Boardroom Chat: Have You Talked To God About Your Vision? | Jesse & Cathy Duplantis

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hey there i'm so glad you came to our youtube channel i want you to click the subscribe button and hit the notification bell so you won't miss anything going on right here at jesse duplantis ministry remember subscribe and hit the bell and guess what enjoy hello ladies and gentlemen i'm jesse duplantis and i'm kathy duplantis and guess what we're about ready to do we're going to do boardroom chat well we're going to go eight number 68 yeah it's been so good we're sticking with this thing i mean i i'm surprised that it's 68 you know time goes so fast and time doesn't wait for anybody so i hope you're enjoying these things you know i travel all over the world and the world's starting to open up again and people tell me all the time boy i love them board room chat and we get comments from people from all over the world literally that are sending and you're watching one man said i love it when you and kathy duke it out did we duke it out you know but she's very plain spoken and so am i and we just let you see who we are and also you notice today we're wearing t-shirts now we don't know why we're wearing t-shirts because they told us to wear t-shirts no we know why this is our vision our theme shirt for the year yes what shall i do for me here we are more than halfway through the year and we realize we we haven't worn our beautiful shirts yeah this is awesome the concept the art department came up with this is that it says dear god this is god talking to us and then it says what shall i do for thee now second kings chapter 4 verse 2 see god wants to do things for people we want to talk about that today he wants to do things for people spiritually physically financially every area of your life god don't like you being sad sick disgusted busted broke i mean despondent discouraged he wants you blessed in the city right blessed in the field blessed going in and blessed going i think it's wonderful that when we come to god and we we go to him in prayer and we ask him something like say dear god like the shirt says his answer to us is going to be what shall i do for thee what do you want me to do for you god is a good father he's always wanting to bless his children well you just you said it right if you really want to put god in simplistic terms he's a father and his family that's it how many times you went maybe you have children or grandchildren you go to their house and they come and you notice they're not in your life what's wrong something's wrong what can i do for you how can we stop we need to stop something we need to start something that's because that's a father and a mother saying they want to be a blessing god has given every human being a vision in life they may not know what it is uh because everyone has a destiny and a destination you are not an accident now some people say oh yeah i was you know i mean my mother was inspected to get pregnant that well you might be an accident in that way of thinking but not in god's thinking he knew exactly that he needed you on this planet to do something wonderful and you say what's what is that well the first way to find out how to have a vision is you have to ask god god what will you have me to do what do you want from me and then my lord then he'll say what do you want from me see there's a covenant relationship that's good see a lot of people have a a relationship guy that means being born again and you need to be that but you need to have what we call a fellowship a speaking a conversation with god hello jesus hi jesse then he begins to speak to you about the things that he wants you to do right and and then you can talk to him about the things you want him to do right or what you're swapping back and forth that's so true and i think about vision that really touches my heart when i think about it is that every dream every plan every vision comes in seed form amen it comes as a thought but the more you think on it the more you see what god's word has said about it that thing begins to grow within you and then you begin to speak in it sometimes you just speak it to yourself then after a while maybe you'll speak it to a family member or maybe another prayer partner but the more you speak about it the bigger it grows well you know it reminds me of that beautiful oak tree that we have our house it's so if they say it's at least 400 years old now the branches actually on the ground i mean it's just huge hot and it started it's from an acorn yeah and each branch is as big as most a lot of trees bigger than this table it's just a branch that's right but it started from an acorn this big see there was a vision that god put in that little acorn to produce that yeah the acorn came and then it fell from the tree and it got planted in the soil so when it's basically the same seed concept when it gets planted into the soil of your heart and and then you feed that with what you find in the word of god it grows you made me think about you said uh yeah some it planted they said maybe somebody stepped on it you know maybe somebody stepped on your vision instead of you but it planted you and the vision came to pass there's a wonderful scripture in habakkuk chapter 2 that i want to go to that's so wonderful chapter 2 verse 2 and it's talking about the vision if you and the reason why we're talking about vision next week is our visionary conference and i hope you can so excited it is such a people are coming from all over the world people are bringing their staffs some are bringing the executive staff i'm telling you flying in it's amazing because we talk about what you can do about the vision god has not only for us but for the human race what has god called you to do what will you do in life what will you do next week what would you do in five years things of that nature jess you know many people consider you a visionary yes i am years ago you wrote a book called the everyday visionary and we kind of launched the conferences about that time because that's really been has been the trademark of our ministry god gave us a vision we started running with it but also he helped us to breathe life into the visions that god gave to other people and when we connect with other people of like precious faith it helps all of us to propel to that higher level right and receive what god has for us you know if you try to define me a lot of people define me well he's funny and i am i try to be you know funny and i am fine i try to do that you know mary hart do it's good like a medicine but if you really want to put me in a uh a glass i'm a visionary you are i believe in vision don't tell me i can't do something when the bible says i can explicitly do all things through christ who strengtheneth i remember for years i know right now we're celebrating 43 years of full-time ministry you've been preaching for 45 years but i know that lots of in the early years and even now when i go with you to some meetings let me interrupt you i got we got to quit saying 43 years because when i preached 45 years ago god already had that vision in me yeah i just we just thought about full-time ministry you were still working at shell oil yeah i was still working but you know what paul the apostle worked most of his ministry and he was in full-time ministry we're going to have to do the shift guys i'm going to do that because i thought about that that acorn was there it was just growing so this year is 45. yeah well 45 years and i've been preaching the gospel full-time ministry you know in ministry i mean i mean when you got saved will you save full time you know you know so it's really no such thing as part time in god it's full time and i preached i actually preached my first message the first week of january 1976 do you remember that oh yeah i had sweat running down the back of my leg i couldn't tell you you didn't look like you were sweating no but i mean i was you know there's i preached the sermon many years ago never let them see your sweat praise god you know that kind of stuff but i was sweating that was you remember that day the pastor of the church were going to recognize the calling and realize that you wouldn't he said you called to preach the gospel i said you don't lost your ever loving mind so i remember he announced to the church on sunday morning that they had a special guest speaker that night and we didn't know what it would be and we're looking at each other at church that morning and wonder who's coming tonight and then he announced jesse's name he said jesse the plans to be preaching i thought whoa man as soon as the church was over i said come here brother referee oh but he saw it on me you see and that's the whole so you came kicking and screaming oh god did it ever and it wasn't because i'm afraid to get in front of people you know i was a rock entertainer i've always been on the stage that's the easy stuff right is this i thought i got to talk about this i don't want to say something wrong because this is holy it's good to be cautious yeah i want to be holy well look look what it says in habakkuk chapter 2 verse 2 the bible said the lord answered me and said write the vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that readed it verse 3 for the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie though it tarry wait for it because it will surely come it will not tarry in other words it's on time all the time amen i want you to read verse two and verse three in the amplified okay of habakkuk chapter two okay amplified says and the lord answered me and said write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may be able to read it easily and quickly as he hastens by for the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end fulfillment it will not deceive or disappoint though it tarry wait earnestly for it because it will surely come it will not be behind him behind hand on its appointed day now you see this is the most amazing i just got something in my spirit that a lot of people are getting older and they think well you know uh you know my vision's over no no un until you take your last breath on this earth your vision is running you may be sent to a a a old folks home would call them like that but your vision is still operating in function vital part of god's plan i know of a man that's 97 98 and they put naturally he's in an uh we call it an old folks home and he preaches to all those people that's right and he's in a wheelchair your vision not in your legs no you see your vision is not in your hands your vision's in your mouth you see that's how you make it plain and then you can write it see and put it upon up on tablets so people can read it if you want so i felt i feel like saying that to all you people that maybe you quote think you're retired from ministry you may have been retired from a certain part of something but your vision never retires that's right you always have something to say well every man's work must be a continuation where there's a moses there got to be a joshua it's going to happen but you see joshua took mo now he did it joshua's way well moses didn't start till he was 80 that's right that's what i'm saying most people would have thought his life was over right his life actually in ministry actually just begun at 80 years 80 and he lived to 120 and climbing mountains my eyes were not and didn't wear any of these things but we got to get around moses these lights and these digital devices i didn't have to wear glasses oh god see i got the lights on my face all these lights are blinding you know and when you look down you got big circles on your bible because your pupils close when he sees the lights but when it looks like it tries to open up too fast you know but when you have a vision reason why we're talking about because next week is our visionary conference it's such a such a blessing i hope you can attend it's a thursday night a friday morning yeah and a friday night it's very short if you've never been to new orleans the food is wonderful we have people today before when i was coming over to do this today they said what restaurants should be yeah they already have a vision about where they're gonna where they're gonna eat okay let me help you now if you want to eat fine this is not a diet time no forget about diet so we're going to believe god that you're going to starve two weeks from now praise god you know watch it all right you want fine dining okay this will be in the french quarter or downtown new orleans commander's palace very very good it's hard to get into some of that well it's hard you've got to make sure that's everything i'm going to just tell them make no difference i mean you know have a vision that they're going to take your reservation okay commanders palace is one that's a good one uh mr bees that's my favorite restaurant that's number two galatoires if you like fried seafood that's number three i mean it's it's a blessing now whoo this is good the pelican club i mean it just makes you feel like and the food is amazing okay that's just for fine dining breakfast at brennan's i'm helping these people and i took you to brennan's and uh and it's a blessing but you can also eat supper yeah but i caught you seen it in the movies breakfast at brentwood but the name on the roof on the wall is it's brilliant it's good it's not complicated cathy uh read it read the paper both of them start with the plan look at it look it up this is gonna help you now we have the typical restaurants like everybody else we have the cheesecake factories we have these we're getting phillipos yeah why are you putting it so far down i put it in categories okay now we're getting italian the food yeah uh i lo i just love restaurante filippo you understand excellent it's a blessing of the lord plus he's a good friend i'm not just saying that i'm telling you it's great food okay you're making me hungry i know i'm making you hungry i see this division see that's what i'm talking about see okay i'm trying to help you here in the new orleans area there's a place called zias best ribs you ever eat in life they call thai ribs they got something called asian almond shrimp oh my god it's so good now okay that's a different the boulevard that is a very good recipe very popular restaurants you know and these are in downtown new orleans as well as metairie as well as kenner it's just suburbs worth the drive those are just some of them and i mean i mean and now if you like fried or raw ostrich dragos charcoal bra or my god man i mean they bring them to you and and i like drago he said my name is drago i got to meet the man many many years ago now there's another one called the acme osha house a lot of people like that that is in the french quarter and all that kind of stuff and uh my car we'll also have ruth chris steakhouses just like anybody else am i making you hungry praise the little i'm trying to give you a vision see that's right see that's what i'm talking about okay not chatting up we're just chatting about food yeah don't forget the beignets and the coffee oh coffee coffee and they got morning call that's good too but coffee dumont coffee olay i mean and you've got to be careful when you bite into these uh beignets don't breathe out don't breathe you know breathe in or don't breathe because that heals it's got a lot of powdered sugar on this friday yeah they make it make people think you're taking cocaine you gotta watch yourself donuts some people would but it doesn't have a hole in it oh man people just love it they just and when you drink it put your little finger up you know don't wear black people i'm telling you you will enjoy this that's just that's for you playing around that's why we do a thursday night a friday morning and friday night we don't try to take all your time so you can enjoy the city fellowship time people come with their groups their friends it will be some of the best if not the best food you'll ever eat in your life and then when you come to the vision that comes to the church that night oh the spiritual food is better than cafe de mont yeah because the holy ghost is moving glory to god so this is just some of the restaurants i can help you on and all those kind of things i mean now if you really want to go down cajun i mean if you really want to get cajun there's a place close to my church called the seafood pot it's they call it a hole in the wall i call it a great place you know i mean the juice will run down your arms you just lick your own okay that's the place everything's plastic paper towels oh yeah but it's on the table yeah but i mean it's but boils crabs crawfish all that kind of gumbo and the gumbo now mr b's my favorite the gumbo yaya oh jesus my barbecue shrimp you ever heard of that oh god i have to get back in the word wait i'm getting to the word catholic i'm i'm making this vision so plain they got spit running out of their mouth and now they drool it oh okay i'm doing the vision ah i'm not off this bible he said make the vision plain right that's what i'm trying to do is it plain enough for it do you need practice okay good praise god okay what we're talking about is god is on these t-shirts what shall i do for thee so i just told something i can do for you if you'll pick some of these restaurants now we have the normal wrestlers like anybody else and all that kind of stuff but it is just such a blessing of the lord now what is your vision now i made it plain so now you had the food taste and that's good now let's deal with the spiritual aspect of your life maybe you know you need a good taste of healing maybe you got a bad i don't know a report and that doesn't let me and i believe in doctors and i believe in the hospital but the bible and when they tell me stuff i just smile at them i go because what comes up in my mind is whose report shall you believe and the bible answers it you shall believe the report of the lord he's not saying deny that report but deny its right to exist in your life maybe you've been diagnosed with cancer or diabetes or high blood pressure or heart trouble or crippling off the right i don't deny any of that none whatsoever but i deny it's right why because the bible said with long life will he satisfy you and show your salvation well if you're going to live long you ought to be able to walk you'll be able to go where you want to go do you understand if you're going to live long and you're supposed to live long and actually if you want to know how long you're supposed to live about genesis chapter 6 verse 3 120 years and that's just that simple and god's word is true but see you got to have a vision to live like that i want to live with in my life with full ability capability and capacity and what i mean by that is i'm not talking about running marathons at 100 but you know i knew a man that ran one at 96. right i mean my god so it's possible you can do that but what i'm saying is in other words i want to be able to walk have my mind and all those different things so i can do the things that i want to do see that's a vision so start today and quit saying this you know our people and i'm gonna help you out because kathy really corrected me strong in this many many years ago my family on my mother's side most of them died in their 40s or anywhere 50 to 51 i think one uncle lived to 69. i think that's about it but they always talk death when they hit 40 years old oh god they were so old and and i had picked up on that and you told me to stop it probably what 50 years 40 years ago or something like that and so i don't talk about it you see i i don't because we got to watch what you say because what you say will come to pass whether it's good or whether it's bad now so when you understand what vision do you want what do you believe in god for see you can have what you say let me show you how he says in mark 11 23 24 if you say to that mountain say that now so there are mountains in life right i mean you're going to run across that's that be thou removed in other words get out of here not doubt in your heart believe those things which you say now god said you say you shall have whatsoever you it then he says what things soever you desire not him you not god you that's kind of odd you're not hearing that before he that's this god talking that's mark 11 22 that's verse 24 what three of you desire when you pray believe that you receive because you're not praying to miss right you pray not when you get it not when you say but when you pray believe that you receive and you shall have it and then there's another verse that says delight yourself therefore in the lord most people don't delight their self foreign god because they don't have a vision that they can get that close to god they feel god's mad especially in the old testament they always thought god was mad as a hornet about some oh but in the new testament oh jesus jesus said whom the son is set free is free indeed you come boldly to the throne of grace why because he's a father and his family that's why god told habakkuk to make the vision plain that's what we want to do that's what we try to do when we don't try we do on these boardroom chats or in other words sometimes cathy will say something i don't necessarily agree with it so i tell her or she'll say something i'll say something she'll go wait wait a minute you know and let me give you a little secret about kathy come a little closer if you if i say something she doesn't like watch this eye so when i turn around because if you see that eyebrow go up she she's like right now it's starting to now if it gets up real high shut your television off and run out the door because the television's going to blow up praise god it's the truth mom you see you got to learn how to recognize people i used to tell you this and still do something never let them know what you're thinking kathy and i always say well maybe i want them to know what i think and that really is true so when you see this when you see habakkuk 2 they said for the vision is yet for an appointed time in other words everything has a time everything has a season don't let time defeat you the appointment will come how many times you called a doctor and you wanted the appointment that afternoon well i can see you in two weeks now who wants to wait two weeks nobody wants to wait but he's got a schedule just like you got a schedule or he or she whoever it might be and uh it's it's an appointed time see so everything's going to work out ladies and gentlemen spiritually physical and financially if you believe verse 3 for the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end of it but at the end of it it shall speak and not lie though it tarried because you're thinking when it's going to come wait for it because it will surely come it will not tear in other words it's coming at the right time we've said this many times god is never late no that's right but sometime i wish he was early yeah please you see see cathy is always linked but sometimes not watch the eyebrow sometimes sometimes she's on time this is what happens i'm just gonna make it please this is what happened because what happens is jesse will say okay we're leaving at this certain time and then he's dressed early then he comes in my space and he's just staring at me like come on let's go to this i said look i've got why be like me i'm always on time or before time well there's kind of like a little guideline a little rule of the ministry we've learned that if jesse's if you're on time but jesse's early then you're late we learned that from another great revelation that's what he thinks anyway but i'm on time but he just happens to be early so then he thinks i'm late that's the explanation and the difference between me and kathy she need more stuff than i do good lord she got to have this and that i said come on woman you know well i uh we uh i got to kind of look kind of i said and then we're going out and sweat it's 95 degrees and a hundred percent i don't care what you got on your face it's going to melt off i still have to try yes but then i'm trying to dress and he'll come and interrupt me and he wants me to look at what he's wearing and uh and he doesn't even ask me kathy what do you think i'm wearing he just comes in and stands there like like i think like this peacock he's going on there okay yeah you look good you're looking no no what are you trying to look good because she'll get mad at me if i wear something she don't think i should well i didn't realize you want my approval well you asked for it all the time you said i don't think you ought to wear that and then sometimes i say well i like it well i don't well but so what i still like it i think you want to know what i think but no what i'm saying is i like the shirt and i want to make the vision plain too yeah well everybody got different tastes you understand you know it really flows with our theme because what shall i do for them what do you want me to wear we're getting too personal right there see she don't want y'all to know that see me i'm really i just opened up oh we really you're not easy he's high maintenance i am not humming i am very low man he's high maintenance i eat all your leftovers and the reason why i don't eat it she don't cook we don't have no leftovers [Laughter] but it's true look at look at that i'm watching that every time i will cook but you see i don't want you to be a false prophet if you keep saying it so you're going to have what you say maybe you can learn from this yes and i'm trying yes let's read the testimony my wife kathy cooks all the time and she's a great cook making that your confession no it's a faith concept it's a faith concept yes learn it i understand we eat in restaurants all the time and the reason why when i tell them a lot of them she can cook good some men friends that cook a lot who there's some friends richie cooks but you didn't marry them you married me i'm just saying men cook yeah men cook what i do people i do something better than cook i buy the food praise god i make sure the house is fine that's why i said he's high maintenance because yes he he will eat anything but i said yeah but i have to get it to your mouth hey what's wrong with that look at it look at you look at that we're getting off subject we're not getting off subject what i'm saying is i'm trying to make the vision clean let me just say this catholic and cuckoo she don't have to it's just me and her so we just go out and eat we we eat out twice a day just about twice a day which is nothing wrong with that then sometimes you know i am older than her but she gets tired quicker than i do for some reason another i'm just telling them truth my my praise god i want to hear some truth from other people so what happens is you make the vision plain and says praise god it's friday morning at 6 00 a.m in sydney australia waking up and blessed to have an even more blessed day have a hallelujah thank you dear pastors jesse and kathy diana says good afternoon from winnipeg manitoba canada i like that shirley says i love this ministry and i love the way jesse elevates our faith amen just believe the word of god and how do i do that i make the vision plan you make the video i make it plain that's right in fact i like the people from canada would you really be praying with i've got so many meetings i want to do in canada but right now y'all still pretty well tied down tight i want to go i've got some great meetings that i i'm not i don't call them canceling cath i call them postponed because of course we will reschedule we are doing it as fast there was a delay because of what was going on in the world but we're going right you know these other great testimonies this one is so precious because we're here are again this is a second taping in our new studio c yeah this is it and it's so exciting to be here we're to have another set in the same studio you moved the curtains though so people thought it was the same some people think it's the same thing it's because i we reproduced it so it would be actually in the studio rather than in a room that was way away from our studio just makes it a little closer all the connections and new equipment that we're getting the new lights cameras all these things are still in progress we have another part of this set that's going to be actually the reason why this is as well is because of the theme i asked you what shall i do for then you said uh studio c yes and so we did that's right but this word uh christus wrote in and said i love what you talked about today as you talked about studio c and how it used to be the garage that's right i remember your fragments teaching oh so thankful as you walk your talk praise god so we found a best a space that was not being utilized and instead it was not for junk it was a storage place and the truck that we used we got black holes here adjusted to the plains minutes i said get rid of the junk they got especially the tv department they're behind the cameras they say you can see yours nuts they save boxes from a television that no longer being made it was made 30 years ago we still got the box throw it away that's all that just thought i'd say that so instead of building a sec an additional building we utilized a building that already had walls and a roof but we had to put in insulation air conditioning and we bought amen brand new cameras and lights and you know why i do all that if i was a trillionaire i would still be frugal not tight frugal you know partners support this ministry i'm not throwing away their money well for people who don't know what fragments teaching is what you just give real quickly jesus you know he fed 5 000 people with a two-piece fish dinner watch this and uh and and it was one of the most amazing they all were full and but there were there was pieces of fish and bread all over jesus said uh pick up the fragments that we have no loss to the people they thought it was nothing but to jesus it was a harvest 12. full basket so i'm the same way when you if i'm talking to our partners now who support us financially if you send in twenty dollars i'm not throwing away that twenty dollar i am and that would you want that to go somewhere you want that to do something you want to be a good steward of what that's correct but it all kind of started though if you remember you we told the story how you got the message was that you asking the lord about a certain amount of money that you wanted to be able to give to this mission can i tell them that story sure i felt of the lord to uh i want to invest 60 000 60 000 into this mission project i had heard about i wanted to do that so i asked the lord i said lord i asked you to help me uh you know to get in there and that was a vision yeah what should i do i want you that's probably you walk that out yeah i said i i like you know bless me give me an extra 60 000 so i can do that and he said you already have it and i said i don't think so he said yes you do i said i do yes now watch this now some people think this is not right but boy it's your work he said let me show you i'm gonna show you how you have it and then all of a sudden i thought god got off a track like kathy thinks i got off the track that's why she went to the um okay and he said from now on i want you i said i want you to call a staff uh meeting so i called all the staff had them come in i said i want to talk to you and i and the lord told me he said tell them when they walk out of their offices to cut the lights off i said what cut the lights out he said no i don't want them working in the dark in other words if you're going out for two minutes cut the lights off if you're going out for two hours cut the lights off i want every uh staff member to do that that's in the offices i said okay so i said it like this this is not a suggestion this is a directive this is what we're gonna do they did it okay now watch this that month when we got in our utility bill i still call it the light bill you know for some reason another electric bill we saved 5 000 at the ministry on utilities wow now watch this because they used to leave the door open when they were loading the trucks for going to meetings right the whole time air conditioning the parking lot all kinds of stuff watch this five plus the lights five thousand so i said i want this done ladies and gentlemen for 12 months we did this we saved 5 000 every month and a little bit over 5 times 12 is what sixty thousand dollars so it was already there it was already there but it was in fragment form we never thought much about it see so i thought okay i got that see god had to give me a vision it was right in front of me but i couldn't see that yeah you see what i'm saying and that's why so that's why i made it real plain right division make it plain i told them this is not a suggestion yeah this is the directive we're going to do this i think god wants us to be good stewards and that's what that message is all about i remember one time you preached it and we overheard someone said said it sounds like a poverty message because you're watching over the fragments but it's not it's it's called respecting what god has already given you and and then if you if you take care of what he's already given you the bible tells us he'll give you more what's amazing to me you ready this by cutting the switch off people got born again because somebody cut the lights off when they wasn't in their offices how many times i would drive by the ministry and all the lights were still on oh no nobody there yeah you know what i'm saying i can understand the outside lights you know because you have to get well i thought then i realized what god was saying and so now a lot of people run their households like that and they're still seeking god for for finances but they're not taking care of what he's already given them and they're wasteful and so that really hinders their growth and they don't even realize that well that's what he's talking about see see we're talking about vision here because you see you got to understand it and if but if you keep your vision in the dark you're never going to be able to see it much less produce it see now you know when i preached that something you know i had how many partners called me and said thank you thank you thank you yeah but it seems so small yeah but what about the people that got born again through that mission project right that go miss hell i mean and go to heaven right and that was an amazing and wonderful thing see that's what i'm talking about today so what the vision i want you to understand is god has got something for you you said but you know i'm not very much i'm not this i'm like quit saying those things out of 7.5 billion people that's on this planet god chose you to come to this planet he you are here for a reason not just to occupy space but to do something that's what god was telling habakkuk or habakkuk whatever you want to call him listen make this vision plain right because you see god's word is true jesus always said i'm i'm i'm i'm the light you know he was never in darkness and if jesus is the way you can't get lost if he's the truth you cannot be deceived and if he's the life and he is the devil can't kill you that's what i'm talking about in this boardroom chat see kathy i want to go back to this partner thing i mean i was not expecting partners to uh tell me thank you for cutting off lights i mean you know at least i didn't think that but you know i've always been trying to not try to do i'm not going to waste money i don't believe i don't care i don't care in my own life i i'm very successful man but i do not waste and throw away money right because you know what i work hard you work hard and i think you expect me and expect cathy to do right when you send in a donation and we do that in fact the reason why i'm saying that several people say how do you become a partner to this ministry well becoming a part of this mission is very easy all you have to do is uh contact us and if you want to send a donation you can you can go to that is our website and do it now but let me help you if you don't feel like doing that then don't do it please i want you happy i want you if watching this program you don't have to pay for it in any way shape or form but the anointing of increases on me and kathy everything we touch prospered why because god answered me just asked me this question what shall i do for thee i said well according to your scripture lord i'd like to be blessed in the city right blessed in the field blessed going in blessed going out he said or in other words jesse when everything's going wrong you want everything going right in your world that you create right and i said yes he said you got a vision of that because you're always going to look at someone else's thing and say boy look how bad it is over there he said if you'll keep your eyes where they're supposed to be which is on the vision i have given you i'll bless you and do you know it's amazing remember in the night in the 80s when the oil shut down and all that kind of stuff and people said if you're coming out of town take the light out yeah one out you're the last one thank you we grew jesse defensive ministries grew and oil dropped down to six dollars a barrel and we live in an oil state in energy state louisiana and ladies and gentlemen we grew by 30 and we didn't do any anything different but we had a vision that we would be blessed in the city blessed in the field blessed going in and blessed going out praise god and that's what i'm talking about and i'm almost burped here because i'm drinking this water here it's so when you understand that that's god's word you notice i'll tell you everything they don't make no difference to me praise god because god's word is so true what do you want us to believe god for with you you know what i was just thinking about this whole text which is second kings chapter four verse two that's the story where elijah was asking this woman who came to him because her her ch now she was in debt she needed to the debtors were coming to take her kids so she came to him for help right and his question to her was that that's the quote we have but it's also a question that god is asking us but what did he ask her he asked her what shall i do for the and this was the what did he ask her what shall i do for thee what do you have in your house but what i was trying to get at is that uh this is a question that he wanted her to verbalize and say so he you in the natural you thought well he must know what she needs it may have been a rumored around town how she was in debt they were about ready to take her kids and everything away from her but he still wanted her to verbalize and say what she wanted so god may know what you're going through and i believe i'm not saying may god knows what you're going through but he still wants you to put words to what you're believing for so that's why he's asking us what shall i do for thee what do you want so even when jesus came to bartimaeus everyone could tell bartimaeus was blind and that day when you were blind you were they were a certain color clothing that gave them license basically to beg in the streets so jesus knew what probably this guy wanted what the bartimaeus wanted but he still said what shall i do for you what do you want me to do for you well he said that i may receive my sight there's there's instance so many examples throughout the bible and you've been writing on that on all your letters i've been teaching about it at the by on the voice of the covenant bible study because those are based on your partner letters and uh but each one of them are an example that god wants us to say what we want right because he wants to do what we ask you know it's amazing how you say that we have a theater in our house that we book me and cathy like to watch movies we buy dvds and it's computerized you know because everything's so computer now watch this when i go to that board it says what scene do you want i have to hit scenes all of a sudden different lighting things come up and it's asking it's asking me what do you expect what do you want what do what do you want me to do for you yeah what do you want me to do for you and it will say my motorcycle had that i have this this going trike you put it's digital it had a little screen on it you press the button it's like where do you want to go today you notice you interrupt me and i never complain you always complain you're doing it now can you believe that anyway let me finish my scene thing about your motorcycle oh i thought you were done no i ain't finished yet i'll let you know how big is that story when i'm finished it says what scene do you want what lights do you want to see while you're watching the movie i heard that part what else is i'm not finished yet and see so i have to pick this thing i'm saying that i have to do something all of it is there but i got to do something that's right that's a good point okay i was done no no you still got some more i know you do but god is wanting us to speak up and say well like i would just like you to just stop doing that i understand see that's what i'm saying but in other words this bible is saying what scene do you want right what do you want here pick it and then bless god pick it up promises in the bible that's already there over seven thousand promises in the bible and all the promises of god are yeah and amen yes we ought to do a boardroom chat on it on all of them not just some of them well then we could be there a while it'd be a long time but you know most people only receive about maybe 15 to 20 promises in their whole world beautiful thing is that there is no limit when we're looking at our awesome god amen he just wants us to ask him for the things that we want in life as well as what we need in life and you know a lot of the things that we ask him for are not even for ourselves you know we pray for our partners we pray for our family members we pray for others that we see that they have any we watched when we drive in the down the highway and if there is an ambulance that are coming by we start praying for those people we don't know where it's going we don't know the people that are affected by but we immediately start praying for others and we seek god about driving home the other day uh and that was our lifestyle remember that immediately we said oh lord that no one perished in that yeah they already had we started praying for them we don't even know for a part well we don't know but you see well how did you pray oh lord that god you would protect and minister to them heal those people if there is already going away no in other words you don't have to know someone uh uh uh to pray for them to minister to them to reach intercessory prayer how many times i went to a restaurant i've never seen the waitress before wait or whatever it meant and the lord told me to bless them and and i'll never forget one time i said lord i don't know them he said i do remember that girl that was going she was working hard she was a good waiter and she was trying to go to uh medical school and was at p.f chang's we was eating at that chinese food and the lord said pay her tuition give her some money i didn't know this girl i did not hesitate she busted out crying i mean she couldn't get over that she's a hard worker and i said she said why are you doing that i said well the lord told me see i got involved in her vision now you know what she's a young girl she probably was what 20 years old but she was working at you know trying to make ends meet was going to school and you know jesus terrorists i bet you when she's 70 or 80 years old she'll probably say you know one time i was working at a restaurant and i really needed some help and some white-headed man came and don't have to know who i am don't have to know my name don't have to and helped me and if she got involved and i'm a doctor today because of him and that was because god led you to yes so god got involved with her he just used us to do it so what is god leading you to do what do you want god to do what shall i do for thee well make the vision plain that's right and write it out if you got to and the message bible i want to read that translation of those two verses and and verse 2 and habakkuk 2 says and then god answered write this write what you see write it in big block letters so that it can be read on the run this vision message is a witness pointing to what's coming it aches for the coming it can hardly wait and it doesn't lie if it seems i love this part if it seems slow in coming wait it's on its way it will come right on time and that is so true there's so many people you know they're so far they want to do something they don't have the they don't have the knowledge of the wisdom yet to do it but you will it's kind of like when you're growing it remember how long it took for you to be 18 years old oh god it seemed like it took 50 years to be 18. then all of a sudden when you made 18 instead of going uh to get to 21 it took maybe six months you hit 21. before you knew it you was 35. boom how come it how come it seems like it speeds up it really doesn't speed up at all you just get in you get in line and you're not thinking about time and then time just keeps going on well you know ladies and gentlemen god's been so good and gracious to us and our vision and every year uh god has given me something to do people are always asking me when you're gonna retire well i'll just tell you uh you're gonna look you're gonna see this uh this week i'm gonna make 72 years old most of my friends most of the people i started back uh preaching 45 years your birthday july 9th is my birthday i'll be 72 years old watch this have retired or dead i hate to say that but true or sick and i am running like a gazelle because i made that vision plain not that i'm better than you i got a vision of a gazelle running of a gazelle running glory to god hallelujah and you can outrun the devil every morning he's on that trip i'm on that treadmill a little gazelle i'm like i'm on that treadmill glory to god and you know you got because this body's going south i mean you want look at my chest i'm going to do it i'm going to look at my chest i used to be muscle-bound you understand i had a body but watch that see it just fell down look at cathy but that's all right you know why i'm on that treadmill i got them weights so i can pull it back up pull the muscles back up come on boy come on cause he goes oh but you have a vision i'm going to be 72 you have a vision to stay healthy now kathy's vision is totally different we're not talking about my vision it's a cup of coffee in the donut you know no doughnut juice yeah you work your arm you know as you just no no no donut just coffee no cream no sugar just black coffee we've already had this discussion yeah but do you want coffee and we've had i had a lot of people that wrote in and and gave me some thumbs up about the coffee you do like them beignets i bet i don't eat them yes you do once twice a year well you do eat them or every other year i don't remember the last time i ate them but you probably do oh i remember because you had white all over your face just and my granddaughter loves them and my daughter loves them and it's really a fun time it really is you see so make your vision plain make it and if people laugh at it let them laugh because you're going to get the last laugh and don't give up on the vision like the word just said it's on its way it will come right on time you know and when every time that you get an opportunity to get into church get into the word of god watch us uh on our broadcasts or different these boardroom chats that we do remember that your faith is being fed and it's another step of faith that'll bring you closer to the vision that god has you know what you're doing you're breathing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation back into that vision so that it can live again and revive i i felt like the lord i was listening 100 words i can i can i can double tracks in my mind but when i saw the lord i said pick up this and look at this this is a girl named jeannie she says my partner letter arrived today and man did it give me a needed sermon thank you watch this my brother has been missing for two and a half years and now i know how to pray god is our hope and you guys are a blessing that's genie put your hand right there father in jesus name help her brother to come home let they find him lord because she said you are your her hope father i thank you you said two of us agree we set ourselves in agreement with jeannie that she's going to send us another boardroom chat testimony and say my brother's home thank you lord in jesus amen amen amen that's another one a maureen so happy to be a part of your ministry from uganda and that's something here's haya i like that name haya watching from india why says sabrina i love this i started watching you at a very young age i am now 33 and my kids and mom watch you too we are family to god people we literally all over the world wrote rhonda says good morning from hawaii i'm so thankful that god is continuing to confirm his word watching carol says watching from south africa this one's from queensland australia good morning i've been listening and reading your books for 15 to 20 years and love you both you know if you're reading my books for 15 to 20 years we must be saying something right because people wouldn't be just getting them you see what i'm saying what we want to do is always be open be like a mirror in other words show you our successes and also talk about our failures we're not trying to for you to put a halo on our head no man we're interested in any of that stuff we are just like you work out our salvation with fear and trembling in every area of our life we are reaching people changing lives one soul at a time and i want to thank all of you that watch the boardroom chats that watch the faith the facts that watches on youtube and uh instagram and facebook as far as that's concerned and on abc and cbs and nbc and uh all the uh what i call christian channels victory the victory channel uh day star we just we've gone on every available outlet we can possibly go we can't do it without you i thank you for praying for us yes i thank you for believing in us because we certainly believe in you and we believe in the vision that god has given you so we we don't try we make our vision plain we show you what we believe and what we don't believe and if we disagree with something you'll see it we'll both disagree right in front of you we're not doing that so it could be good television we're not trying to do some kind of show we just like being honest and being clean and being pure before the lord we have a lot of decisions to make in this ministry and we make them according to saint john 16 verse 13 how bit when the spirit of truth has come he will guide us in all truth and we think about our partners on a daily basis because they are our extended family and i mean that sincerely so thank you for watching we're getting close to our closing time right now and kathy thank you and uh we want to finish with this question what shall god do for you there's no limit yeah why don't you after you finish watching it get a pencil and a piece of paper just like a habakkuk says and write the vision that's right and watch it come to pass and as each piece of it comes back just check it off yeah and if you run through the whole vision god to give you another one to add and if you feel led to write your vision on a comment we'd love to read it and we'll pray with you about that as well and to all you people that watches and all you people that support us thank you and i mean that sincerely 100 of what you send goes into world evangelism and too many ministries can say that we've been debt free since 1982 and god's word is true so thank you and you know we have some say we don't know how you can use paypal if you want to you can text again but if i keep coming by that if you don't feel out of the lord to do that then don't you won't hear me preachers tell you not to do that don't don't because i want you happy i want you blessed but if you believe in what we if you believe in what and i'm gonna tell you we not only do we have it we have it in the natural and we have it in faith too what we've confessed we have spiritually physically financially we have it you can physically see it now right now as far as my life is concerned and catholic's like where are we interested is what other people are believing for we've got just i can't think of anything we haven't got that we don't have spiritually or physically or financially god's been so good and we want you to have it and i'm going to tell you something god can do it for these for us too i know he could do it for you you understand i just know it so one of the things i want to close with though a passion of our heart is to not only fulfill our vision the plan that god has given us but to help others to get their vision excited and ignited and that's what it's all about in any way shape or form until next time this is jesse and kathy saying we love you what shall god do for you remember as soon as you we come off get a pencil on paper make the vision plain and be proud and let people see it and if they come if they i don't know criticize you so what it's your vision it will come to pass until next time jesse and kathy said we love you see you soon god bless this media is copyrighted by jesse duplantis ministries for the private use of our audience any other use of this media or of any pictures or accounts without jesse duplantis ministries consent is strictly prohibited
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 30,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Cathy Duplantis, Boardroom, Vision
Id: YJdrhckCtg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 18sec (3078 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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