Best Secrets To Use FIVERR Correctly For Streamers & Creators!

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As you start to grow as a live streamer and content creator your your brand starts growing to grow your audience is going to grow in your community's going to grow when you want to have a better branding and you want to have a better visual representation of you and that really means you need to get custom graphics made when people ask me to review their Channel or get some insight to it I always leave them to Fiverr and it's one of the best websites to get custom graphics however I get a lot of pushback on this not because people are using Fiverr wrong so in this area right here I'm going to show you the best tips I've learned it's going to see how to use Fiverr effectively and give you an awesome results for your graphics let's go know what makes me an expert on Fiverr well plain and simple I've been using Fiverr for a number of years personally and for my business clients and customers and I've learned all the correct ways to more or less figure out how to deal with the seller or store front so that way you get awesome results for what you pay for it I want to share all that information with you so that way you can effectively to get exactly what you want or get what's in your head out onto a digital graphic so here we go pay full disclosure before begin and yes I am affiliated with Fiverr and if you click through this link down below you will help out my channel and you can help out yourself cuz near that link is a coupon code that will save you money on your first time purchase if you like when we're about to show you now when it comes to Fiverr and you using and effectively comes down to two main things communication with the storefront and seller and having expectations for what you're paying for and we're going to dive into that but let's go down the entire process of how I use Fiverr effectively know it's that you found a seller in the storefront that she like the very first thing you always want to take a look at his review their work to see it falls in line with your style and ran look through their entire portfolio and if they only have a couple of pictures look down and they're about gig or description cuz they may have links that leads there for portfolio that give you a better representation of their skills and talent so that way you know if wrecked artist for you to get the vision of your head on to that piece of paper or digital graphic if you like the Artist and think their skills and talents are perfect for you scroll down near the bottom which is wearing a see the rating and seller reviews this is really important because more stars means more thinks if the more reviews they have and the more stars they have that means they can take on a project effectively means they can complete a project on time and it generally means that they're going to have a better representation of giving you your final product to exactly what you have provided the next steps coming up more stars more reviews equal I would really stay away from the one two and three reviews and people that have no reviews at all now we can take a look and review the packages that are being offered and at what prices now let me be real blunt here long gone are the days where you can go on Fiverr and pay $5 to get a graphic or any type of service Fiverr is really up its game in the past few years and all of the Artists all the people that are now sellers on this platform expect to be paid for their services for the products that they're pumping out so don't go cheap the cheaper you go on Fiverr or you're going to get really crappy results if you're going to pay five ten fifteen dollars are going to get work that looks like it only cost that much you want to pay up for an artist that's going to give you the vision and the brand and a style that you want cuz trust me you're going to love it no joke there is a huge difference between the services that you can get from Fiverr that are cheap and budget-friendly to the ones that are more professional in Polish that may cost more money trust me spend a little extra money here cuz you're going to get better results when it comes to selecting a package there's generally three that are offered in tabs Aloha medium and a high tier now you decide on which one is best for you cuz obviously it depends upon your budget what you want but was in those tears I want you to be on the lookout for some key things that are mentioned you want to look to see how they send it to you what file format they send it to you in what resolutions do you get an ETA for completion and if you're in a rush but don't be afraid to contact the seller to see if they have a rush option May cost a little bit more money but something to ask in the contacts section which ring to talk a little bit more about in a moment and you want to make sure that you take a look to see how many revisions you get unlimited is vest but I would never go with an artist or seller that offers below two or three minimum revisions cuz it's going to take a few more than that to get the final design that you want if you're paying for a good polish to look another thing that you should be on the lookout for is if you get complete ownership of the work that you're paying for a lot of artists on their maintain ownership right you can pay for them if you want the ownership rights as you're going to do the merchandise and Prince and things like that you want to bring that up in the beginning which is another thing you talk about in the contacts section which I guess we should get into right now when it comes to using Viber huge and is he is pivotal to get what is ever in your brain out to the artist so that way you get the product you want so I really recommend contacting the seller before we even start your purchase process so that way they know if they have the skills and the talent to accommodate and accomplish what you want done going to save headaches on both sides this way you you put down the road map for what you want and it only takes just a few lines a text to do it now when you're reaching out to the seller in the storefront you want to ask about if you can use those graphics for multiple uses Prince merchandise different social media platforms are probably wondering why it has to do with owning the rights which I'm going to probably try and at the very end of this videos to stick around that's what we call a nice little tease but it's something again that you also want to bring up in the contacts section all right so you found a seller in storefront you want to go with awesome congratulations and you started the purchase process again you want to have strong communication for when you're going through the purchase process and I recommend giving them guideline guidelines of how you want your product to be finished and sent back to you and I really recommend you let them know important information like what colors to use I like to use Electric Blues in electric yellows in my art cuz it's my brand that's associated with me you also want to do the opposite let them know what colors to avoid do they make be throwing an accent colors Browns greensgrow Reds Pink's whatever it is let them know what to use and what not to use it's extremely helpful if you can show the artists with Styles and influences you're thinking your brand should go in let me know if it's going to be traditional if it's going to be an anime style caricature South me mesh style Simpson s style and don't be afraid to send them attachments or links to visuals that they can use to see how you're getting your influences from so that way they know exactly what you want remember when you send them these examples your were not looking for an exact copy of these influences cuz we still want to make you unique and cuss so just say these are influences that way they have something that's a jumping-off or starting point okay one huge key thing that nobody thinks about on fiber when you hire somebody services to make you something special when it comes to Graphics is all the little add-ons and Extras that you should be thinking about and you can negotiate some of this which I recommend doing when you contact the seller cuz they can add it on for you and the two main things if you're alive Shimmer concentrate out there is thinking about getting multiple larger resolutions and sizes of the graphics that you're going to have done because you're going to want to use them like you said on print or merchandise for social media platforms or for your YouTube videos and those have to be way larger than just a basic small pixels that they're going to be giving these Graphics back to you out you need them to be high quality images that are uncompressed in larger resolution to make sure you pay for those cuz you can use that for a whole host of things that'll make you more money down the row in addition to that if you do this remember it's going to be a little bit more money cuz either adding on services but I really recommend paying or negotiating to find a happy medium of what sounds good for you and the seller but I really recommend getting really really high uncompressed resolution Graphics now when you get your graphic sent to and from the seller to you don't be afraid to let them know how you truly feel be blunt be honest be kind obviously so that way the revisions work with you give them visual examples back let me know what you like and you don't like so that way you get exactly what you do don't be vague if your vague and not concise and precise you're going to go through a ton of revisions and you're not going to be happy be strict on your criticism and feedback but be kind cuz they are human beings after all once you get your graphic that you like I know it's going to be awesome and you want to pay it forward you want to build a rapport with us artists because you're most likely going to use them again in the future if you like the graphics that they generate is as a live streamer and content creator you're always looking for more visuals and more Graphics to use for Grand as it expands and guess what when you build that report you also want to give them a review and r-rating cuz that way you help other people after you purchase no joke if you fall all this advice I just gave you this video right now and you go and fibre Services hey Shameless from Russia needs that link down below and you find the artist that works for you and lay out this roadmap and open up your Communications and don't go for the cheap budget-friendly but pay for some it's a little more polished and refined you're going to get some awesome graphics and quality that's going to really just bring your brand up and people going to look at it and know what a moment's notice but that's you and that is powerful and that's what I can do if you want custom branding and Custom Graphics now if you don't need anything that's custom or you're just starting and did a lot of money I got an awesome alternative for you you can go to websites like Nerds II or streamlabs or own which I'll give you template face products that you can use for Fairly cheap sorry to hear that I really recommend you check out I'm going to help you a lot and until next time wild for games helping you become bigger and better man is it hot in California right now catch you all later and of course
Channel: Wild4Games
Views: 1,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fiverr gigs for beginners 2021, best way to use fiverr, how to use fiverr for beginners, how to use fiverr as a buyer, how to use fiverr as a seller, how to use fiverr to make money for beginners, fiverr tutorial for artists, fiverr twitch emotes, how to get the most out of fiverr, how to use fiverr as an artist, fiverr secrets tips and tricks, fiverr hacks 2021, how to sell more on fiverr, fiverr for streamers, fiverr tips and tricks for beginners, wild4games fiverr, twitch
Id: NM5SwfraIhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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