and the other night would alternate like it might be music night bring instruments and jam one week and the next week you're playing risk or some other type of board games chess dominoes whatever i remember thinking when's domestic violence night i can't count on all my fingers and toes how many times i had to call nine one one as a child i had to call nine one one so much that two of those times my friend's mom answered who was a 9-1-1 dispatch pretty embarrassing yeah mrs cook he's beating her up again but i always knew i'd never tolerate any of those behaviors from myself when i grew up i never once took any of those hardcore drugs they'd do i never once hit a woman i never even got the urge to i don't even understand that crap at all i just walk away in conflict i take a walk and when i get back it's usually hugs followed by a karma conversation where a resolution is reached growing up that way i just played the opposite game okay i'm definitely not gonna do that i'm certainly not gonna be like that it really wasn't hard to break the cycle it never looked appealing to begin with if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
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Id: LMCziybLN6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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