People Share The Strangest Things People Did At High School (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what's the strangest thing you've caught people doing in high school two girls in my high school tried to poison another girl by dumping a scoop of copper II sulfate into her Slurpee or slushie whatever you call it in the middle of class - they thought it would kill her right off the bat but he took a sip spit it out and screamed everyone saw everyone knew and the teacher was pissed after the police came and all three girls left the classroom he muttered seriously a chemistry lab and they try and use copper iron sulfate he sounded as a pointed in their choice of chemical the two girls did end up getting charged and expelled the girl who was the victim left the school shortly after - in eighth from ninth grade during gym class we found these two guys under the bleachers playing Yug Oh nearly naked when we asked what the hell they were doing they said they were playing strip Yug oh I've never seen a gym coach with such a pure look of disappointment a guy in the back of the classroom starts making weird noises so everyone turns to look at him it is very obvious the kid is having some serious problems breathing so the nurses called by the time she gets there he's starting to go blue he's known for liking his drugs so the nurse is screaming at his friends what did he take you won't get in trouble just tell me what he took but they all just asked kingster they're out of sheer desperation or maybe just checking to see if his throat was at all open she just plunges her hand into his mouth pauses and Yanks something out of his throat dude had swallowed a ref King morphine patch all the things you can do with a morphine patch and he did that one my high school had this double stool in the girls room two toilets in one stall that wasn't even the weird part it was considered weird if you didn't use it with someone kids handing out razor blades to slice people bags as a joke of course same kids later went around with the pointy part of a compass stabbing people again jokes and yes they were regularly expelled from school one time a couple that school got walked in on by another student while they were trying anal in an empty classroom and using hand sanitizer as lube desperation at its finest color using hand sanitizer as lube ouch caught a guy combing his Pew bees that's classy as f ck to senior year class presidents having SX in an empty classroom a buddy of mine was caught having SX in the cafeteria at 11:30 a.m. lunch was at 11:45 girl with Down syndrome full-on fingering herself in science I could hear the FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT from two rows in front teacher caught her and she looked her dead in the eye and just carried on no sh t s given she asserted dominance I was a freshman and was into maybe the second quarter of the school year my English teacher was a pretty straight edged sarcastic and sometimes humorless lady one day she announces to us from the front of the classroom that it was her birthday one of the girls in my class freaks out overjoyed gets up out of her seat runs over to the teacher and essentially starts twerking on her no one laughed or knew what to do just silence as this goes on for a few moments she eventually stopped the teacher just told her to get out the student got suspended for a day or two it was a bizarre experience smoking crushed up candy candy crush before it was cool hurting a hand under their ass rubbing it passionately and then smelling it I did the same thing but with my testicles one day in sixth grade I saw some seventh and eighth graders purposely hyperventilating themselves for about 30 seconds and then having a friend put them in sort of a chokehold position to squeeze their arteries and their necks just for the head rush it would give you I remember going home and telling my mum what I saw and she freaked the f ck out and never let me walk to school for the rest of that year did it my boyfriend caught a kid using a hand dryer to M stir bit at his high school how the f ck does that work went to school with this girl straight-a student but weird one of the many weird things she would do was take kelmer's glue and spread it across one of her hands she would let it sit on her hand until it had dried into a thin glue layer and color the glue with markers after she was done coloring it she would carefully peel the glue off so that she had a colored perfect little glue hand and then eat it I once walked into a classroom I thought to his empty to find the four nerdy no apparent personality kids from my grade dispersed throughout the room arms at their sides jumping up and down as high as they could in complete silence f kin weird lull one kid was beating his meter our geography teacher during class he wasn't even at the back if you take a single staple and bend it and stab it through the eraser on the end of a pencil so that it looks like two prongs who can then stick this into an electrical outlet and it will explode with a loud pop and a bright blue flash and it would leave a big scorch mark all around the outlet my friends and I would do this at opportune moments during class never got caught would blame it on aliens not me but the cop at my school he caught a guy asking his cousin in the bathroom guy got herpes from cousin they both dropped out shortly after edit the guy f ked his own cousin not the cops cousin the monster sh t junior year someone took a sh t in one of the men's bathrooms it must have been at least five Couric's but seriously this sh t was of such massive proportions that it physically could not be flushed and was left there almost all day news of the movement spread quickly and they actually needed to put an assistant principal outside the bathroom because kids from all over the school were trying to see it eventually they had a janitor shovel it out of the toilet and dispose of it I feel bad for that janitor I was a sophomore in high school at the time and I was in the library with my last period class I was sitting at a table by myself this girl who was a senior came up and sat next to me she turns to me and says hey if I show you something will you promise not to freak out I was like umm idk I mean I guess because now I was seriously interested scared about what she was going to show me she then lifts up her hoodie and had a four foot boa constrictor wrapped around her stomach she was kind of on the bigger side in her hoody was loose enough so you would have never seen it and she managed to carry it around all day and never got caught literally weirdest experience I've ever had in high school there were some guys loitering by the urinals as I came into the bathroom they all ran out giggling as I'm standing there pissing I stopped to smell something I look over and one urinal down there is a flour tortilla shell with sh t in it literally a sh t taco it was so strange a guy I went to high school with was into older women he's really good-looking and tons of girls were into him but nope only the LD is for him when he was 17 and 18 he was sleeping with women in their 50s sometimes 60s our senior year he slept with a pear educator while her son was in the next room who also happened to be a senior at her high school oh and she was deaf and he told everyone about all the deaf SX noises she was making Hawk Hawk Hawk some kid I knew in high school told me he had been nster baiting into a mason jar and saving his [ __ ] he didn't specify why he was saving his [ __ ] but anyway his pet ferret had somehow got him into the jar and by the time he found out the ferrets face was covered in semen the thing that stood out at him and what has painted a picture in my head since was there was thick pearl necklace connecting the jar to the ferrets nose when he found it I worked at an inner-city high school when I lived in Minneapolis I remember once I had to stop for a choir class for just one hour the teacher got into a car accident I left the room for 10 minutes and when I got back probably 10 kids were smoking out the window and three pears and heated make up sessions somebody had hijacked the overhead projector and lesbian PRN was playing for the class and there was one lone white girl f king studying she was strange I saw a dude face f ck a girl during 5th period right next to a classroom with the door wide open he was going balls deep I was just walking to my car to get my camera and I just see his pants around his ankles just f king her face comma just walking to my car to get my camera at my old school everyone used the Wi-Fi during the day so they wouldn't use up their data or whatever no big deal but a bunch of kids were using the Wi-Fi to SXT each other and got busted we weren't allowed to have phones outs after funny the difference a couple years can make an a high school experience phones didn't have Wi-Fi or anything like that when I was in school technology moves so fast the razor burns I mean I played knuckles quarters and wards and co shorts with a slipknot shirt but seriously why my best friend used to borrow my space maker to trapped tarantulas where in the f ck did you go to school at tarantulas were running amok eating lunch in the restroom kids did that in my high school all the time the actual lunchroom wasn't big enough so everyone was scattered that includes a group of girls who would eat in the bathroom it was weird there were two big mysteries everyone was trying to solve at my high school the first was shortly after a science class got iPad minis with cameras within the first two weeks of us having them someone had managed to take a dick pic in the middle of class with full lighting implying they didn't do it under the table the rest of the week was spent trying to match the dick with its owner a female version of this happened to someone was looking at PRN blogs on Twitter when they found a picture of some girl's boobs what made them interested was that the girl was wearing one of our patients in the picture like the above story the titty mystery or as I called it the tit story lit up Twitter or you could say tick up titter for the rest of the weekend neither culprit who was ever found plot twist the culprit was transgender and was responsible for both mysteries girl in my class like to eat paper you know when you rip a piece of paper out of a notebook and you left with those scraps around the spiral that was her favorite she would also eat tissues you LSD - finding something strange about eating paper ha ninth grade English class look outside window see senior boy absolutely going to town on his sophomore girlfriend the most enthusiastic [ __ ] LSX i have ever witnessed full shoulder movement dipping head up and down you name it i point this out to the teacher teacher oh wow he's really going for it isn't he janitor assisting retro dead kid and taking a sh t he needs a raise my Latin teacher was this really forgetful old man once when we were in the middle of translating a paragraph he suddenly left the room and while he was out two guys immediately jumped out of their seats one pulled out a bag of bagels and started thumb tacking them all over the bulletin board and the other guy turned off all the lights turned on the TV and put into movie 300 when the teacher returned he saw us all sitting there earnestly watching 300 looked slightly confused then sat down on his desk and started grading papers he didn't notice the bagels until a week later this guy Phil jerked off every single day of US history I I nothing could stop his boner for the Civil War I guess some girl wanked a lad off in French ones oh you I when I was a senior I walked into the bathroom and there were two freshmen and there one standing by the sink snickering and the other one with his pants down and bare ass in the urinal obviously trying to sh t in the urinal as soon as I walked in and we made eye contact I kind of just stopped and they looked at each other very awkwardly and the kid pulled up his pants and they shuffled out of the bathroom as quick as possible while silently snickering to each other may Oh f ck that was so hilariously awkward like who would really put their bare ass in the urinal and try to sh t in it it is such a weird sight to see a kid bent over looking you in the eyes while he's trying to squeeze sh t out of his ass into a urinal like what the f ck is still crack the f ck up whenever I see that kid I was probably a sophomore or junior in high school and there was a big commotion around the bathroom in our cafeteria walked in people were crowding around a stall way one girl probably a freshman or so was bowing three senior dudes one of the dudes 18 was filming it too so he actually got charged with child pornography edit getting some replies that it might have been not 100% consensual because of her age this girl probably was a sophomore and what I remember of her had already had a reputation among the popular students every party was consensual and cool with what was going down just not the whole get in court I went to a military school needless to say a lot of high school kids with substance abuse issues my sister picks me up one weekend to let me get away from campus for a bit I come back on a Sunday and start my usual routine of prepping the room for the inspection I decide to go check on my two friends in another room a knock on the door and slowly open it the room appeared gold like a weird gold mist what the f ck why is the room golden looking one of them who had the most f ked up teeth I had seen in awhile turns and smiles at me his smile is golden you become a rap artist or something the other one is nearby and they both starting laughing uncontrollably I see the gold spray paint on their desks they were huffing paint I walked away other weird things roommate thought he was a vampire drank another guy's blood watched the same to eat rotten oranges because they are supposed to make you trip same to stole chemicals on the regular from chemistry to hofland I've seen someone snort pepper at trade school before I think he dropped down to standard classes after that at a neighboring school one girl was giving a guy a [ __ ] but decided to give that guy's friend as well a couple other people found out and she agreed to suck them off too if they didn't tell anyone well while they were waiting for their turn they told a couple people and soon damn near most of the guys in the school knew about it and was leaving class to use the washroom where there was literally a lineup that went down the whole hallway to receive a [ __ ] in the bathroom stall on teacher walked by and said why they were lined up they said they were using the washroom teacher said there are more washrooms on this floor but they all insisted on that particular washroom teacher gah suspicious investigated caught the girl sucking off two dudes at once at the very end of the line she got expelled I have no idea what happened to her after that a guy was m sturbation in class two this really really hot long-term substitute teacher there was a weird kid who used to hang out under the bleachers at football games and look up at those sitting above him down below it was not only creepy but the girls made an issue out of it once they found out the pervy stuff he was doing as well they should have I would imagine I wasn't the one who caught him luckily but there were two guys at my school who got caught blowing each other in one of the hallways I was talking to one of my friends and I guess the day after it happened one of the guys who got caught ran into a student council meeting and just yelled it wasn't me and everyone just stared at him like what are you talking about and he just embarrassingly says oh well if you hear any rumors about me just remember I didn't do it and then he just walks out of a meeting like nothing just happened not me but my teacher once had a student peed in a bottle and give it to her because he didn't like her edit it's not the teacher who made the student pee in the bottle she did nothing and out of sudden the student did bat jaw rate on day I had to stay after school I was sitting in our commons area on a bench and directly across from me were two kids who were kind outcasts they were different but I tried not to look at them too much until I noticed they both had their tongues out just pressing them up against the other ones tongue no movement just stationary tongue pressing studying walked an early to a class where a student was selling a teacher weed at least I think it was weed they panicked stood around awkwardly and then he yelled at us both to leave it was weird when I was in HS the stoners in my class grew weed in the bushes behind an outdoor prayer and reflection area Catholic school there was a hollow Saint statue in front of it that looked like it was praying they popped out a chunk of his foot and would hide any processed or in use product in the foot of the statue if faculty approached I was always amazed that they didn't get caught as the grounds keepers were meticulous about landscaping until one day I saw there the maintenance guys exchanging goods with the stoners the stoners had this all figured out they would give the groundskeepers weed in exchange for them letting the tall plants around the weed go a little unkempt so the pot plants wouldn't draw attention they also kept two gameboy colors in the statues so they could play Pokemon I visited the campus a few weeks ago over a decade later and pulled the foot out wouldn't you know the Gameboy fired right up and they had over 120 original Pokemon in their pocket ex gym teacher and female student in the locker room like none of us have ever heard that one before there was sort of a Fight Club on an underused bathroom bets were placed cigarettes were smoked special needs kids were hustled you
Channel: Reddit Tales
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, strangest things high school, high school, school, student, teacher
Id: 97Pf4tRQL2Y
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Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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