A STORM IS COMING | Life Is Strange: Episode 1 (Chrysalis)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KerzenscheinShineOn 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2015 🗫︎ replies
*WHAPOOSH* TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YOU LADDIES, MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND WELCOME TO Life Is Strange: Episode 1! A game that you guys have been really, really suggesting to me. *stutters* When it came out, a lot of people suggested it to me, and I was thinking about playing it. I was hummin' and hawin'. on whether I was going to or not, because these types of games are very specific kind of content. And then Felix went off, and he played it, so I was like "Okay, well I can't play it now, otherwise people are just gonna get mad at me" or whatever So I-I left a little bit of a gap, and now I decided to try it out for myself. I've heard it's good. I've heard it's actually a decent type of game, and *breath* just right now, this-I'm gonna be playing this all in one sitting, you're probably gonna see that from the length of the video, anyway. But I think that's the best way to do these things, spreading them up into parts just completely breaks the immersion, and I wanna sit in, I wanna sit in and enjoy it for myself. I actually wanna play it myself to see what it's like. See what all the fuss is about. Um, disclaimer. If you don't like slow-paced, story-driven, choice-kinda games kinda like the Walking Dead or whatever, this video's not gonna be for you. You're probably just, *stutters* just leave right now, because you're probably not gonna enjoy any of this. But if you DO like those kind of things, or are kinda curious what the game is like, SIT IN. Pull up your covers, lie in bed at night. Bring popcorn. Do anything and just sit down and relax, and spend the next hour, hour and a half with me. And let's go through this game together. I think, I think it could be good. (FINALLY) Let's see what it's like. *reads text* Oh, yeah! There's like a time-travel mechanic in this. Which is cool, like the Prince of Persia kind of stuff.*BOOOOOOOM* Hello- oh god.*chuckles* *another boom* WHAT AN INTRO! *more splodey sounds* Oh, I hope I have subtitles turned on. *crackles of electricity* *rain intensifies* This reminds me of Beyond: Two Souls already. You alive? Wake up, sleepyhead! Jack:Hi! Max: Where am I? What's happening? Jack: Good question! I don't know why you're asking me, we don't know. *chuckles* We've only just got here. Max: I'm trapped in a storm? How did I get here? ...and where is "here"? Jack: Those are very, very good questions. (Jack:I'm sure we'll get the answers to them) Max: Wait... There's the lighthouse... I'll be safe if I can make it there... Max: I hope... Please let me make it there Jack: Wait, there's THE lighthouse? You said that like you kinda knew where you were there for a second. Okay... This is very nice looking. It's gotta cool kinda realistic, kinda non-realistic thing going on. Is that a... IS THAT A TORNADO?! Okay, so this is a dream or something, 'cause that shit is weird This can't be real Hello Mr. Lighthouse; that looks very pretty. "Use the mouse to move the camera" You're a bit late telling me; if I didn't figure that out... LOOK AT THIS!! *thunder* Good holy god, that's a big tornado That's a hurrica-nado! That's a tornado and a hurricane together That is sucking up all of life as we know it What is this? "Blackwell, 1910" Oh God, did we go back in time? Did we do bad? This is usually what happens in these time-travel stories, especially those teenage, kinda love-story ones ...which I'm assuming this is... ...you end up going back too far. *wind intensifies* *random bird* Okay, there's swearing in this game, I can take that ...and that's exactly what I said *laughs* That's a proper response to something like that *insert WTFboom* uh oh... UH OH... BOAT!!! *pure shock* *shocked laughter* I told you it was a dream That is a cool teacher (bruh) Am I in high school or college? College, ok "look" I'm trying to look... oh ok... WHAT?! I don't know how I do this... they're not laughing... That is such a hipster teacher This is kinda a weird classroom, who sits, like, circle around the teacher? Ok, let's look at something else "Pencil case" I don't know how this looking thing works... I... I don't know how this works... You can't pull it down... Oh... Ok, now I geddit, now I geddit (shh...) *clicking* What? Of course, of course... :( *laughs* cool motherfucker That lip-sync ummm... "I did know" or "You're asking me?" "I did know," I wanna sound smart (LOL) *shock* Jesus! Oh, aren't you just so fuckin' smart... *disgust* I immediately hate you and everything you stand for uh... Journal... "read"! [Max: If anybody else looked at this, what would they think?] They'd think you're a bit weird Oh, it looks like a... Markiplier's Hero Heart *laughs* *reading from Journal* Really, October? *reading from Journal* "Thanks global warming" *heavy sarcasm* Am I right guys? *WAPISCH* *continues reading from Journal* Can we see? Good God... *laughs* That's what parents always tell you. Well, mine didn't, my parents didn't tell me that. oh... God... I'm sorry, but I'm not reading eight pages of all that stuff Oh my God, there is so much I'm sorry, that's just a lot of reading Good holy God... she got accepted into Blackwell, she moved, umm... she got piercings?! *reads from Journal* Yeah, this is very, very, teenage life Can we go up to these things? Oh... Victoria! You're that girl I hate... "Shoosh, I'm dreaming" *reading from Journal* From what she said in class, she sounds really smart She seems like she has the whole package Oh, Kate Marsh, that girl... A Septic Eye, I... no, I still don't like her *continues reading from Journal* Okay, is she going to sleep with this teacher? 'Cause that's not cool Does it say what age she is? 18, yeah Ok, good God, there's a lot of reading in this Ok so we're in Episode 1: Chrysalis (no that's not how you pronounce it) That's apparently what we're in, and we're in Blackwell Academy, there's a lot of places to unlock... We have texts! *reads text from Dad* Is it... is it cocaine? 'cause you can do cocaine, you can blow cocaine... How do I go back? "Kate" Oh God, there's a lot of messages... Aww, these are such cool kids Go back! Back into the fuckin' things... "Mom" "Since you were brought to us"? By the stork or by the adoption agency? So he's sending a lot of messages but she's not messaging back Maybe she don't like him. Ok, that's a lot of reading I don't wanna, like, stall the whole series *bell rings* WHOO!!! oh, such a good teacher. So is this a boarding school or a college? I still don't know Oh God, don't bend over the table like that at a teacher Well... I'm sure he has a very nice ass to kiss Let's use the computer Can I mess it up? Ah, come on... Ah... *laughs* I wish I could like mess up all the sliders and fuck up their picture "Library, Develop, Slideshow, Print, Web" "NEONVAU" Guess they can't put it in Photoshop Hey, Kate... it's that girl... umm... "You seem quiet today" VICTORIA SHUT UP! "Victoria has already won..." Oh no, we're gonna go grap our cup o' teh! Isn't she the one who texted me saying that we should go get tea at 4? What time is it? Is there a clock in here? I need to figure out what time it is - there is a clock in here It's quarter past 4! (4:15) You're a liar... Let's pick up this paper ball and throw it back at Victoria *reads from paper* "Dear Kate, we love your porn video" "Blackwell Academy"... WHAT?! *shocked silence* Oh-kay, maybe that's why you're quiet Did you do something with a boy and you videotaped it and now you're all sad? What are you drawing? ...she drew a noose on a tree This is not good. Life as a teenage girl is hard ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) What's on this photo? (*table) *hiccups* oh yeah, click this *camera clicks* WHO USES POLAROIDS?! What year is this game... done in? Okay let's look around a bit... "Notebook", "Tablet" OOH it's Victoria's shit! Victoria's secrets... (wait what) Yep "GRLT" ...instead of a DSLR? "With all the ..." bla bla bla... It's just... IT'S $5300 FOR THAT CAMERA?! You're not... you're not makin' a fuckin' IMAX movie! Even though those are a lot more expensive... wait... she's fifteen? WHAT?! I'm so confused about the ages of these things Look at this, trying to get the teacher's attention... Did you guys ever have teachers and students like that in your schools? 'Cause you always hear about it, like, in movies, and you see it in, like, TV shows... ...or you hear about it online or whatever... But in my school, nothing was ever, ever like that If there was ever a hot teacher, no students ever, ever went near them I mean, they'd talk about them behind their back, like we all do about every teacher but nobody ever threw themselves at them, 'cause that's just weird Uh, let's talk to Mr. Jefferson... *weird voice* Hey, Mr. Jefferson FUCK YOU Ummm... "Do I have to?" catch-up / ketchup Did you know I'll be able to rewind time later in the game as well? It's not really a spoiler, either, by the way; that's like one of the things in the trailer for the game which you, you'd kinda like get it away (i.e. remove it) but I guess nobody would buy it DAMN LOOK AT DAT ASS Actually you got no ass... whassup? Eh, she probably is K, do I leave? Thanks... oh, TV! *laughs* You sound SO cool (woah coincidence almost as if Max was replying to Jack) That is rare... *random college talk* Oh God... Girl 1: ...and I might send you a special picture during Science class... Teenagers... oh no... Girl 2: This place is so shabby... Girl 3: *laughs* Nah, you do "Square Enix" [publishers] That's how you look cool... you stand up against the wall and you put one foot up against it That's what I learned Girl 4: She's so fucking shy... *sighs* Let the world dissolve; let it disappear... "Dontnod Entertainment" [developers] Music: "To All Of You" by Syd Matters Okay, so far off to a decent start... I like it, it's kinda cool I like the choices as well; it's not like the Walking Dead where you have a ton of choices, you just have two choices, so it makes it a bit easier to pick certain things "Life Is Strange, Episode 1: Chrysalis" chrysalis /n. [KRIS-uh-lis] a butterfly pupa; the stage before a butterfly emerges into adulthood Hey, Evan Are we all in, like, photo college? Missing person *snaps finger* *reads off poster* "Rachel Amber" *reads off poster* Okay, so it's 2013? Who takes polaroids in 2013? You got your freakin' iPhone What's her ethnicity? What's her blood type? What's her religious beliefs? ...and what did she have for breakfast? I'm not gonna be able to find her unless I know that stuff Okay, I can find her, that's all the information I need By the way, I have nothing against teenagers, like, in general, I just know that these are all gonna be, like, stereotypes, for the sake of a game Why even wear clothes? Why are you wearing clothes? Your boobs are hanging out and so are your knees... What's her name? Of course she's a cheerleader... what's your name? Your name's gonna be Jeff or Chase or something... Of course. Justin is another very stereotypical name Here we have... the Asian girl? No, okay, maybe not I don't even know why I thought she was Asian; that was probably bad of me... Logan! (deep voice) hey bub Can I be a part of this "Vortex Club"? ...WHOO! Halloween party! I've never heard anyone say October was their favourite month What's your favourite month? Mine's February, 'cause my birthday's in it *laughs* Why not? That would not be awesome, come- Okay, I like sugar as much as the next guy, we all like sugar, but none of us actually likes eating sugar from a bag. *laughs* You know, if that was the case, we'd all go aroud bringing sugar packets with chocolate bars (should've brought it along) "Gun-free Zone?" I know in school, crime can be bad sometimes, but Jesus Christ... Uh, missing person... "The Vortex Club" I won't look at those posters 'cause they don't tell me anything Okay, we need to go to the bathroom - wait, we'll look around a bit first Zachary and Juliet... surprised your name isn't Romeo WHADDUP GIRL Here's a teacher, I'm gonna go talk to the teacher... Are you gonna be nice to me? Mrs. Grant... Ms. Grant, actually Ah, she's nice Is this the Principal's Office? Sure, I'm not gonna read anything anymore 'Cause she doesn't- she doesn't develop a fun thing, she just exclaims about what they are Let's just go into the bathroom AHHHHHH *laughs* She just goes in, there's nobody there, and she just goes, *sighs* AHHHHHHH *laughs* Okay... *reads from stall door* "Rachel Amber is a bitch" is that the girl who's missing? ...Oh, I have a reflection. Can I look in the mirror? Oh, yeah Yeah, definitely. You're talking to yourself. That's one of the first signs of going crazy. Uh, there's an Illuminati thing down here *laughs* ILLUMINATI! BWAHHHHH Is that like, the Inception sound? "reads from wall* "I hate Victoria Chase!" Now there's a message I can get behind! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *claps* WHOOO! Promote that man! Poster *reads from poster* so she was caught doing something, maybe at a college party or something? Ooh, tampons! (ok) K, you don't need some? No? That's good, 'cause I don't wanna... Imagine if there was like a little cue to 'E - put on a tampon'? *disgust* Better? Good God, you're skinny Yes, you do. *Max tears apart photo* NOOOOO! You tore up your picture! Oh, the butterfly effect! (whoa Jack is smart) Butterfly effect! Time travel! Rewinding time stuff! ...of a butterfly? or a flutter-by? Butterfly Kill the butterfly *laughs* Gonna fly away! It's gonna fly away! There you go! Did you get it? Is it good? Is it solid? Well, let's see it! ...uh-oh HEY! Get outta the girls' bathroom! What did you do? YES I AM!!! I like this guy (wow) DUDE!! Don't do it! *gunshot* *high-pitched sounds* DUDE!! Oh time-travel time! Let's save the girl! *sings* How to save a life... Woah he shot her in the skull! Or her belly... We all saw it... there's no need to narrate it... There's nothing worse than hearing a lecture twice *laughs* DUN DUN DUN!!! (sarcastic tone) Oh no, my polaroid camera... *laughs* You just tried it instantly to see if you could do it? That's cool though, reversing time mechanics are always sweet. oh no... (bruh) *laughs* It's a bit of a stretch... I can! K let's take a selfie again First, let me take a selfie... Again? He'll notice twice? YES! Rewinding time is my gift! Daguerre... is that his name? Ask me the question! C'mon, ask me the question! Umm... COME ON!! Gimme the fuckin' answer! What if she, like, pissed all over the floor? *laughs* Yes, here we go! I'm gonna choose the right answer this time... *imitates reversed speech* Oh, we can rewind faster, awesome! Oh God, we're gonna have an aneurysm K, space to skip Uhm...The Daguerreian Process Mr. Jefferson YES! HEHE BITCH That's what I'd always like to do! I always think about time travel stuff or time stopping stuff You always wondered what you'd do and I've always thought like I'd go back and I'd like- get the lotto numbers Or, like, you'd go back and answer smart answers Or... even-even like simple stuff like somebody says something to ya and then you give a smart answer back to them and everyone thinks you're cool (Imitating Mr. Jefferson) "And Max I see you not looking at me" Oh, that thing. Yeah. Ok, the writing in this game is just a little bit...poop. Like, the way she was like all of a sudden "I'm a human time machine." I have to go save a girl from being shot in the belly (like duh) Hi... SKIP! Ah.. I'm not avoiding, not sure if I have one. Won't! "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." "Press control to quickly undo your previous action using the rewind" oOHH That's handy! Don't you think? So I'd have to rewind to a specific time, or like guess where I'm rewinding to. I could just press control and I can go back to it. Oh, Victoria hush! You're a penis face.(Nice one Jack) Here we go. um "John Lennon said.." Yeess That's seriously how I'd use time travel! I'd go back and I'd i- Make myself sOund cooler than I actually am! hAhahA Or like if you're having like a conversation with your family or your girlfriend and something and you were like Y-You said something really bad. Or you find- y- You found out what they wanted to hear and then you're like You had a- oH goD. I clicked out of it Then you'd be like You had a really hard time today didn't you? Would you like some ice cream specifically chocolate vanilla ice cream? They'd be like "yEs! hOw did you knOW?" And they just cry into your arms and you feel like a- a genius. haha! I mean I know I could save a girl's life from getting shot but I- I'd want to sound smart! run Run! Runn! Of course they will! They'd think you're crazy enough as it is. But not that kinda shit! ha D-Don't forget to take the picture though! I mean It's all well and good but the butterfly effect is what changes everything. No you looked in the mirror first. yeah Not really I went over and looked at pictu- okay.. Here we go! IMMA PUNK ASS BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, (Jack It's boss ass but you still slayed) So what do I do? Fire bell! Fire bELl! FIrE BeLL Ok. But wheres the hammer?! lo- move wHY is it on the ground?? aH crap she died! (rip) dOOD God dammit. Okay we're going back! Move! fUCk! She dead again! k we gotta go back further then. Christ on a bike! oH oh we have it! gO! hEuHH -loud ass fuggin siren- ah kneed in the balls! Yeah cause he's sure not gonna come after you and kill you now! HaHa Really! I think that kinda takes the cake for shit. You went back to class and you made sure it was real twice! (str8 facts) see This is a bit all over the place. She sounded like she knew what she was talking about before Cause she said it was real ok l- lets leave school It's a very annoying alarm nO! That's sexist! Noo.. ho-hoOo See the writing is just a tiny bit off And it's kinda bugging me Cause that's the kind of game that would really benefit from like spot-on writing Thank you! Principal! whaat? I jUSt witnessed a murder! And then I fixed it with time travel! can I- Can I tell you the truth? rEpOrt NaTHan! lil snitch That punk! Then stop with the third degree! I don't care! ah butterfly Time travel Why did- Why didn't you mention that the other girl was there?
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 8,394,345
Rating: 4.9205174 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Life Is Strange, gameplay, episode 1, walkthrough, let's play, playthrough, playthrough part, PC, Episode Part, Season, webcam, facecam, full episode, story, characters, choices, rewind time, time control, story driven game, game choices, photography, max, chloe, victoria, warren, death, OST, soundtrack, Season Episode, time travel, time travel power, time travel game, story driven, female protagonist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 18sec (7218 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 09 2015
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