What If You Fell Into An Infinite Pizza? - 3 Random Games

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get out of here no what do you think you're gonna get bread crumbs when are you a bird no i'm getting out of here no i know you kids call them croutons these days they're just breadcrumbs they're old and salty like me what's up guys welcome back to the most unpredictable series on the internet three random games and as many of you know the way this normally works is you have no idea what to expect when coming into one of these videos but i'll usually have a rough idea as to what each of these games will be about so that way i can link them together with the common theme or at the very least have a hint as to whether or not they'll be good but for today i know absolutely nothing except for their names this is called the afternoon spaghetti as soon as i saw that i thought yeah you know i'm a little hungry i could definitely go for some afternoon spaghetti right about now assuming i can get the plato golem who's making it to share well as weird as that may be i think we're in the right place i mean it's kind of hard to get lost in this neighborhood what are the odds of two homes making spaghetti at the exact same time just when there's only one home pretty low i would say hey i'm making spaghetti well good for your terrifying ass you do have an ass don't you it's hard to tell when your legs are one long curvy vienna sausage could you pass me some cheese uh okay is your torso made of cheese uh okay yeah sure do you want some sensitive nip cheese or maybe some smelly armpit cheese where is it yeah where are your um pits or your arms the longer i look at this the worse it gets there should be some in the fridge oh oh okay yeah come to think of it if i'm going to be eating this meal i would prefer that your drug-induced fever dream of a body not be part of it uh i take back what i say not about your nightmare of a body though i mean about getting the cheese i'll cut you a deal i'll go get the cheese from the fridge but you need to put on more than three noodles because it really feels like you're just making a small little appetizer out of the spaghetti and uh main course out of the cheese getter plus this house is weird it's just a kitchen just over like living room or bedroom or bathrooms so what exactly is the deal weird i guess we'll get the cheese and find out okay sure yeah i'll go get the cheese from the half toilet well there's the bathroom that i was talking about or at least some of it for a second there i thought he kept the cheese on the bathroom sink i was about to pace out from this whole meal but nope doesn't seem to be the case so i guess we'll just head to the art exhibit what the hell well you're not cheese or at least i don't perceive you to be cheese this is called unexpected disruption speaking of an unexpected disruption good boy come on there's a good boy hi oh he's so happy oh right yeah i don't like art that has a title because it's supposed to be open to interpretation from the viewer when you give it a title you're skewing people's perception before they even look at it i wouldn't call this unexpected disruption i would call this explodey kiwi yeah that'd definitely stick well ooh we also have a big man little head that's a nice one definitely get some ms paint vibes from that hey it's someone's fridge and we've got our cheese all right well that was easy enough let me guess this is blue vase oh no this one's untitled of course it is thanks a lot brian you're a little late to the party this thing's almost as terrifying as what's making my lunch we should have the two of them fight it's called perceptions of aesthetic form i would have probably called it uh blue man with big dumpy and if you look at it just the right way you can have somebody's nose inside that dumpy really sorry about that i can understand the tears now coming from emotional consequences of advanced inter-human communication otherwise known as butt sniffing bad it's no sniffing blue cowboy dumpy but credit where credits do three-dimensional existence on a two-dimensional plane is pretty trippy it definitely gets you thinking almost as much as a tunnel through a refrigerator okay maybe we should go back i've got the cheese hopefully he has put on a couple more noodles we good to go sir ma'am it thanks you're welcome did you know that the back of your fridge is currently on display at a student art show somewhere on planet earth because that's a whole thing wow that's an extraordinarily long way to go you're telling me and i got the cheese so let's eat where would i bree without you [Music] that's it that's what this was all built into not gonna lie i was kind of hoping that would be a gouda game but we're probably cheddar off assuming that this wasn't one of the three that i'll be playing today are you cool with this jesus christ okay no i don't know what the [ __ ] was that i'm done it closed itself all right then three random names i never did get any of that spaghetti considering i didn't want that slate paralysis demon to figure out where i lived so let's move on to a game called infinite pizza i could go for some infinite pizza jesus christ what is happening what was that i feel like my eyes just crossed inside some kind of pizza dimension i guess i'm picking up what you're putting down we've got an infinite pizza that we need to find the bottom of maybe i i can ride the cutter i also have a gun am i gonna have to defend myself from something in the hair can the pizza shoot back at me usually when you bite your food it doesn't bite your back you're gonna try to make me look stupid are you we'll see about that i'm gonna turn you into poop flickety split just you wait only one of us is gonna get passed through a butthole today and it's not gonna be me i should probably watch out for the tomatoes that's probably what the gun is for come to think of it i died on a can of sauce that is some delicious irony it might be that i can't aim and i i don't mean that personally man i literally can't turn my head and aim i need to get behind the thing as if i'm gonna drive into it and then shoot oh man this really tricks with your eyes i don't like this one bit okay you know what i take it back we are gonna count the last game as half a game we'll count this as half a game and i'll try to see how much sauce i can collect in three more tries attempt number one hit me with that sauce uh figuratively not literally i think i'm gonna try to avoid shooting the tomatoes if i can like if i could just dodge them that's better because then i don't need to worry about the bullet coming back and hitting me holy crap why is it getting so tight in here there we go we got one sauce that's a start maybe oh my god my eye i can guarantee youtube's compression is going to have a [ __ ] fit with all this pizza oh no no the tomatoes i miss the sauce i'm speeding up somehow thank you for putting me out of my misery wow did i get two cans there awesome 22 000 distance two cans of sauce that's the number to beats something tells me i am not gonna come anywhere close i think shooting may actually slow me down a little bit which is advantageous when you're having a hard time figuring out where you're going like what was somebody smoking when they came up with this nonsense okay well that's a write-off even though i got three sauces that time at half the distance last try fun fact this game is br compatible and all i could say is thank god i'm not doing vr at the moment is this would not be a fun time in the slightest like just perpetually falling except the falling makes absolutely no sense oh there we go reload shoot good great wonderful we got four so long as we could beat our distance this will be a record i'm feeling pretty good about this so long as the tomatoes stop oh i'm going at the speed of light it's so fast no no bullets no ball we're good we're great we're going for 30. is that 30 did i beat 22 it's really all i care about 25 with four sauces thank you i retired champion three random next up we have a game called lord of the isle because i'm feeling old and cranky and if i can't eat pizza or spaghetti then nobody should be able to eat anything at all i am the lord of the isle none shall pass i must block the passers-by until they go back from once they came i could shuffle around with wazzed all right now we just need some whipper snappers to make a move so i can send you back from whence you came do you know what wentz uk means go on get out of here you damn kids with your snapchat and your ticker talks get out of here no what do you think you're gonna get bread crumbs when are you a bird no i'm getting out of here no i know you kids call them croutons these days they're just breadcrumbs they're old and salty like me that's right get the hell out of here all right number one victory royale got a high score of ten thousand faceless ghosts where are these faceless ghosts trying to pass through my lands i shall use my powers to smite them i can actually smite with space okay smite smite you oh okay and then i could i could back it up yeah you're like that you don't want to touch this old booty do you ah newfangled hipster dipsters it's a good one old guy you got this my oil oh you will not be getting any cat food whiskers will stir pack it up back it up oh i got your food tricked you 360 no scope back off this may be one of the dumbest games i've ever played no no no no no i don't think oh you've let someone slip past do i go after her no no it's a failure all the hopes dreams and the friends of your younger days eventually pass you by alas you cannot stop the passage of time my old friends i wonder if i can actually win i gotta try right you shall not pass you get that reference it's from lord of the kings it was a great book i read it when it was published in the 50s the 9th the 1950s not the 1850s oh you think you're so clever grip the defenses i'll build my castle walls to keep everyone out oh i swear on my new hip if you don't all get out of here i'll poop my pants right here in the middle of the aisle see how you like cleaning that up yeah that's what i thought barbarians at the gate all these hordes seeking passage have come to taunt my weary bones oh crap they're coming and i ruined my defenses no go back for once you came have you figured out whence dictionaries aren't in this aisle aw crap no this is bad this is really bad there's so many of them no go on okay those defenses are holding up they're doing pretty well i i might be able to just work this crowd there we go no no no back it up back it up don't make me poke myself i'll do it so help me christ i'll do it just you wait and see is anybody getting tired of this voice yet yes retreat retreat that's right you best retreat yeah there we go you shall not pass get it lord of the isles it's a good reference go on there we go oh we got some good stuff now let's get these fortifications set back up get everything all lined up how are we doing we got another wave coming oh the walls are in shambles i'll need some reinforcements who can i count on but myself i got littler me's i saw piccolo do this move one time real fancy stuff stay back i'll blow up the moon just like piccolo did too just you wait oh oh this is really difficult to control actually i have no idea what is happening right now respect the elderly all of us oh it's getting hard to keep track of who's who and where people are supposed to go no no no no we we got some spillage just a little bit of leakage and i'm not talking about my bung hole no sir oh wait they gave up wait we had some giver uppers so hopefully if we could just make them continue to give up i'll let somebody slip by i'll never live this down or at least for a couple of weeks then i'll die three random games our final game for today is called a firm handshake which is kind of fantasy fulfillment at this point you know it's been a real long time since any of us have been able to interact with strangers like i can't even remember the last time i shook somebody's hand so we're gonna go ahead and give this guy a nice firm handshake put her there pal yeah there we go see that is a very open-handed shake but i'll take it nothing is more disappointing than a limp dick handshake when somebody gives you their hand and it's just ah it drives me crazy there's no reason you can't squeeze a guy's palm give him a couple good pumps and say i like the look of your suit what are you doing are you looking at the tag on my suit yeah i got it at walmart okay you don't need to make fun oh he's following me all of a sudden did i just introduce myself or seal some kind of business deal excuse me sir i may have just either acquired a stalker or a significant position in stocks or stalkers all right then let's just roll out squad this is uh weird to say the least hello there good sir firm handshakes firm handshakes there we go nice dumpy okay head to the back of the line wonderful we're just gonna conquer our way around this tanned world and see if we can continue to acquire more assets or asses you know whatever it takes oh that's that's not great that was like a checking your wrist for a knife kind of handshake we don't trust the guy in the back everybody tighten up those sphincters you never know what he's going to do we're leaving him behind the longer this goes on for the more it feels like a cross between uh mr bean episodes and the twilight zone like am i forming some kind of firm handshake cult the weird little pitter patter of their loafers is just super off pudding oh that's a whole lot more pitter-patter all of a sudden uh oh of course to make these firm handshakes quite a bit more difficult now aren't you why is there sumo traffic unfortunately i am a real go-getter and if i want to push through then i will here we go only gotta do that three more times and i will be in the palm of your hand shortly sir here we go that is not a flattering angle for sumo something about that wedgie is just yeah i really don't want to know what happens if one of these guys carries me off so i'm just gonna keep going with the flow of the sumo so long as i build up momentum alongside them and then kind of squeak on through yes yes please take my hand take my hand thank you thank you okay sorry what i said about your butts i i admire the thickness takes a whole lot of effort i'm sure anyway can i maybe get back to shaking hands and taking names yeah there we go uh excu no what is this what jesus felt like when judas betrayed him excuse me am i being left out of the cult all of a sudden because uh i kind of started the whole deal i would really appreciate if oh that's a problem fine you know what screw you two there are plenty more brown suited fish in the sea i'm gonna go ahead and make myself some new friends find some new followers no no i wash my hands i swear you know every now and then sometimes i mean not after i pee but i get i don't even touch my birds much come on why you like this oh my god this is an absolute nightmare no i can't go down like this i will find the perfect match i i will find my dream guy or not i guess everybody hates me all of a sudden am i just gonna die poor and friendless is nobody gonna make deals with me is nobody gonna join my cult oh it literally was a nightmare oh okay please shake my hand please huh yeah there we go a nice firm handshake that it i think that was it but it's awful hard to tell oh boy uh yeah i'm not part of this anymore you all wander around and shake amongst one another i really started a movement here today i feel good about random this all right you know what i think that's gonna be it for this episode of three random games guys and i really do enjoy going into episodes like this largely blind it's a little bit different so if you guys want to see more as always be sure to leave a like in the video and leave recommendations in the comments it's really hard to find games that are only like 5 to 10 minutes long so your help is very much what's gonna make more episodes but thanks so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 663,055
Rating: 4.963686 out of 5
Keywords: 3 random games, 3 free games, 3 free games online, 3 funny games, 3 weird game, funny moments gameplay, random games, funny moments, infinite pizza, infinite pizza game, lord of the aisle, lord of the aisle game, firm handshake game, firm handshake, food simulator, food sim, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: tHR94iOe18E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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