What's The Best BBQ Snack? Taste Test

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- Today we crown the barbecuiest of barbecue flavored snacks. - Let's talk about that. (fun theme music) (fire blazing) Good Mythical Summer. - Woop! A few weeks ago we sampled snacks that had sour cream and onion flavoring - Yeah. - In order to determine which one was most like the actual flavor. - And it was the crickets, the crickets won out. - Yeah, who knew they could get so sour creamy? - Yeah, they did. - Let's see if we're surprised again today when we set our sights on the most American of flavors. - Potentially. - Barbecue. It's time for Super Snack Flavor Match Barbecue Flavor Edition. - Okay, now as we have established on this show and in a song that we wrote a long time ago, barbecue is meat prepared in a very special way. - It's not a verb. - Right, and barbecue flavored things though, in America, usually are not trying to replicate the flavor of barbecued meat. - Right. - It's trying to replicate sauce. - Right. Which we have some here. - And usually it's like a Kansas City sauce. - Right which is - It's a sweet, - Thicker. - Hickory-ish. - [Link] Sweeter. - [Rhett] Sauce. - So we're tasting this now in order to establish a baseline with which to compare all of the snacks we're gonna taste today. - Right, and see which one gets the closest. Let's get started. (rock music) Okay, up first we have the classic Barbecue Lay's chips. When somebody says, "Give me some barbecue chips," you usually can't go wrong if you get Lay's. - This is the go to. - I mean, look. We've got the same exact thing happening in the real world and on the bag. - [Link] We don't have a hairy baster. - Do we have a hairy baster? - Where's the hairy baster? (laughs) There's all these people here and I'm looking at no one because I don't really want a hairy baster, it's just for comedy. - It was my nickname in high school. (laughs) Never gets old. - (chuckles) The thing that I noticed from eating the actual sauce was the bite. There's a bite that you can't neglect - Don't neglect the bite. - When comparing it to this. Now I was hoping I'd get one of those chips that's folded over 'cause those are the jam. - Like this one? (laughs) - Aw. You looked, man. You can't win the lottery by cheating. - Yeah. - That was a good chip. - It's better than the sauce. Isn't it better than the sauce? - See, what I'm gonna do is, I'm just gonna lick it. 'Cause I don't wanna taste the potato. - Here's a foldy. Here's a foldy with a baby chip coming out of it. - I ate the baby and I'mma lick the daddy. - Here's another foldy. (crew laughs) - Eat the baby and lick the daddy, kids. It's so good. Korde Busby on Twitter said, "Barbecue Lay's "are slap peach." - Makes me wanna slap a peach! - I think that means a butt. - This is really close, man. - Especially if you dip it in there. - Okay, so we're each giving these a one to 10 and then we're going to - It's very close. - Average between the two. - It's coming from the same exact place. - So smoky, it's got that bite. - I'm going with a - Eight. - Eight. Hey, that's what I was going to say. - We agree. - [Rhett] Eight. - So that's a total of 16. (rock music) Alright, now let's check out some David Jumbo Sunflower Seeds roasted and salted and then barbecue natural flavor added. No picture of sauce on it. - No. - Let me give you a little bit. I love the name David for a brand. It's like, "My son David has these sunflower seeds, you "really gotta try 'em. "What should we call 'em? "I think we're just gonna call 'em David." (laughs) - What if it was a tribute to somebody? - "Well, it's my son David. "He's dead. (laughs) "He died of sunflower overdose." - What if that's true, man? - "Eat, spit, be happy." Are you talkin'? - Yeah. Why'd you give me so many? - I love eatin' these when I'm fishing, gives me something to do besides fish with my father-in-law. - I'll be honest with you, they could just be salted and I wouldn't know the difference. - I cannot taste any barbecue sauce at all now that you mention the point of this episode. (crew laughs) Sorry, David. I don't taste any barbecue flavor in your sunflower seeds. - You don't know he's in heaven, man. He may have been a bad boy. - (laughs) How could anyone who makes this be bad? "I kept all of the barbecue sauce for myself but I still "labeled it barbecue flavored (laughs)." - Oh, he's from a different place now. - He's Lucifer himself. Alright. This is not barbecue. It's still great, David. - I give it a one. - Yeah, two. - Sorry, David. - [Link] It's a total of three. (rock music) - I've got high hopes for these because I love eating Fritos. Have you had the chili cheese Fritos? That's not what this is about but have you had those? - It's interesting because I've had those and I've had normal but I've actually never had barbecue Fritos. - Really? Oh, but the corn is really strong. - That's why I'm just gonna lick this one too. - They're so good. - They are very good. - They're so satisfying. It's so corny. - There's a subtly to it. It's so corny. - Gotta lick the daddy on this one. - You gotta lick the daddy and then spit it out real quick. - Why can't you lick the daddy and then eat the corn? - Because then you only get corn. - You don't want only corn. - Again, because we're not analyzing how great of a snack this is. It's a great tasting snack. - It's so salty though. - But how much barbecue-ness is there to it? - In fact, eat some sauce to remind yourself of what you're trying to taste for. - It's so sweet. - It's so sweet. There's no sweetness on this. It's just salty and savory. It's good. - But it's like half barbecue. It's like barb. - I don't even know if they got to the B, man. It might just be bar. - And that leaves me giving this a - Four. - [Link] Four. - For a total of eight. (rock music) You're copying my scores. - (laughs) No I'm not. I had it in my mind and I wanted to say it in unison and then I said it a little late. - So we're just on the same wavelength? Nothing wrong with that. It happens sometimes. - You know what, I'm going first this time. - Okay, yeah. - Weight Watchers. How many points? - Air pop, not baked or fried. - Two smart points. - "Our popped barbecue potato chips are your go to snack "when you crave a savory snack. "Enjoy this classic chip flavor for just two smart points." We get two smart points? - Yeah, the more you eat, the smarter you get. That's what it is. - Oh, after eating the things with lots of points. - Oh, wow. - It tastes like some old gum that somebody left on the gym floor. - Yeah, you know those black circles? I pointed to one of those I was like, "Kids, "you know what that is?" - "You know what that is?" I was with you. - You were there? - When you taught that lesson. We were in a parking garage. My kids were there too. - (laughing) Yeah. - You were like, "All kids, - Yeah that's right. - "Gather around. "You know what these black spots are?" And Shepard was like, "Gum." (laughs) He was like, yeah we've had that lesson in the McLaughlin family. - Yeah, I thought that would've been a cool lesson. Uncle Link teachin' 'em about something. That backfired. We should've eaten these first. They're so bad after everything else. Yeah, dip it in some barbecue sauce. - Have you licked the daddy yet though? - I'm licking the daddy. - Actually, when I licked the daddy I got more barbecue flavor. - Well of course you did 'cause you don't have the flavorless-ness of the gum. - Yeah, the old gum. - But do you taste how sweet it is compared to the Fritos? - Hold on, but it gets barbecue points. Not only does it only give me two smart points but it gets a lot of barbecue points. I'm gonna give, well, I'm not gonna tell you 'cause I don't want Link to copy me. (crew laughs) So Link, what do you give it? - It has more sweetness than any flavor I've tasted but it has none of the bite. - This is what I'm thinking over here. - I'm giving this a three. - What? - I don't like it and I don't think it's barbecuey. - [Rhett] Seven. - That's a 10 total. (rock music) That's a disappointment. (crew laughs) That's exactly what the review said. - Yeah. - Now we know why. - It looked so big in the picture. Looks so small in daddy's hands. (laughs) ♫ Daddy's hands - Okay. ♫ Were warm and soft ♫ When I'd been bad (laughs) - No. - (laughing) I don't remember. - "They were hard as steel "when I done wrong." - "Done wrong." (laughs) - So these are Stonewall's Jerquee. Jerquee. - Jerquee. - That can't call it jerky because this is a vegan... - It's a vegan product. - It's a vegetarian snack. - Is it vegan, it's vegetarian. There's a difference. It's animal free. - Barbecue beef. Oh, my goodness it looks like a dog treat. - You sure it's not? Is there a dog on there somewhere? - Is this a dog treat, guys? - It's in such a small pack. - We're gonna eat it anyway, just tell us. Okay. - This is definitely a dog treat. - They're not saying. - It smells like a dog treat. - Smells like a dog treat. - Barbara stuff smells but I would never give this to Barbara. - It's meaty. - That's not meat, man. - This is a dog treat. - If I had a choice between eating this - It's horrifyingly horrible. - Or just expiring, (crew laughs) I think I would expire. - I think it's expired. I gotta just lick the daddy. (crew laughs) Do not eat this. - Oh, even licking the daddy's bad. Oh, it's horrible. - Zero trans fats though. - Oh, my goodness, that's horrible! - Come on, let's stress the positive. It's got a mustachey old man winking on me. - It does have a good mascot. - He's winking on us. - And it has a cactus on the front. A blactus. - I'd rather eat a black cactus. (laughs) - Blactus. - I can't even get passed how horrible this is. - Sounds like a superhero that lives in the desert. Comes out at night. (laughs) - Oh, my goodness. Okay. - And licks the daddy. - This is just abysmal - Man. - In taste. But can you decipher any barbecue-ness? - It's got a little bit of spice. I can taste a little bit of garlic powder, which is in barbecue sauce. - But it's more like a jerkiness than, like a teriyaki jerky they'd just probably do. - They tried. They tried but they started in the wrong place. They started trying to make meat out of something that's not meat. But just pure flavor, eh, two. - [Link] Zero. - For a total of two. (rock music) Alright, you ready to (laughs) go fishin'? - So this is Thai Taro Fish Snack barbecue flavor. Or as my dad would call it, thigh toro. Like literally we passed a Thai restaurant and he said out loud - Thigh food. - Thigh food. - All dark meat. - (laughing) When he came to visit me in LA. - All dark meat all the time. - And I didn't correct him. I didn't say anything until right now. What is this, man? This are made of fish? And they got barbecue sauce on 'em. - Oh, my gosh. Talk about smelling like bait. - Ooo, man it smells like walking down a wharf. - Yeah, it's like when you're on a pier or a wharf. - What is the difference between a wharf and a pier? I think one floats. - A wharf is concrete and bigger? - No, a wharf moves a little. - Really? - Oh, yeah. - I'm gonna wharf it down though. Oh, gosh. I can't read any of that. - [Link] Another language? - It's in thigh language. (laughs) I don't speak thigh. - This is so chewy and stringy and fishy. - It's not nearly as fishy tasting as it smelled though. Don't you give it that? Give it that. - Well, it's not that I can taste barbecue flavor, it's that maybe the fish flavor is noshed down a bit by whatever they added. - As you can see though, there's no indication of barbecuey-ness on this. There's just a fish and then it's orange. And then there's a carrot on the back. - There's a carrot on the back? But if I look at it there is an orangeness. There's an orange tint that I don't think comes from anything except a snapper. - It says barbecue flavored on there though. Maybe they thing carrots are barbecue in - Hold on. - Thigh-land. - I don't know if I'm getting residual barbecue flavor off my tongue, which we've been cleansing our palette between each round with a lime but, that being said... Ooo, that tickles. - Oh, got a little spic under that. - It's not like crickets, I'll tell you that. They douse those crickets with flavor. We should've got more of those. - Nothing. - Nothing. - I mean, it just tastes like I'm on the wharf. - Well, you know what, I got a little bit of something, I'm giving it a two. - I feel like I'm sucking on fisherman's finger. I'm gonna give it a one for a total of three. Okay, so clear winner. No surprises here. Lay's. (bell ringing) - Yep. - With 16 points total. - Ran away with it. Good work, Lay's. There's a reason why it's on your package. (laughs) - Yes. - Come back Friday when we've got a special guest host and a special message from us. Thank you for liking, commenting, subscribing and sharing this with your barbecue loving friends and family. - You know what time it is. - Hello, this is Sarah. - And this Alola - We're from Egypt. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - We've got new merch over our store that we haven't even talked about on the show. You should go over to RhettandLink.com/store and find out what it is. - Yeah, and click through to Good Mythical More. We're gonna do a pulverized chip identification test. - Let's Get Textual. This is when we have you text something to someone and then screenshot the response. We want you to text, "Theoretically, where would you "dump a body?" - Theoretically. - Theoretically. - Emphasis on that. - And then screenshot the response with hashtag let's get textual and we'll repost our favorites. (laughs) - That's a creepy one. - [Rhett] Click on the left to watch our show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Link] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Rhett] And make sure to check out our new channel, This Is Mythical, by clicking the video at the bottom. - [Link] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 11, BBQ snack taste test, rhett link bbq snack taste test, bbq snack taste test rhett link, gmm bbq snack taste test, bbq snack taste test gmm, bbq flavor, bbq, bbq flavored snack, bbq snack flavor, bbq chip, bbq chips, bbq foot massage, bbq chicken, barbecue, bar-b-que, barbecue (cuisine), best bbq, munchies, chips
Id: FweONIoXfiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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