What's A Great Thing That Got Ruined By Popularity? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what was a great thing ruined by popularity Mount Everest especially since there's only one or two days a season that people climb when conditions are optimal there are literally queues of people waiting to go up some sections and the overcrowding contributes to the number of deaths there each year that's before you even stop to think about the rubbish trash left up there any restaurant Anthony Bourdain featured in his shows even he acknowledged this these fantastic gems would subsequently be overrun with diners that they suffered from overcrowding and lower standards I can no longer read my favorite burger easily because of Guy Fieri edit I feel I need to point out that I said I can't easily eat there there is just a long-ass line now the food is still good it's not ruined have you ever noticed there's a threshold where a song gets too popular and will live on with the memory of everyone thinking it was overplayed and annoying this is why I hate radioactive four months straight hearing it every morning and afternoon on the school bus did it for me Bobby's basically their small cottages in remote parts of the Scottish Highlands that are left unlocked free to be used for shelter by people traveling the mountains they're not well furnished or anything but they act as a freely usable weatherproof shelter for anyone to use in a country where some are usually just means the rain is slightly less frigid it used to be that they weren't too well-known the Hill walking community used them maintained them and everyone observed in unwritten code of conduct where you'd make sure to leave it tidy clean and ready for the next person to use however they suddenly experienced an upsurge in awareness and a lot of them suffered for it people would go to them so they could have a PSS up in a scenic location and leave them covered in rubbish and sh t little sh t there normally refurbished from long abandoned houses and frequently don't have toilets so they're equipped with a shovel to bury your waste people seem to think they were free holiday homes that they could just take over some people just vandalized them for the fun of it as a result there suffered quite a bit they should offer a shelter from bad weather and a safe place to sleep but now you have a bunch of entitled lazy [ __ ] of go and wreck them beaches ones tourism starves it usually has devastating effects on the flora and fauna they had to close a beach off from the public in Thailand to give nature time to recover edit for grammar edit to give more information I was talking about my bay which was made famous by the movie the beach yes the one with Leo despite its isolation the bay attracts so many tourists there isn't even any room to lay down on the sand the bays closed off until officials believe the coral has rejuvenated sufficiently they had a similar problem with the poppy reservation a year or so ago there was a super bloom that resulted in fields of beautiful orange flowers people kept visiting and taking pictures and the poppies a problem was that these flowers were rather delicate if you stepped on a patch too many times there was a good chance the plants in that patch would die they had designated paths all along reservation and signs telling people to stay on the path but they kept ignoring them there were a ton of dead patches in the poppy fields there were also a ton of Instagram photos of people laying in patches of poppies Grooveshark effectively free spotify premium with every single song that you could think of on it it was ducking awesome I imagine its popularity drew too much attention to its multiple blatant copyright violations it was fun while it lasted though Lindsey Lowen seriously cute and talented actress received way too much popularity with no guidance yay she peaked super fast and then minutes later every time you heard her name it was after something bad had happened same with Britney I think the attention doesn't do good for anyone clear and Mike Lee mentioned that she had a mental breakdown at 2200 nosed with PTSD and at one point didn't even leave her house because the attention was too much Brittany and Lowen had paparazzi constantly following them and probably trying to get a reaction out of them last year I did the U tour national and state parks during the early spring off-season and the measures they are taking to try to accommodate the massive number of visitors during the summer is incredible parking lodging sanitation and safety are all becoming problems and I hope that these places don't become victims of their own popularity arches really seems to attract people doing stupid dangerous sh t the iconic delicate arches like a magnet for morons who don't prepare for the trail take risky selfies vandalize and climb on things and drink in places where there's 360 degrees of cliffs around you remember back when your father knew a faster alternative route around a major traffic jam that actually was faster since the handheld availability of real-time traffic data and route optimization by Google Maps an equilibrium of travel time has established such that everyone knows what's the best route is and the traffic jam actually takes as long as the alternative route most of the historic monuments the amount of markings all over the makes me sick there is graffiti left by Roman soldiers and Napoleonic soldiers in Egypt which was pretty neat to see tbh given enough time graffiti becomes a part of a historical landmark itself it's a catch-22 caused by an attachments to our own time we see the line mark as something that needs to be preserved by for us but the reality is we're in just as inconsequential a time of history as any one of Tuesday most famous sites in the Hagia Sophia is where of Vikings scratched his name in the model the scratch is protected and now treated in a sacred but it's functionally no different than you or I going to a structure built 200 - 400 years ago and is doing the same don't get me wrong I don't like it too when people to face historical landmarks but our outrage is fleeting and sometimes contributes to the perceived value of the relic plastic it is a great material but mankind does not know how to use it properly we have this super strong super lightweight corrosive resistant material that can be made into any shape at a very low cost it lasts forever and we use it for disposable packaging the original face book required an active college email and was a cool chill place now it's just a breeding ground for political horse tea and Karen's aunt evacs moms I deleted mine a little over a year ago because I was fed up with the content misinformation and drama that occurred on that site Plus how invasive their practices are I recently tried to make another account with the intention to keep it solely private other than very close friends and family with the intention to use it to only promote my music on a page within 10 minutes my account was suspended and subsequently disabled as they believed I was impersonating somebody else even though I used my real name etc apparently I need to send a copy of identification for them to reactivate my account think I'll pass on that one to some extent amusement theme parks they have to be popular to justify building new state-of-the-art attractions but eventually get so crowded that you need to buy special passes and get on a ride in less than 2 hours and can barely even find a place to sit when you want to rest for a minute I live near Six Flags Great America outside of Chicago any time I've gone in the last 10 years it's been a ridiculous mass of humanity more rides than ever but every decent ride is like a two-hour wait visiting Iceland I absolutely fell in love with the country when I was there but the popularity of it means like any other trendy tourist destination that it's now ruined by tourists being jackasses I grew up near a national park that is also now ruined by overcrowding so maybe I have a lower threshold for that sort of stuff than most but watching idiots stomping all over fragile geothermal features two steps away from the no walking on this area sign just boils my blood eBay remember being able to get an absolute bargain for almost anything I wanted now every shop puts the sh t on eBay the other problem with eBay as it completely messed up people's perceptions of what stuff is worth someone will see some sh tty thing on eBay listed for like five hundred dollars and be like oh that's what it's worth but it's been listed for five hundred dollars for two years and nobody bought it cause that's crazy then someone at a flea market or Craigslist is like oh it's on eBay for five hundred dollars so I'll give you a deal four hundred and fifty dollars The Joker stares in the Bronx was a nice little piece of architecture in a quiet area at high bridge now Instagram ditch TS are ruining it there's more trash there than ever before I feel bad for the local residents who have to put up with it basically any hit song gets over plate so you end up hating it cause you can't escape it also probably a fair bit of TV shows Rick and Morty is still good but the popularity led to creating a cringy s fanbase which can turn a lot of people off Travel it used to be fun and interesting now it's a competitive sport my favorite thing about it is that people think traveling is a replacements for having a personality you are not deep or interesting because you went backpacking in Asia Yik yak I loved Yik yak in college it was hilarious and had juicy anonymous gossip on it and it was a great place to just put down random thoughts then it started growing and people started using it for making black cently racist comments anonymously that led to more sh t that Ashley would put on there like putting people's full names and their stories and making bomb threats a great example of a few people ruining it for everyone during uni I had the easiest student job in the world I worked for year kayak they sent me a huge a box full of merch t-shirts baseball caps pens bottle openers posters etc all I had to do was complete some tasks such as take five photos of people holding up a yip-yap poster I was given over 100 posters but just got my housemates to hold one up and took a picture of each of them it was between $100 200 per tasks through PayPal so it was the easiest money I've ever made I live in Egypt and many of the most popular places are ruined by all the people there all year round yay having a KFC right across from the Sphinx is a total WTF Edmund the idea of renting free room or sofa isn't bad at all it turned into hard bussines when companies owning dozens of apartments rent them to tourists meanwhile there is an apartment price and rent crisis I guess living here isn't going to be affordable for middle-class anymore it's difficult as an urban post with a room in the house available we get a lot of middle-aged couples turning up expecting the whole place and also expecting the house to be something else they just don't read the info it's really frustrating because we are upfront about what to expect and have a really lovely room set up but many people's experience of Evan be staying in commercial flats which is full-time maid service so they come here expecting to get that despite being you acute 30 a night stroke the Internet in general the internet was so magical back when nobody understood it every site was like welcome to Tom's cool trained page under construction Jeff here's 10000 words on why diesels are the best and electrics can go and get ducked you are visitor number zero zero zero zero zero zero two three sign my guestbook baby shark like two years ago it was a cute song to sing with my toddler now it's ducking everywhere the NHL they've made a whole TV series out of it duck just let it die a work at a retail store and they have made a Teddy shark and when it's squeezed it sings baby shark every single day at least 20 times a shift I hear that song when a kid plays with the Teddy's frozen saw it in the cinema and really liked it and by about a two weeks later I was so sick of the ducking songs I couldn't bear to watch the film Oh to have younger siblings surprise no one has said this yet but Netflix Netflix was definitely ruined by its popularity not in the traditional the consumers are at fault and made it bad but because so many people loved Netflix every damn company had to make their own inferior version of it friendly reminder that shows like The Office gained popularity because they were on platforms people already owned not because they paid for Netflix to get the office honestly even though I hate them as a company Disney was in the right for making a streaming service since there had a justifiable amount of content to form their own platform but every other TV streaming service is crazy for thinking most people will pay for the sh t rather than resorting to pirating it animate conventions used to be a fun time to be weird and nerdy with a bunch of really weird and nerdy people with shoestring budgets now it's a bunch of professional cosplayers who make costumes for a living and large commercial things being marketed and a lot of parents were their kids edit to the people thinking I hate when kids come to conventions with their parents please read literally any of my other replies about it I wasn't saying having a parent with their kid at a con is a bad thing I was saying that the more popular conventions get the more problematic interactions I run into due to they're not good combinations showing up more often groans they're an amazing and useful tool for surveyors photographers inspectors filmmakers etc but there say ubiquitous Johnny Dumba's can go buy one of Best Buy and crash it into a bald eagle nest and make the rest of us who've gone through training and FAA licensing look bad indie games there are still some really cool indie games being made but for every single good one there is thousand really SH TTY ones just a few years ago I could go on Steam and find some great hidden gems but now it's just an endless stream of sh t hundreds of wacky and random XD meme games like brick simulator or third white clicker with quality worse than 2010 flash games and PRN so much PRN the worst thing about this is that some really amazing games go completely unseen because they are drowned in this ocean of sh t any nice nature place to go hiking swimming BBQ any cool outdoor activity some sweet nature spots have been ruined because of too much popularity however there's a landscape planning with paths guards etc to protect it all the amount of people coming here X the place or access becomes forbidden for safety issues well I know a cliff is a dangerous area where I could fell who don't need to forbid access to it because of the unavoidable Karen who eventually won't watch his kids and sue you for lack of safety nice preserved places are like mushroom picking spots get a keep as much as you can I require a lot of trust to show you my secret beaches cabins in the woods and if I see it on your Instagram or your friends one I'll be under your bed tonight I'm definitely going to get hate for this course for tonight bad many cruft good however I would imagine that if fortnight didn't quite blow up like it did it would have been a vastly better game than it is now publicity literally ruins tons of things for me it's a lot of movies of media in general American media has always been shy about certain themes but lately there is just so much controversy over every little thing I just want movies that can depict things take risks and have odd plots without a whole Twitter campaign attacking them over one small decision edit whoever this wasn't meant to be political at all I just want to watch movies Facebook used to be a nice site where you'd keep in touch with friends or relatives living far away now it's filled with kids posting their cringe statuses selfies and whatnot it used to feel magical to me now I barely use it being a rapper online dating when you think about it it's a great way to meet people if your other social prospects are lacking I love my friends but there's nobody to date there and I don't have time for more friends but in practice the sheer number of available singles has us turning our noses up at perfectly good people because someone better might come along Rick and Morty the amount of entitled neckbeards that think they're better than everyone else solely because they enjoy that show is shocking I really like the show but I don't tell people I roll that so they don't think I'm associated with the fan base the price of chicken wings they were so cheap ten years ago the internet now corporations and governments want to control it and the average person seems too naive to realize why they shouldn't be allowed to flipping houses when where I grew up people bought houses to live in they weren't investment properties you didn't buy our place paint it all update the crown molding and try to sell it for 30 K dollars more I am sure some people did it but it got crazy and duct up the real estate market Harry Potter yes I was an original like before there were any movies or a fourth book fam and I was obsessed could recite anything from the books from memory obsessed and no I'm not mad that everybody started liking them I'm mad that the popularity made the author so goddamn rich that she wouldn't quit and keeps going back to wring the udder dry and give us constant updates at our ever more stupid convoluted and contradictory and you have to watch pro quails and play mobile games and visit theme parks to even get it all and I can no longer care to even find out the new Canon let alone try to revel in it like I once did sometimes less is more self checkout they were great when everyone was too intimidated to use them I could buy fifty items and be out of the store before the granny that was ahead of me who went to the cashier even started ringing her sh t up now stores have forced him on people by only having one actual cashier so everyone uses them even people who have no business doing so Game of Thrones I think among the other hosts of problems towards the end that they started to gear the show and writing to a more general audience cloth started to get dumbed down carrot and he wants was reduced and big WOW moments were given more emphasis in place of character development and coherent plot part of the problem was that the show became a victim of its own success [Music]
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 70,262
Rating: 4.8889575 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, reddit reveals, tales, tales reddit, stories, great thing ruined by popularity, ruined by popularity, popularity, bad products, games
Id: TF2g-ypoYPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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