People Share The Most Terrifying Thing They've Seen, But No One Believes Them - AskReddit

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warning this content may be upsetting or disturbing to some audiences at the platform the girl in front of me suddenly jumped in front of the train what is the most eerie and terrifying thing you've witnessed but no one believes you saw I was on the scene of a four-car collision that was caused by a drunk driver there were several serious injuries and my dad and I were helping people until help came I got to the main vehicle that had caused the accident and was so close that my hands were on the passenger door the window was gone and I leaned in I leaned in because there was no one in the car I kept looking and there was no one I'll swear to this day there was no one in that car I could see the inside destroyed an empty and full containers of alcohol but nothing else I leaned back and looked at my dad and he shook his head at me as if to say didn't look the newspaper article the next day reported that the driver and his niece and nephew were all killed in a car and that they did have their seatbelts on I know there are stories of people's own brain blocking out things like this but I kept looking trying to see in that moment and even today I can understand it people don't want to believe it or want to find another explanation it was clear middle of the day in a very open area no one was thrown from the car the car was a large late 1970s real metal car it wasn't really destroyed it was mainly still intact my understanding after the accident besides any other injuries was that the drivers had actually impacted his nieces head and killed them both I'm not sure about the rear passenger when I was three I was playing with my brother on a pier my parents stopped looking after us for a moment because I guess no one can stay vigilant non-stop so with my brother we start playing climbing into boats and jumping from one to another and of course because I was very small I missed fell into the water and almost drown my father suddenly remembered that he had children just in time to come back on the pier and to see me fall into the water and ran to fish me out this story is my very first memory I don't remember everything but I remember the hand coming down to grab me what I can't explain is that I also clearly remember a woman with green hair trying to pull me into the deep when I was around nine walking with my friend from her place to my place our places were like a 10-minute walk apart some grown bald guy in all black with sunglasses on started following us after two minutes of him following us we just kinda started crossing the street walking to another Street etc this dude kept following us and every time we looked behind us he kept pretending to be checking the soles of his shoes like he stepped in dog poop he was super close to us the whole time so we just ran got to my place and we both started crying we had an active imagination so my mom questioned us if it was actually 100% true and when we said yes she called the police they took a statement but nothing came of it a few years later in the news they were looking for a child molester in the face sketch looked exactly the same exactly it wasn't something I saw but rather something I heard I was putting my four-year-old son to sleep for the night I had just finished reading to him and he had already dozed off so I just laid there in his bed for a little while I heard his pull-string Henry doll go off it was laying on the floor next to the bed it said boy am I glad to see you for those who don't know the Henry doll is like the doll from the movie he has a few little sayings and he says a different one every time you pull the string it startled me but I didn't think too much of it I figured his string had gotten snagged up or something I was just about to get out of bed when he did it again not a difference saying either it said boy am I glad to see you again twice in a row which doesn't happen he says a few different sayings but always in the same order this time I picked it up took a look at the string and saw that it wasn't snagged or anything I was holding it in my hand about to set it back down when it did it again boy am I glad to see you that freaked me out a lot it didn't help that I was home alone with my sleeping kid I literally looked the doll in the face and said out loud okay you're freaking me out Henry and dropped it he stopped after that we still have Henry he's never done anything weird since if you pull his string he says all of his sayings in the correct order everyone shrugs off my Henry experience but it was really creepy I swear mess with fools it was late at night and I couldn't sleep I decided to go to out to look at the stars to get sleepy when I went close to the door I heard a huge bang like something big was falling coming from outside the flat behind my door I went with caution and looked through the little hole on the door to see what was happening I saw two people just standing there outside the lift one of them holding something I couldn't tell what it was but they didn't friendly I looked some more and then it was when I saw that there was a person besides them on the floor not moving or seemingly breathing I heard them saying something to one another I didn't really catch what though before they started dragging the person on the floor out of the flat and into a van before speeding off like crazy I tried to tell my family but they said it was just a nightmare I know what I saw when I was a kid around eleven years old I was spending the night with a friend of course when it was bedtime we didn't go to sleep like we were supposed to we were just laying there talking when a man opened the door and looked around he was a tall white male wearing only his jeans and was clean-shaven with short hair of course we acted like we were asleep when he closed the door we started talking about how we were surprised that her dad had shaved the beard he'd had for so long however the next morning at breakfast her dad still had his beard we both saw it so it wasn't a dream her parents thought we made it up but why two of them for me one as a kid we lived in this smallish town and our house was pretty close to one of those huge sluices next to a large canal however the embankment was pretty high so apart from the normal road there was a small stone staircase that went up from our street directly onto the embankment this loose itself however was always used by druggies and illegal parties etc not a big deal 99% of the time since the houses below were never bothered cumae being 13 coming back home from sports training and I see this shape at the bottom of the stone staircase with a massive splatter of red around his head turns out one of the druggies while high as a kite fell down the steps and ended up falling right on his head splitting his skull and spread most of his viscera across the street had to tell my parents and they called the police second one is from not that long ago when I was coming home from my internship at a hospital and since I used public traffic had get off at a station to take a different train while waiting at the platform the girl in front of me suddenly jumped in front of the Train resulting in something I can only unfortunately describe as meet confetti afterwards I called up my girlfriend who I was living with at the time still do to explain that I wouldn't be able to get home since someone jumped in front of the Train now in the Netherlands it's not uncommon to have delays in the entire train system due to these events apparently I didn't sound overly emotional or anything shocked so she just assumed that somewhere on a different platform someone jumped in front of the train so my train couldn't leave so she went her martial arts lessons and I was absolutely stunned that someone so close to you could be so casual about such an event happening to a loved one when I finally did end up getting home basically broke down and it was only when calling her again that she understood what had actually happened and immediately rushed home only later learned that the girl turned out to be a 19 year old student with severe psychosis from a co-worker who knew her from the school she was attending I was 12 and no one but me and my dog were in my apartment I was listening to my music with my dog on my bed my room closed my door had a see-through glass part on the head part of the door my dog started barking really loudly and I brushed it off as him hearing my neighbors that were loud usually but when he got up to bark at the door it gave me a bad feeling inside my chest so I patted him on the head waiting for him to calm down ten minutes pass he lays down next to my bad calm and then another ten minutes pass I continued listening to music when my dog curled up growling but in a scared way this time turning his head on the door I looked up the top of the clear door part and saw a lady full white it sounds cliche but her hair was white and so was her dress and skin she passed to the room next to mine really fast I didn't see her face but it scared me no one believes me but I did see her and I didn't leave my room then I just curled up under my blanket with my dog close to me I haven't seen her since and now I moved but it was really weird I recall as a younger child hearing a lady inside those walls singing my mom said it was the pipes probably but the melody of the noise didn't sound like a pipe was staying the night with a friend one time and I woke up earlier than anyone so I went to the living room and watched some TV about an hour into it I was overcome by this horrible feeling I never could describe I looked beside me and there was a shadowy figure standing next to the chair I was sitting in bend over with its face about two feet away from mine I utterly froze on place and slammed my eyes shut i sat there for what seemed like hours until my friend stab came walking into the living room and found me in the chair breathing heavily and sweating he called my name and it gave me the strength to open my eyes and run over to him in June 2012 I saw a plane crash in the Nevada desert I was installing road closed markers in Quin Canyon about 150 miles north of Las Vegas a kc-135 tanker was circling far to the south with three small single-engine jet Sterling behind this was not unusual a refueling wing flew out of Nellis AFB and we'd see one fly overhead about once a week often refueling at fifteen sedid for Doug way as I was watching one of the contrails from the smaller Jets suddenly cut out and I could see the aircraft glint in the sunlight as it tumbled from the sky I did not see the crash itself the falling plane disappeared behind a distant Mountain I assumed it crashed far to the south somewhere in the Test range there was no notice in the media flying over Calgary Canada on an international flight 300 oo+ feet staring out of the window and saw in the distance a round white object seemed to have four jet engines pointing downwards that were slowly rotating around it friend sat next to me saw it as well it disappeared behind the wing and as we waiting for it to appear on the other side it was gone asked the pilot what it was as we left the plane and he looked at me like I was an idiot stop telling people about it now as everyone just rolls their eyes not saying it was aliens or anything but for weeks I searched online to try and get some kind of idea what it was and nothing so once many years ago when I was a teenager getting high and drunk and whatnot I was leaving my cousin's apartment late at night I always walked home late anyway they lived on the top floor and as I start to descend the bottom of the stairs I see this little toy Jeep the kind the kids ride the battery-operated it was always out there along with bikes and other toys for the other kids that lived there well anyway I swear to God as I get to the bottom and from the angle of the stairs I only caught a glimpse of the Jeep but I saw enough to see that the front of the little Jeep is slowly moving in a circle almost as if someone was pushing it around and around until this day I tell myself that I was probably drunk and high and that I just imagined it and honestly that's probably what it was but it felt so real I remember that I stood there for a few seconds and then I turned around and ran back up the stairs I went back inside and told everyone about the little Jeep obviously no one believed me and even now when I think about it I don't believe it myself so right around that time my mom had just passed away I had started smoking drinking and doing drugs there was a lot of negativity around my life at that time so maybe it was some negative energy or even the devil playing tricks with my mind but regardless of what it was it scared the hell out of me so basically I was around eight to nine years old my friend was sleeping over and we playing on the floor with my dolls or whatever out of the blue my radio turns on and completely scared the hell out of us when I say radio though I mean like a static really loud static obviously being young we screamed for my mom she came upstairs just after it stopped she told us to stop being silly and that we had probably knocked it while playing we calmed down again and carried on playing with my dolls we were in the same place on the floor as the last time which is neither near the power switch or a radio and it turned on again it was static like before we freaked out again but had to go down for dinner or something when we went back upstairs we were just chilling in my bed and watching TV when the light turns off we were at the opposite end of the room - the light switch let's just say we didn't sleep that much that night was walking home from a friend's house back when I was in high school on the way home I had to pass a cemetery when I got there a lady who I assumed was homeless or schizophrenic was outside the gate pacing back and forth mumbling to herself after a while she started screaming in what I can only explain as tongues and began to wildly flail her arms in the air out of nowhere it got extremely windy and then a lighting bolt came down in the distance freaked me right out and I ran home signed on MySpace and someone posted asking why there was lightning but no rain or anything to this day I believe most people who have crazy stories after what I experienced that night and how I can tell people think I'm crazy when I retell the story my dad my sister and I were on a road trip once and at night while we were on the highway he stopped the car at an abandoned petrol station so he could pee you and while he went to do his business I decided to quickly explore while my sister was sleeping so I could move my legs a bit before staying in the car for more hours suddenly when I went to the other side of the petrol station I heard faint giggles in a beg for help but it was all muffled I peeked from the corner of the wall and saw an approximately 40 year old man with a bloody knife in his hand while looking down at an unconscious 20 year old girl I rushed away shocked and traumatized as I was only 15 and my dad said he was waiting for me I got in the car and we left I never talked about it to anyone except my sister but she just laughs one night when I was about five or six I was sleeping in my room with my brother this memory is kind of foggy but I remember hiding under my blanket and peeking out and seeing these tall pale cartoonish characters that looked similar to the evil mom from Caroline they were staring at me and making jagged motions and I kept peeking in and out of the blanket and I remember vividly seeing fake-looking neon bugs crawling all around inside my blanket and strange dark creatures all around my room I'm very very certain it wasn't a dream because all of my room was exactly the way it was and nothing was off or missing I might have somehow eaten something strange but you must also know that my brother was there too and he remembers having the same experience as me I was nineteen nineteen University it wasn't late but it was dark out and I was washing my dishes in the communal kitchen there was a big window in front of me and because it was dark I could see the reflection of everything behind me in it nothing was weird at all but then out of nowhere the sound of the water got louder and louder until it was thundering in my ears and just as I began to wonder what was happening this awful sense of dread washed over me there was something behind me something dark and awful and sinister I knew it was there it wasn't a suspicion or a silly thought to scare myself I knew in the fiber of my being that there was something there and it was very close I wanted to look up from the sink but I couldn't I have never ever been so utterly terrified before or since so I'm standing there absolutely scared while at the same time trying to tell myself that this can't possibly be happening when my flatmate comes through the door the spell was broken in a split second the fear disappeared the sound of the rushing water returned to a normal and whatever it was was just gone never happened again but it was definitely not something people believed was anything more than my mind playing tricks except I just know it wasn't thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and leave a like else you will see an evil spirit in your room's corner when you try to sleep at night moving slowly towards you staring at you and waiting for you to fall asleep so it can anyway share your own terrifying experiences in the comments below
Channel: Radio TTS
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Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, askreddit funny, best of reddit, reddit creepy, reddit cringe, radio tts creepy, reddit terrifying, reddit eerie, reddit scary true stories, reddit creepy stories, reddit creepy things, reddit creepy posts, reddit scarriest, reddit creepiest 2019, creepiest reddit threads, horrifying stories reddit, reddit paranormal, Radio TTS Paranormal
Id: zSfr_iK2AU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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