I Don't Want This Genie's Wishes - 3 Random Games

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what would a genie use to spice up their latte i was about to say his latte but i don't know if it's a guy or a girl maybe it is a basic white girl genie and we could go with pumpkin spice this might be a little bit excessive but we'll find out here you go buds thanks buds i'll need one more thing though of course he was i'd not be able to get immortality for a pumpkin i'm feeling fancy bring me something expensive expensive expensive is kind of relative though you know like tires are expensive the cars are definitely expensive i doubt i can fit a car down the well oh maybe uh not i look like the world's dumbest plane [Music] what's up guys welcome back to the most unpredictable series on the internet three random games we'll start things off with a game called last meal where you were knocked out and taken by a group of cultists they chained you to a chair now they're forcing you to ingest poison potato salad laced with poison of all the things they seem to intend on killing themselves too but they will wait for you to die first if you can get rid of the poison without eating it pour it somewhere when they aren't looking maybe then after they die you can get away i'm not gonna lie i've seen a lot of stuff in this series but potato salad cult might be a first of all the amazing things that a potato can become you guys chose potato salad like i would have preferred to eat a lot of poison laced with a little potato salad as opposed to this also i gotta ask why do you guys look like czech cereal i'm not losing my mind right either you cheaped out on the masks or like that's actually your head and i should feel bad for you and your mothers either way they seem really intent on digging in so i should probably do whatever it is i'm gonna do like pick up a fork and maybe jab it into the side of their bland weedy heads no okay i guess i could always just use it with my salads i got a fork full of potato salad great and i can flick it could you maybe look away for a second i get performance anxiety when it comes to eating mush here goes nothing oh oh okay i caused a distraction now where can i put the salad they even have a manor portrait of salads uh i can't reach that fair enough is there anything that i can reach i've got a dirty sock can i replace the salad with a dirty sock how would they ever know they're really intently watching that vase i gotta say this is a great distraction to allow me to turn my neck 180 degrees why are they trying to poison an owl all right well we've got a whole bunch more stuff back here including an exit that i wouldn't mind using at some point i can't reach that i might be able to pour some salad into that the dog won't come he seems distracted i'm sorry that's a dog should i be concerned with the fact that he's got a mouth for eyes i could probably pour some poison into that too if anything i'd be doing him a favor how are you guys doing back to fantasizing about the meal okay uh kudos to the chef by the way you barely taste the poison well the vase did a great job but it's kind of only a one use thing and i've got more stuff to do so hopefully i can it's that oh okay perfect it's gonna take a little bit and i would imagine if i hit you do you guys hear something like a cane falling over that was weird let's go back to watching colors that was really entertaining oh i'll take that as a no i guess we'll just go back to eating our meals in silence or i'll go back to eating my meal you'll go back to waiting i guess i i was kind of enjoying that to be perfectly honest maybe we could just watch a little bit there we go perfect now i have a cane can i use that to bludgeon in your weedy little blind heads no of course not and i probably can't bash my salad either can i combine items i can combine items i now have a sock tied to a cane can i use that to choke one of you guys i just can't win uh oh oh he's turning off the tv again okay we're gonna have to wait this out i'm pretty sure i can use that to pull something closer like the tree i love what you've done to the place by the way like the barney pink walls the yellow ceiling the green floor it all just screams crazy cult that's not gonna be here for long really premium stuff but uh maybe we could add a little more color perfect um okay grab this and turn around and pull is this loud i hope this isn't loud there we go perfect still watching colors i'm gonna go ahead and pour a little of this in there oh okay good good any more and they'll notice oh come on these people wouldn't notice if they got stabbed with a fork okay off goes the tv well i've got a whole lot less salad to deal with it's great guys really enjoying it feeling a little bit funny can't imagine why maybe i just need to finish the rest of the poison it's a good thing i have the ability to flick a chunk of potato with superhuman accuracy uh i'm sorry you guys can just go back to whatever you're doing oh i've got three strikes so if they see me do that three times then i'm guessing they're just gonna speed up the process all right that's perfectly fair fair enough don't waste food so i i understand i'm just gonna get another forkful mmm delicious there we go okay here doggy doggy doggy come on this dog won't come he seems distracted what do you mean distracted by what distracted by all the potato chunks that i'm throwing around you gotta be kidding me can i break that actually oh i was gonna say that's not a good thing i don't want to cause a distraction behind me there's gotta be something back here for me there's a button oh i activated a monkey they don't seem all that interested in it maybe the dog would be there's a point when this thing is dancing that it nearly knocks itself over and i'm wondering if i can hit it at just the right time would i be able to chain react everything off of that shelf oh oh okay it's good you're poochy here poochie come on old guy help me out would you i'm sure you're a fan of potato salad i'm just gonna go ahead and what i'm a dog person sweet jesus you really are waiting for the merciful release of death here you go little guy eat up real quick come on your plan seemed to have worked it seemed but they aren't so stupid what did i do wrong you were caught once so why would they trust you why would you give me three strikes if i i can't actually use them it's a trick question i'm pretty sure it was a rhetorical question actually they wouldn't oh come on oh so i actually need to pull it off without being caught at all all right one more time poochie over the lips and pass the gums look out rescue here i comes as they began to eat you felt as if you had won if the chains binding your legs didn't matter that would be why i didn't just jump up and stab them with your captors gone you'll have enough time to figure that out will i why do i get the feeling i'm just gonna starve to death chained to a chair the ultimate irony either way i'm gonna consider this a success three random games our next game is called well hidden genie where i'm guessing we need to find the genie i mean i could definitely go for some wishes i'm thinking immortality unlimited money and big booty [ __ ] just off the top of my head you got to admit i'm better at this than aladdin was is that me why do i look like somebody past bubble gum curse my bulky graspers they're so inconvenient hey you got hand problems oh yeah i do have giant gross hands of course i do have you seen these dinner plates and who's speaking right now i can help with this you know it's a well-hidden genie it's a genie hiding in a well who are you and why are you hiding in the well really asking the hard-hitting questions i'm uh i'm the the well genie real convincing okay awesome shrink them down genie you know what they say about guys with big hands whoa whoa whoa you got to do something for me first like what i i need you to use those huge hands to bring me something oh okay i thought you were going to get kinky there for a second what are you looking for you're a genie can't you just like get anything this latte is too bland can you give me anything to help with it something to help with the well genies bland latte uh oh okay we'll go have a look around i guess oh yeah big hands aren't my only problem what would a genie use to spice up their latte i was about to say his latte but i don't know if it's a guy or a girl maybe it is a basic white girl genie and we could go with pumpkin spice this might be a little bit excessive but we'll find out here you go buds thanks buds i'll need one more thing though of course he was i'd not be able to get immortality for a pumpkin i'm feeling fancy bring me something expensive expensive expensive is kind of relative though you know like tires are expensive the cars are definitely expensive i doubt i can fit a car down the well oh maybe uh not i look like the world's dumbest plane i was about to say i'm willing to bet that livestock can be expensive but i think that only counts if they're alive these chickens are kind of tumbling in the wind which means they're probably not the freshest what else would be expensive around here oh let's just get him one of these statues this is a really weird firm they've got fine art and dead livestock maybe they got wishes and pissed them away thanks bud i'll need one more thing though i've got nothing to play with in here is there anything fun you can find fun something fun i don't know do you find dead chickens to be fun he's gotta mean a beach ball right look there are only so many options around here for my dumb little brain to contemplate this has to be is beggars can't be choosers all right now give me my wishes i've brought you plenty of crap beat him out guy oh thanks bud only just one more thing though should i just throw the whole funny farm down there i've got too much energy but i want to be tired can you help me you didn't just hit me with a pun first you hit me with the buds then you hit me with the puns here tired thanks bud i'll need one more thing though i'm hungry again or are you too much of a coward to get me something to eat buck buck [ __ ] all right one dead chicken coming right up [Music] maybe they did get wishes and they pissed them away on a bunch of statues and stuff because clearly they didn't spend them on livestock it's nothing personal mr chicken just look at my hands look at how pixels shoot out my back i really could use the help come on now thanks buds i'll need one more thing though all right i want a bird but no more chicken for me i need a genuine flame on rose okay yeah hold hold on i um i don't know what's happening hold on hold on oh my god these stupid graspers just kill me just kill me now can i wish for death maybe one of these ones will be a little bit more agreeable come on come to papa i know nobody wants to be touched by these gross arms there we go i got it i got it please no no more bud no more one more thing just give me one wish a single wish i need more to eat and now i'm craving something mathy you know 3.14159 was there a pie around i would imagine there would be a pie on a windowsill somewhere okay careful yeah that's how you hold a pie boop please no no no i'm done i am done i demand my wishes i'm in the mood for legs but if you give me something with a body it's big hands or wait what something with legs but it doesn't have a body um i mean if you give me a few minutes i could probably mess up one of these things and have legs with no body once i don't know if that's a good idea are you oh no you you don't want to be touched that's reasonable oh that's actually clever what about a chair because it's got legs but it doesn't have a body i'm using my big brain there we go thanks buds i need one more thing though do you want a cow it's probably a cow i'm still hungry and okay yeah hold on i'm just gonna go and wait wool over your eyes oh okay first we gotta go with the sheep and and then the cow come here there we go again it's nothing personal i just really need this in my life now do you want a cow i'm a little bit concerned that you're eating these things alive that one was the live lease maybe not the chicken i'm hungry i could eat well i don't know get moving here we go man oh man i love how broken this is are you going to fit i drowned a cow you've given me everything i need goods wishes please yup i uh sure did so small hands time i made all the necessary ritualistic sacrifices oh it's time all right time to explode what am i not getting something here oh oh is he just bombing the firm why are you bombing the firm should i be doing something about this here take him back i don't oh oh no no take him back take it back too much too much take him but what is happening i just where do the bombs keep going give me the bump give me the bomb and then the bomb goes boop oh my god just go in there we go that's for you oh geez oh no oh man this isn't good if you didn't want to get bombed then you shouldn't have started flicking bombs oh geez guy you really goobered me up i like that goobers great verb hey you're not a genie no oh okay are you sure of course i'm not a genie what genie have you ever met that asked for a pie or for you know living sacrifices i don't know well i i guess these big hands are more useful than i thought plus it means that i've got a huge pink dick all right that was a game i guess three random games our final game for today strangely enough was recommended by a lot of you guys it's called i saw her standing there but what i don't see is why you guys want me to play this like it just looks like a random love story between a couple of lower case letter eyes i i suppose i could go over there and plant one on her yeah come here sweetheart is she a leper but then she was a zombie what act one selfless devotion and stuff i loved her but she was a zombie right right usually that would be a deal breaker but i guess i could always find a way so i put her safe in a cage why i i don't see what you're getting out of it is this a necrophilia thing i knew she loved me too i mean yeah she's always offering to eat my ass and nothing says i love you like a face full of hole there we go because she always tried to hug me hug me yeah alright sometimes the cage was hard to reach cage is also a piece of crap she keeps getting out i'm glad she loves to follow me yeah she is a bit of a stalker she liked to escape from her cage like i said it's a giant piece of crap how hard is it to cage a zombie usually a door will get the job done over here there we go but it always put her back still not picking up on why she was sneaky and got into sneaky places i don't think she's that sneaky she's just kind of standing around out in the open more so weird places it's the zombie apocalypse and yet there are a bunch of raising platforms oh i don't know how i feel about this come on come on just okay careful careful now follow me follow me there we go okay i appreciate that she's not quite as fast as me you know i don't need to always be the one finishing first but at the same time [Music] not really into letting you eat all of me i love her cause of her mischief okay act two lovers in a dangerous time there were other zombies too oh okay uh sir no not interested not swinging that way i'm into the dead thing but not into the dick thing so maybe you could just bugger off there we go come over here i didn't love them at all they're more about eating my brains than anything else they were mean and got in my way i'm jumping before even looking at what's happening oh crap uh how am i gonna make this work oh no that's not good okay don't let her fall to her second death good to know and don't fall to my death also good to know we only got one chance at this so you really gotta work with me here oh okay oh we got there in the end but i was a lot smarter than them a lot yeah we're gonna go with that there were lots of other zombies man can you guys just just not i'd really appreciate it if you didn't i would actually love it i'd love it almost as much as i love her oh crap uh over here over here come on come on actually why don't we just get all of you guys over here separated from her that'd make my life a whole lot easier yeah come on you're busting my balls and not in the good way please get on the platform misses i don't even have a name for you that's how little i care but i care enough to risk my life lucky i'm a real good jumper yeah we're just gonna pretend like that burst level of falling didn't happen sometimes i'd even find a gun [Music] now we're talking oh yeah much better eat it yup that's the good stuff uh hold on hold on yeah yeah i don't want to see you with any other guys i'm a jealous one what can i say over here perfect take that other zombies if bullets ran out i'd find another gun sweet jesus okay or it's like i'm trying to find her in the word mississippi uh hold on got it got it got the other gun now i just need to make sure that i don't shoot her oh okay and uh boom and no oh come on i just want to live happily ever after with my missus i don't think that's asking too much come on come on come on come in come on there we go nothing's going to keep me from my girl until she starts to decompose i guess act three philosopher isn't a career fair enough i suppose oh the other zombies got really mad oh yep i can see that i can definitely see that am i gonna cage you guys no just her that was when it got pretty scary yeah i'm feeling the scary oh no come on come on down here just just come come down here i want to forget all about you now give me the gun give me the gun give me the gun give me the gun i gotta pull a john wick here oh yeah my love was stronger than my fear that's right i i don't fear anything okay coast is clear you can go ahead and transform she transforms at the beginning of every level i wonder if i'm fast enough this will end with me saving her if i can find a serum or something like that i i would like for her to you know only have the hole she was born with zombies aren't really that bad anyway they always stopped when she was safe oh is that telling me not to go for the gun do i just oh oh oh i regret not going for the gun i regret not going for the gun come on come on come on come on no no you've doomed me woman come on oh okay oh wait a second oh genius maybe they're happy for our love yep maybe that's debatable though oh i loved her and she loved me nothing is gonna stop me from figuring this out you come over here and then you come over here i just need to group you guys away from over there because i really need the gun one of those levels where i would feel a lot better with a gun come on come on come on come on come on oh she's off she's when she is off to the races then then they start that is what oh that is when they start oh that may have actually done it not gonna lie that was a big baller move i'm going for the gun anyway screw it getting greedy stupid me no no no no no no okay uh sometimes the bullets don't seem to work all that well but that's fine come on you come on you there we go within she was a zombie could we be together that's what i've been asking this entire time i saw her standing there please don't transform please oh no no no no no come on oh i mean yeah i guess we could be together now and then i was a zombie and all the humans everywhere died but the guy and gal zombies were in love so it's good to celebrate they made delicious pancakes zombies can make pancakes the end three random games you know what i think that's gonna be it for this episode of three random games guys this is what three random games is all about i mean it doesn't get much more random than that i escaped a potato salad cult i helped a non-genie genie and i made love to a zombie if you guys want to see more stuff like this as always be sure to leave a like in the video leave a comment letting me know and i'll return to probably not do any of those things again soon but thanks for watching this video i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next time [Music] foreign
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 863,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 random games, 3 free games, 3 free games online, 3 funny games, 3 weird game, random game, last meal, last meal game, well-hidden genie, well-hidden genie game, genie simulator, genie sim, i saw her standing there, i saw her standing there game, funny moments, funny moments gameplay, captainsauce, captain sauce
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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