What's the Best Soda and Cheese Combo?

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(rooster crowing) (lion roaring) - Welcome to Good Mythical More, sometimes, you wanna pair your cheese with soft drinks. And not wine. So why not? - But first we gotta name that squad. This is when we, there's a group of animals, and we try to figure out what they're called. What is a group of clams? - Clams, a group of clams... - A clobber. A cloud. - Oh, but they don't float and move, I think it's more of a cadre. - A cadre. - Cadre of clams. - A pile. - Okay, what is it? A bed of clams, see, I was on the right track, see, they're down there. - Yeah, a bed, a bed, a bed, I've actually heard that before. - Bed of clams. - All right, what's our first soda? - So we got all these cheeses here, we're gonna figure out, bring the soda out, which soda, hook us up. - Hook us up, y'all. - What soda goes best with which of these, and we're doing this the proper tasting way. We are... - So this is Coke. - We've got some spittoons here. So which goes first with wine and cheese? - I just feel like you got Coke, I think you gotta do the cheese and then the wine, and then you spit the wine out, right? - [Crewmember] No. - Yeah. Yeah. 'Cause we're spit... - [Stevie] I don't think you do spitting. You do spitting for wine tasting, but not for wine and cheese pairing. But you can spit anyway. - Okay. - I think I'm gonna drink the wine, the Coke. I'ma spit that out. And then with that taste in my mouth, I'll put a piece of cheese in there. - I'm not gonna do that, and here's why. Because the cheese is gonna go into my mouth and it's gonna coat my mouth. Then I'm gonna actually have the Coke and the cheese in my mouth, and then I'm gonna spit the Coke back out. - With the cheese. - No, the cheese I eat. But there'd be some residue. Much more cheese residue than you're gonna get with the Coke residue. You can do it however you want to. But I think I'm gonna try American, just because it's Coke, you know what I'm saying? Like, I feel like this is like America's offering. - I'ma try a little beer cheese. Mm. - I feel like I have to swallow it, in order to make (indistinct). - Well, I like- - That works, that's like, for me... - Beer cheese and American is- - It's pretty close. This is like eating a cheeseburger, and having a Coke with it. That's why I went there. - Okay, so... - That's pretty dang good, man. - Lemme see if this is better than the beer cheese, and if it is, then you don't have to- - Did you use this spoon or that spoon? - This spoon. - Used the spoon that was closest to me, okay. Just so we're on the same page. - I think beer cheese with it's better. - Well beer cheese is just better cheese. - Yeah, it is. - It's complementary, all right, I'll go with beer cheese. - Okay, so for Coke, we're putting the beer cheese. - Coke is best with beer cheese. Are we right, Stevie? (laughs) I know it's not a game. (laughs) - I'm gonna put this here. Let's bring out the next one. I mean, 'cause we can't taste every single cheese with every single soft drink. We gotta go on some sort of a... - This is Sprite? - See, you got the citrus in the Sprite, now you've got the heat in the Pepper Jack. - I think it might be goat cheese, that goes with this. - [Stevie] That's the right answer. - I'm gonna do a little goat because of the citrus that you talked about. - [Stevie] Or... - I'ma try the Pepper Jack. - [Stevie] Okay, Pepper Jack. - Whoa. - What were you thinking? - [Stevie] I was thinking the Brie. I was thinking the goat or the Brie. Because Sprite, I feel like is like a crisp white wine in this scenario. - Yeah, yeah. Where's the goat? - You gotta get some of that goat. - [Stevie] I do feel like the goat would probably be the best. - The goat and Sprite is revolutionary in my eyes. - Oh, wow. - Is that not good? - It really livens it up. - All right, goat cheese, with Sprite. - Yes! - Where am I gonna put this? I'll put this back. - That really worked. Stevie, what, okay, you got some good theories going. - This is Dr. Pepper. So okay, I'm going out on a limb here, I know you don't like Dr. Pepper, and I know you don't like blue cheese, which is why I think that they would go tog- - [Stevie] Oh, that, I'm curious about that one. - I think this is gonna work. - Yeah, might as well just double team it with everything that I hate. - [Stevie] I was gonna say the Brie or the cheddar with the- - Oh, no. It totally works! - [Stevie] Really? - Stevie, you've gotta try this. - [Stevie] I've gotta try it. I really do. - You've got to try Dr. Pepper and blue cheese together. I gotta go in for more of that. - The Dr. Pepper is so strong, it makes the blue, I mean they're both really strong flavors, and they smash against each other, and they both do taste better. - It's like George Foreman and Ali fighting each other, you know what I'm saying? It's like two big forces! - Yeah, I mean, it made both palatable. - That is so good. That is so good! - Let's just go for that. - I thought this was gonna be BS. - [Stevie] You are really selling it to me. - You're gonna like it, I tell you. - Now, Fanta... - So this is literally like, what would you put citrus with, right? - So this should be Brie. - This feels Brie, I'm on the same page. - You should try the spittoon too, boy, it's fun. Makes you feel pro. - [Stevie] What about the Pepper Jack? - This is a nice walk in the park, right here. - I think you just ate goat. - Yeah, I did. - That's goat, that's Brie, you haven't eaten any yet. - No, I haven't. - "No, I haven't, you're right." - Lemme get out of the park. - [Stevie] Oh, I thought you were talking about the whole experience was a nice walk in the park. But you were talking about goat cheese? You were talking about like grass. - Lemme, maybe Pepper Jack. - I don't know what I was saying. - Pepper Jack does not work with it at all. It's the Brie. It's the Brie. - 'Cause it's like an orange marmalade on your Brie stack. - [Stevie] Have you gotten into orange wine? Have you gotten into orange wine, yet, that's like the new East Side thing situation? - I haven't heard about this. - Orange wine? - [Stevie] Yeah, that's what you say to people now, if you live in Highland Park or whatever, that you just drink orange wine. You don't drink any of the other wines. Now you only drink orange wine. - Is that wine made from oranges? Or is it just, it's like a rose meets something else? - [Stevie] No, I actually don't know what it, it's a different kind of grape, I think. And I also think I might be allergic to it. But if you wanna seem cool, that's what you say. - What is it, ginger ale? Canada Dry. - Canada Dry. I'm trying cheddar with it. - Yeah, just by matter of elimination here. - I think it might pair better with something else. But that's definitely not, that is pretty complementary. I think the cheddar works great with it. I mean I do just like cheese. We gotta figure out what the Pepper Jack's gonna be. - I don't think it's gonna go with this, but let's try. - You just got splatter onto the cheese plate. - Yeah, but it bounced off of the spittoon first. - I think, well... I think it does work with the Pepper Jack. - I do, too. - It just hit me. Yeah. Pepper Jack and ginger ale. Let's put it over there. - Pepper Jack and ginger ale, y'all. - So that leaves the... Oh, cream soda. - And American? That's all that's left. - No, we got cheddar as well. Okay. Cream soda. Gonna try cheddar. - I'm gonna try this American. - The cheddar works. Let's see about the American. - I'd like to try the goat cheese again. - Very waxy. - I think the American works better than the cheddar. I think it actually... - This is kinda clashing. 'Cause you've got the creaminess of the cream soda, and the waxy smoothness of the manufactured American. Yeah. Yeah. - I think it works. - [Stevie] You're not gonna try the goat cheese? - I'll try the goat cheese again. - Goat cheese is with the Sprite. - The goat, hold on. The goat cheese works so much better with it. The goat cheese is wonderful with the cream soda, because of the sweet. Wonderful. - Goat is just an all-star. - Listen, I think goat wins, goat takes both Sprite and cream soda. Sorry. Before we try this, this is the last one? - [Crewmember] There's one more after. - Okay. Before these last two. We wanna remind you, the Mythical Society has a mobile app! It's got a mobile app! And a free tier, we call it the initiates. You don't even have to pay, to go over there, become a member of the Mythical Society, find out what it's all about. So go over there, download, well go to the Apple Store, the Google Play Store, and download the app for free, okay? Thank you. - What is this, root beer? - [Crewmember] Yes. - Yeah, what's gonna, I mean I think we could go back to the blue cheese. - I'm gonna go back to the blue, just to see what happens. - 'Cause I don't like it. - Nope. Doesn't work. Where's my spoon? Oh, it's on the ground. - Your spoon? I don't know what would go with this. - Well, I'm gonna try beer cheese as soon as I clean my spoon off. - Well just use your finger. That's what I'm gonna do. - I'm a sophisticated man. - Uh-uh. - That doesn't, whoa, that's worse. - That's bad. - Cream soda, you are a squirrelly little thing. Are you a goat as well? - This is not cream soda, it's root beer. - Yeah, root beer. - Like a root. - Are you a goat? - Piece of cheddar. - [Stevie] Maybe, well, now you're trying all the cheeses. I was gonna say maybe a Brie, but, goat, again? - The goat. Cream soda and root beer, it's not that surprising. Kind of a similar profile. - Ooh, and finally... - Mountain Dew? - Mountain Dew. - Okay. Did you ever know that Mountain Dew is that electric looking? - No. That's crazy. - It's like it's irradiated. They're over there laughing at us. - Gonna die young. What? What are you laughing at? - [Crewmember] When Rhett did the swivel thing it made me laugh. - I swirled the Mountain Dew. Okay. Where are we gonna go from here? Now we just gotta break off blocks of things. - I mean it seems like the goat, if it worked for the Sprite, it would work with the Mountain Dew as well. - But it feels like Pepper Jack could also happen, because, you know, like snowboarders and stuff? (crew laughs) You know, like snowboarders, they want their hot cheese? And their Mountain Dew? - It didn't come together. - Hold on. - I'ma go back to the goat. - It doesn't work with Mountain Dew. Return to the goat. - Ooh, mm-hm. That's an explosion. I like it. Maybe a little Brie just to make sure. - I don't think the goat works as well, I don't wanna... - It doesn't work as well as those. - I don't wanna throw it in there to the mix. Let's try the Brie again. - I like that. Yeah, you got the super fruit of the Fanta and the Mountain Dew. - Mountain Dew is just a, I mean, we'll go with Brie, but I don't know if there's anything on here, I don't know if you should have cheese with Mountain Dew, I think it's just basically what I've discovered. You can have cheese with all the rest of these. Mountain Dew, just enjoy it on its own, or don't enjoy it at all. - I'm a mellow yellow man. - Well there you have it. The quintessential soda and cheese pairings. - Gotta taste that. - I'm not going to. The Mythical Society app is free for all members, including initiates. Take your mythicality to the next level and download now on the Apple and Google Play app stores.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 440,493
Rating: 4.9466071 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: Pph-Cb1DFrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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