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*Whapoosh* TOP O' THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE And welcome to FRAN BOW *Best Game ever* I've heard a lot of really great things about this game And a lot of people in the comments have been really suggesting it It's a game like, remember Neverending Nightmares? *yes we do jack* When I played that, it's a game in the same style That it's a 2-D thing and you control the character going left-to-right and all around the environment and everything It's SUPPOSED to be a horror game I think, I'm not too sure *it is jack* I actually don't know a lot about it *well done* But Franny's eyes, well that is if that's Fran Bow, * it is :D *her eyes follow the, the mouse *Jacksepticeye noises* It's like one of those paintings and theres a cutie little kitty cat UMMM * IM VERY SAD IVE BEEN writing this for hours rip* But yeah I've heard some really good things about it so I'm looking forward to playing it I dunno how much of the game I'm gonna play I dunno if it's gonna be a full series or anything But I'm REALLY interested in it- "Continue?" game this game used as an autosave feature got it perfect everything's fine it feels like heaven wait is that you talking because this is the wrong voice for you I see my parents they look happy why don't you feeling this is going to change dramatically they have a present for me I wonder it's a cat so sweet and pretty haha dark is the deepest night and then just close your fucking eyes own but it's mr. midnight cats normal copy my best friend my only friend I'm lonely Cooper hello we are having dinner and I see and grace - I really like her a lot it's Friday my parents are going out I'm all alone with the cat I know and and grace takes good care of me litter is no one is doing to love doing voices we are having so much fun the cats going to fucking town on that milk mhm it's monday night I'm playing with mr. midnight but something feels real bad no whole by a strange creature outside my window I don't like it it scares me fucking run it looks like the Lamia suddenly I hear something going to fuck to sleep here it's mom screaming I want to know what's wrong the bright light shines from my parents room yeah by all means go check it out I go closer don't buy friend and closer oh geez mom dad please don't were you crying blood oh Jesus Christ mommy daddy oh ok somebody don't hack them up into bits what yeah oh ok so this is very neverending nightmares ok I think this game has been in development for a very long time though because remember hearing about an agency or people are playing the demo of it but this is the full release now up on steam wrong now we're going to get kidnapped mr. midnight image frat please follow my voice on the count of three you will wake up straight 12 and your back of the room hi was a guy's voice nice so this is the activated game and I think it really looks cool fried and how do you feel that I'm fine I get I feel like dying would be more result hello Franny I'm fine i guess just sad to see the same things sadness or something everybody has within true everybody has sadness within them just don't feed the beast too much I want to find the killer I want to go home I want to go home you can't go home friend you have to get well i might messed up in the head now because of the crazy shit that I've seen because i'd imagine being a child seen that kind of stuff would mess you up actually being an adolescent seen that stuff and miss u of i have to get out of here I need my cat your cat is missing it would be impossible to get him back but now I have something for you friend oh really see the desk there's a little package for you is my dick in a box actually that's not nice she's only a little girl it's from a disgrace take it ok now I I are in control goodnight like message it going to mess with all the things I didn't think on that this was my mother's purse is in sight open it there is something inside the letter O use I can't use this maybe I should examine fine dearest friend here is the purse you like so much I thought you would like to have it when I was thinking about you I remember that you like to examine objects and combine them with other things I also know that you like to explain game mechanics out loud in a letter so i hope you always keep this person give it all the other things you find a good use never forget that creativity is absolutely the greatest gift you have love and grace I'm gonna forget all these voices she is worried about you I'm worried too because I'm not crazy and still here stop it you're out of control young lady she seems person per perfectly fine to me since so tired of all the shit you want to go the fuck back to my room doctor but yes you can leave but before you do it's time for your new medicine I don't want to try no more medicine it's called duty and it will make you feel very relaxed it won't make you get high as all balls nurse already I there anything you today Dr Dee and nothing actually same visions as before well I say their friend take your medicine glob glob down the hatch all right click on it but you said you don't wanna take a trip that very willingly I don't feel good buried what look walk oh no take her back to her room and nurse don't let her take this ever again Jesus Christ I really didn't trip balls this is cool i like this oh god please keep taking pills to go into the demon world beware friend Bo if you leave the house of madness I will hunt you down catch you and bring you back to insanity you're not a nice person mr. midnight friend wake up the medicine will help you escape I imagine that mr. midnight just yells at everything I'll be waiting for you in the forest and why everyone's British i love you no Frannie go find mr. midnight that's what I like this chapter 1 my sober day I don't like games like this ready to add my own voices and bread brings a big hole some element to it all a lot now it's a very nice picture pepper gonna move I'm still here at his place I have to get out of here I can't remember the last time i had like a lot of fun making voices for games was when i played mad father I turned like the father into solid snake and I can't remember the voice did for the garden something similar to this my voice has changed a lot since then case Bible a friend bois de degenhardt friend bodega her with badass name I'm age 10 and a female history the patient was found near the Oswald asylum showing signs of psychosis the bodega heard family tragedy details a minute treatment dr. Marceau dear has tried different medications and all have been canceled because of side effects was don't stink sack give me stop give me them i will get your nose I will get it are you a happy clown can you make me laugh I'm having a hard time laughing again they were ok I thought you were going to get his nose can look out the window oh holy moly something fell how do you look i'll save it to play pirate later oh ok so that's going to come in handy check out this little dude oh sweet sweet melody there's a cross the wall hopefully this won't fall on my head while I'm sleeping he's a freaking out from your fine you'll sleep like a girl red and tiny you are hiding from me hate the monster oh I hate the monster that's there click allow me a demon I'm Cameron movie that was I think it's drag me to hell I have to find mr. midnight i have to find him now i miss my kitty he hides because he is afraid he told me that the medicine would show me where he is where did you cross off show when putting show again I don't know and I could still walk around and see what's on the other side I like how their septic eyes of the size as well oh I'll get evening Missy it's been going on our friend you're awake good how long was I asleep three days maybe God God I was unconscious it was like it was in a coma I don't know so many days I should find kg your class is probably dead girl now leave I'm working oh I forgot something happened see you are nothing but trouble what is it I broke the curtains I was trying to look outside and they accidentally broke the curtains accidentally I have to fix this follow me no you go that way I'm gonna miss around and all your shit gonna take all of your documents and curious yes but the nurse is still inside the room she's not she's all the way all that site she asshole can see there is it ok let's go see what she's up to hi something is missing have you seen the hook to hold that holds the curtains up I see nothing I'm fucking clean no miss I haven't seen anything well I have to go find something to fix this you literally girl that I can see bad things at a little girl she's only small see you later and we'll go for fucking steal all your crap go friend I like your am your little tights oh I keep these patches to stop blood I thought there was a packet of fags cigarettes again over here in Ireland because cigarettes flags so I have to keep clarifying that every single time i say it just in case people like Jack you can't say that word violent trauma can have a great impact on children totally changing their normal lives for example children damage my trauma can have my severe deficits and some abilities such as trusting people near them seeing the world is a safe place making decisions etc because of these effects some traumas can lead to several symptoms of major mental illness for example not trusting other people are not feeling safe in the world this can be interpreted as paranoia drawing of the brain sweet oh god the patient has lab working sleeping almost all the time again I reading that I can't read it whoa hide I think this is where the medicine is but it's locked oh my goodness this is terrible hey what the nurse have this she wants to kill us all and leave it as it is why take that gonna start killing some fools one of the demon shows up again you have the black black in the face empty bottle empty glasses can I have the wheelchair and do some sweet wheelies in it now my legs are just fine yeah I look at the little dainty feet I already know little boy are you in here like me Oh a secret box Shh what these are my things I'm use I don't know the cold for this yet Oh abcdefg h h is h I would be 9d hid is three what up ABCD is for whatever you do it on a b c d e is fight yeah it's not a very good mechanism you might as well as have the code written on the box we got some pills Teddy you hello I'm sorry if that voice is getting annoying to you but you're gonna have to deal with it no not the best at making up voices wait what did you see hello again mr. teddy hello boy hello feel hello how are you everybody says that I'm seek to find kitty are by they always say that they are just stupid are you leaving tonight I will if you help me the only 10 the only thing I know is the office is the key the key is there a key inside the office I saw the talk to write a secret code I secret code to open the yellow door he doesn't want me to tell you who the doctor obviously him or maybe the demon could he see the demon as well what are you doing feel changes fuck felt all doors are closed you were a prisoner of my games and nobody will help you escape you're a meanie face me alone I think you went back to normal mommy daddy I need you so much right now no I won't let the monster to stop me feel you're a dick I used to have a blue dress like yours and then my parents died but ok so fillmore Ron stone people in this game of the most badass names i was in this game I would be jack lee Bennington actually not be Jackley septation septic Oh Jackie septic oh that's your service then we made everybody in the game British it's only eight history the patient came to Oswald asylum with his mother rachel brownstone the boys develop paranoid behavior paranoia not yet diagnosed ok treatment daily treatment with dr. Marcel dear we have not achieved the patients trust okay and he refuses to be questioned he was fine with me I wouldn't mr. horse are you having a good time if I sit down and I will eventually get up so what's the point that fucking flawless logic cannot carry you with that of course it's locked farewell you tell me what you know now did you find the doctors coach yet it's in the office ok Oh back here wait this office she was a nurse not a doctor I'm yeah you borrow a little you o 8 h what oh that's just for her box thing a b c d e f g h i yeah I figured that out already where's the other code for the thing ok oh I didn't check this way let me let me just check around again first locked good reason to get curious mmm I need some keys right so do we have anything in here use a key this will certainly open something who whoa so what wait while this open that door and open the door ok it should open this thing because there's no cold on this it's free if there's a key of course is locked yet juice the key is to tiny sad write down these are shaking shit on him the pills I think might make me go into that weird world again ok we'll see if the key works in this way to take out key use on that yes yes i got it there's something inside pin and a picture i use both family picture with a friend no with friends journal okay that's our examiner's our mommy daddy mr. midnight and grace such a happy little family examine this my hair clip I should give it a good use put it in your hair girl can I user with you oh maybe you can use it to I'm lock pick am i actually that good it fits but there are two holes i need something else I'm your finger the hook combined with the heritage I won't work fuck you haven't read musical shape is not right yeah it could boost oh I shouldn't have taken the pills oh Christ feel what's wrong with you oh good why are you looking at me like that you terrify me oh it was not me what was the voice that gave the dude no absolutely not you can't tell her that but she has to know you can't keep me away from her the reason is more than clear grace no it's not I want to take her home now you can't friends mental condition is not appropriate yet ok hello inhale this game is freaky you don't like it just did Fox on me bed so we're creepy lady out saying hello ladies how are you doing I wonder what she has to tell me the doctor has also i'm going home tonight well then a new Fox Fox don't cry hi Oh fucking hand you like they have my head are you serious with this shit no everything's not all blurry haha I oh is that my head give me my thing back please fucking weird the drawer is empty Oh watch your step watch me everything hello miss nurse you were dead get out creepy creature friend you do not seem bothered by any of this friend does not give a fuck just ate shit everywhere it says awesome can I go in the door now is add a deer on the chair it says to happiness hello I don't know your head for can help maybe there's only one hole now it fits but there are two holes i need something else flock Phil is playing with his uncle and his uncle is mad everything in this place is bad right now hello Phil I actually have no idea what i'm doing . but where did the clown go get a good question who did it you killed my family good question as well you can see i know i can I have eyeballs and they work great that's that's no I don't want any more of that no thanks I'm i don't suppose we doing man oh I got a needle Oh a knitting needle from the crazy world she was using ok so can i combine these two clickety clackety Schmidt ish mcatee that's how we do it oh yeah capisce mcatee don't hold back well yeah didn't it sorted out getting a dog oh yes to happiness no no no matter what was that Daddy was not there mommy would not keep this game is fucking to light fully creepy say like be not using pills right now why are you doing what do you look like a fabric doll yeah she's probably really stopped taking the pills tiny tiny hands all over you eating your soul even the Pure's of things would die in this place this is not only happy for an adventure time you're my beloved friend bit broom get the fuck away from me the King likes drawings aha Sheila head scheme is awesome I really like this what was in here before ok can i stop taking pills but I've acting normal we just do that as much as they want hello there's more clouds in here hello you see them you do write that I don't back haha see what the creatures that follow everyone you mean the shadows uh-huh I can't see them but I know they are there do you know what they are yeah I guess well tell me please you like to draw I love to draw yes i live at <addressnum> twenty </addressnum> please but tell me more about the shadows crayon crayon I want to find a crayon I draw all the time there's a whole fucking mess of crayons on the ground is a major I want to find my cash that we are very sad draw a cat if you don't have one I could draw my cash but I'd rather find him your cat is in danger the shadows took him I know who told you that the one that follows me by this is awesomely creepy I love it and I like the fact that we make phone is attached to my arm anymore so i can pick it up and do all the sexy voices hmm see you later but this bed is very pink that's mine my crayons I just like this green crayon so much can I have it no I want to be able to draw green then that's ridiculous oh that's true but you have so many other colors yes many colors but you know they don't like me drawing who the nurses they tie me up and when I want to draw a cart yes they tied me up sometimes too it hurts friend is always so sad she never knows what to do when i draw i hurt myself when I can't draw I hurt myself then comes the red milk look oh jesus fucking hell please kill me yes stop the red milk I'm gonna call blood-red milk from now on I'll see what I can do oh look they keep going in and out of the voices when I can't commit to any of them if she has a creepy face on let me see red puppet and a serpent you're not finding anything no real flowers the smells of sweet so sweet and goody gumdrop goodness take the picture but this is one of those mute clowns of mine you know it's going to the WC again into the wash closet while you're looking in the door the throne is empty I didn't realize anyone could see me pooping gross but ok I'm that's enough explorin folks I think the next thing is gonna go down here I'm gonna leave this episode here please let me know what you guys think of this game I think it's really cool that could make for a really cool series I didn't plan on making it a series or anything I just wanted to check out the game but I think it could be a really cool thing to do because it looks like an awesome game it's wonderfully creepy and they love doing voices for games everything and it feels like one of those things that everybody could get in on and enjoy the atmosphere is terrific and I really really like it but for now thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it but slowly but not in the face LIKE A BOSS and, high fives all around WHAPSHH WHAPSHH WELL THANK YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEEALLYADUDES INTHENEXTVIDEO! *creepy voice* Daddy did not care... Mommy was not there... Sweet dreams!
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,405,876
Rating: 4.9476523 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Fran Bow, Fran Bow jacksepticeye, Fran Bow Gameplay, Walkthrough, Playthrough, horror game, indie game, best indie games, best horror games, 2D horror game, art style, music, OST, characters, scary game, jumpscares, jacksepticeye horror game, let's play, creepy, creepy game, steam, full game, review, fran bow full game, Survival Horror (Media Genre)
Id: -TBK3RfE4Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2015
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