What's It Like To Date A Shark? - 3 Random Games

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[Laughter] what's up guys and welcome back to the most questionable series on the Internet's three random babes we'll start things off with a game called JA some dates where we're gonna go on a date with the shark okay I would have prefered mermaids but when it comes to deep sea romance you know Biggers can't be choosers we only just sat down to our salads and like my hands are already clammy my mouth is dry I can't tell if this is just burst eight nerves or if I'm genuinely terrified of be eaten alive I waited so long for this moment to come I'm really glad that you made the first step we could choose between that's fine you should have done it yummy or eat him wait what oh I'm the shark I was open the impression that we were dating sharks that dating days sure okay fine fine you know what it's like I said beggars can't be choosers so I'm guessing this blushing the Lauren's guy is gonna be our dates meal we seem undecided I'm gonna go with you should have done it and you shouldn't have ordered me a salad what the hell was going through your mind if I had to wait for you to take the initiative this date would have never taken place if you carry on with his toe and this date could end up sooner than expected yeah it could end up in my stomach so you better watch your mouth or you'll be watching mine calm down you little bite-sized Keebler Elf are you used to this kind of rendezvous are you trying to insinuate that I'm some kind of fish who were because I don't appreciate that absolutely not that's a first or I'm a regular yeah you know what I'm gonna go with I'm a regular maybe I get around okay there's a lot of fish in the sea what's it to you did the whole room just laugh at that joke I already met some other people but I prefer to invest in to more serious matters I'm more the action type than the talking type wing okay well we're getting somewhere but I don't know where that somewhere is oh how boorish of you I did not imagine so insensitive I think we should stop this rendezvous right now it seems our characters are two divergent wait don't go I am sensitive look my belly rumbles that's a sensation No oh he got away know what how do we screw that up on the very first question I did not haul myself up out of the sea and put on my finest pant suit not pants it's only single pants just to get denied by you okay so we're gonna go in absolutely not rendevouz are stressful situations and when I'm stressed I salivate quite much and make my teeth grind you're gonna make me uneasy and when I'm in easy I have a tendency to cry because ourselves a manly man we should not let's speak about something else like animals for example animals are cute which pet would you like to have a blues surgeonfish a pig or eat him I seemed really interested in just eating him I'm kinda tempted to see what that would be like but at the same time I I kind of want to win him over how about we go with a pig I'd love to have a little piggy at home a rosy daddy one waddling on it's little paws do pigs have paws I don't think that's it how would a shark know right it would be so much cutie cute it's adorable I could picture you so much with this animal I'm sure you'd know how to take care of it the English is also just all over the place okay sharks aren't great at speaking you somebody stop this stupid child for morning we're on excuse me can you just give it up I don't know your point of view but personally I'm fed up with all those children running around in restaurants without any supervision they are so noisy he will certainly hurt themselves making even more noise oh [Music] okay she fell into my mouth everyone saw it I totally agree with you their parents should be careful that they don't bother any more but currently they rather enjoy their meals I'm sure they won't bother us anymore so what do you do for a living I am a financier yeah let's go for that I look really hungry didn't I just eat a child's salad just isn't cutting it for me I love a financier I work in finance most of my co-workers call me the sharp who's that fitting I'm unforgiving oh were you involved in the deflation of the housing bubble if that's not too rude to ask oh it's not too rude but I look like I'm gonna keel over so maybe I can order something that isn't salad is that possible I especially like food in this restaurant they make really cheap healthy vegan meals I can't wait for the dessert do you have an idea of what you will order next um it's a tough choice I need a minute to think about it maybe the ice cream made with coconut milk or a Paris press because I'm kind of a glutton oh you go ahead and order without me I'm goods I think we should eat them to dessert somewhere else I know the perfect place for us okay he's fine he's fine okay he'll still bring out our meal in no time I'm sure I've see eight admire just a little bit I kind of want to eat somebody else though that misses in the corner she's looking like an absolute snack not to cheat on my lovely little man here white mean I can't really resist let's toast to that what does suits me eat I'm sorry I need to go to the toilet be right back I'm really hungry right now mmm delicious oh we left the legs they were the best parts so we've been making small talk for a while and I'm not gonna lie this guy's really weird okay he's asked a lot of personal questions like how my relationship with my parents are is the first date I don't want to talk about my parents I don't even know if I have hair I mean I have parents but my dad's bummed um my mom's eggs and they just kind of floated around in the ocean it's a long story but to conclude this date what do you think of me haven't I made a great first impression to you you're so weird I haven't been completely frank with you you're a cute date and you mostly liked what I said what i was talking rubbish I'm sorry but I think you're both adorable and extremely creepy I don't know what to do about you maybe I should eat you you seemed delicious and you were delicious who's creepy now oh wait I know me okay I guess there was no going back from that I was just gonna let him down easy not eat his head's three random games now we'll be the first to admit things could have gone better there in some ways but that doesn't necessarily mean that our hunt for deep-sea romance has to end there we're gonna move on to a game called itch shark itch because YouTube is always listening what the robots can't read I don't know what the odds of us finding a nice lady here but maybe we could win her over oh she's actually kind of cute you look distracted I'm just charmed by your voice or your face is distracted I'm just a little distracted by the fact that you don't have gills ken called me yesterday I'm not jealous or you're changing your phone number I always look for you more or its bit Oh sore okay uh do you need a ride sure I'm gonna pay for the gas or sure driving I'll pay for the gas hey why are you looking at that girl that's my sister or she's all alone maybe she needs some company yeah we should give her some company maybe invite her oh no should have been my sister okay uh what's this smell must be the dump near briar your cold is cleared up at the dump okay I heard there's a fiend around here don't worry I'm gonna walk you home or don't worry he'd never tell it to you I'll walk you home okay I've had a very bad nightmare yesterday talk with a shrink or it's just a dream it's just a dream don't worry I'm here I'm having a pajama party with the gals tomorrow have fun or are you gonna sleep together no okay should not have made that innuendo what ah okay I'm gonna say things did ancient not go according to plan no no no okay she's she's making up ground run run faster this is so much worse than the last day what happened she wants real fast for a fish really she's like a reverse mermaid in all the worst possible ways maybe we just need to be a little quick on our toes okay leave no question unanswered ooh you look distracted I'm just charmed by your voice I'm not feeling too well I'm taking you home what do you think about that girl Oh what girl what do you think about that girl what girl Kim called me yesterday I always liked Ryu more oh come on it's a good pun I've had a very bad nightmare yesterday I was just a dream you look distracted I'm just turned by your voice I can't call me yesterday ah it's been a while good do you need a ride sure I'm gonna pay for the gas I'm having a pajama party with the girls tomorrow I have fun you should we go to the restaurant or get some pizza no I had a very bad nightmare okay just a dream what's that smell must be the dump what about a nice trip I'd sure go ahead no no it's brilliant I'll go with you ken called I don't know why I'm not jealous damn it okay fine if I can't successfully date you then maybe I can successfully outrun you there is a timer I just need to avoid hitting things I would assume it doesn't look like I can push her any further back by making her run into this stuff how am i running into things no no this does no way I haven't run into a single thing yet just keep running don't stop we're so close Oh it actually worked okay I've got a lot of work to end by tomorrow um okay I'm gonna help you if you need it am I talking too much no today I put this new perfume ah you smell so good honey I think you grant it he's the best don't even care what you think hey why are you looking at that girl that's my sister I think you Grandia he's the best love you grant I'm freezing maybe that's because oh oh here take my jacket Oh what about a nice trip that's a brilliant idea I'm gonna book it I think yes everyone loves you great I don't know who that is winter he's trip guy yes brilliant I'm really hot today you're always hot uh a beach maybe I did a man what is it with you and you Graham why don't you just ask him to prom I've got a lot of work to do by tomorrow I'm gonna help you if you need it I doctors Oh you don't listen you would you look really cute okay after you branch good am I talking too much oh no you're perfectly normal amount of talking I don't feel like I'm dying in my mouth I take your phone number oh uh here take my jacket I'm taking you home you wonder her heart but she'll probably remain a shark okay so as long as I ramble fast enough then we can keep her in waifu form and you know eat her instead of have her eat us babes now don't get me wrong okay I'm happy that we managed to find love but I don't want to date as a shark I don't want a date a girl will become as a shark I want to date sharks don't take that out of context we're moving on to a game called shark dating simulator five thousand fathoms high I refuse to believe that this could be about literally anything else please just deliver on your promise game well what can I say this is just my luck all the other guys they get to be exchange students with French students at German students that drip Trevor got to exchange with someone from Las Vegas what do I get what school do I draw what do the fates have against me this is gonna suck so many donkey balls worst exchange draw ever you there young man whoa what the heck was that maybe it's time to open my eyes and look reality in the face standing here with my eyes closed and what I can only assume is a high school if it's a visual novel it's a high school here goes yep surprise surprise Jesus Christ oh that's pretty harsh reality open your eyes to go what are you doing standing in the corridor with your eyes closed I can't imagine why I wouldn't want to stare you and your beer bottle eyes what are you Oh miss whale so you're a whale teacher I really hope I'm not dating you are you one of the special 8 students kind of what's with that Aqualung no ma'am I'm the exchange student oh you're the student from that school on the surface yes ma'am oh very good very good well I'm sure you'll have an educational time here at 5 thousand fathoms high school didn't put that together until just now but it makes a whole lot more sense I'm sure being you and you'll be quite the celebrity many of our students have never seen a human before it big tasted human before that's what concerns me a lot more his school was established very soon after the great transformation we have a long and venerable history wasn't the great transformation I mean didn't that happen like a week ago 10 days actually mister the entire history of trans fish kind and if you want to get sassy about it we're gonna have trouble no trouble I'm just wondering why I'm talking to a whale wearing earrings you don't think you have ears my name is ms whale on the principle here you don't have too many rules here at this eco is follows one don't eat in class does that include eating students just asking for a friend okay - don't eat anyone out in class did you just make my joke for me what three students will not spear excrement on the walls except on days set aside for such activities so national holidays religious festivals birthdays etc sorry could could you go back a second what is it what was brought to again did I stutter mister roelle - do not eat anyone out and glass what exactly do you mean by listen maybe sharks means something very different to what we mean I am just gonna hope for the best are you sure you're not from the special ed class no activity oh she does mean that well then we'll need to keep an eye on you especially hers you're an attractive young boy fortunately I see the very person for the job Meiklejohn over here please Jesus she's thin for a burly girl hot dog eh yes miss whale what can I do for you I'm a coach on this young man is a human from the surface if you couldn't tell it and not blood cheese our new exchange student a real human golly mako-chan is our finest students not to mention head girl I don't know what that means but I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed that it means what we all think it means her record is spotless and her attitude in fact ball she will keep your more basic urges well and truly under control Jima swale you mean you want me to mentor the human student indeed I do cheese and cracker jacks lady okay please if you're gonna be my little sidekick you can't talk make me feel like I'm Adam West what an honor I can't wait to hear all about life on land gee whiz I bet it's swell as well as ahead girl mako-chan is also president of our ab student school office isn't that right mate Oh John it sure is like our motto says you can't get close to fish Jesus if you've touched what am I doing with my life honestly I know it's a little late in the video to have an epiphany but damn it oh well I'll leave you do it drink Oh show the human where to go and make sure he integrates into school life we'll do miss whale leave it all to me very good well you're the same darn group as me so our next lesson is fish terrine with ten days of fish story how could it be that's like fish history but we port de menthe oh it don't use big words of ham a human because we love good clean fun here at five thousand fathoms oh I was really hoping she would be a complete opposite of what she's like with the teacher you know as soon as she's out of your range again her fish they don't have ears come on you're not for real with that stuff are you not following you stranger you know what I mean your principal has a real bug up her butt about hanky-panky between the students again I don't know if she has a but she looks like she might have a but oh well sure none of us are married yet pull if you do it before you're married fish Jesus comes down from heaven and stuffs you full of plastic bags until your swim bladder explodes and you die does he now I don't have a swim bladder so that's what miss whale says say we better get to fish Street follow me okay so long story short this took a bit of a doki-doki turn where she brought me to poetry club after school she introduced me to whoever nobody cares okay well point is we read some poetry we wrote some poetry it got a little heated a little steamy as poetry does and miss whale doesn't appreciate that I heard every word you disgusting little reprobate joke's on you okay I don't even understand what that word means how dare you try to leave my good girls astray with your revolting perversions I want you off this campus effective immediately and I'll be writing to your principal you may be sure of that wait how the blue heck did you know about all this there's no cameras in here yeah maybe we should have mentioned that roll it Finn is if you can't see a camera there's a hidden microphone thanks tippy and just as well to pack up and ship out right now oh man I blew it wait really we was there a good ending to this I just wrote a bunch of poetry I didn't even give it any second thoughts well that was the shortest exchange trip ever I really messed up that time now I have to return to the surface disgraced as a big bat failure in a massive perb below the sea as well as above it was hard to swim I guess but wait someone is coming oh hey young man hold it right there oh my god her legs are huge she's got thunder thighs oh no not more of this you move weird where do you think you're going be serious where you just got through telling me where to go home but we have unfinished business say what now I heard everything you said to those girls we're watching their bodies move weren't you your dirty little okie oh oh oh oh yeah oh yeah I don't speak whale sorry your gaze devoured their sweet young curves didn't it I know what you boys are like but let me tell you these prim young things are all very well but if you want a real woman no no no no you should look at those who are not maybe still in the very prime of their youth holy hell are you coming on to me I guess oh oh my god no there's no way I can show this [Laughter] this is what I wanted and the video [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 941,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 random games, random games, 3 free games, free games, 3 free games online, free games online, 3 weird games, weird games, shark simulator, shark simulator game, shark simulator gameplay, funny moments, funny moments gameplay, simulator game, 3 games 1 video, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: zuTvDOVSw9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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