What's The Best Sour Cream & Onion Snack? Taste Test

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- How sour cream and onion are these sour cream and onion snacks? - Let's talk about that. (fun theme music) (fire blazing) - Good Mythical Morning. - Many people around the world, us included, - Yes. - Love sour cream and onion flavored snacks. - Mhm. - But the question is, do we love sour cream and onion or do we just love sour cream and onion flavor that some flavor god somewhere has come up with and put into our snacks? We thought that we would find out how sour cream and onion do these sour cream and onion snacks actually taste. - It's time for (heavenly music) the Super Snack Flavor Match. Sour Cream and Onion Edition. So we're gonna taste snacks to see which snacks actually match the real flavor most accurately. - Okay and to get a starting point we have sour cream and onion. This is just sour cream and onion. - Just mixed up. And we're gonna taste it to get a baseline of the real flavor that we can then compare to all of the - Right. The chives are on top here. - The ubiquitous. - [Crew Member] Green onion. - The green onion is on top but there are additional onions mixed in. So just so you know, this is unadulterated sour cream and onion. Which I think I'm gonna like. - Yeah if somebody accidentally dropped some green onion in sour cream. - I like that. - And they're like, whoa, I'm on to something. - I do like that. - It's 1903. - Just so it is established, I do like sour cream and onion. That was up in the air. I've never put those two things together with nothing else before but I just did. - The cream is soury and then the onions give it this kind of a punch. - Yeah. - That compliment it in a very good way. - Okay. - We'll keep coming back to that. - Yes we will. Round one. - Round one. - Okay, we're getting started with something that every American has had, even if you tried to avoid it. One of these has gotten in your mouth somehow. Now, don't just take one 'cause I don't think... - I wasn't. - Yeah, I think that would be wrong. I think you have to eat Pringles three at a time, right? - I mean I love these. I think I'm gonna love everything that's sour cream and onion that we're gonna taste today but the question is is it accurate to the real thing. Now, Silly Jazmyn tweeted, "Sour cream and onion Pringles "taste a bit like chemicals and also like can't "stop eating them." - I don't like chemicals. - I've never thought of it that way. - I think we should just put them right on our tongue. - You want me to eat all of 'em at once? - Yeah. It makes me so happy to eat things. - It's a subtle sour cream and onion flavor compared to eating the real thing. - But I'm gonna go back and taste this. - I mean it's still majority Pringles. - There is a very specific creaminess happening with the actual cream that you really can't get with a chip. And I know creaminess is a texture but it feels like a taste in my heart right now. You know what I mean? - As much as I love these Pringles, they're coming across as really weak to me, you know? The flavor's weak, man. We're gonna rate these on a scale of one to 10, 10 being nailed it. Zero being there's no sour cream and onion to be found. - They're very very good. - Yeah. - But - They're great. - A side by side comparison, it feels like a hint of sour cream and onion versus what I'm getting with actual sour cream and onion. I'm gonna give 'em a five. - I was actually going with a three and I'm sticking there. So that's a cumulative score of eight. Round two. - Round two. - Now these say right on the package, "Flavor Blasted "Slammin' "Sour Cream and Onion." - They've got a lot of adjectives in there. They're really selling it hard. - Blasted and slammin'. You know, again, I'm not slammin' Pringles in the last round by giving 'em a three. When I say it's weak, again, we're trying to compare is it accurate. - [Rhett] Right. - But it's gonna be weaker than the actual thing, I guess. I'll take that into account. - Does it taste like sour cream and onion. - But I do expect this one to be stronger because it says blasted and slammin'. - I know, I've never felt right about eating Goldfish. I always thought that these were designated for children. (crew laughs) And I wasn't a Goldfish stealer back when my kids used to eat these. So, I haven't had Goldfish in a while and I haven't had Flavor Blasted Goldfish ever. Okay. - I mean. - Oh. Very strong but very strange. - That initial sour cream and onion blast is slammin'. - I have been missin' out on these little fishies though. - And then it just turns into a Goldfish cracker. - They're good. - I know I'm eatin' 'em like a mule that you're feeding like your Grandma's backyard but forgive me. - Their grandmas don't have mules, man. (crew laughs) - My grandma got mules. - How many of y'all's grandmas got mules? I mean I'm sure a percentage. - How many of you with grandmas who have mules see the mules eat like this? 100%. - Hold on, you know what? It is pretty close though. But it has a chemical thing to it. Moreso than the Pringles did. We're not making any claims about these. I don't want Pepperidge Farm to come and - Blast us. - Blast us. Flavor Blast us right off the internet. But there's something that smells a little artificial. I don't know if they're... You know, I'm not making any claims about it. Do your own research. - Not for me, man. - You think it tastes like sour cream and onion exactly? - I'm gettin' extra flavor on the lippage. I'm goin' high. I mean, I'm a believer in the Flavor Blast. - I think that the intensity gives it points. - I'm saying a seven. A good solid seven. - Okay, seven for you. I'm actually gonna go with five again because of the intensity kinda brings it up a little bit but then the accuracy of the flavor comes back down a little bit, lands me on another five. For a total of 12. (bell rings) Round three. - Round three. - Okay, and now we have what I consider to be the undisputed king of sour cream and onion flavored things, going way back. - This is my flavorite chip period. - And let me also point out, their bowl of sour cream and onion looks a lot like our bowl. I mean, look at that. You can line it right up there and you would be like, look what is that? Is that the bag or is that the bowl? - Now, if I have my choice I am always gonna choose one that's laid over on itself. - It's so good. Now I'm gonna do something interesting. I'm gonna get some sour cream and onion. - No you didn't. - I'm gonna see if I can tell a difference. That was a very uniform experience. - The difficulty in this process is that, you know, you don't wanna put so much sour cream and onion flavoring on a chip that you can't taste a chip anymore. So that's not a realistic expectation. - This is hitting on so many of my cylinders right now. Every cylinder that I have has been hit. - I mean, we all know this is amazing but how actual sour cream and onion is it? - It's incredibly close. I'm going back forth and I don't know which one I'm eating. I just had the sour cream and onion spoon full and I was like, how did that chip get so soggy? That's what I thought. These are almost indistinguishable. - For me it's different but it's better. Like, I would never go back to this and wanna dip this in... Well I'll try it. (crew laughs) Me doing that makes it not as good as it was as a pristine substance. Therefore, I'm gonna give it a lower score than you might expect from me because it's actually better than what this is. - As far as my taste buds are concerned, this is as close as it has gotten. I'm going all the way to a nine. - I'm giving this a six. Which gives us a 15. (bell rings) Round four. - Round four. - What's this? I mean (laughs). I've never had this. - My mom used to get Special K things. - This is like a watching your weight chip? - Is that what the Special K means? - Do you add milk to it? I thought that this was cereal. Special K. Special K is cereal. - Special K is branching out, man. - Now I'm gonna look at... Smells like a pita. It's a cracker chip, Rhett. Ashlyn Nay tweeted, "Brought Special K sour cream and onion "crackers for lunch at work so my breath would smell bad and "people wouldn't talk to me." - Yeah. These are super strong but in all the wrong ways. - Oh wow, they are strong. - I mean, I still like 'em though. Listen, there's a lot of claim on this. "Loaded with flavor." That is a fact. They are not lying about that. - Yeah. They're compensating. - Loaded with sour cream and onion flavor? No. Let me do my dip test. Oh, it's so different. I'm gonna give this one a two. - [Link] I'mma give it a three. That's a give total. Round five. - Round five. Okay, moving right along to Trader Joe's Sour Cream and Onion Corn Puffs. Claims to be the world's puffiest. That's not something to be proud of. - Sure it is if you're a puff. I don't wanna a unpuffy puff. - My youngest son, Shepard found this exact product in our pantry the other day. And he was like, "Dad, something's wrong with these." 'Cause he thought it was just regular old Pirate's Booty. I said, son, that's sour cream and onion. He's like, "I don't like that." - I think they're sneaking in some garlic in this puppy. - I think it tastes like I'm eatin' like packing peanuts. I like these. Like I said, we have 'em in the pantry. But when I've just gone on this trip with all these other flavors, this is weak. - Mhm. I'm finally getting some onion. But this tastes much more garlic than sour cream and onion to me. I'm going for a one for this. - Well, I'm gonna have to agree with you, Link. They're doing something else and it's definitely not - Sour cream, no onion. - Hitting sour cream and onion flavor. I'm gonna give it a one. - [Link] That's a two. (bell rings) Round six. - Round six. - So you sprinkle as much as you deem necessary on your popcorn. That guy looks like a fried egg. I don't know what that's gotta do with it but. - Right, well it's tough to put a face on a piece of popcorn, I've tried before. - Ooo, that's... - [Rhett] Oh, go easy on me. - So. There we go. Made with real sour cream and onion. So let's give this a shot. - Mm. It's good but popcorn's got a cornier taste than I ever realized. - Popcorn tastes like corn? - I feel like popcorn - News flash. - Is getting in the way. Hit me straight. - Really? Tilt it. Oh, that means stop? - Hm, salty. - Salty? - [Stevie] Oh. (choking) (crew laughs) - Really taste it though. - Oh. - Really taste it. We look like we've had quite a Friday night. (laughs) - I think it came out my nose. - That wasn't that pleasant. Let me see if I can... It's pretty accurate though. I mean, that's really not how you should enjoy popcorn seasoning. I'll be honest with you. Don't do that. Just put it on your popcorn. - Oh, my goodness. - But we're tasters. I mean, we're professional tasters. We're trying to bring the truth to you. Sometimes that means making a sacrifice. Sometimes that means just open up your hatchet and just throwin' in some - Your hatchet. - Some seasoning. - That's a knife, man. (laughs) That's like an ax. - Your hatch! I like to call mine a hatchet 'cause it's a small mouth. But anyway. I can taste the real sour cream and onion, I will say that this, for me this is pretty accurate. I'm gonna give it a six. - Seven. Totaled up to be 13. (bell rings) Round seven. - Round seven. Okay, now onto something that I don't typically enjoy. Crickets. - But look at the nice packaging. - They are sour cream and onion flavored crickets though. And just in case you're wondering what parts of the cricket you can enjoy you've got drumstick, wings, breast, flank and rump. - Ooo, give me some of that cricket rump. - [Rhett] There you go. You just take one at a time? - I'll take probably three. Well, nope. - You took the whole package. You just gave me all of 'em back. (crew laughs) This is the cricket exchange. Little game we play. - So I've got three. Three crickets. I mean, they say that it's those parts but it's basically the whole cricket. - Yeah, well the rump and the wings and the legs and stuff will come off. I'm just gonna go one... - But the head. There's also a head. - Yeah. I'm just gonna do one to start. Not half bad. - Tastes like a bad husk. - You eat husk? - Yeah, man, I'm a husker. - When do you enjoy husk? - I keep it on the husk husk. - You're supposed to take those off of the tamale. - Really? - Yeah. I gotta say. - I did not get a lot of... Maybe it was that one cricket. Let me try another one. - Hold on. It's very subtle but it is very accurate. I think they had these crickets before they died, they made 'em go through this. They were like, "There's an obstacle course covered in sour "cream and onion," or something like that. They get to the end of the obstacle course and they're like, woo, and then they fry 'em. - Wow. They've been eating nothing but sour creams and onions. - They raised these crickets on nothing but a sour cream and onion diet. Does it say that on the package? - Guys, they've managed to make crickets the most palatable thing we've eaten all morning. I'mma give this a niner. - I don't think I would sit down and enjoy these, you know, at my home on a regular basis but, - Well come over to my house. - I think I'm gonna have to give it a 10. (laughs) - Alright. - It tastes exactly like sour cream and onion. - [Link] Well that's a big one nine for the crickets. - Okay, so crickets come in a solid first place followed not so closely by Lays potato chips. - The king has been dethroned here. - By a cricket. - At the official site of sour cream and onion tasting. Thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - My name's Jack from Dead Poet's Society. - And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Woo! Let me hear you make some noise! (crowd cheers) - If this whets your appetite for internet videos about food well you're in luck. We've got more of those over at our This Is Mythical YouTube channel. Go check it out right now. - Subscribe. And click through to Good Mythical More because we are gonna do a chip air blind taste test. - Let's Get Textual. This is when we have you text something to someone and then screenshot their response. Text someone, "Why is the earth flat?" And screenshot their response. Post it with hashtag Let's Get Textual. Click on the left to watch our show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Link] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Rhett] And make sure to check out our new channel This Is Mythical by clicking the video at the bottom. - [Link] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 11, rhett link snack taste test, snack taste test rhett link, sour cream and onion snack taste test, rhett link sour cream and onion snack taste test, sour cream and onion snack taste test rhett link, sour cream and onion flavor, sour cream and onion taste test, sour cream and onion snack, taste test
Id: 6q8WC2Lt4-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2017
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