What Seriously Messed Up Thing Happened In A Movie That People Barely Noticed?

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what's a really flicked up thing that happened in a movie that most people didn't really notice how everyone treated Kevin at the beginning of home alone I know the point was he was a self-centered child who thought everyone should cater to him but God dang it's even worse in the second one buzz makes fun of him behind his back during his chorus solo by holding up candles behind his ears and the roomful of parents and teaches bursts into uncontrollable laughter at the mockery the whole concept of love potions in the Harry Potter setting is disturbing as Frick students can create them or obtain them presumably legally the Weasley twins sold them openly these potions caused intense infatuation with a specific individual even if you've never met the person before someone tried to use one on Harry and there was no mention of consequences nor apparent fear of said consequences since there was no way to hide who sent it this makes date debauchery drugs look tame Voldemort's mother actually married a rich muggle and raised a child for years while keeping him continually under the effect of love potions you don't even need to be in the same room you could probably just send a bottle of spiked food and a note that gives your hotel room number in the first Shrek the three bears are captured like Donkey but when they find refuge at Shrek swamp the mama bear isn't there and the baby bear is crying if you revisit the scene with FARC who had looking at the picture of Fiona in his bed you can see a bear hug on the ground with the same bow the mama bear was wearing they turned her into a carpet WTF in almost every supernatural style horror film the sole surviving main character will almost certainly go to jail because what jury will believe that story in the i.t movie the librarian stares and smiles at the chubby kid while he's reading his book and it terrified me none of the people I asked have noticed her not only that in every frame she gets closer in line I instead she freaks out because she needs to feed Pudge the fish a PB&J sandwich b/c he controls the weather later some bits and pieces come out at her parents died in an car accident in the rain in Return of the Jedi the you ox were about to cook the heroes before Luke saves them there are stormtrooper helmets being played like instruments at the end of the movie did the cute little you ox eat the stormtroopers and now have bellies full of human flesh all through the film while helping the rebels I've talked about this at length with a buddy of mine you ox not totally a cannibalistic and carnivorous species the Empire just added a new white meat to their diet we theorized that they just reproduced like bunnies until their numbers are too big and then they fight until one side is left then repeat Christopher Nolan's Batman is against taking a life if the crap he does in his bat nabarro state-of-the-art military tank is extremely reckless and it's basically a miracle he never killed anyone by accident not to mention when he's in the mountains during training and they want him to kill that man at the end of his training he blew the frickin building up instead there's no way that old mountain man who didn't look like he was in great shape to begin with survived dude died anyway also lots of ninjas died in that building too in Zootopia Fox repellent is just a casual thing even a podunk farmer can buy along with similarly branded taser imagine an eye-roll equivalent like a pepper spray designed for a specific race ethnicity Fox repellent has definitely mentioned in the movie as being a fricked up and bigoted thing to carry around this might not bother some people but in Kiki's Delivery Service Kiki loses her powers and her cat with human level intelligence loses its ability to talk eventually Kiki regains her powers but her cat doesn't regain the power to talk and never tries to do anything about her cat and then the movie just ends that's some flicked up crap Kiki in Shrek 2 to assault a palace Shrek goes to the muffin man and has him make a giant gingerbread man known as [ __ ] we know from the first movie that the little gingerbread man gingy is fully sentient he has feelings he reacts to having his legs broken off they are as real as any of us only they can't bleed [ __ ] loses his arms is caught on fire and then for on the mote becoming soggy and sinking into the depths his last exes to say a farewell to jiggy Mungo frickin died shrek commissioned a giant gingerbread man as a sacrificial porn God it killed and didn't even react you don't see [ __ ] come back like with gingy and the new legs in the first movie he isn't in the third one [ __ ] outright dies in a kid's movie and it's kind of glossed over in Saving Private Ryan as the Germans are surrendering after the Rangers stormed the bunker - Germans come out with their hands up and are gunned down except they are not Germans they're Czech conscripts and they are saying in Czech please don't shoot me I am NOT German I am Czech I didn't kill anyone I am Czech that's why that movie is so good details like that make it so much more emotional and elevated to more than just a war movie in home a lonely realized they left Kevin in Chicago while they were on the plane to Paris once they get to Paris they roll up on this French woman talking on a pay phone in the airport and rip the phone out of her hand mid call it just seemed like such a dong move in big hero 6 the aunt says ready for some hot wings they're gonna melt your face off his brother died in a fire ffs Oh God those cheeky bastard writers in the first Superman movie Louis ends up dying because Superman was busy saving some other people he's understandably upset about this so he goes back in time so he can save her in time but if he did this wouldn't that mean that he left the other people he saved in the original timeline to die I may be missing something but that's how I remembered it paradox thing since previous Superman saved them the future him could go and save Lois at that point in time there were two Superman's it's a wonderful life pot of frickin gets away with stealing the money the whole town comes to George Bailey's rescue and pitches in to save the building and Loan by replacing the money Potter stolen still has at the end of the movie this was intentional to show that the bad guys aren't always punished in real life the main message is to be thankful for who you are and what you in Justices will go unpunished but nevertheless you have to go on the whole never been kissed movie was a freaked up premise good since some people knew the prize and still actually watched I'm not sure they noticed the premise teacher falls in love with fake but legal student that he didn't know was fake or legal then he gets mad that she's legal I learned from doing research for an early Hollywood films class that the famous director John Ford employed a device called a running W during a famous chase scene in stagecoach 1939 the running W was a strong metal cable of a certain length attached to the horses legs and secured to a metal box that was buried underground the horse was then ran at a full gallop where it would trip when it reached the end of the cable when its rider was short this caused a lot of horses to be permanently maimed and killed my professor was so scandalized he didn't believe me because John Ford loved animals he must have looked into it himself because later that night I received an email from him asking that I remove any mention of the running w from my presentation so as not to have a dad how everything else I had to say in the minds of my audience to this day I think I tainted my professors hero-worshipped for John Ford shaking the nickel bushes a great book that details the main characters author's stint in riding stunt horses for westerns some of them about as dangerous for the rider as the horse in forty days and forty nights the main dude was literally too butch and gets victim blamed for it that was way more freaked up than they played it off to be they also put vinegar on a drink for him to drink and his boss ends up drinking it that's also kind of fricked up in a Christmas story Ralphy blamed Schwartz for teaching him the f-word his mother called Schwartz his mother and tells her and she promptly beats the crap out of him without telling him why you hear it over the phone and it's played for laughs but it is seriously disturbing on a lighter note upon were watching it this year there was a joke I had never caught before in the dozens of times I've seen this movie but I'm sure everyone else noticed right away when the dad asks the mother why she turned off the leg lamp and she says something to the effect of too save electricity in the background every light in the house is on except for that lamp at the end of source code Jake Gyllenhaal's character takes over the body of some guy I guess the guy would have died if Jake Gyllenhaal didn't intervene so maybe it is marginally better than being dead but I don't think there's any real mention that he stole somebody's entire life at the end of the movie I'm still not sure what happened in that film antiterrorist Groundhog Day a quiet place I don't think he had to sacrifice himself to save the kids also the selectivity of sounds that the creatures can hear drives me nuts they can't find the baby screaming but they hear a photo frame fall nobody thought it was weird that Skaar blamed Simba FAMU forces death although Simba was a cub at the time also when Simba was saved by Timon and Pumbaa he tried to walk back out into the desert in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone the movie Harry super murders Professor Quirrell by grabbing his face until he burns alive and turns to ash like what it's self-defense but it's super gruesome for an 11 year old the scene in else when buddy's dad tells him he never wants to see him again and he doesn't care if he's his son or not buddy leaves and walks to the bridge talking about how he's unwanted and that he can't do anything right but the way it's set up where he's looking out over the water makes it seem rather dark of course then he sees Santa's sleigh and goes chasing after it in Inspector Gadget the inspector is training with a guru on how to use his new robot arms the Guru tells him to obtain the balls which leads to the Guru's testicles being crushed with audible cracking noises and high-pitched screams played for lasts off course but this guy just got castrated in a kids movie and it just gets glossed over in Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind most people who went to the memory erasure business probably wouldn't be there to wipe out the memory of a bittersweet love affair they'd probably be mostly people with post-traumatic stress disorder after surviving abuse violent crime the death of a loved one s in front of them at the end of the movie they all got a mysterious envelope full of photos and a tape of their own voice describing an intensely traumatic memory that they don't remember distributing those envelopes was a horrible thing to do in Young Frankenstein the monster rapes dr. Frankenstein's fiancee while she resists and pleads for him not to but then she becomes addicted to his dong because it's apparently very large so it's okay what in 40 year old virgin and he actually has a pretty decent life he has a non-toxic hobby a solid job he's in good health from biking to work every day and that also means he doesn't contribute to carbon emissions he might not have freaked but his life is far more stable than any of his co-workers who the movie makes a point to show are all dealing with emotional issues from relationships Paul Rudd can't get over his ex Jay is having issues with his baby mama Jane Lynch tells that creepy story all of them have problems from loving someone I don't think that is a mistake an actual real-life thing that happened during the filming of the movie was at 91 people got cancer while filming the Conqueror and 46 of them died most people didn't notice that that kid said in Toy Story is probably heavily traumatized the toys broke their rules to give a child a possibly life jarring trauma that did not know at all that the toys were sentient as far as it's shown he didn't mistreat his dog for that matter also he probably got rid of all the toys I owned or might even have destroyed them himself as soon as this was over I mean he must have gotten over it because he knew for a fact the toilet pizza planet was sentient edit but he worked there isn't it later in the series strapped Lotso to his grill in Toy Story 3 nevertheless this must have caused severe damage mixed up two scenes from that movie Sid wasn't working for Pizza Planet I don't know about him working for Pizza Planet but the garbage truck driver who is always drumming in Toy Story 3 has a very familiar white skull on black shirt very long explanation but worth a read in edge of tomorrow emily Blunt's character tells Tom Cruise she had the same ability to reset the day when you died and was helping to fight the first invasion with a close lover of hers after one hundreds even thousands of attempts to kill the mimics they eventually do but are clinging to life Emily survives by a blood transfusion which means she can't reset the day anymore so her lover dies forever imagine all the experiences together they would have shared possibly longer that the average lifespan of any human and for that to be gone never to return after rewatching the film this really hit home hard it's a typical si fee blockbuster on the surface but once you start looking into the film the concept of time travel in this scenario is very messed up and tragic imagine those who gained the ability to rewind time and eventually died themselves not a movie movie but I just watched the innocent man on Netflix it should be called the innocent man I get it Ron Williamson did not violate and kill Deborah Carter and it's a tragedy that Oklahoma denied a mentally ill man medications and that he spent 11 years in prison for murder and debauchery he did not commit however he isn't exactly innocent prior to the trial for the murder and violation of Deborah Carter Ron Williamson had physical shaming charges against him twice but he was acquitted due to lack of physical evidence also during his trial there was brutal testimony from a third woman he physically shamed when the police obtained the false confession he was already in jail for check forgery he also had a slew of other criminal charges brought against him previously they do a huge song and dance about how tragic it was that he had died shortly after release by drinking himself to death completely glossing over the fact that he had physical shaming allegations brought against him three different times the details of which were horrific in The Breakfast Club Brian the nerdy guy mentions how he was suspended because a bad grade led him to contemplate suicide and how he brought a gun to school he then G Kelly clarifies that it was a flare gun and everyone laughed as he pantomime shooting himself in the mouth with it with the implication being that a flare gun isn't a real weapon I'm not sure exactly on the chemistry of flares did I imagine shooting yourself in the face with a bright hot flaming objects would cause brutal and jury and permanent disfigurement or death laughing at any kind of suicidal thought seems kind of freaked up to me but especially something like that was pretty disturbing I kind of thought the same thing when I saw that movie in the B movie there was clearly a romantic relationship between Barry and Vanessa when the film ended animals came out as being able to speak which led me to a believe that the post B movie world in that universe is just a mass bestiality extravaganza love potion number nine even as a kid I realized when the main guy uses the potion to go to a sorority to frick a bunch of coeds that he was committing debauchery in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Grandpa Joe pretends to be crippled for 20 years forcing Charlie and his own daughter to work and support him but as soon as Charlie gets the golden ticket with the opportunity of monetary gain Grandpa Joe bursts into dance showing that he wasn't really crippled I assume you are aware of our grandpa Joe hurt in frozen elsa unknowingly creates sapient snow constructs with trays that she wouldn't want olaf was a snowman obsessed with warmth which would be self-destructive without her intervention she also made a larger construct to keep her sister away that chased them off of a cliff which could very well have killed them if there wasn't a conveniently soft snowdrift and kids movie physics making life comes with responsibilities unmaking sapien beings as tantamount to murder and rewriting their mind and personality is little better what would happen if she was truly angry like there were an army attacking and killing people and she wanted in that one moment for them to be dead she might make golems who only know rage and death to slaughter the invaders the hulking creature she made in the movie was not made with the intent to kill these would that would be bad enough but what happens when all her enemies have fallen she would have intelligent beings who wish to kill but no targets what would she do with these wretched beings they share no blame for what she made them they are still loyal there simply is no place in her world for them I think I remember hearing that Elsa was originally supposed to actually be evil and it got Anne jury right at one point there are a few inconsistencies in dialog that give it away - they had probably reused as much as they could to help keep production costs down not a movie but Inspector Gadget is a terrible uncle to Penny and as literally the world's worst work-life balance penny needs to be placed in a safer home with a responsible adult when I watched Dazed & Confused in theaters I was in high school and I always remembered would add Matthew McConaughey as being the coolest character but as an adult it is clear he is a child molesting creep who probably doesn't have friends his age for a reason I think that's the point the aftermath of famous snap-in infinity war more than 3.5 billion people have just died and many more will die because of car crashes planes falling out of the sky and personal suicides because of families and friends disappearing and proposals and marriages going wrong and don't remind me of daycare centers and empty houses full of crying babies reminds me of the quote a death as a tragedy but a billion is a statistic to be fair I don't think this a messed up thing nobody noticed it's like the central failure point of the film in every horror movie the poor kid says he she saw fricking ghost and mom would just put the kid to sleep alone in the bed and go back to her own bed for God's sake for one night she won't let a kid sleep with her the kid saw a ghost and not a bag of pot corns it's as if moms in horror movies are working with the ghosts footage of her chickens beheading played as Willy Wonka and the kids golden ticket winners traveled through a tunnel also he was very passive-aggressive still one of my favorites but I guess it wasn't a kids movie I remember liking Willy Wonka as a kid because of his passive aggressive behavior lol nothing has changed since Princess Leia watches our home planet destroyed but a few scenes later is making jokes about Luke being short for a stormtrooper who like hi my home world and family and friends are dead but like whatever I don't think that's a joke I think it's more her anger trying to antagonize her captors I can't remember the movie but it was some zany comedy where during a wedding someone stands up to object in the background there's just this dog barking barking barking going nuts of screan the father of the bride stands up and goes wait a second what's going on who is this everyone sit down you start talking someone shoot the dog this wedding is still on just like thrown in there but about 30 seconds later there's this gunshot and the dog stops barking no one reacts at all I think later they had a shot where the dog had a bandage on its head but it was a super random throwaway moment that moronic x-men movie wears a Fiat tries so desperately to save magneto because he knows his friend is still in there and is still redeemable if he'd just stopped tearing up half the freaking planet that butthole just spent five minutes messing up so much crap around the world that how many tens or hundreds of thousands of people died in those last few minutes but that's okay chaals forgives that little slip-up because he is his friend were we supposed to believe that all that crap he was doing didn't kill anyone a recent three meet at tsunami killed hundreds of people magneto was doing crap magnitudes higher than that all over the world ugh if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
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Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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