Earth but I spawn a tiny black hole every minute

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can make 1 mm black holes multiply like rabbits to find out how many it takes to destroy the universe it's Universe Sandbox as you can see we have stopped directly on Japan what does that mean absolutely nothing what it does mean however is that the moon which orbits the earth is about to get some new friends so what we're going to do today is we are going to put a 1 mm black hole orbiting the Earth then over time we are going to multiply the 1 mm black holes in order to find out how many it takes to start having an effect on the planet I know you're asking gr do you mean by effect kill every living creature yes probably so what we're going to do is we're going to take a rough estimate here a very non-scientific rough estimate of the distance between the Moon and planet Earth and we are now going to orbit Earth with a small 1 millim black hole black hole orbit the distance is is very chunky Z 245 right about uh there perfect now that we have our black hole we can edit it to the appropriate size and there we have it the radius. 5 mm the mass that that stuff right there now in general whenever you're dealing with black holes you want to make sure that the speed is very low because things can begin to happen rather quickly something else I'm curious about is can you see the black black hole if you land on the earth I mean probably not because it's unreasonably small I don't know it's out there somewhere I'll find out eventually when my snower gets picked up by the black hole and raised up into the heavens now one of the issues that is going to happen is we we have to hope that the moon and the black hole continue their speed as they orbit around the Earth because if they don't then the black hole is going to eat the moon all right we can see they're going opposite directions Perfect Balance look at that right there no problems everything is just fine don't mind me I'm just saving the start of sadness because the start of sadness is going to be starting a lot okay everything's fine time is moving on the start of sadness is keeping its orbit the start of sadness is starting to get a smaller orbit I get the feeling that the start of sadness is going to get close oh my God what just happened oh no uh I'm pretty sure the moon just got shot out yep Moon's gone the Moon is taking a hike well probably a problem when it comes to the tides how you doing there Earth you um you still okay I me any kind of weird problems or anything like that is everyone still alive everyone's still alive again the first 7 to 8% of people dying is like a gimme very normal okay in fact it's expected to be quite honest with you we have our one black hole over here temperature maintaining everything's pretty fine atmosphere seems to be the same ice and elevation and water depth and everything seem to be just fine so that means it's time to multiply what we have and add a second black hole start of sadness orbit put this one uh right out here here we go everyone's still alive two black holes in beautiful symmetry well in in a total lack of symmetry asymmetry if you will I'm basically going to be making Saturn rings but with black holes I've just realized that all right so again two black holes doing their thing over here is the Earth surface is looking fine people still alive that means that we're now going to have to add two black holes put uh one out here and uh one out uh we'll go in a little bit here here we are the best part about having the orbits is you can really get an opportunity to see just how like stupid this is eventually going to be in fact let me uh let me go over here to one of our black holes there it is so small so beautiful kind of makes the earth look like a like sad laughy Taffy oo the Earth is like stop juggling my atmosphere you land on a black hole what happens if you land on a black hole you can totally land on a black hole there we go this is the observation from the black hole to Earth you can actually see the other black holes it's funny because you can't actually turn the only thing that you can do is kind of can't your view because effectively you're standing on on a 1 mm object so more than anything I'm surprised that the black holes are playing so nicely I mean to be fair they are only 1 mm so it's not too bad yet the real problem is when you start spawning 1 mm black holes like you know a couple of inches from someone's pool now I will say there is kind of an issue I'm not really sure what's happening exactly but the temperature on the planet has dropped dramatically I have no clue if the loss of the moon has anything to do with that or the fact that we are being surrounded by black holes has something to do with it the atmosphere itself is starting to drop well regardless we've got four black holes the next number is going to be eight uh yeah let's put uh one over here one over here over here uh yeah let's go a little closer let's do one here there we go again I I do get concerned about what's going to happen when I unpause so I I slow things way down you don't want to miss the murder you know what I mean wouldn't that be terrible you can see all the black holes are just causing all sorts of Havoc with one another so they're kind of starting to whip each other all over the place like you can see the orbits begin to Interchange over here and then these two orbits begin to Interchange over here these two black holes are getting un like scarily close together hold on hey what you two doing over there oh god well those two black holes are probably going to go somewhere into the solar system now uh hopefully wherever they end up doesn't slurp up one of the planets could be bad yeah you can see it's kind of like a big uh I guess black hole traffic jam if you will oh hey it's the Moon the Moon has created an orbit with the Sun so it's still there it's just kind of you know not as close of friends as we used to be oh boy there goes two other black holes out into the distance obviously since we've lost so many black holes the true way to deal with this is to create an abnormal amount of black holes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a few moments later we now have 16 black holes surrounding the planet we have begun to move time along here we go okay I'm kind of surprised so far all the black holes seem to be doing quite well this one is uh very close to the Earth so something we have right now is some of the black holes are getting freakishly close to the Earth like as a whole and for some reason what it is causing now is the Earth to heat up a lot it is 24° C right right now now obviously eventually we're going to have to do like at least a 100 of these tiny black holes just to see what happens this is so strange right now I've created like total balance look at what's going on with the [Music] orbit all right since everything's doing so well we're going to put in another 16 black holes but we're going to make them very close to the earth oh yeah oh oh it's only like 8,000 km from you know how close can we get 6,000 km from the earth I can probably draw this in a little closer there we go there are now 32 tiny black holes surrounding the earth can you see these ones from the surface yep you sure can there's actually so many that are orbiting the Earth you can see there's one right there there's one right there they just look like little dots of total pitch like Blackness with the little bit of light surrounding it bending I need to get rid of the orbits just so that we can see the destruction here we go okay everything's all right temperature of the earth seems to be well I say stable we're only moving a couple of milliseconds per second right now how's everyone doing everyone's still alive the pole still you know icy nice look at that we i' I've bed an extra three 3% of the population they wanted to see the total Destruction of all Humanity via the black holes I think the best part is to whatever you know you've got your drone going up or something like that that your parents got you for Christmas and you decided to start flying it and one of the black holes that just kind of slowly eak closer and closer to the planet ends up sucking it in notice there's three black holes surrounding Australia that's how important I think Australia is okay still doing all right only at about a half a second a second right now and everything is still okay now we're at 3 seconds a second and somehow the Earth is still in one piece the temperature is spiking a lot it is now 25° C so what's going to end up happening is the black holes are going to start getting closer and closer to the Earth and when that happens someone's going to exit their house to pick up an Amazon box it's not going to be there because it's going to be inside the black hole in that Amazon box your your extra pair of jeans is is going to end up adding Mass to the black hole and causing substantial problems you can actually see again there only a few seconds per second you can see how quickly the black holes are moving look at the speed go up 11 km a second 28° C right now what is causing such a grand expansion of heat from the black holes my black hole food isn't great I just know how they murder everyone so what I decided recently this was a an executive murder of the earth decision is if we're going to do this we might as well do this completely ridiculously so I have recreated the situation but I have spawned 100 1 mm black holes in order to see what will happen we're already at 35° C the issue I'm having is that because of the craziness that's going on with the gravity the black holes are starting to move so fast as they come into each other's orbit that the time like as slow as I can make it there is still so much Insanity going on right now you can see as half a second goes by we're at 39° C another half a second 40° C the atmosphere is starting to go crazy I don't know is everyone still alive 10% of the population has been sucked up by black holes there is a large black hole traffic jam do you see it all right in this area that ain't good what's it like uh over here in Australia right now that's not bad 86° Florida's 101 kind of just a normal day kind of have to go onto the top of the planet to really understand just how many tiny black holes there are if I land over here in South America I might actually be able to see this this horrifying traffic jam it's also possible that some of the black holes are getting so close that it's going to hit me uh let's see is there one in my backyard or anything yet no I don't think so 54° c 55° c I'm starting to notice that the temperature is climbing much much faster now the closer all of the black holes get to the planet I am incredibly scared to increase the time because the planet may just like instantaneously vanish 72° C remember when I said it wasn't so bad in Australia they're up to about 123° F right now so yeah I guess things are getting a little bit worse over in Australia Florida chil 166 how much of the planet is still alive oh there's still a good amount of the planet you can see we're losing around uh .1% of the population every second or so the other thing I hadn't really thought about oh my God okay temperatures St to go kind of crazy the another thing I hadn't thought about is what's going to happen is eventually two of black holes are going to run into one another and when that happens the black holes will start to fight for dominance you can see them right over here kind of fighting did did all the liquid water just get vaporized do we still have water on planet Earth oh thank God the liquid depth is still there it's going down very very quickly like now I'm pretty sure there is an entire yes there is an entire Mist that covers the earth look at the atmosphere right right now that is that is pouring off of the earth the earth is now 486 de c ah yes 499 de C over in Florida we're beating Australia at the moment which is only at 483 de C Mak you're curious that's right around 900° F oh God so I just just for a a moment I turned off of the paws and there is like lava appearing in the Seas right now oh there we go we can still we can still see Australia right here you get to you get to visibly see it through the the shielding of gas atmospheric pressure is rising I'm actually going to see if I can slow this down I mean it's I get that stuff is already oh my God I get that stuff is already pretty bad but what I was about to say is the really bad stuff might be happening here in just a moment hopefully just out of absolute Mercy there's no one left alive how I love how it's like it's 1.76 they're dead they just don't know it yet 3000° F Well might as well just keep the ball rolling over here more than anything I'm surprised that little bits and pieces of the planet haven't begun to rip off of itself 5,000 de F 5,500 50 oh my God the speed of how hot hot it's getting look at the look at the grap over here it's starting to go absolutely insane oh there's the aerial view of the earth very very yellow 10,000 de F my God ah it's turning turning white now we've we've got uh we've got white heat at this point we're going through all the different colors of the spectrum we might as well at this point 16,000 de F no big deal in case you're wondering the life likelihood is finally starting to go away the liquid depth on the planet this is especially weird was going down but now the liquid depth is going up not exactly sure how that happened that's bad what's the gravity on Earth oh the gravity on Earth is normal well air quotes normal yeah look look at this look at this right over here look at all the black holes converging into one more powerful black hole the surface gravity is going down 30 1,000° C right now I'm kind of concerned but I'm going to go ahead and speed things up a little bit oh God all right let's get rid of that I assume that the liquid depth on Earth is going up from the rivers of blood I love that the Earth has gone from a planet into a satellite flying into the start of sadness which one the programs here have gotten rid of most of the data but it hasn't gotten rid of the most important data which is the temperature of Earth which right now is 3 40 well 350,000 de F does heat go this High all right let's speed things up a little bit 500,000 de F effectively Earth is now just a better Star than the sun the sheer heat that the Earth is that the Earth is giving out it's over a million where will this grow till isn't there some sort of Limit Oh it hold on it ended oh nope still going up nope it's going back down what's happening it got to like 1.5 million de and now if you notice the average temperature is falling oh God oh God oh we have we have one one single black hole that is winning the the street fighter tournament over here look at it look at it oh God all of those black holes I made all of them are going inside now the temperature oh my God what it looks like now the uh the Earth kind of looks like a violent marshmallow that's basically what's going on right here I'm going to go ahead and speed things up a little bit because now I'm very curious at what is happening I love how the speed of the earth goes all over the place that is a very very large vomit Trail coming off of the Earth right here how fast is this vomit Trail moving one10 of the speed of light we have caused the Earth to become a vomiting rail gun this this almost the speed of light all right let's just see what keeps happening [Music] here oh all the little particles are going into that one start of sadness that beat up all the other start of sadnesses this is what has happened so far the Earth is losing a lot of mass right now the temperature has gone completely insane I think what would be really funny is if the game is still like ah there's a potential for Life there is not a potential for life this is so ridiculous but I'm going to do it it's going to be like impossible to follow so the surface gravity is still going down here's the temperature here's the [Music] temperature what is this this is really cool I've kind of turned the earth into a large firework every once in a while for whatever reason the temperature spikes to how many is that is that 53 million de C 5387 756 2.01 2° C oh my God more than anything I'm surprised there's still this much Earth left to deal with everyone's getting stronger though well if there was anyone left because the surface gravity continues to fall a lot all right let's keep it moving this has only been like 2 minutes that all this Insanity started happening I love the constant violent spikes of temperature on the planet oh it's getting less may maybe there's less stuff to actually heat up oh I was wrong right now that one single black hole is orbiting super fast around the earth and it's just shooting particles left in right every time it shoots a particle off that single fragment is moving that fast let's see how many kilm per second 6300 km a second oh the the Earth's gravity just shot up like super high now it's now it's the cratering again it's basically bit coining right now [Music] and hold on are we going to lose the Earth totally still vomiting off chunks over here the chunks have flown decently far from where it started too oh that is [Music] awesome so now after making all of those different black holes which have now just kind of uh like Optimus Prime Voltron transformed into this one giant black hole which has eaten the Earth and has spat out its chicklets all across the Sun let us see oh no why is it moving oh it might still have motion from when it was originally small it's now going to begin moving through the solar system dragging everything with it oh no it's going to pass by the sun that's bad oh boy oh God and the solar system vacuum cleaner has begun very few Celestial entities are making it out of this alive I love how Jupiter managed to get away Jupiter's like I'm out of here I should say What's Left of Jupiter it shot up to like 2,000 de C technically hold on Jupiter's coming back right here and it ripped four fifths of Jupiter like like out of it in just one moment you could see all that oh my god well there goes Jupiter Neptune is a gorgeous Planet just kind of wandering through the solar system what it doesn't know is that in a few minutes it's going to come head to-head with the start of sadness some of its Brethren just kind of chilling out up there Pluto no hold on Uranus is close but maybe maybe oh God no it can't I was going to say maybe Uranus can survive so if you landed on the surface of Uranus remember how you could just barely see the black holes before space brazing if you try and move your vision up to the top of the screen the black hole distorts everything it is literally all you can see with just the bending coming out from it so basically what you're going to see as it gets closer and closer is the speed that it is moving continue to pick up the temperature that it exists at continues to go higher and higher uh-huh okay and now we're starting to heat up uh now we're starting to heat up a lot now we're probably fixing to start change colors in a little bit usually you get some uh some color changing going on there it is 1,000° C okay we are basically like right on the orbit oh never mind it's gone apparently if a countless number of 1 mm black holes All Join hands they will in fact destroy the entire planet and all of existence the start of sadness is now the end of literally everything hey folks hope you enjoy this episode of Universe Sandbox the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 439,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, simulator, gaming, graystillplays, and this happened, simulator games, video game, game, best games, funny, playthrough, universe sandbox gameplay, universe sandbox 2, sandbox, solar, solar system, graystillplays universe sandbox, graystillplays universe sandbox 2, universe, universe sandbox, earth vs blackhole, backholes get bigger
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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