Who Would You Trust In These Extreme Scenarios?

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(rooster crowing) (lion roaring) (explosion) - Welcome to "Good Mythical More." Let's see if we can earn Stevie's trust or better yet, which of us can earn more of her trust. - But first let's name that squad. What do you call a group of polar bears? We should be able to get this one because that's probably, a pod is the first thing that came to mind but I just. - That's dolphins. - A vortex - A polar vortex of bears? - Yeah. - Polar bears, I'm gonna say. - A pride, that's lions. - I'm gonna say a curl. 'Cause you know, to keep warm, they curl up together. - I think it might be something that's like aggressive because polar bears look squishy and nice but they'll rip your head off. So like a murder, like a murder of crows. An aurora? - Oh, okay. - Okay. - Yeah, I just. - 'Cause you can see the. - I'm losing faith in all of these. But that's cool. You know, it's like the lights, the Northern Lights. - If you can see the auroras, you might see some polar bears. - Isn't that what the Northern Lights are called? The Aurora? - Mm hm. - Okay. - Borealis, yeah. - Borealis. Stevie. - [Stevie] Hey. - Do you know who's more trustworthy? - Well, okay. So let me, let me explain this. - She's dodging the question already. - [Stevie] To the mythical beasts watching. So the writers have written scenarios. - As they do. - [Stevie] And I'm going to read the scenarios and then basically I have to choose which of you, just the two of you, which guy I would trust more in that scenario. - In that particular situation. - Oh, David Hill's not in the mix? (laughing) - [Stevie] That'd be too easy. So for example, the first one, which is totally something that would happen. The three of us are hiking. - On our camping trip, yep. - [Stevie] Yep. And I sit on a rock with a snake hiding under it. It jumps out and latches on to my butt and it must be removed. Who do I trust to safely get it off? - To safely get the snake off of your butt? - Oh, I thought, I thought you were going to ask one of us to suck the venom out of your booty. - Right, I wasn't gonna, yeah, I wasn't going to go there. I will say that that is not a safe thing to do. - Suck out the venom. - Sucking out the venom is not, it doesn't work and it can cause even worse things to happen. - Probably in the other person as well. - [Stevie] I read up on rattlesnake bites recently 'cause it's warm and the trails and all that, and it turns out you just basically should not panic. You should calmly walk to where an ambulance can pick you up. - Yeah, you gotta get down the mountain. - You want to keep your heart rate low. - [Stevie] Low, yeah. - You want to stay cool, stay cool. - And they don't latch on. - They don't latch on but let's say it did latch on, which one of us is going to. - [Stevie] Who do I trust, yeah, to safely get it off. - Well, Link's deathly afraid of snakes. - [Stevie] Yeah. - But I am the serpent king. - I, but I almost, I always, I do think that it's like a, it might be a two man job situation as well. - No, it can't be. You have to choose one of us. - [Stevie] Well okay, here's what I, here's what I imagine would happen. - It's fine to choose Rhett for this one. - [Stevie] No, no. I think Link, that you would be, you would be tending to me psychologically and emotionally and Rhett would be physically getting the snake off my ass. - Okay, that's probably true. - [Stevie] Like that, that would be the situation. - Yeah, I wouldn't care about how you felt about it. - [Stevie] Yeah. - But I would be concerned about that snake. - I'd be like Stevie. - [Stevie] That's fair, right? - Stay with, stay with me, Stevie. But you're, okay. - So you're, but you're trusting me with the snake? - Trust Rhett to de-latch it. All right, I'll give you that one. - [Stevie] Yeah. - I'm not even gonna argue on that one. Give me another one that maybe I can argue. - [Stevie] The year is 2031, very specifically, and my child asks you both where babies come from. who do I trust to handle the situation? - Congratulations. - Well, you're going to have a baby that's old enough to speak in the next 10 years. Wow. - Yeah. - I'm looking forward to that. - When do babies start speaking about sex? - I mean they've gotta be, I would say that you gotta be at least like five typically, to start asking that question. So that means 2026, Stevie is gonna have a baby. - Oh. - [Stevie] I have an immediate answer for this one. - What you gonna name it? Kurt? - Well, first of all, just to lay the groundwork, Stevie. We both know the answer. - Where do babies come from is the question, right? - [Stevie] Oh, I thought you meant you knew the answer to who I trust more. - Right, so I mean, we can both give an accurate answer, I think. - I have successfully given this talk and even recorded it while giving it to my kids. I'm not gonna ever play it for any of you. I'm going to play it for them at the rehearsal dinner. - But. - Wow. I didn't record the talk and. - Yeah, I think Link's. - I don't know how well it worked. - I think Link's expression right now is why you would trust me with this task. - [Stevie] Oh, 100%, 100%. - I'll put it to you this way. None of my kids are currently pregnant. Can you say the same? - Yeah, I don't think either of my boys are pregnant right now. Yeah. At this juncture. - It seems like you didn't explain yourself that well. Just trying to turn the table on the rationale. - I don't think they made anybody pregnant either. Is that what you want to hear? - [Stevie] Come on. - I want to hear that they have. - [Stevie] I would. - I do you want to be a grandfather some day. - I wouldn't totally choose Rhett, but I will say that Link, you would have the best of intentions. - Ha, that's right, you would. - [Stevie] But you would step in it. - Yeah, right. Yeah, he might say something that you have to walk back. - Well, that is step one to making a baby, stepping in it. - [Stevie] Stepping in it, okay. Here we go, yeah that's fine. - Nope, not, not true. - All right. I'll find something that you trust me for. - I don't want to be the one to bring this up but I am supposed to get an embarrassing story read about me because I lost. - [Stevie] Oh yeah, I have that too. - I didn't want to say it but if I didn't say it, they'd be like Rhett got out of it 'cause it was embarrassing 'cause you lost. - [Stevie] Yeah, I did just choose you for that. So I feel like. - Yeah, balance it. - Yeah, yeah. - Embarrass him. - [Stevie] Often times in everyday normal conversations, Rhett will begin yanking long white hairs out of his ears. He doesn't even realize he's doing it but it is quite gross. - I've seen this. - No, I'm doing it. (laughing) I've just, I've just been like, why is this culturally unacceptable? I'm an old man. - I've seen you do it. - And just to clarify, I'm not yanking them out of my ears. I'm yanking them off of this part of my ear. See that right there? What do you call that little thing that sticks out? I have these white, old man hairs that grow off of this thing and I can grab one. Let me see if I can do it. - But, but you'll do it in conversation. Like you'll be having a conversation and you'll be digging in your ear, and then you'll be like, while you're still talking. - I only do that with people that I really trust. There's two of them. Little white baby hairs. If I do that in front of you that is a sign that I, it's all on the table. You know what I'm saying? I'm not going to do that in like an important business meeting or meeting somebody for the first time. That's like a third meeting kind of thing. - I wonder what the other thing Christy said is about me. Don't say it 'cause I won. She probably told you all 40 stories. - [Stevie] All 40? - I don't know how many there are total but did you record that? - [Stevie] She is keeping a numbered list and you have seen it. - Oh no, I haven't, but. - [Stevie] Okay, this is. - I just know there is more where that came from. - This is for our camping trip as well. - Okay. We have an agenda now. - [Stevie] We are all whitewater rafting down the river when I realize I have no idea where we're going. We reach a fork. - It's kind of one or two directions. - [Stevie] That I know leads to either calm water or a deadly waterfall. You both swear you know the right way to go and point to the side you believe leads to the waterfall. But of course you both insist in pointing in opposite directions. Who do I trust? - Who do you, me. - Link prides himself on his sense of direction, but there have been times, in fact times when we're together. - Spacial awareness. - In the woods looking for a tree in which he was wrong about where something was. - I seem to recall. - Now I was also wrong. - To call that you were, yeah, you were also wrong. - But I was less wrong. - You were more adamant. - I was in the right direction in general. I just, the tree that we were looking for. - Stevie, you were there for this. - Was like 50 yards. - I seem to remember that he was so adamant. - But you were this far off. - That he was right. - You were 30 degrees off. - It was so believable that we even spent so much time filming at that tree to then realize that he was wrong. - But we were, I was more right than you. You were more wrong than me 'cause you wanted to go like over there and I wanted to go over there. And the tree was over there but it wasn't the tree we were at. - Do you remember the whole time I was saying, I just don't, this doesn't seem right. This doesn't seem right. - [Stevie] Here's the thing about the tree. - But no one believed me, but I was right. - [Stevie] To me, I'm still not 100% convinced that we ever found the right tree. - Oh we did. - [Stevie] Hm. - We did. - I mean, it was one of those two or three trees for sure. It was in the forest. We were in the right forest. - I just went, you know. - [Stevie] This is hard. This one's really hard. - I did a little road. It's not hard. This should not be hard. I went, it can be years I haven't been to a place and then I go to a place, and then I'm like, I remember details about this place. - I will give that to Link. If he's been to a place before. Other than the fact, other than the place with the tree. That was it, maybe that was an off day. - And I know how to look at a map. - [Stevie] Well okay, so we're in the situation. - I'm good with a map. Don't question my map skills. - [Stevie] We're in the same raft and I'm just along for the ride, and you both disagree. What are we going to do? - Are Boy Scouts present? - [Stevie] Yeah, definitely. - Because I'd probably just ask one of them. - Well, if the Boy Scouts are present, I'm going to be distracted. - [Stevie] God, this is. - You don't have to always teach Boy Scouts lessons when they're around. That was not, I mean, that's not the only reason to interact with a Boy Scout. Boy Scouts could probably teach you a lot. How to tie a sailor's knot. - I would trust me, Stevie. This is your choice to make. - [Stevie] But okay, but you guys are, you're yelling at each other at this point. You have to. - Right, you're the tie breaker. - [Stevie] Well, actually if it's a fork. - We're in the raft yelling at each other. - [Stevie] I wonder if there's something in the middle of the fork that we, like a little island, that we could just go up on and then never leave the island. - No, there's no hesitation. You have to make a split second decision. - If for no other reason, I'll just guilt you into it. - [Stevie] I think I would go Link. - I mean, you seemed to pretty easily choose Rhett on the previous decision. - [Stevie] No, I think I would go Link for this particular one. - Do you really think I want to go over a waterfall? - [Stevie] Yeah, exactly. - And here's the thing. In the moment I guarantee this is how it would go. It'd be like, I don't know. I think it's the other way, but I don't know. Link feels really strongly about this. - [Stevie] That's what I was asking. - 'Cause that's what happened with the tree, but then we almost died. (laughing) So I mean, I'm just saying, but typically I would trust Link in this situation. - [Stevie] Yeah, okay. Tomorrow night is the big red carpet premiere of Good Mythical More, the movie. - Good Mythical More, the movie? That is the one we should make a movie about. - [Stevie] I've somehow forgotten and don't have time to go grab an outfit. Who do I trust to choose an outfit for me? - Oh gosh, this is. - Hm. - Well, I could tell you who would want to do it more. Link. Link would like jump at the opportunity to do this, I think. - To dress Stevie? To like go to a mall and shop? - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Not go to the mall. You don't like shopping any more than I do. But I think that there, you believe in your ability to think that you've made a good choice about fashion for Stevie. And I would be like, I can kinda, I know what she's done before and I kind of, and I know like, I know like every day Stevie and I know like award show Stevie, and they're very different people, you know? There'll be a special hat sometimes. There'll be like shoes you've never seen before. Definitely some eye makeup that you're like, okay, all right. So I think I could just piece together previous wardrobing, get somewhere, and anticipate where she was going to go, but I wouldn't have a lot of confidence. I feel like you would have more confidence in this. I'm not saying the result would be better but you would think that it was going to be better. - I mean, which one of us has Googled lesbian fashion? - I can safely say I haven't. When was the last time you Googled lesbian fashion? - I just keep the tab open. - It's a bookmark? Okay, well. - Your choice, Stevie. - [Stevie] Is that what you, you employ it lesbian fashion on yourself? - But then you're going to send her to an award show in a flannel shirt. - He's insulting you now, Stevie. - You don't, you don't want to do that. - And all lesbians. - [Stevie] I agree with everything you just said. Like, I think you're correct in that. So if I had to choose. - If you wanna look like you always look, but if you want, if you kinda want to push it and into like an exciting new area, you know? This is your moment to shine and I can help get you there. - [Stevie] No, if I had to choose, I would, I I think I would choose Link because of everything that Rhett just said. - But listen, I would make you look like a funeral home director from the year 4,000 and I think you're going for. - [Stevie] I do think that there would be a layer of comedy in your choices. - If we can see a funeral home director From the year 4,000 right now, what would you give? What body part would you give? And it has to be at least a finger to, and we literally through the power of magic could bring up what a funeral home director in the year 4,000 would look like, and it would be true, and you would not question it. What would you give up? A finger, a toe. Would you give a pinky toe? Now balance is important with the pinky toe. - Do they put me under to remove it? - General anesthesia or "Twilight," whatever you prefer. - Okay. I'm good with "Twilight" for like a colonoscopy, but if you're going to take off a toe, I need to go all the way under. - Okay, okay. Full anesthesia. We're going to see into the future. - I think it can't be a toe. That's too easy. Toe's easy. - Okay, a finger. - I think it needs to be. A finger? - That's a lot to give up. - What are the things you could learn about society in general that you could apply by only looking at a funeral home director? - There would be nothing in the background. It would just be the person and what they're wearing. - It's like a stock image? - It would be, yeah, yeah. It would be the person and what they're wearing. Now I mean, that's a long time from now. You'd also see like how has the human form evolved. - I'd probably give my wisdom teeth. 'Cause I need an excuse to get rid of them anyway. I'm looking for. - A toe is too much, but. - No, a toe was too easy. - A toe was too easy. Okay, a toe a is too easy. - All right, let's hear another one. - [Stevie] We can save this for a would you give your toe more? I feel like that would be good. Would you give your toe for this. - Okay, yeah. - Or what body part would you give? - Right. - [Stevie] Who has the biggest toe? Okay. Did I answer the one? Yeah, I already answered that. In this hypothetical situation you are my actual dads. Who do I trust to help me with my math homework? - Well, I recently, I have attempted to get involved with the math with my children. Let me just say historically, track record great. All A's, all A's in four levels of calculus in college. But going back to fifth grade, like long division? Stymied, totally stymied. I was like, I have lost it. - I do not, I don't do any math help at home. - So you do not need my help. I mean, if you give me a couple of days to practice up. - The thing that happens with me is I end up saying why didn't your teacher teach this better so that you could tell me how to do it so I can help you? - Yeah. - It's like, you expect me to just to walk, it's like I'm just like a guy off the street and you're just asking me to help you with math. You're the one who was in the classroom. This is your teacher's fault. - Yeah, right. - And I get mad at the teacher. - Well the last time I got involved, Jessie and. - I'm like you know what? Screw it, don't even worry about it. - Jessie and Shepherd, the whole thing turned. It was like Shepherd's having trouble. Dad swoops in. Five minutes later Jessie and Shepherd are teaching dad math. - Right. - I'm like, oh really? That's how that works? How do, really? - So you're, it sounds like you're on your own. - You're going to flunk. - [Stevie] I specifically remember asking my dad for math homework help and him trying to explain things to me, and me getting so frustrated that I would be like, No, dad! I would get angry at him and I look back at those choices I made as a child, and I need to call my dad. I need to say, Dad. - I'm sorry. - [Stevie] I appreciate you trying to help me. I was very frustrated by everything you were saying 'cause it didn't make any sense. - I'm you in that situation, but I'm your dad. - Right. - We both are. So you're really on your own. I don't think you choose anybody. - I think this is yeah, you opt out. - [Stevie] Yeah. If I had to choose someone, maybe I choose Lionel Richie. - Okay, yeah. - You have to choose one of us, though. You know what? So do it. Come on. - [Stevie] Okay fine, I was trying to give you a good segue. - Listen, I'm not going to get mad at you. I'm not going to yell at you. - [Stevie] I would choose Rhett. - Oh, to promote the vinyl? - [Stevie] Because Link just said that he didn't want to help me at all. So yeah, I'd have to choose Rhett. - I would try but you'd pick up some bad habits. - You'd choose Lionel. Oh, is that what you said? What about if we sang Lionel, put it on a record. Would you choose that? - What if we dressed up like Lionel and got on the cover? That's how that works. We, after we dressed up, we got on the cover. We're also on the inside. - Yeah. The only way to get the Rhett & Link Sing Lionel vinyl is to be a 3rd Degree Mythical Society Member, okay? So you gotta join 3rd degree quarterly or annual plan by June 30th to be eligible for that record. You know you want it. Visit mythicalsociety.com for deetz. - [Stevie] Okay, this is the final situation. We're back in our camping trip if it were to be very remote because we're stranded in the wild and we don't, we have nothing at all. Who do I trust to be able to secure food for us out in the wild? - Okay. You just want to sit there and send one of us out to get food? - [Stevie] Yeah. - Now I have secured food in the wild. - I found some berries before, you like berries? - I can get you a fish. I'm not afraid to shoot an animal if things get, if things get desperate. - [Stevie] Well, you don't have any, you don't have a gun, though. - Well, I can fashion a spear? - [Stevie] A gun, oh okay. - I'm very, very quiet for a tall man. - What would I do? - My feet are size 12 and I'm almost six foot seven, which you would be like that's bigger than an average foot but it's smaller than average for a six foot seven man, which means I'm quiet. - I feel like I'd be really good at preparing you for the afterlife. - Link would be the priest. I'll prepare the feast. I would also cook it, by the way. - [Stevie] Yeah, you know, if Link can't, if Link's scared of going fishing, then yeah, I'd probably have to choose Rhett in this one. - I could clean as long as it's not a wound. - [Stevie] And as long as it's not a fish. - [Rhett] To get the Rhett & Link Sing Lionel vinyl release, join 3rd degree quarterly or annual by June 30th. Visit mythicalsociety.com for details.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 921,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: jwHgpnGYlR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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