What's In The Box...?

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listen i i know we just heard something break somewhere in this very well-lit house and i'll get to that in just a second but first i wanted to introduce you to uh my co-worker this is fred he works in the cubicle next to me really doesn't like coffee fred if you've fallen on hard times and you're living out of a cardboard box you still shouldn't just accept a couple dollars from bendy to have him ink in your face that's degrading [Music] what's up guys welcome back to the most unpredictable series on the internet three random games we'll start things off today with a game called why is the office coffee so bad and i get the feeling i know why it's not necessarily what you're drinking but where you're drinking it like this is already exactly what i assumed it would be we're trapped in a cubicle or just trying to survive under the thumb of capitalism furiously typing away in morse codes or is that braille because either way i don't think it'll be particularly useful right so we can't hear the beeps and boops without speakers and we can't feel the bumps on a screen then again i guess we can't feel much of anything with these muppet arms uh i was about to say i'm a little bit concerned with the fact that we don't seem to actually have coffee but now i'm a little bit more concerned with the fact that we don't actually seem to have any legs which is going to make getting out of here a whole lot well slower i i won't say impossible you know we're just going to have to hope for elevators and ramps you know a little bit of handy capableness did one of my co-workers seriously give me a calendar of snails for secret santa is it because i slowly crawl around the place because that's a dick move clearly my schedule is jam-packed i'm a hard worker around here i wish i could say the same for my cubicle though kind of a ghost town in here definitely feels like i'm missing something something hot something black not idris elbow or something like coffee maybe do you think there's a chance that i have a secretary there's just karen could you maybe bring me a neck brace and then coffee what just happened did i just break something am i really that fragile no carrot actually did just bring us coffee i i got to be honest with you guys i didn't really expect that to work karen is full of surprises great employees strengths she's very quick very quiet she's like a fart in the wind weaknesses every time she moves time space seems to have a bit of a hiccup well even if it is bad office coffee i i still feel like i should be drinking it right now but uh nothing i do seems to be able to influence my kermit hands like i'm very resolute on practicing my bongo stance with this keyboard do you think i'm gonna be able to go pro all i can do is turn my neck and i can't imagine my neck is okay i'm not doing that neck could we maybe oh just leaning in for a bit of a whiff of that hot brew okay then uh not gonna tell the chiropractor about that one how are you this isn't so bad right it's just kind of pulling a michael jackson am i losing my mind it was very black but now it's looks like you're getting some fine work down down there uh why don't you take a look up here and check on that to talk to you did the coffee just talk to me hello hello oh oh hi are you enjoying that their coffee it was maybe yeah well anyway i just thought i'd let you know that uh drinks actually aren't allowed in the office they uh they sort of covered that in the uh mandatory anti-external sustenance seminars that we uh have to go to twice a week i'm sure you've been there but in case you forgot they uh definitely don't allow drinks so i would definitely highly recommend putting that away before the bus sees you drinking it yeah yeah anyway don't say i didn't warn you hey fred between the two of us who was just being the most productive even if i'm working at half capacity how about this i'm gonna type up your recommendation i'm gonna email it out in a newsletter and then i want you to print it off neatly fold it and shove it up your ass glossing over the fact that fred seems to blink like a lizard i gotta wonder why is it that my arms look like i'm a simpson but my face seems to be made of milk or creamer oh uh your work output has decreased by about half please pick up the pace management okay i i know i told fred that i was working at about half but at the same time you know my one half is working twice as hard now that i have coffee right does that make any sense oh it's getting darker again just a reminder of the company motto both hands on the keys makes work a breeze yeah that that deserves a nice little straight faced emoji what is going on with this coffee now it's just turning to bloods or paint oh something is leaning over is it the terminator we will now monitor employee activity management oh they're frowny facing now hello hi there what's ringing i don't have a phone or maybe i do um not really sure how to get that if i can't see it then it's not a problem right oh you gonna shoot me oh wow seriously you made me use the force pickup button uh yeah this is your boss speaking and i've had several complaints about your work output and honestly i was gonna try to make a good case for you but i can see on the security cams that you're breaking our number one rule no coffee at the desk so i'm going to need you to put that cup down and get back to work do you understand seriously stop drinking that no no do you even know what you've done what i was just gonna say that this isn't coffee it's quite clearly paint or maybe piss can we maybe talk about my phone the fact that it's got two fours two twos no eight or nine that's okay um [Music] everybody else not have coffee i'm just gonna keep on sipping how about that just sip the day away come on everything is fine okay i don't know what people are talking about when they said this office coffee is so bad it's quite clearly laced with lsd or mushrooms [Applause] and it'll get you through the workday real quick hello hello oh okay uh this is a a thing and so our hero dives into the unknown depths of time and space to seek out the answer to life's most mysterious questions although one thing is for certain the future is open to those with coffee on their side even if it is cheap office coffee cheap psychedelic office coffee it's like i was saying at the beginning i don't think it's necessarily what you're drinking it's where you're drinking it if you took the exact same coffee and you were sipping it off of a stripper's back in cancun then suddenly it's delicious but because your brain associates it with the pain of being trapped in a wage cage from nine to five then obviously it's always gonna taste like you're gulping down a puddle from underneath a starbucks dumpster or in this case uh like space time i i don't know is is that the end i think that's the end three random games our next game is called the box and i'm sure there's probably countless vagina jokes that i could be making throughout this but instead i'm gonna sit here and watch a 240p screenshot of conan o'brien and bill burr or not honey would you mind getting the door for me uh sure it's just as long as i find out who's talking to me oh i have a hot unity asset wife hold up a second i don't know if you guys picked up on that or not but there's something about all of my furniture that has me questioning whether or not she oh could you say something again real quick please i wonder who that could be at this hour yeah she sounds vaguely european and all of this furniture is quite clearly ikea so it makes me wonder did you come with the house does ikea do mail-order prides because if so god damn am i ever impressed look i'm gonna go answer the door and you turn off the stove okay because let's be perfectly honest anything with an umlaut in its name is highly flammable we need to be careful around all this crap teamwork makes the dream work now if you could direct me to the front door that would be incredibly helpful okay here we are oh honey is a third-person perspective at the door what is happening right now uh this isn't mine oh did someone just leave a random box on my doorstep i guess let's see what we got kind of how deliveries work maybe it's hers i guess this would be the box right can i see through the box i can oh this is going great already honey i swear to christ if you ordered another heimldinger or stromboldurf i'm not putting it together what is that i don't know what's inside put it on the couch and open it okay let's just take a peek yeah why not it looks like it could be a hobo house right put it on the couch huh is it too big for a weak little chair table uh how do i put okay [Music] what the [ __ ] is this good question i mean it's a box but it's a very deep box what the hell honey come look at this okay that's really weird right i don't see a bottom hey what if you drop something inside the box perhaps a mug but i could just like actually no i really shouldn't touch it should i you may be blonde and that blonde may be clipping through other important assets of yours but uh yeah you know what you're you're a bright one i'm gonna go ahead and uh grab one you in okay hopefully we don't anchor the box holy [ __ ] there's no bottom to it grab the phone and shine the light inside you got all the bright ideas don't you well if i was a phone where would i be and i know what some of you guys are probably thinking in your pocket unfortunately i don't have legs for pants so i think we're just gonna go with the room with stuff in it yeah stuff is uh goods maybe i don't know what any of this stuff is but it's definitely stuff that has a phone there you go it's just that easy all right don't worry honey i'm on it did you guys just see something poking up out of the box are we gonna look at everything in the room except for the box yes i get it okay the texture of this fake fabric is fantastic but come on no hello oh my god is that a hand what the [ __ ] a hand don't move looking at us no no no this can't be real why is there a person looking at us from that box this has to be some kind of a joke does this look like a joke to you i what the [ __ ] was that okay that's seriously not cool i i was following your orders oh why did i turn my back to it oh it's still there and it's very much looking at me don't like that listen i i know we just heard something break somewhere in this very well-lit house and i'll get to that in just a second but first i wanted to introduce you to uh my co-worker this is fred he works in the cubicle next to me really doesn't like coffee fred if you've fallen on hard times and you're living out of a cardboard box you still shouldn't just accept a couple dollars from bendy to have him ink in your face that's degrading now if you'll excuse me i'm gonna see if i can convince my ikea wife to help lift that cursed object onto our forever stove could could we maybe get to that please you're not gonna do much of anything are you okay great well i'm gonna go look for what broke probably a window somewhere right can i oh my god i can only aim it down you're kidding me uh yeah that that's it's a broken window what the hell there's nothing in here you would imagine somebody like threw a brick through the window right but there's not even broken glass so is it broken from the inside i don't get it weird okay either way honey i i don't like that i have to get help okay don't take your eyes off of it i'll be back as fast as i can okay yeah yeah i'm gonna go get help that's what they all say listen between you and me i'm genuinely starting to think this is a horror game i just thought it was gonna be like other box games i've played yeah all right see you later i i'm just gonna have to order another one from ikea this is this is fine door open there we go is there a run option gonna go ahead and hop in my car and away i go driving at the speed of smell across this beautiful vacant land is that my wife is she pissed should i answer it oh the answer is come home now i fell asleep the thing from the boss it's gone i don't know if hello what do you mean it got out what do you mean you fell asleep why don't you keep looking at it i'm on my way back try to find someplace safe am i taking crazy pills or something what oh honey it's terrible there's a tar monster in our amazon delivery but i'm feeling kind of drowsy so maybe you shouldn't leave me alone hello oh i can aim this out now that's not good that's uh very red oh yeah that that's probably wife material right it was squishy it sounded like it came from behind me maybe i don't like that is the box empty the box is empty of course it is wife nope she still left the goddamn stove on though oh it's the use of her she's not down there oh man oh it's toilet paper i thought that was an eye oh this sucks this sucks this sucks this why every window why'd you have to be like that was this you oh my god no no wifey oh no oh my god like he is never going to accept this return what's with the intense music are you okay i can't crouch down okay uh she's gonna come back for her yeah let's just do that oh what's up fred's oh that's it that will be the box all right then it looks like it's about time to become the mold exorcist whatever that means it kind of looks like i'm going to be a ghost buster but instead of getting rid of cool things like supernatural i'm instead getting rid of boring things like wall fungus is mold of fungus i should probably know that if i'm gonna be working the job listen i'm not exactly a wall biologist all right everything is gonna be fine hi bud just calling to let you know that this particular job has a rush on it the property goes up for sale tomorrow so sorry for putting you on the graveyard ship don't worry you'll get time and a half for this one so you don't contaminate the whole place start upstairs the doors open you got your mold blaster 9000 peppa mask headlamp and you're ready to go talk to you on monday mate all right well the ghostbusters may have a cooler name and a cooler phone number and a much cooler van but you know what they don't have that's right the mole blaster 9000 let's get in there let's see if we can earn that time and a half worth of pay holy crap uh all right it looks like the guy from the last game was here right after an all-you-can-eat taco bell buffet it's just sprayed up against the walls there's nobody here right i'm alone okay uh where do i start oh they wanted me to start upstairs that's right you gotta finish the upstairs before you do the basement or you'll make the mold worse rookie mistake mate but don't worry you'll be a pro like me in no time is that how mold works i know i said i don't know a whole lot about mold but i know a lot about basements and they should not be glowing reds i don't like it no that's that's bad i don't know why the stairs would have been behind a door in retrospect stupid move on my part just go up here and uh where do we start how quickly do you think this thing is gonna work it uh oh what was that that the sound of mold dying i have got some real distance on this thing okay for real i i don't think mold dying is the equivalent of a string quartet something is not right here i don't like this one bit this this house hunted by a sheep what was that oh okay calm down no that's not all right if the ghost of lamb chop is actually here i just want you to know that i'm trying to earn 13 bucks an hour by spraying down these walls so i'm gonna make this place a whole lot nicer for you and then i'm gonna mosey on along and you can hunt whoever buys this [ __ ] hole i think i was told it goes on sale tomorrow so you won't have to wait long okay yeah i'm starting to think it may actually be a sheep that's fine get this whole floor done everything is all right okay i think we've got this entire floor nice and clean i'm doing a whole lot more work than you are this freaking light bulb is useless now we go downstairs there's still nothing here stop that i for a second i questioned what this was but it's the door i should know what the front door is i'm gonna be using it real soon okay everything is fine okay i i know that the spirit of lamb's past is you know stinging and buying and all that crap at me but it's fine right if anything it's just kind of passive doesn't concern me maybe it's just a little bit pissed that i'm emptying like a high school locker room's worth of axe body spray onto the walls that's what's killing all the mold i can guarantee it um [Music] starting to think it might not be lamb chop [Music] do i still finish the work yeah me actually you do still sound kind of feminine are you hot who am i talking to right now is it the house or is it the mold i mean if i be it for me to say no when a lady tells me to come here um okay uh but for real can we get like a marco polo in this situation or something i'm trying to figure out what exactly oh oh okay uh i'm just gonna just you're welcome you're welcome is it the house maybe i'm talking to the house oh i probably should have introduced myself before i sprayed your insides if that's the case oh how is it the horror games are even dirty okay i know i know i'm coming down to the baseball you just oh well you know what if you get rid of all the molds and you kind of fix up the house then uh this might be a good buy for somebody the basement is very roomy still a bit of a fixer-upper sure but whoa what am i looking at right now oh what is this are these rocks or oh my my spray master 9000 whatever the christ is not working anymore are you what i'm talking to we were never [Applause] rejoice in your conversion okay but hear me out she is kind of dummy thick though rice even if she's got the tumor consistency so was this a good thing i'm guessing the house isn't gonna sell okay and i'm not getting paid great of course that's how this would end all right you know what i think that's gonna be it for this episode of three random games guys all of these games were recommended to me by you guys so please continue to find these funny weird five to ten minute games you want to see me play leave them in recommendations tweet them at me when i ask for suggestions that kind of stuff and then hopefully the three random games series will be able to continue but thanks so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 560,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 random games, 3 free games, 3 free games online, 3 funny games, 3 weird game, funny moments gameplay, random games, funny moments, funny random games, free random games, the box, the box game, mold exorcist, mold exorcist game, why is the office coffee so bad, why is the office coffee so bad game, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: Te6uJB9DhuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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