Do NOT Trust These Cats - 3 Random games

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drifting maneuver through a kindergarten Oh himself up in an orphanage terrible liar no no that was the rub button Nels could you come back here please Oh God's gonna be pissed what's up guys welcome back to the most questionably rousing series on the Internet three random games and a first game for today is called cat show were we a completely normal human man having geniusly disguised yourselves as a cat so that we could win some kind of pet pageant I know some of you guys are gonna judge this okay you gonna see this first glance you could think it's a little weird but if you really think about is this takes a lot of dedication like I can't imagine how much hard work goes into figuring out how to wag a tail using just a butthole welcome to the cat talent competition are you interested in signing up the grand prize is 10,000 cat dollars which is about 500 US dollars it's like the yang of the animal kingdom sign me up no thanks or meow sign me up you were arrested it was pretty obvious that you weren't actually a cat the charges are public nudity and reckless cat impersonation so cats have figured out how to form a society and print their own money but they can't say yes well it might not actually be a cat but at least I still have nine lives or a really good parole agent let's try that again except for this time we're gonna toss out our best meow sounds great I just have a few more questions for you first of all what breed of cat are you why do you keep asking me questions in English if I can't answer them maybe she's just like a genius cat translator but even then you should be speaking in my own language you're gonna take a friend's to this meow great next question how old are you you must be eighteen cat years old or older to compete meow okay perfect now on to the last question are you now or have you ever been i dog woof [ __ ] well that little slip-ups gonna cost his life and a little more of our parole officers trusts what I meant to say was meow okay it looks like you're all set the contest is split up into three competitions and the cat with the most points at the end wins have fun and good luck thank you eats the food oh oh we should be able to crush these other cats scores other cats what am I saying we don't have to use paws a composable thumbs for the win meow what the sweet Christ are you I'm just gonna say right now if that's what the other cats in this competition look like our disguise is flawless you guys have no idea how badly I want to say that's disgusting but I just can't risk going back to prison looking like a [ __ ] again so we're gonna go with the tried and true meow wow you speak at very well you speak English surprisingly well mr. Mouse actually yeah he kind of looks more like a mouse but he's got like Mickey ears and Mickey nipples maybe meow huh that was a test and you passed believe it or not I'm not really a cat this is my shocked face I knew that my parole officer was losing faith in me but I would have never imagined that he would send officers to do some kind of weird cat sting operation you sir are very dedicated to your career kudos to you I've heard rumors that a disguised human entered to win the prize money no but you wouldn't know anything about that would you meow ah that was another test you passed this one as well got my eye on you land on your feet Oh oh yeah okay listen buddy I'm on to you you may have fooled the judges but I'm not so dumb yeah you don't look dumb at all just admit it you're not actually a cat are you meow just admit it you're not actually a cat are you meow just admit it you're not actually a cat are you meow just admit it you're not actually a cat are you hmm you just admit it you're not actually you can't aren't you meow you're a tricky one aren't you that was gonna go on forever not even my fake conversation loop threw you for a loop hmm fine get out of here but you'd better watch your back SWAT at the toys oh okay uh yeah crap yeah hey that oh okay here we go I'm just still getting hanging this can I move around or it come on Heather I want it I want it so bad come on come on gotcha me okay I won congratulations you won first place and took home the cash prize of $10,000 it should take cat dollars they need to make that specific wow that was close and not worth the jail time three beds our next game is called the repairman which I know absolutely nothing about but if I was to make an assumption and based off of the career choice and the hearts floating around it I get to feel this could just as easily be like a sticky VHS in the back of a rental place behind some beads a room only adults are allowed in - fingers crossed I guess my boss is texting me this is your last chance don't sleep with the client again what do you mean don't sleep with her again that's the opposite of what I wanted hey hey hey no no lady calm down no means no I need this job I'm here to fix your plumbing and not in that way just this way you got a whole bunch of pipes in your very large empty apartment are you a serial killer in all reality this is not voting well for me you think is anything interesting in here oh no it's the bedroom oh crap new we do not want to go in there that's a danger zone and a half for sure the size of that TV no time to admire keep fixing up her plumbing I think I can call for help how does she have another giant TV he's getting real close help help help no no means no who it's not going according to plan in the slightest get the feeling that we're seeing all of these pipes pretty well though I just go to avoid get in corner right that's the biggest thing you just stay away from me vixen siren huh see why can't I open your doors I'm going insane it's stupid well it's cuz I'm using it's cuz im using a freaking wrench no no no ohh they got mad at me you better be doing your job over there I'm trying you know went in the bedroom I knew this was a danger zone come on come on I'm hiding over here with oh my god she's even into gaming and she banged me I tried I'm sorry let's try that again except for this time you keep the indoor poncho on hey is is that so much to ask I'm gonna do my best to open your doors without having to whack them with my wrench I think that that's probably the front door there that's probably the front door we're not gonna bother with that right now we're just gonna focus on the many she definitely walked where I'm bashing all these pipes before I got here there is no way you're having a catastrophic plumbing failure like it's by complete coincidence how many pipes do you have who puts a TV behind your pipe she's a lunatic okay I got a D car out here it beats for weeks see you later lady open this up open Open Sesame thank you oh that's an important height as you can tell this toilets like six feet tall no no no okay you just adjust to taste just a taste you see not have any plumbing going to a washing machine because I could have swore there was plumbing in here last time she's even moving or plumbing red she's actually kind of terrifying and like a little hot I'm just gonna try my best walk the line so all that's left is in here right with you all my god oh my god let me through this should be it please you fixed all the leaks and did your job thank you what would happen if I banged her on purpose though we got to find out boss you can take your job and shove it where the Sun don't shine this gyrating woman is ready for my wrench [Music] that was a little underwhelming three random names and a final game for today is called OMG we get to choose who goes to heaven and who goes to hell seems pretty straightforward but I have no doubt I'll find a way do humanity somehow hey you over there me yes you don't you recognize me do I see you right now that you Satan no it's me God okay to be fair that's the kind of thing that Satan would say and I've got a mug on my desk that says number one gods don't just give that out to anybody so forgive me if I'm a little bit skeptical gods yes I am God and you must be the new part-timer I was waiting for you in anticipation see times have changed I'm not decided to go on a vacation so you just hired part-time you couldn't spring for full-time you know benefits hazard pay overtime anything like that that's a cheapskate sadly people won't stop dying whether I'm here or not see the last thing you want to do is annoy some souls who come straight from the purgatory even I have learned this the hard way so I decided to give you a little job opportunity you handle things here while I finally get to kick back for a while sounds awesome right for you like I guess yes I love your enthusiasm now let me show you your workplace this is one of your two info screens yeah I gathered that much I've been meaning to ask about the barely noticeable zombie virus that you plan to release in about a minute's time that's pretty Satan issue of you I'm just saying it shows you information about upcoming debts and the people waiting for judgement as you can see there is a limit on how many waiting people you can get away with so always keep an eye on the mood it will sync and have consequences but only if the line gets too long so keep clearing out those people just move them anywhere it doesn't matter heaven hell you don't need to be accurate just keep a move and keep them happy somebody else's problem sooner rather than later this is your mightiest tool my nametag that is what it is right I just assumed that it was my poorly written nametag and they didn't bother taking the time to actually learn my name yeah this is sample guy okay here you go get to work these godly pieces of cardboard will show you the good and evil deeds of whoever stands before you oh that's way more complicated than a nametag you can cycle through them using W and s go ahead and try it this is no one in front of me did something bad listen we're gonna keep the cat disguise out of this okay why do you gotta be like that bring it up old things if a person has done more evil stuff than good stuff you have to send them to hell by pressing a alright if a person has done more good stuff than evil stuff you have to send them to heaven by pressing D alright sounds reasonable enough sometimes a person's deeds end up balanced then you feel free to send the water for you please whatever screw it not like we care now this oh really I'm on Yelp that's not cool this is what it's all about see in this day and age even me God has to care for His image people like to communicate nowadays and rumors about lousy service spread like wildfire if you keep messing up when I keep messing up you can expect your ratings to drop very fast in the case of you going down to zero star review I will have to fire you but heads up will you it's not that hard actually okay try my best oh I almost forgot to tell you you can quit anytime if you hold escape for a while do I get to go back to earth or heaven wherever I choose to go and this post-it notes right here says press P in game to pause you must be new because I've never seen that before this is really just meta braking is this all a game to you God do you think you're ready for the real deal I guess managed to put in a good word with the big guy before he took off and downgraded that zombie virus to a minor US election listen Whittaker I'm really sorry about this but it's better than getting your brain eaten if it's any consolation I'm Canadian so I don't really care you're a vegan though not sure where we're gonna count that quite yet yes I got it you are vegan donates to charity leave it to a vegan to say it multiple times it is never stop okay fine go to heaven whatever and screw it just give me a good review but I can't imagine anybody who goes to hell is gonna give me a good review why would they people give their uber drivers bad reviews for talking too much if I send Roger to a pit of damnation forever he's not gonna be like all yeah four out of five stars he was a little rude doesn't know how to tie his shoes right gives away all belongings to the poor has one of those banknote toilet paper rolls all right that's gonna be another good review for me keep it coming they're Garwin doesn't return wallets he finds even if he could mmm saved a puppy's life Oh night now it's like a 50-50 so I think yeah okay we're doing pretty well I don't know if I can overpopulate heaven is that a thing Griffey but if you gosh doesn't know how to be selfish interesting murders animals for fun all right turns water into wine you go to heaven I feel real bad for the puppies but I'm just trying to get a good review score here Jim will try to kill if given an opportunity oh don't do it to me Jim saved a kit in his life I can't get back to the pets good graces speaks in a monotone voice good God you're great heaven for stars wonderful is it Elias or el Yosh I could never tell I do know you're a coward though took multiple hostages before dying as good and people are getting mad there was a surreal alien invasion I gotta hurry this up loses everything easily okay go to hell that's right that's right okay good keep it moving hold on there Joe and I gotta see exactly what happens here Jesus I mean sorry sorry Jesus didn't didn't mean it Joe and snuck up on me saved a man's life knows the Thriller dance from beginning to end has a YouTube channel go to hell no what's happening I was forced are seconds ago listen I really did try my best here it just kind of hits you all at once one minute there's a tiny US election and then the next the world is falling apart let's try that again shall we we've got an inferior meteorite hitting the earth that should only take out like two people Willem who were you hugging when you got hit by this meteorites protected puppies with is death well you were hugging a puppy generally a bad person won a medal for most mediocre achievements good enough good enough what we're trying to do goodbye the puppies now Nels drifting maneuver through a kindergarten arrabal liar no nails could you come back here please Oh God's gonna be pissed or cross you know one of the tale selfless hero soulless cereal Oh No his girls on a par hits girls in a bar not hits on girls you just hit them yeah we're probably gonna send you over there I shouldn't really be thinking about this Nell said he's gonna destroy this place damn it Dolph wants to build a time machine breeds from his mouth I almost instinctively said breeds from his anus can give you exact coordinates of his car location good good good go go go please keep it moving we got a good ol earthquake coming Ben sends and since really pipes in all caps it's already bad sometimes you gotta just do an instinctive guess right quart a caught a bullet with his teeth to protect the kitten Oh misinterprets phrases saved a man's life good great perfect I want to get back up before stars we could do this friend print print Asst Prentiss Barry between his sins and evil he's a dog with him to bed to sleep hurts all people around him that's apparently a star all he said was worth it and he gave me a thumbs up so they can't go to hell and give me a thumbs up cool Ronald robbed a bank and killed all witnesses doesn't hurt returned wallets and fine killed them all go to hell you kidding me right now Tate prays while crossing his fingers was bleeding school bought some ice cream recently yeah not a big fan of that whole praying thing you know takes his backs he's on the prayer is hell man what is with all these names it's like everybody dying is it from North America banned from local McDonald's misinterpret phrases and kidnaps planes on a daily basis yeah it's not too great how's the line doing pretty good ooh bad things happening on earth and I'm not gonna say drew the bills to come into work turns water into wine caught a bullet with his teeth to protect a kitten great wonderful moving along lines getting a little thick Skyler likes to smell of gasoline has it read a book in over 10 years robbed a bank good great Nick tie bold always look sick at pictures wants to book Time Machine steals balloons go away with you can't do this is an ultimate attack happening right now Julie oh I'd good go go crap okay you know what we just start guessing Oh time for this brawl the cards out we don't really care Cory have been good enough thank you next yet now they come quit Dennett prep should I guess would a name know Dennett why do they gotta wait stupid card Lord takes forever a Jeff Jeff Todd go go to hell go to go on with you I'm doing better now than I was earlier Brandon there we go that's the good stuff keep it moving Nobby if I send them to hell they come in quick yeah so what if I get it right more times and I get it wrong would that be bad that's bad three random games you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of three random game guys it feels good to be back honestly this is one of my favorite series to make I just can never find enough games you gotta find them they're good they're shorts you can fit them all into a video and they're really fun and stuff like that but fortunately I kind of fell into a windfall of games recently a lot of people recommend it stuff on Twitter so now I can make a couple more episodes if you guys want to see them so if you do as always be sure we've liked this video let me know and I'll return soon to dress up like it carrots bang a lady in doom humanity but thanks much watching his video I hope you enjoyed and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 775,006
Rating: 4.92138 out of 5
Keywords: 3 random games, random games, 3 weird games, weird games, 3 free games, free games, 3 free games online, free games online, funny moments, funny moments gameplay, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: 76ih40h-k8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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