Share Your Scariest Home Alone Experiences

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what is the scariest creepiest thing that has happened to you when you were home alone it was raining pretty hard one night and i was about to go to bed our dog decided to start going nuts barking at the corner of the family room we had just moved in so there wasn't anything in there but she just kept constantly barking at nothing i tried to pull her away but she wasn't having any of it she started showing her teeth and snarling which she never does i figured there must be an animal outside so i turned on the deck lights deck is off the family room and pier outside nope nothing i wasn't about to go outside because of the rain and i didn't see anything anyway so i dragged the dog to the bedroom but she just won't shut up finally decide to get my shoes and umbrella on and walk around the house found one of my neighbors curled up along the side of the deck trying to protect himself from the rain he's disabled and a little slow he usually goes out for walks in the neighborhood he got caught in the rain and couldn't find his house if my dog hadn't gone nuts he might have been out there all night and who knows what could have happened totally not the ending i expected so happy you decided to go out and check on the situation i was home alone one night in middle school i was in my room which is right above our kitchen watching tv i had already shut all of the lights off downstair cause i was eventually going to fall asleep and didn't want to get yelled at for leaving the lights on so i am laying in my bed the family dog a chesapeake bay retriever was lying next to me when i hear cabinet doors open and shut it wasn't like they all opened at once and then shut but more like one after another for a few seconds i freeze and look at the dog who at this point was an old lady who perked up and looked at me i peek out my window that overlooks our driveway and didn't see anything now i didn't think anyone was in the house because while the dog was lazy she was a great guard dog and she would have responded if the door opened or whatever so after a few seconds the dog gets up and starts moving towards the stairs and i decide to follow fully confident that if anyone was down there she would scare them i grab my softball bat and my cell phone and follow her downstairs as we come downstairs i notice the lights are on in the kitchen and i dial nine one one because i know i shut the lights off prior to going upstairs when we get in the kitchen all the cabinet doors were open which was obviously not how i left it that's when i noticed that the door was still locked so i thought whatever did this was still in the house so i quickly ran upstairs to my parents closet and called my parents and told them what's up they came home and obviously didn't find anyone or any trace of anyone being in the house we still do not know why the light was on and cabinet doors were open but we had some other paranormal like occurrence happen around that time so we chalked it up to the household ghost tell us more stories please one night when i was about 12 or 13 my parents were gone for a while and i was just staying up really late past midnight on my desktop computer waiting for them to come home like most people i had been told a million times not to talk to strangers on the internet but about half my friends list on msn were people i had never met before so i was just chatting with a bunch of them out of nowhere one of my online friends had told me exactly what i had been doing the past hour or two heck what i was eating drinking playing with when i had gotten up last things i hadn't mentioned in chat i instantly got a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach my desktop was set up in front of a big window so as far as i knew this person i had been talking to that was supposed to live in a different country than me had found my address and been watching me through the window turns out he had somehow hacked into my webcam i always left him plugged in even though i had been warned not to when i wasn't using it and had been frequently watching me through it whenever he wanted it's been 10 years and i still have all the cameras on my devices covered in thick duct tape i ended up talking to some hackers on ventrilo when i was 16 and stupidly accepted a file from one of them i don't remember what he said the file was but anyway i tell them i'm going to shower and when i came back my webcam light was on i knew right away and felt very stupid at least mine had a light i was home alone when i was like nine or ten whichever you are in fifth grade it was literally the second day my mother allowed me to just walk home from school rather than stay at daycare phone rings voice on the other end asks for david i tell them sorry wrong number as a weird but relevant aside we got constant wrong numbers when i was a kid because our home phone line was one digit off from h r block tax prep service so i had developed a sort of standard cadence to wrong number calls it almost always went h r block sorry wrong number oh i'm sorry that's okay so i'm on the line waiting for him to say oh i'm sorry instead he starts yelling that he needs to speak to david he knows david is there i tell him i have two uncle davids but neither are there the guy starts cursing and ranting in what in hindsight was pretty clearly driven by m so i'm already pretty spooked having never really encountered a fully crazy person in my life and then he starts describing my house he starts telling me that it's white with brick pillars on the green porch red doors and with a white dog in the backyard he concludes the call with i know you're lying and i'm gonna come get your butt in the next 30 seconds i rush to get a knife in the kitchen call my mom and look frantically out the front of my house then there is a banging kicking at the door i screamed at a pitch i didn't realize i could and i ran into the bathroom only locking door and stayed there until my mom got home when i heard the garage door open and my mom call out for me i started sobbing and ran out to her knife in hand when i got older i found out from my mom that the uncle david the guy was looking for was a pretty bad drug addict for years and that's why i hardly ever saw him he probably gave someone he owed money to a bad address number thanks uncle david my husband went out of town for his first work trip following the birth of our first child so it was me my infant daughter and dog at home and i am counting it as alone considering i was the only one awake and verbal in the house at the time full stop i just put my daughter down for bed and was in the kitchen cleaning up when i suddenly heard our garage door open something that should not be possible with my husband and second of two garage door openers literally in another state i raced to lock the door coming into the house from the garage and crouched next to it for at least three minutes phone out and dial to 911 trying to listen for any sounds of intrusion before cracking the door open just enough to reach my arm through and close the garage again i did not sleep super well that night though some of that can be blamed on the nightmare that was my baby asleep schedule at the time and had at least three more mysterious garage openings overnight and the following week it turns out that when i'd paired a spare garage door opener the day prior one of our neighbors was arriving home and just so happened to use their opener at the exact moment i pressed the link button in our garage it took me an absurd amount of time to make the connection because they honestly don't go in and out of their house very frequently in any case that first instance had me acting out parts of a home intrusion scene in a horror movie two years ago i get home from my last lecture from university before the start of christmas break my family had gone to scotland for the weekend i was all alone at home for the weekend once i arrived at home i showered and was getting food ready after eating i turned on my ps4 plugged my headset and began playing however an hour later i hear loud thudding from upstairs floor rather than being brave and checking upstairs i ran to close and lock the living room doors to prevent a robber from entering i hurried to my phone and called the police who arrived quickly and began searching after 20 minutes of searching they found that someone had broken into my house through my bedroom window luckily no valuables had been taken i did however get a two-hour lecture from my parents on what precautions to take when home alone thank goodness you didn't go check it out a few years ago i 24 f got home from work around 10 p.m while i was living with my parents and they happened to be away on vacation that week after cooking myself a late dinner i went onto the back deck adjacent to the kitchen to grab something i had left out there earlier in the day a bizarre sound caught my attention like a dog panting so of course i searched to see where it was coming from i looked up to see my neighbor 40 sm across the street standing on his deck buck naked and jerking off he had been watching me through the window and did not stop when i discovered him i was home alone after a dinner with my girlfriend around 3 am i hear a very loud bang my dog and i get out of bed to scope it out hoping to find the reason for the noise we searched for 15-20 minutes and could not find anything we go back to bed and not 10 minutes later bang this time i am shaking it sounded like it was coming from the same spot i spent the rest of night awake not wanting to move found out the next day girlfriend put two sparkling waters in the freezer to cool them down forgot about them left the house and never told me about them they exploded that kept me up all night that's terrifying and hilarious lived in a condo in the middle of the night i woke up to hear someone rattling my front doorknob no one had keys to my condo except me then the door opened up and i heard someone walking in i was 100 sure i was being robbed fight or flight kicked in and i flew out of bed and ran toward the front door screaming get out of here which came out as complete gibberish as i had been sound asleep about 30 seconds prior and now had crazy adrenaline pumping through my veins i was literally jumping around in my underwear screaming and waving my arms when it dawned on me that the two guys standing at my front door looked more scared than i have ever seen anyone one of the guys held out some keys his hands were visibly shaking and said something to the effect of his friend had given him the keys to his place and said he could stay there while he was out of town turns out the friend lived directly above me and these guys went to the wrong floor the floors were not numbered and neither were the condo units by mistake they didn't know they were at the wrong door and that the keys were the same i was able to get into his unit with my keys and they could open up my door with their keys needless to say i was standing outside the hardware store the next day waiting for them to open so i could buy a new lock for my door but can't wait to find their scariest encounter story the very first time i was home alone i'm watching tv and there's a huge crash bang noise behind me in the kitchen i didn't look or think i bolted out the front door and sat on the steps outside crying until my folks returned like 10 minutes later turns out my mom's bread machine had been kneading the dough and vibrated itself off the counter really the most amazing thing is that the machine wasn't damaged i have that same bread machine today and it makes delicious fresh bread i love this one this one didn't make me feel weird after reading the end of it lol lived in a second floor apartment my junior year of collagen to save money i opened my balcony doors and windows and kept my ac off this particular week my 75 pound dog w a terrifying bark was staying with my boyfriend and i forgot to lock my door terrible coincidence anyways i woke up in the middle of the night naked in my bed to a man standing in my bedroom had no clue what to do couldn't jump up bc naked so instinctively just said uwtf his response was i came up to shut your doors and windows at which point i noticed all the shut then he left and i locked my door cried one of the first nights i was home alone with my brother i was probably 13 or so parents went to a concert and left me in charge of my little brother just after he goes to bed there's a banging at the door i'm terrified i stay quiet and sneak to the window it was a neighbor from up the road we weren't friends he's never been in my house before i'm wondering why the frick he wants to come in now i stood on the other side of the door and said my parents aren't home i can't open the door stupid i know never let strangers know there are no adults around he yells back it's getting dark and i just wanted to let you know that your garage door is wide open i felt like a schmuck but i'm still alive not a schmuck probably best possible thing to do aside from closing it in the first place you never know what someone's intentions are i was home alone with my toddler getting ready for bed after putting her down for the night when i heard her call for me so i went to her room and she was fast asleep weird maybe she had woken up for a moment and then passed out again got to then end off the hall before i heard her call for me in a panic rushed back in and she was still asleep in the same position sat with her for a few minutes and then made my way to bed when i heard my husband call my name must have come home from work early so i go to him but he's not there call him and confirm he's still at work and decide i must have hear a neighbor or something crawl into bed and hear my husband call for me again and then continue talking as if he's having a conversation with someone then hear my child calling me again and rush into her room still asleep this goes on for a while until i decide i must really need some sleep and go back to bed with the lights on too freaked out to sleep i was staring at a picture hanging on the wall when it disappeared it like the wall just ate it look at another wall hanging and the same thing happens they would reappear when i looked away and then be eaten by the wall again when i looked directly at them decide i'm officially an insane person and call husband to come home fall asleep eventually and wake up and everything is normal except my heart rate can't decide on a pace swinging up and down between thirties 180 s head into the hospital and i'm having a hypertensive crisis turns out it was a beta block as i'd started recently nobody had heard of that reaction so they kept me for a couple days until my numbers stabilized no hallucinations after the first night other than hearing dogs bark randomly for a couple days not good times yay beta blokers can't really mess with you my wife was on them a long time ago but it basically knocked her emotions both good and bad completely out and she didn't feel anything it really scared us house sitting babysitting for a new neighbor she was a single mom from the east coast moved to indianapolis i was a sixth grader all i had to do was sit in the house and do my math homework while she was on a date a two-year-old baby was sleeping in his crib room around 9 00 p.m i get to call and answer it's a man who only asks who are you i say i'm the babysitter then he starts asking all these questions about where the mom is and who i am personally i get scared and hang up and call the mom and let her know the guy calls back and then just starts saying the address i'm at then asks if the baby is okay when i say yes he says how can you be so sure when he's that close to a window to which i just go i am just the bad i ate her and in trying really hard on my math homework and now i am scared and i am also failing math basically a mental breakdown happened five minutes later the mom shows up and explains it's her ex-husband who found her she hands me a wad of cash and excuses me idk if the guy was in the bushes or calling from massachusetts or what it was scary i am just the babyator and in trying really hard on my math homework and now i am scared and i am also failing math i'm so sorry to laugh at something that scared you so much but this part had me in freaking hysterics not me but my cousin he was living in an apartment in a shady part of madison w.i and some jerk off was trying doors in his building was laying on the couch watching a movie facing away from the door when his front door opened from the light in the hall he could make out a silhouette reflected in his tv but he wasn't expecting anyone he told me he was scared shitless and just said loud and firm without turning around get the frick out of here but now whoever it was did exactly that i don't know what i would have done in that same situation this is why we lock doors people so was out of town on business so i treated myself and ordered in from my favorite restaurant a delivery guy arrived and insisted he had to come into my place to deliver the food and take payment i had to loudly refuse this multiple times in the hopes a neighbor would hear me and he kept insisting to finally guard him to process my payment in the hallway but he was muttering under his breath the whole time scared the heck out of me i double locked the door when he left and sat up all night feeling uneasy wish i had reported him to the restaurant but i was too shaken to think about it yeah someone who has delivered food for years from multiple different restaurant that was by no means normal or procedure everywhere i've worked has specifically said do not go in the house even when invited in if it's raining or something and you do go inside don't go past the doorway the dude was up to some shady crap rented a cheap b-level duplex in a bad neighborhood for 3.5 years so that i could save up money to buy a house first thing i did after unpacking from moving in was bolster security i changed the dead bolt on the front door and installed a locking door knob in place of the crusty non-locking one that was there all the windows were old crappy aluminum slider style windows with horrible locks and the back door was a patio door going straight onto a deck so i bought a hardwood one x4 and 2x4 and cut pieces to put in the window and door tracks so that any potential intruder would have to break a window rather than simply opening one to gain entry i'm convinced that a past tenant was a drug dealer in the first six months i had four separate instances of tweakers knocking on the door looking for sam a couple of the tweakers for lonely stepped off when i told them that nobody named sam lived there two others got worked up asked where sam had gone and where he was living to which i responded that i had rented the place and had no idea who sam is after being visited by the tweakers i redabled my efforts to ensure that all doors were locked at all times i still forgot to lock the front door once in a while and i had a very creepy experience one night after forgetting to lock it i was in the middle of cooking dinner one dark evening and went to the washroom after washing my hands and exiting the washroom i came back to my kitchen to see a middle-aged asian man dressed tall and black coming up the stairs from the entrance into my kitchen who the heck are you i asked startling him he said he was there to fix a toilet i was sure i was going to die but figured i ought to talk to the guy for a few seconds before lunging for a kitchen knife and fighting for my life the guy explained that the landlord gary had sent him to fix a toilet i told him that gary wasn't my landlord and my toilet was working fine he asked what a dress he was at i gave him my address and he started profusely apologizing saying he had the wrong address he backed down the stairs cautiously put his boots on and sheepishly left the duplex but i'm still not sure if he was looking for sam to square up some unpaid drug debts and left when he realized that sam wasn't there if he was looking for a woman to prey on found me instead and reconsidered his insidious plan or if he really was just some poor sap who walked into a stranger's house while on a mission to fix a toilet for gary but i never mistakenly left the door at that place unlocked again on first retaking his boots off sounds like he was not looking to do any harm second read i paint the all black clothes as sinister and he removed the boots to be quieter i wasn't at home i was working the night shift at a nursing home i'm an rn now disabled it was just me and the cna and we were the only staff in the alzheimer's unit she had the tv on some stupid show about hauntings in america she looks at me and says you'd think nursing homes would be haunted a lot because so many people die here i just gave her a look and told her to shut up this place is creepy enough at night we go to do rounds on a resident who is in the process of passing she was on hospice and her family was aware i checked on her every 15 minutes because i didn't want her to be in pain and to see if she was in distress at this time she wasn't in distress but it was obvious she wasn't going to last much longer her family lived across the country and had requested not to be called past 9pm so i stayed with her and held her hand and read to her from the bible as she was a devout catholic after all of the aftercare was finished the cna and i had been in the room for 15 minutes i left to call the funeral home and all of that i'd barely dialed the phone number when the cna came running down the hallway and said she's breathing again i don't know what to do she was obviously freaked and her face was pale i went to the residence room and she was definitely breathing i checked vital signs and though everything was much lower than normal levels they were there i checked them several times after she'd passed and there had been no blood pressure no pulse no anything she lived for another five years and claimed she'd met god this is the creepiest thing that has ever happened to me may have freaked you out but i think it meant everything to her i was nursing my newborn in the house we had newly built and just moved into we didn't have a fence yet and the back of the house was basically all huge picture windows i am in the bedroom topless when i see a guy come right up to the glass door in the room and peer in i screamed and jumped up away he didn't try to get an or anything i'm not even 100 sure he saw me he was an older guy when i told my husband about it he said it was probably an older contractor from the area who liked to come and walk the new neighborhood to check out the construction and new houses i know he was innocent but it scared me to death at the time if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 14,157
Rating: 4.9333334 out of 5
Keywords: scary, creepy, home alone, scariest home alone stories, scariest home alone stories reddit, top 10 scariest home alone stories, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: uOn-FxWPu7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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