Munch Madness Taste Test: Salty Snacks

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Today we get salty. Let's talk about that. <i> ( music playing )</i> Good Mythical Morning! Thank you for making us a part of your daily routine today. Ellie and Jordan ask some YouTube illiterate people about YouTube. Lots to learn there. And they were going to pause and predict extreme Russian dash cam footage mishaps. But first, welcome to Day Two of Munch Madness. Yesterday we kicked things off with a meaty, cheesy region, and Cheetos advanced to the final four. Today we're moving on to perhaps the snackiest snack category that has ever snacked-- salty. It's time for... Okay, just to recap on our absurdly large Munch Madness snack bracket, you will see four snack regions-- meaty and cheesy, salty, sweet, and chips. Now, you guys voted on your top eight for each category, which we seeded into the bracket, and yesterday Cheetos won the meaty and cheesy region, just over there gloating, waiting for us to populate the rest of the final four. Today we're going to do that for the salty region. Yes, and one quick note, although chips are salty, there are so many chips in existence that they have their own region, so we're dealing with non-chip salty snacks, including... Mm, skipping breakfast, going straight to snackin'. Our top ranked seed in this region with 3,529 votes-- Orville Redenbacher's microwave popcorn, versus our lowest ranking seed in the region, 1,758 votes for Ritz Peanut Butter Bits. I'm surprised that popcorn is the number-one seed. Again, this is based on your votes. - Well... - I love popc-- It is good. You remember how good it is once you put in you mouth. - If I'm not at the movie theaters-- - True of a lot of things. ...or maybe watching the movie at home, I'd never think twice about it, but then once I put it in my mouth, I'm only thinking about it. I mean, I could eat this whole thing right now. - Now... - Let's not, though. Let's move on to this. Now, you know I have a weakness for peanut butter. And Ritz crackers by themselves are good. They're also in this region. It's really good. I actually prefer to stick a regular Ritz cracker and put peanut butter on it. - You like to make them yourself? - Mm-hm. Anything you like to make yourself, they've taken the effort to make themselves in a smaller, more dainty fashion, to me is a win in this column. Come back to this, though. After you go to that, come back to this. I'm saying popcorn. I thought this was going to be a potential Cinderella story, with the Ritz Bits, but I don't think so. Now that I've tasted them, it's popcorn all the way. I mean, I love peanut butter. I don't love crackers. I'm going with you. "I don't love crackers." Popcorn moves on, Alex. Rhett: Look at him work. Look at that. You been doing calf raises again? I've been doing a little, yeah. All right, now we got our four seed, with just under 3,000 votes. Bugles versus our five seed with just under 2800 votes, Funyuns. - Battle of the corn snacks. - Now, this is crazy. If you had-a told me that we were going to have a Funyun-Bugle battle... - Yeah. - I mean, what are the chances, man? The most interesting shapes in the whole tournament "Let's make a snack in the shape of a bugle." - That, you know-- - Genius. Right off the bat... ( blows bugle call ) You're demonstrating what I was thinking. Bugles are more fun than Funyuns. - Wow. - You ever think about that? ( blows bugle call ) Try that with a Funyun. See what happens. I've only eaten Funyuns once ever, and it was on this show, just a few months back. - Really? - Never had a Funyun. I mean, this is fun. Don't laugh. Stop laughing. It's only gonna encourage him. I'm havin' fun, y'all. From my viewpoint, there's no fun involved. Really? ( chuckles ) Tell me-- ...on that end. You wanna play a Bugle with your tongue through a Funyun? 'Cause that can be arranged. - Yes. - Try it. You gotta bite off the end. ( trumpets "The Imperial March" from "Star Wars" ) You're doing the Death Star theme? - Yeah. - Yeah. - I'll tell you-- - 'Cause if you eat too many of these... you'll Death Star. As much as I love onions, the crispiness-- this is such a pure flavor, it's more fun than Funyuns. Bugles all the way for me. Yes, I totally agree. - Bugles does it. - Hands down. - Bam! - Alex. ( trumpeting ) Makes me proud. Chex Mix is the third seed, with 3,385 votes. versus Rold Gold "pletzels"-- or pretzels-- Just a hard word to say. - "Pletzels"-- whatever, man. - Sixth seed, 2,062 votes for the pletzels. Now, the interesting thing is that Chex Mix already had pletzels in it. - Oh, crap. - Know what I'm saying? It's got square pletzels that are in a little grid, and it's got circle pletzels. And this one just has pletzels and more pletzels. - So-- - But it also has... - bagel bite-- - Oh, yeah. - Whatever that-- - Bread stick? Is that-- What is that? It that like the finger of the snack maker? Light Chex, dark Chex. Gotta get a bread stick. And you put all that in your mouth. - Now-- - Oh.... ...the thing I like about this is I go through and I just pick out these bagel bites. That's not something you like about it. - That's something you do. - The fact that-- The thing I like about this is the fact that I have chosen to like one part of it. No, what I'm saying is that you have the power of choice. I've just pretzeled a pretzel here. - That's a purer pretzel taste. - Yeah? Because these pretzels have been influenced by their surroundings, you know, like a kid that just went to public school for the first time. ( coughs ) I'm about to choke on all this dry dryness. Hold your arms up. That's what my mom used to say. Okay, okay, okay. To me there's no competition here. - I love the variety-- - Pretzels all the way. - Just kidding. - ...of the Chex Mix. I see what you're saying. It actually has a little bit of a Bugle thing. - Something about this-- - The varying consistencies, the variety in items. It never gets old, or when it does, it's a lot after this has gotten old. This might be the only food I would need - on an island. - Well, yeah. Either way, Chex Mix takes it. Link: All right, Alex. - Like, you put it-- - I can move quite a bit for that one. Next up, we have our second seed with only 11 votes less that our number-one seed, the popcorn, Ritz Crackers, and our seventh seed with 1966 votes, - Mixed nuts. - Mixed nuts, yes. You're excited about the mixed nuts? I love a good nut, and I love mixing them up. Here's an almond. Here's a cashew. Here's a p-p-p-peanut. But a Ritz cracker. There's nothing wrong with a Ritz cracker. It's got-- it's buttery, it's crispy, it's got holes in it. - ( blows ) - Seven to be exact. You can blow right through it. Ritz cracker have seven holes. Oh, you're right. I wouldn't have known that. Fun fact. I mean, I don't dislike nuts, - I don't prefer them. - You're in the cracker camp. I'm definitely in the cracker cramp. You know I'm not in the cracker camp. I've been hard against crackers, even when you pair them with one of my favorite things on the planet, I still didn't move them forward. Look at all the things you can do with them. Look at that. They've got suggestions galore. Rhett, it's basically admitting it is not a self-sustained snack. It needs other things in order to become a snack. That's proof right there that this is inadequate on it's own. What do you see on the back of this? Just... a lot of fat. I don't think I can let this slide, man. This is a cracker that was almost the number-one seed. - I love everything about it. - I don't know why. I'm baffled. I mean, if you add peanut butter, If you add any of this crap, it becomes an hors d'oeuvre, which is not a snack. Okay, you know what? I think we need a tie breaker. That's right. You remember her, the founder of Cuddle Sanctuary. The MVP of PDA, it's Cuddle Queen Jean Franzblau! Whoo! Come on over, Jean. We have got a problem that only you can solve. I am here for you. Thanks for coming in. You're welcome. Now, you probably remember Jean. She is a friend of the show because she taught us how to cuddle. That's true. And then she came back as a zombie. That's right. As we do. Now you're just back as yourself. Should I give my opinion right away about nuts and crackers? Because boring, exciting. Whoo! ( titters) In what way? I'm feeling very nourished by the protein, but if I was at a party, I'd be like, "Nuts, whah." This is the plainest thing we've had in the whole tournament. But the buttery taste is addictive. You put one in your mouth, and you can't stop right there. Yeah, I'm continuing with these. May I have this? - Mm. - You know what? I'm not gonna take this personal. I mean, I'm just a judge just like the two of you. I'm actually relieved that you can come in and settle this so that we're not gonna continue to fight. I'll just badmouth you once you leave. So, Jean, What's your final choice? - Ritz crackers. - Ritz! Ritz moves on. - Yay, team. - There you have it. Alex, throw it up there. - Be gentle. - Good form. He looks angry. Why are you angry? Jean won't return my text, so it's like... uh, I don't know. You guys can work that out. It's gettin' real. Popcorn versus Bugles. All right, our number-one seed versus our number-four seed. The butteriness of the popcorn-- is good. And it just conjures a setting of entertainment. You know? Even if you're not watching the movie, you feel kind of like you are. I never had a bad time while eating popcorn. But these Bugles, man. Yeah, the Bugles... they keep calling. Talking about entertainment. It's so good. Talking about the finger hat. You can make finger hats. They really, really live up to the salty-- - Yes. - ...the salty promise. They're saltier than popcorn out of the box. They're arguably just as buttery as the popcorn. I don't know about that. - No, they're not, but... - They're corny, though. It's got such a strong-- Well, I could gush all day, but I'm just saying I'm going for the Bugles, man. Guys... it's Bugles. I knew it. Bugles moves on, Alex. Rhett: ( laughing ) Bugles. Bugles. Lots of head shaking in the room here because they filled out their brackets beforehand. People, Bugles is the Cinderella story of 2018. The number-two seed up against the number-three seed. This is a tight competition. They expected to meet and they landed this. I don't go into this knowing what I'm gonna prefer. I'm just gonna grab this at random. The flavor on Chex Mix is so good. It hits you right from the start-- the saltiness, the texture. Every bite's a little bit different. - Um... - I'm mean, I've been hatin' on the Ritz cracker. I've been up against it, but then you know what? I really listened to what Jean had to say. They're both so good. I just have to dig really deep inside of myself... - The thing I like about-- - ...and ask myself, "Which one brings me more joy?" The thing that brings me joy here is the consistency of butteriness that sticks with you even after you've fully chewed it. With this it's the initial surprise. With this it's the lasting experience. Ritz. Ritz brings me more joy. Well, you can thank Jean for this one because she has turned me. I'm saying Ritz, too. Ho! Ritz makes it - into the finals. - Link: Mm-hm. All right, the regional finals-- Bugles versus Ritz. I'm feeling your energy, and you care way too much about this right now. And you guys, too. So, Stevie! - The crew is so upset with us right now. - Stevie! Stevie:<i> I'm so upset.</i> I've never had more fun on this show. ( chuckles ) Let's see. Let me eat a Ritz. Seven holes, y'all. Boop, look at that. - Um... - But the Ritz is still so good. - So good. - It's so-- - They're both so-- - I'm converted. You notice, over the course of a couple of rounds, I've fully converted to knowing how good these are. You were a cracker hater just a second ago. I was a cracker hater. You think this is like a Cinderella story, though. This is like the mid-major. You know? Like the mid-major, like Valparaiso kind of situation. You know what I mean? Guy hits a crazy shot at the end of the, like, second round and you're like, "Oh, man, I want them to win so bad. They're so fun and they got a weird mascot. - ( trumpets ) - You've never pulled for them before, but now that they're here, and you've seen all the backstories, it's pulling on the heart strings. - And Ritz has been here before. - You know what it sounds like? ( trumpets ) Oh, you gave me the crunch and the blow. Ritz is like that team that's expected to go really far, maybe all the way. But a little bit boring and a little bit predictable like a Gonzaga. But they've had a hard time in the tournament, guys. Adversity at every turn. They had a near loss. If we hadn't brought Jean in, who knows what would've happened? They've won my heart over, man. Bugles or the Ritz? - Bugles. - Ha-ha! This won my mouth over. Bugles have won my heart. I'm voting Bugle. Me, too. - ( crew booing ) - Rhett: Bugles! - Cinderella makes it through the final four! - Whoo! What? Who woulda thought, Alex? Bugle's mind blowing. What? I don't even know what Bugles are. Well, they're the winner of the salty region. - That's what they are. - Special thanks to Jean. Thanks for coming in and helping settle our disagreement. If you wanna find out more about Cuddle Queen Jean Franzblau, you can find her at Cuddle Sanctuary in Los Angeles, which offers cuddle event services and training and is the home of the Cuddle Game. Yes, so stick around to see Jordan and Ellie administer a YouTube quiz on people that have never seen YouTube. Rhett:<i> Black is a slimming color,</i> <i>and our supplies</i> <i> of this black-on-black GMM mug</i> <i>are slimming, too,</i> <i>Get yours before we run out for good.</i> <i>Available at</i>
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,291,546
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Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, gmm food, Season 13, rhett, link, mythical, rhett munch madness taste test salty snacks, link munch madness taste test salty snacks, munch madness taste test salty snacks, gmm taste test, snacks, taste test, gmm snacks, gmm salty snacks, salty
Id: 33dq4fs83BU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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