Can We Recreate Restaurant Logos From Memory?

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(rooster crows) (lion roars) (text bangs) (wheel clicks) - Welcome to "Good Mythical More." How good are we at, um. - Remembering what you're trying to remember. - Remembering what logos for restaurants look like from memory. - But first, don't freak out, but there's a family of caterpillars in your burrito. - Don't freak out, because it's high in protein. Don't freak out because they're naked. - That's what I was waiting for. - All right. (Rhett laughs) All right, Stevie, hit us with a logo. Let's just see. Do we think we're gonna be good at this? I think I'm gonna be good at this. - I think I'm going to be bad at this. - Okay. - [Stevie] How about Domino's? - Okay. Um, oh, golly, I should know how this works. It's, um... Nope, don't want that color, want this color. - [Stevie] We recently ordered some late night Domino's, which doesn't happen often in our house, and we were thinking about how the delivery car with the bright light on top lets all the neighbors know what you've chosen to do. - Are you embarrassed about it? - Are you embarrassed? Why are you embarrassed? Why do you say that? - [Stevie] I also think it might've been a weeknight situation, I'm talking, like, mm, 11:30 show up situation. - What's wrong with that? - [Stevie] Nothing, it's totally fine. - Own in, girl. - [Stevie] I did. - All right, there it is. Oh, are you still going? No words, just the logo, that's it. I was actually looking at this one. Oh, we're very close, blue on top, red on the bottom. - I did only dots on the red. - Okay. - 'Cause that's what I see in my brain right now. - [Stevie] All right, let's see what the- - And it's leaning to the side, so we both have it in our brains. - [Rhett and Link] Ooh. - [Link] Red on top with one. - [Rhett] It's one versus two. - [Link] So we knew it was leaning. - We both put the red on the bottom. Yours is pretty close. I mean, you only missed one dot. - [Stevie] It's leaning the right way. Yeah, I think this one goes to Link. Very close. - It does say Domino's underneath. I've seen signs that only have the... I think that one was easier because that thing that's leaning will be on the car, too. - Yeah, it will. - And then your neighbors will be judging you. - Yeah. - Yeah, that car that shows up at Stevie's house. - [Stevie] I had a neighbor this morning who got a Postmate order, and I was like. - Oh, wow. - For breakfast? - [Stevie] So happy for them. - We're talking, like, before 8:00 a.m.? - [Stevie] Yeah, like, a early morning. - That's a weird time to get a Postmate. - I mean, a breakfast Postmate? You're having a good day. - I've done that on the weekends. - [Stevie] Yeah, yeah. - Unless it's like they're delivering, like, medicine, and then you're having a bad day. - [Stevie] Oh, yeah, I didn't go there. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Panda Express. - That did remind me of what happened to me this morning. It involved a dog and being late. - You were late. I didn't say anything. - I'll tell you about it after this one. Hit me, Stevie. - [Stevie] Panda Express. - Oh, Panda Express. Panda Express. (people laugh) - Nothing comes up for me. - [Stevie] Guys, it's, like, in the name. - Hold on, don't give hints, don't give hints, 'cause I think I got this. See, now, he's gonna do something. (Link chuckles) Okay. Okay, yeah, I think I got this. There's mine. I mean, you gotta read between the lines. - [Rhett and Link] Oh, I just did the panda. - [Link] Oh, we did the same panda. - You did Shrek. - [Stevie] Yeah, yours looks like Shrek, but he got punched in the eye. - Yeah, but I remembered there was a circle, and it says Panda Express around it. - [Stevie] Yeah, let's see what it looks like, but Link, I think this one goes to you. - [Link] Oh, two black eyes. Chinese kitchen. - You thought that pandas had one black eye? That's the story here. - Yeah, I didn't know how pandas... I couldn't have told you that pandas had two black eyes. Is that standard? - Yeah, they're not like dogs that just have, yeah. - Huh. - It's like raccoons, you know? It's a pattern that's on all of them. - It does look like Shrek. Yeah, so I'm coming out the door to leave, and I'm putting on my shoes in the garage with the garage door open, and I see outta the corner of my eye this, like, huge animal just mosey slowly by, and I turn, it's this huge, old German shepherd, and I was like, what do I do? Should I do something? - You think one of Biden's dogs got loose? - So I- - Got in your neighborhood. - I was like, should I just get in my car and leave? I feel like this is a test of morality, right? And neighborliness. - 'Cause you knew that he needed. - Nobody lets their dog roam around, so, by the time I went out in the street, he was a ways away, and I, like, I took a knee, and I started talk- - Prayed for him. - Yeah, just prayed for him and then got in the car. - Lord, please let this dog get back home. All right, going to work. (Link laughs) (Rhett laughs) - I took a knee, and I was like, hey, buddy, come here, and he, like, slowly walked towards me, and as he was walking towards me, I realized, when I'm down on one knee, this dog is bigger than me. - Right. - Like, I started to get afraid, but he was so old and slow that I'm like, okay, I'm-a put out my hand, and he's either gonna eat it, or let me... And it had a phone number and a name. What was the dog's name? It was weird. I wrote it down. Nope, that's not it. This is important. Charkie. - Charkie. - Like Sharky, but instead of with a S, it's with a C. Charkie. - So you texted them and told them that you found- - I called the number, and then I was like, they're not gonna answer a random phone number, and then I texted them, found Charkie at the end of so-and-so street, 'cause that's the street I live on, So-and-so Street. - Yeah, So-and-so Street. (people laugh) - And then, at that point, I'm standing out there with Charkie, he's walking around slowly, he's not running anywhere, he's too old for that, and I'm like, I gotta go to work. They're not responding. Am I in too deep? - You gotta pass him off to your family at this point. - I ran in the house, went upstairs, and I was like, Christy, Charkie's out there. - You gotta watch Charkie. - Can you do something about it? And she thought she knew whose dog it was, but, I mean, if she had something to do, or if she wasn't there, if there was no one in my house. - Put him in your backyard. - What would I have done? - Put the dog in your backyard, and say that we are holding Charkie. - But he moves so slowly. It kinda felt like he's done this before, and he'll go back home, you know? When you're a German shepherd that old, don't you know where your home is, and you're gonna go back to it? - I mean, but, then, at some point, you don't know where your home is. - Oh, gosh. - Get too old. - [Stevie] What happened? What's the end? - He's dead. - I ran over him. I backed right over him, I was like, that'll solve this. - Too slow. - No, Christy did come out, and was gonna take care of it, so I have no clue. - Christy took care of Charkie. - I'll text her right now and ask her. - Christy took care of Charkie. - Yeah, I need to know, we need to know the end of the story. - What happened with Charkie? - [Stevie] I have a different German shepherd problem in my neighborhood, which is to say that there's three different German shepherds that live in the neighborhood, two of which are very friendly, and one that is not, so, if you see a loose German shepherd, you don't wanna get down on one knee because. - You're just inviting him. - [Stevie] You just don't know, yeah. - They get loose a lot. Okay. - You don't wanna bend over either. - Chili's. What? - Give us the next one. - She said Chili's. - [Stevie] Chili's. - Oh, Chili's. ♪ Chili ♪ That's not the right. (people laugh) I hate these markers, by the way. They're too fine-tipped for what I'm trying to do here, guys. Do better. Just kidding. I do hate these, though, but I'm not gonna be that person. - [Mat] I have loaded... Hi, it's Mat, I was gonna contribute something to the conversation. - Hi. - Hi, Mat. You're gonna contribute something. - [Mat] I have loaded so many stray dogs into my car and returned them to their homes in my life. If I see one on the street, I will do, stop what I'm doing, and follow it until it gets in my car, and usually, they have the address on their ID tag. - There was no address. - [Mat] Or their phone number. There was no address? - It was just name of the dog and a number. Wow, good for you. - You feel good after you do it. - Good for us that you work here, you know? 'Cause we need that energy, 'cause, apparently, I don't have it. I'm still on the fence. I need to make a decision. You know, your life stops until that dog is found? - [Mat] Yeah, yeah, and I've had lots of success cases. - Or returned. - So you're, like, actively looking for dogs at this point. (people laugh) You're like a dog catcher. - [Mat] Yeah, and if I like it, I don't even return it. - Yeah. - I understand that. - But I am such a dog-lover at this point that that has, I think, honestly, in the past, I would've said, that dog is old, he knows where he's going, let him do it. - Taking a while on this one. - Well, show yours. - [Stevie] Wow. - Is that it? Oh, dang, Rhett. That is great. - I don't have the version. - That is really good. - Think I got this one. - [Stevie] With the text to show you. - He's got lowercase. - [Stevie] I'm pretty sure you nailed the font of the one that does have the text. - That cap. - [Stevie] This is the one we were looking for. - Ooh, wow. - Oh, no, I'm closer. - [Woman] This is their current logo. What you guys were drawing is, like, what their older logo kinda looked like. - Well, I don't know, man, I mean. - [Stevie] How are you closer? - I got the pepper, the bottom part of the pepper. Yours looks more like a strawberry or a turnip. I did too much green on top for sure. - Yeah, you did too much green on top. - But you did a little bunch of flowers. (whiteboard bangs) Oh, gosh. - I thought the cap. - I did a thing that curls back the same way. - Yeah, I'll give you that one, man, but when I looked at yours, it looked more accurate than that one. Maybe the previous one had the cap. - Yeah, the previous one had the cap. - It looks like a- - Definitely. - An inflated carrot, and I worked hard on it. I'll let you know if she responds, but she might still be out there trying to find Charkie's home. - [Stevie] Okay, we're gonna go Panera. - Oh. Panera. - Panera. You know, I've lost no love for Panera. I hate Panera. - Meaning you. - Yeah, oh, I'm not a fan of it. - I don't like Panera. - Oh, you don't like it, okay. Lost no love. - I don't know anything beside, I can only picture the text, and I can't really picture the text well at all. - I know it's brown, that's all I got. There might be some, like, some, like, foil-iage. You know, like foliage, foily, foliage. That says Poopnera, Stevie. - Their text looks something like that, right? - [Stevie] Mm, no. - Let's see it. Oh. - It's a woman with bread. And I also spelled it wrong. - The font is, like, so close to, what is that tired font that people use? - The one that you shouldn't use at people's... Papyrus. - Papyrus. We're in, like, Papyrus family. - That's what I was picturing. - Territory. Their logo. - I would never know that... You could should me that logo of that person with a bread, like, holding it like a baby, and I would be like, I have no idea where this comes from. - The windblown hair of a woman holding a loaf of bread. - But you know what I do know? I know where- - I hate their logo, too. - This comes from, the "Rhett and Link Sing Lionel" vinyl comes from. It comes from you being a Mythical Society 3rd Degree quarterly or annual plan member by June 30th. Okay? I mean, that's the only way that you can get it. Go to for details about that. - [Stevie] You want another one? I got another one. - You say K&W? - Yeah, I want another one. (Stevie laughs) K&W? K&W? K&W? Do you think you. - I think it's just a K and a W. - [Stevie] Bubba Gump. - Oh, that's just tough. - I mean. - Ah, shoot. - [Stevie] I've only been to Bubba Gump that one time, with you guys, and it stands out in my mind. I really, it was memorable to me. The food wasn't memorable to me, but the experience. - The food's not good. - Bubba Gump. What on earth is happening here? (marker cap clatters) - [Stevie] It's the texture of the shells of the crabs that they serve there. It's, like, a little mushy. It's, like, a little, this isn't great. I think it's the same with the shrimp. The shrimp are a little grainy. - Okay, I don't remember anything about this. (Rhett sighs) But I put a happy shrimp in the middle of a B, G. - I put a shrimp with, it's got a cap on, it's got the hat that he wore on the ship. I think there's a hat involved. - Wow. - [Stevie] Let's see it. - [Rhett] Oh, you're right, there is a shrimp, I mean, there is a hat. - That is not what I was picturing. Oh, it's a, okay. - My shrimp is pretty dang close, even with the hands coming out. Look at that. - It's the wrong type of hat. Why is the shrimp wearing a top hat? That has nothing to do with anything. - I don't know. I feel good about the shrimp, though. If I just put a top hat on that sucker, look, he's smiling, he's got antennae coming off. Mine's hand's going up. - My shrimp doesn't even have a face. (lively electronic music) - Yeah. - Might be a draw. - [Stevie] Yeah. (soft piano music) - [Rhett] To get the "Rhett and Link Sing Lionel" vinyl release, join 3rd Degree quarterly or annual by June 30th. Visit for details.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 630,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: JOZwCahZf6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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