What is the biggest mistake you've ever made in game? #1 (r/askreddit)

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D&D Player's of Reddit what is the biggest mistake you've ever made in game part 1 there is no way in hell this is not going to end very badly but I'm ready for it baby let's go my buddy spent a week preparing a campaign for our group in the first 10 minutes we entered a dungeon and he described a strange mirror on the wall gilded with demonic faces I immediately claimed I was going to touch it I can't end well my hand went through so I jumped DM took me into another room and explained that I entered another dimension and died instantly I walked back to the table smiling then started updating my character sheet the rest of the party jumped through the mirror without hesitation and all met my fate we still joke about that 25 years later I put a bag of holding into another bag of holding just by saying I loot everything and put it in my bag of holding it ruined our campaign and got three pcs killed I am a casual player my party and I were going to raid a mountain inhabited by goblins and had to cross a crevasse the two sides were connected by a bridge as a joke I told my DM that I was going to kick one of our party mates off the bridge roll to one everybody freaked out DM proceeded to tell me that I missed my party member and jumped off the bridge rolled again to attempt to grab the ledge it got another one smacked my head on the edge of the bridge fell hundreds of feet slamming into the ground I survived with less than 5% of my HP and screamed so loudly that it called the entire goblin army out of their Mountain which we were planning on taking room by room I royally messed that one up they let me down a rope by the time I got up they had killed the entire army admittedly it made the entire dungeon easier our party was raiding a castle and in the dungeons under the castle came across mysterious rod with two buttons a black button and a yellow button the wizard in our group was able to confirm it detected as a very powerful magical item possibly on par with minor artifacts but he couldn't identify what it was I decided that since the wizard was incompetent I'd figure out what the rod did myself I was a paladin and knew nothing of spells or magic I pointed the rod at the wall and pressed the black button and nothing appeared to happen I press the yellow button and again nothing happened I pondered that perhaps there was some sort of combination so I started pressing the buttons in random order like yellow than black black than yellow black black than yellow and so on finally the rod stopped detecting as magical and we began to clear back out of the dungeon and went back upstairs to the main levels of the castle apparently the rod was a weather controlling device the black button made weather conditions one step worse with fairly significant steps for example pressing the button on a nice sunny day would cause thunderstorms pressing it a second time may cause a tornado etc the yellow button increased the radius of the effect by a mile it just so happened that I used all 50 charges on the rod and made the weather worse by 25 steps in a 25 mile radius since I fiddled with the rod so quickly I managed to do that in about a minute or two and didn't notice the upcoming effects not to mention we were underground at the time and would have had a hard time hearing storms to begin with the overall effect was fairly disastrous by the time we realized what happened it was raining down acid and flames outside and destroying the castle a nearby civilization of a rare sub race of elves that only existed in those parts was entirely wiped out and we were trying to reclaim the castle for them in the first place luckily we teleported away to safety so none of us were injured in the battle except for our horses which were tied up outside Oh goddammit that was that's just brutal Oh No oh and I lost my paladin status for causing the genocide of the elves through gross negligence and stupidity my best huge mistake moment was made by somebody else let's call him Bob so we're exploring an evil temple or castle or some such like you do and we open in door and discover a twisted black vortex of pure nothingness so Bob gets the actually smart idea to throw a fork through this black vortex to see if it's just an illusion well there's the horrible sound of twisting and scraping metal and then out comes a crumpled-up ball of fork Bob's reaction is sweet i sprung the trap i walk through the door we all rolled initiative to stop him but he was too fast and stupid for us outcomes a crumpled-up ball of Bob I love that there are plenty of good Bob stories we were in a tavern listening to a bard sing a tale that was probably setting up the next art afterwards Bob approaches him says dude play it was more of a palette no I mean you played your harp good good play became an inside joke forever one time his character died through less than brilliant but not biggest mistake ever choices then we went over his character sheet to divide up vital equipment he had a wheelbarrow and mining equipment so you probably didn't bring that right no I always have my wheelbarrow of mining equipment you had that when we were crossing the river yeah you had that when we were fleeing on horseback yeah okay last one we once ran an evil campaign where we were all evil [ __ ] Bob talked smack to the priests of death who laughed it off then decapitated him so Bob rolled up a new character who was clearly designed to kill the priest when the DM introduces him to us Bob acts very ominous towards the priest the priest player says is your character really saying that because if so it's very obvious he's planning to start [ __ ] anyway fast forward to nightfall we were hiding out in some farmers barn after assorted discussions and character plus a few notes to the DM Bob takes first watch the rest of us wake up to find Bob's character hanged from the rest Oh God as the priest tells the tale he saw this coming a mile away I mean we all did so he slept in the loft but his role was filled with hay when Bob got stabby caught him from behind with a paralyzed spell noose around the neck quick push no more Bob again diem said he can only roll a new one if he promises not to have a nonsense oh oh see which means out of character grudge this time being a low-level rogue I decided the best course of action was to steal from a very high-level wizard certainly that couldn't go wrong I got turned into a sheep this could have been bad but the DM improvised ran off figuring it would wear off eventually dodged wolves and other things trying to make me their dinner including my former party two weeks go by DM R introduces a druid yay for someone who can talk to me explains what permanency is oh crap I'm stuck as a lamb basically i sidekick Taz a woolly companion for a few sessions then the druid decided I may have learned my lesson get spell reversed but with the condition then I can never steal again or I will become a sheep II companion and no amount of magic will be able to ever reverse it again so now I've got a rogue that is constantly tweaking out about not being able to steal must pass on lavish contracts from thieves guild like 20,000 GP to steal a farmers candle I don't even loot bodies with my character end up level 8 with pretty much starter gear maybe a +1 weapon from a quest or such until one day our group is delving into the depths of a series of catacombs we enter a room and our casters magic lights went out and summons dispelled a strong anti magic feel I roll 4 pickpocket on the fighter one copper piece and one silver piece curse triggered anti magic field retaliated left with minus 2 HP and the copper piece fused into my right wrist and the silver piece and my left cleric cast a heal spell it worked I had just broken my curse but at the same time destroyed the anti magic field then we found out what the field was being used to contain demigod status Lich's are not nice wiped out 4 cities before we could even get to party members resurrect first game wanted to test the limits of this new medium we had an elven Ranger to dwarven druids and me the half-orc barbarian this is how we met you enter the grow DM describes grow I chopped down a tree stairs roll for it a 15 I chopped that mother down the two druid brothers become hostile at this affront I pay them no mind and searched the felled tree for delicious wildlife I find some it's delicious one of the druids charges me and i say can i try diplomacy yeah roll for it natural 20 ok what do you say whoa man whoa while in the army we would often entrust our characters to someone else to play if we were doing training and weren't able to play we needed to cross an icy chasm unsurprisingly with lava at the bottom I decided my buddy's character would drink a potion of de munition grab a rope and I would throw him across so we could cross a terrible toss followed by pour grenade table ended with an absent player destroyed by lava with no corpse to resurrect wasn't me but a game I was DM four players are on a boat and a sea monster approaches now the point of the sea monster was to have an epic fight where the players get beat up a bit and the boat gets pulled into an underwater city one of the players asked to be lowered down on the rope tied to a plank so that he's right in front of the monster he won't tell anyone why and for whatever reason they do it he gets down there and proudly proclaims he's casting animal friendship on the sea monster of course the player didn't read the bit about the hit dice limitation so the sea monster just ate him the rest of the players suggested that the next time he wants to be lowered down on something that instead of a plank maybe a Ritz cracker would be appropriate ya gotta get that snack on I was DMing a game and the party was on a ship deja vu we were playing 3.5 and I had made a special gritted ship in everything I intended for them to sail to the new location with some sea battles along the way I started riffing descriptions of the ocean off the top of my head waves seagulls and island dolphins and they latched on to the idea of this island they turned the whole ship around to explore this island now I locked myself in the kitchen for half an hour while they ate pizza to come up with a quick mini mission to get them on their way I had them fighting sawaki great enemies except on land their movement is lame I had to invent an enemy on the spot shark hounds so silly but they liked it so not too bad in the end you [Music]
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 93,867
Rating: 4.9417343 out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, (r/askreddit top posts reddit stories)
Id: 8RaFkXe5eGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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