These Games Got Weird FAST - 3 Random Games

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i spoke too soon when i said you were grossed dear jesus the wobbling i can't look away all right well let's go ahead and fight you i love you and respect you but i will kill you dead before this day ends [Music] what's up guys welcome back to the most unpredictable series on the internet three random games we'll start things off with a game called the bridge of life where you get to walk down that bridge and experience all of the tough decisions that you would normally face throughout a lifetime now fair warning as the ginger kid with a jet black unibrow you better believe i'm gonna be making some real weird choices so who exactly is this supposed to be why did i get all of the eyebrow when he got none school's bully swears at you hit him ask why he swears or do nothing i mean i know my eyes are technically just two pixels but there is a bloodlust behind them that you cannot imagine so we are absolutely gonna hit the bully he hits you back so hard you bleed to be fair i said i had a bloodlust but i didn't say for whose bloods you feel less confident oh man oh yeah i've got hp happiness karma confidence i guess i'm a little bit less confident now because i got my ass whooped you meet your crush while going back to your home i don't know if i would have a crush on a girl whose face is the exact same as mine i can greet her or i can avoid her i'm not feeling all that confident but i guess i can try to greet her as you try to greet her you feel nervous all of a sudden words are unable to come out of your mouth your crush looks at you weirdly yeah it's totally because of the words and not because it looks like i'm constantly dressed for a cult outing i'm gonna take that as a no yeah i slowly walk away you lose more confidence god damn it alright well um sir did you know that that mustache went out of style in the 40s i don't think people can wear that anymore you finally find a job however your boss is not the best kind of boss yes schmidler is a real hard ass come on work don't be such a lazy piece of [ __ ] i'm gonna disregard him cough cough i'm gonna keep disregarding him you're fires okay after being fired you quit the building with the building while walking to your home a bus crashes into you killing you wait what well it looks like a redheaded hero really is gone for good like it's rare to be able to summarize somebody's entire existence as having gotten beaten up by a bully rejected by a twin and then emotionally distraught by schmidtler before getting struck by a bus that being said there are more lives there are more bridges and now we get to be mr clean's lost ukrainian cousin let me guess you must be the school's new big bad bully and once again you're swearing at me i don't even get to swear youtube took away all my fun so that i can actually get paid for videos so if i can't swear then you definitely can't swear i'm gonna hit him so hard that his grandkids come out lumpy you hit him so hard he starts bleeding his friends are in awe you feel more confident in yourself it worked we're an actual badass which means we might be able to talk to you if that's what we want because it looks like you're drooling a little bit [Music] how long was the bus that you rode to school on i'm just curious you meet your crush while going back to your home i got a greeter hello you say to your crush oh hello she says she seems interested in you i can't believe this is working has she seen you how about going to a cinema tomorrow sounds great this is actually working years past you find yourself married to her wait what she gave birth to two children you die of lung cancer at the age of 45. wait what why do i keep spontaneously dying i'm telling you guys it's a tale as old as time you know you beat up a guy you meet a girl you put a kid or two in her and then you hope those kids don't get too attached because they're about to grow up without a father i guess we're just gonna see how far the drooly kid can go i wonder if the karma meter has anything to do with my bad luck you know like what is around comes around maybe if my first act in life isn't a violent one then i won't get struck by a bus or just drop dead from cancer what if i ask why he swears because you suck man okay can i go back to hitting you now everyone around him just laughs at you no you feel less confident so i lost confidence anyway but i didn't get the satisfaction of making him bleed you meet your crush while going back to your home i'm going to avoid her i don't want to be rejected right now leave me in my beautifully checkered pants alone you walk past her feeling regretful that you didn't speak to her oh did that lose me happiness or confidence i don't know how life works i'm bad at it you finally find a job however your boss is not the best kind of boss come on work don't be such a lazy piece of [ __ ] fine you feel extremely angry but do nothing yeah that lost me quite a bit of happiness oh no wait you see your school bully poor begging for money who are you asks your old school bully none of your business beat him or give him money oh you better believe i'm gonna beat him leave him alone do not call an ambulance you spit on his face and continue walking okay i didn't tell him to go that far and now my karma is at rock bottom so there's a strong possibility that i'm just gonna be struck by lightning now or something you see your old school crush walking out of a store everybody's wearing my pants i was really ahead of the time on fashion as you approach her she says oh aren't you that weird guy oh how rude no i'm just joking he you're cute you feel extremely happy do i what part of me are you feeling that seems happy stop touching my pants oh okay i guess we're just gonna keep on chugging along i haven't dropped dead so far so good you see a shady looking man looking at you nervously i know you the company you're working at has a major flaw in its system oh right i do still have my job don't i a flaw that will let me transfer most of the money to my account do something for me and i'll give you 30 percent of profit i'm not gonna lie i kind of hate my job anyway i would do it for free but for 30 you got yourself a deal take this pen drive and plug it into any computer in the company you take the pen drive and later that day plug it in the next day while going to work hacker approaches you he gives you a suitcase full of money good job he says and leaves you continue working for a month as to not raise suspicions later you quit your job and live a great life in bahamas until you die i thought for sure he was also going to give me a knife in the back or something like that so i spit on my bully and i lived happily ever after i think that's as good as it's ever going to get three random games our next game is called nothing to say where we get to go out on a date with a lovely girl but the problem is we're a little tongue-tied but not in the way that we don't know what to say or how to say it but that we only know how to say certain letters and we don't know how to say others our brain has come up with a very creative way of [ __ ] us oh there's zoe i'm so nervous about this date i want to let her know how much i like her but it feels like i have nothing to say so i'm assuming the only letters that i get to use right now are n o t h i and g right because n is there twice so how am i supposed to court coitus using only six letters like this is either gonna be a master class in seduction or an absolute train wreck hmm oh hey it's nice to see you so what do you think isn't this place fun how do you sign language my mother was a potato maybe then she won't hold my conversational skills against me um okay well what should we order i'm trying to decide if i should get a milkshake they're so good what do you think i think i'd like to buy a freaking vowel yeah maybe a milkshake would be too much anyway happy friday i'm so glad the week is over do you have anything fun going on this weekend i i wanna have you this weekend my tongue is stuck in my own throat instead of yours nothing huh hmm you've barely said a single word so far am i boring you no no no no no no okay i'm glad to hear that and hey thanks for this i know small talk isn't your favorite thing i really appreciate you making the effort well that's something i really want to get to know her better i wish i'd brought up some new topics of conversation or any topics of conversation or had a conversation i'll just have to keep trying she's gonna see us again oh i see how this works now so anytime we have a good dialogue with or any kind of good reception then we build up a little bit of confidence and then at the end of the date we can cash in that covenant for more letters because we're feeling more comfortable for the next date i like it that makes a whole lot of sense but the question is which letters do we want i mean if wheel of fortune has taught me anything it's r s t l and e r l stein most important author of our generation most used letters in the english language i can't even say that with a straight face so i guess we would go with e and s and hope that we can say literally anything except for no oh there's zoey right where we left her last week i'm so nervous about this date i want to let her know how much i like her but i'm not sure if i'm going to be able to say it oh hey it's nice to see you so what do you think isn't this place fun listen i'm not going to hold it against you for asking the exact same question as last time because technically i didn't answer and that's not gonna change um okay well what should we order i'm trying to decide if i should get a milkshake they're so good what do you think i'm thinking i may have picked the wrong letters did rl stein lead me wrong there's no way right i should have been paying attention to the letters that i need so a u p y m i'm just staring at her mumbling letters yeah maybe a milkshake would be too much anyway happy friday i'm so glad the week is over do you have anything fun going on this weekend this this is fun this right here yeah i'm happy you feel that way i'll admit i've been looking forward to this a lot it's been a long week boy has it ever and it feels like it's getting longer and longer so w y a m m has been a money letter yep well hey thanks for this i'm glad we got the chance to talk a little i'm having a lot of fun oh my god i really need to get m m is everywhere yeah hmm this isn't going too badly really i just wish i could manage to tell her how much i like her okay so we're definitely getting m m was important what else uh i feel like vowels would be good let's get another a and um i don't know uh i'm panicking right now p p it is oh there's zoe back at it again the exact same place as the last two weeks i'm so nervous about this date i want to learn how much i like her but my brain is still having a hard time picking up all the scrabble pieces oh hey it's nice to see you so what do you think isn't this place fun oh my god look i feel like she would have a more charismatic date in a mop i'm sorry um okay well what should we order i'm trying to decide if i should get a milkshake they're so good what do you think i'm gonna get one too oh well yay i'm so excited okay do you want to know my one weakness i can spell out the word penis and i would love for that to be my guess and for me to be right but it's not giving me that option and i should be paying attention to what letters i need uh y would be useful i think l and k for the word like was important earlier lky can you remember these things zoe maybe text me later what are you doing throughout the rest of the week hmm anyway she keeps hitting me with those long anyways they are brutal happy friday i'm so glad the week is over do you have anything fun going on this weekend this haha yeah i'm happy you feel that way you already said that so it's not really going to have the same impact i'll admit i've been looking forward to this a lot it's been a long week same really what a pain right at least we can complain to each other that always helps although i don't know i don't want to get too lost in negativity maybe we should focus on the positive what do you think i think you need to stop asking me what i think because i don't think i got mashed potato brain please just i'm begging you what else can we use here a b okay uh lkyb lucky that's not gonna help got it good great hmm so hey thanks for this i'm glad we got the chance to talk a little i'm having a lot of fun me too i'm so glad that makes the two of us it's always nice to get to do something fun right hmm this isn't going too badly i just wish i could manage to tell her how much i like her okay that could have went where we get four letters so what what were the letters uh lk uh brain brain please for the love of god don't do this to me i it was literally a minute ago if you're gonna take letters from me you need to give them back it's only fair lk why okay yb lkyb thank christ i can hear the chubby little wienerfingers of the future typing angry comments as i speak oh there's zoe i'm so nervous about this date i want to let her know how much i like her but i'm not sure i'd be able to say it hmm oh hey it's nice to see you so what do you think isn't this place fun i like it yeah i agree it must be fun to own a place like this you get to decorate it the way you want design the menu of course running a restaurant is also a ton of work so i guess i won't be switching careers just yet okay so what should we order i'm trying to decide if i should get a milkshake they're so good what do you think i think i'd like to know what you do for a living you don't just kind of leave off on a cliffhanger your conversational skills are a little lacking too missy but i'm going to get one too oh yay i'm so excited okay who do you want to know my one weakness yeah is it penis my one weakness is sweet that's a bummer all right well i'm always up for second helpings of desserts and i could definitely be bribed with candy drives into what i gotta stop having a dirty mind okay it's very difficult when you can't say anything to stop the thoughts i'm entrusting you with this dangerous knowledge of how to manipulate me oh you're not helping zoe you're giving me bad thoughts i trust you'll use it well anyway happy friday i'm so glad the week is over do you have anything fun going on this weekend this haha yeah i'm happy you feel that way i'll admit i've been looking forward to this a lot it's been a long week same same oh i needed a w there to ask oh why that would be a better conversational piece actually really what a pain right at least we can complain to each other that always helps although i don't know i don't like to get too lost in the negativity maybe we should focus on the positive what do you think it's best to be honest yeah you're probably right in that case i have plenty of work stuff to complain about i'm sure you do too does she realize i'm unemployed i'm listening to this this stupid game is making it difficult for me to speak in real life it's like my virtual brain is corrupting my actual brain i'm listening if you ever want to go into it zoe there's only one thing i want to go into and it's not your ears but no pressure so hey thanks for this i'm glad we got the chance to talk a little bit i'm having a lot of fun me too i'm so glad it's always nice to get to do something fun right yeah yeah yeah i didn't go badly what do i need i mean eventually i'm gonna get all the letters be able to say whatever christ i want but i think w was one so that i could ask her i should probably get a z it's a [ __ ] letter but i'd like to be able to say her name okay i am now a zoe dating veteran i'm pretty sure this is like our five year anniversary i fast forwarded a bit because now i've got the entire alphabet i've got extra confidence in case they invent more letters that i may or may not need and i am finally at a point in the conversation where i can say hey zoe have something to tell you yeah i know i'm kind of quiet and i could be hard to talk to but i just wanted to say that i'm really excited about this i think you're pretty great wow that's so nice of you to say i'm happy you feel that way and i know that probably wasn't easy for you to say so thank you it really wasn't it took literally years you know i think you're pretty great too pretty grace is this oh i get i hope we can spend a lot more time together the end why do i feel like i just got friend zones i i thought she was gonna say hey toss it in me but apparently not three random games our final game for today is called the old man club which is apparently based around hemingway's the old man in the sea which i haven't read but i get the feeling i should read because it seems pretty badass i don't know anything about this game i don't know what it's about i don't know what i'm going to be doing i just saw this and said yup sign me up that is a random game hello little guy i didn't even see you over there should should we talk i will show you my raw strength what does that mean if you're wearing pants fish boy please keep them on oh let us play the hand game okay uh oh where are you wrestling yeah get wrecked you cut me in strips i just arm wrestled to fish didn't think i was gonna do that this morning as if arm wrestling a fish wasn't weird enough i find myself asking was hemingway smoking something when he decided to give a dolphin a package that big it's supposed to be a banana hammock not a cantaloupe hammock should i fight you i don't know if i want to fight you my meat is much too sweet for you i i don't want to sample your meat sir one of these things is not like the other does that mean i'm supposed to face the lion well then let us play all right kind of figured you were king of the jungle so i would leave you for last but evidently this is no jungle so let's go ahead and get to clicking come on old man how many times am i gonna have to beat you oh this is actually challenging uh might have to give this [ __ ] the two fingers oh oh oh hold on hold on come on there we go might need an auto clicker for this one strong like a young cat that's what i'm talking about something tells me i'm not quite swole enough to get into the vip section or the frozen fish aisle whatever you want to call it so maybe it is time for me to face off against the dolphin i will school you all right man as if touching you wasn't bad enough did you really need to hit me with a pun give me that gross mitt let us play the hand game auto clicker engage all of the clicking you can't hold out forever it's only a matter of time i don't care if it's cheating you are truly golden thank you i appreciate it do they not have razors here under the sea by the way because you guys are gross i spoke too soon when i said you were grossed dear jesus the wobbling i can't look away all right well let's go ahead and fight you i love you and respect you but i will kill you dead before this day ends yeah we'll see all right you got gross elbows too my guy look like tree stumps let us play the hand game i'm gonna go ahead and click real quick and uh admire your body hair is this oh okay i'm not actually doing anything i i don't care if it's cheating like imagine if i had to click this right now is clicking like 10 times a second it's faster than i could go i still barely won you and the stars are my brothers all right i kind of figured that like tuna and cat food was your brother but sure as my prize can i please get you to stop flexing your package at me it's endlessly distracting let's go over here and hang out with the sharks i smell a fresh scent all right do i need to arm wrestle both of you at once because that seems really difficult okay we're gonna go with the the dark guy first what's his brother doing whoa whoa whoa i crushed him i murdered him you drive a good harpoon kind of figured you were gonna be a lot more dangerous being a shark and all oh no no that's not what i wanted for my prize like i didn't think the only two choices were flexor package or death are you okay maybe he's all right rest well old man is is that it three random games that was in fact the end of the game so you know what i think that's gonna be it for this episode of three random games guys i try not to vet the games so that they are really random and i don't know what to expect but it means every now and then i find a game that isn't really a game it was arm wrestling fish it was an experience that we all got to share together so if you guys want to see more stuff like this as always be sure to leave a like in the video leave a comment letting me know i'm kind of tempted to make a shirt for the three random games logo that's something that people have been interested in i'm reworking my merch shop but keep an eye out for that let me know if you're interested in that kind of thing because i think it'll be cool but thanks for watching this video i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next [Music] time you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 785,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 random games, 3 free games, 3 free games online, 3 funny games, 3 weird game, random game, funny moments, funny moments gameplay, the old man club, the old man club game, the bridge of life, the bridge of life game, nothing to say, nothing to say game, captainsauce, captain sauce
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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