What's the difference between SUB-MACHINE GUNS in Helldivers 2?

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we have two submachine guns in Hell divers 2 the Knight and the defender but what are they both for let's go the Knight so first of all if you're wondering where your KN submachine gun is well it's in the special edition of the game so you'll have to upgrade to that if you want to unlock it but is it worth it well if you've used the Redeemer auto pistol you've pretty much used this thing to be honest it's basically a primary weapon version of that although somehow it does 10 less damage per shot than the pistol which seems kind of silly but where this thing excels is in its fire rate which is extremely quick with a 50 round mag as well I do recommend burst fire for this so you don't burn through the ammo too quickly though but if you like me and you enjoy a nice high fire rate submachine gun then you may well enjoy this weapon it's very good for mopping up crowds very quickly lots of little enemies or if you just need a large amount of damage output in a short space of time you can put it in full auto and just unload into stuff for downsides it does have a fair bit of recoil but as long as you crouch and maybe bring an armor that reduces recoil it can be pretty steady and if you do use it in this way it can be pretty decent over some range as well it doesn't have to just be a close quarters weapon and I'd say that while I do lean towards this being more of a bug weapon you can use it against bots you can still ding some heads down like so with a little bit of burst fire and it'll put down a trooper bot in a single burst typically and given that you're very often fighting Bots at longer ranges you want something that can be good at longer ranges and this maybe isn't that another nice feature of submachine guns is that they are one-handed so you can fire them behind you whilst running mainly great for getting Hunters off your back or you could use it with the ballistic shield maybe one day they'll let us use two of them at a time that would be the dream but overall I'd say it's a nice Close Quarters bug killing submachine gun if you want something that can mop up smaller bugs quickly and has a little bit of range the defender so this thing is basically an assault rifle posing as a submachine gun it does more damage per shot than the Knight or any of the assault rifles and it does all that with barely any recoil its supposed downside is its fire rate which is definitely much slower than the night but not much slower than the assault rifles hence I say it's basically an assault rifle it's like a recoiless AK-47 and oh no sorry it's not an assault rifle it's a submachine gun so you can use it onehanded which has the same benefits as the Knight I mentioned earlier so as you can imagine this thing is very very strong it's good up close it's good at range it's accurate at range cuz there's no recoil especially with crouching and the right armor and this overall makes it very nice for taking on Bots and dinging down those little Devastator heads but it can still clean up packs of bugs pretty well as well so yeah not much in the way of downsides for this weapon honestly it does have just a Red Dot site so no scope on this which is a bit of a downside compared to assault rifles but yeah overall this thing is a bit of a monster and I do expect it to probably catch a Nerf in the future I think it needs either a little more recoil or an even slower fire rate it does only have light armor pen but so do its competitors in the Liberator and the Knight but it outclasses both of those pretty well I'd say although I think the Knight can output more damage in a short space of time than this can so you could Loosely say that the Knight is more of a close quarter submachine gun while this is more of a longer range submachine gun and while the Knight maybe better against bugs this might be better against bots but honestly you could go either way with that but overall two nice submachine guns I think with slightly different roles but the defender overall maybe just a little too good we'll see if it changes at all in the future I'll drop it in the comments if anything changes with it but there we go that's the two submachine guns you better get back to Hell diving before you get Court Marshal thanks for watching if you want more more of this stuff I got it here
Channel: Zerk
Views: 19,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, pro, tip, trick, guide, sub machine gun, knight, defender, meta, best
Id: HFvz0_xb3zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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