What's the biggest mind-f**k you've seen during a DND campaign? Part 1

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what's the biggest mindfuck you've seen during a campaign part one I put an intelligent sword in a game once it was a katana carved from the bones of a blue dragon the dragon spirit was trapped inside and he loved nothing more than dominating anyone who picked him up and using them to murder rape and pillage players kill the swords previous thrall and not realizing what it is the fighter keeps the blade eventually the sword overhears that the party is after a villain who's assembling an eldritch device with enough power to resurrect the dragon so he starts talking to the fighter rolling in same Bluff checks to convince everyone that he's actually a silver dragon and once belonged to a powerful paladin the party liked to side quest a bit and so it ended up being almost a year before they got around to the main quest again months and months and months of this fighter loving his magic bone sword bonding talking slaying enemies together the player was even drawing pictures of his character in the awesome sword they finally have an epic showdown with the villain thwarting his plots as the villain falls I have the fighter make a will save he loses control of his body as he hears the voice of the sword laughing maniacally he sees his arms snap out beside him and casually behead his wife's cleric character the sword then plunges itself deep into the eldritch device the bone blade shatters into a thousand needle fragments turning the fighters arm into a fine red mist the device begins to spew inky blue fog which coalesces into the form of a great blue worm the worm laughs again he breathes a cone of lightning on to the remaining party members then launches himself into the darkness above everyone at the table was wide-eyed staring at me the fighter asked me in a rough voice if the sword had been evil all along I nodded [ __ ] you was all he said I have a somewhat similar story my game started out simple enough the group stumbled upon this metal fragment in a bizarre cave this cave was a mindfuck as well for the group later on but he MIT's powerful magicks they spent days researching it and discover from a hermit that lives in the cave that the fragment is part of a legendary weapon with the power to kill even the gods themselves I let them use the fragment as a dagger but they were influenced when holding the fragment it would bring the worst out of them I informed them that there are three fragments they need to collect as well as the hilt to assemble the weapon again they scour the lands and collect these fragments once they have them all they discover they need to venture to an island in the middle of a massive lake in the middle of the continent to find the hilt and forge the weapon what follows is a dungeon that kills two of my players in a battle where they have to trick the ancient undead dragon guarding the hilt to breathe onto the weapon to complete the forging finally the group assembles the weapon attaches the hilt and discover two things one the weapon can change its form to any weapon type you will it as a free action dagger full blade whatever you wish second was that the weapon was intelligent and could talk to the holder the blade told the group that it could give the wielder unlimited power but it had been eons since it was awake last and had forgotten its true power it had even forgotten its own name if the wielder could discover his first middle and last name he would remember his full power as the group moved the blade around the weapon would pander and boast to the player character trying to show that the PCs personality was influencing the sword two fun things at this point one player recognized that the blade was not what he appeared and refused to touch the thing the evil locations they found the parts the terrible things the shards would make them do one player suspected what I had planned and set up from the beginning but no one else really cared as they all wanted to be gods with this weapon I always made sure was better than anything they ever found second the group started trying to steal the weapon from each other they started slowly setting up plans to backstab each other to be owner of the weapon at the point a PC actually was murdered by another character he was playing an evil character and laughed when they turned on him was the point the rest of the group kind of realized they were turning into monsters and decided to share the weapon they continue through the game finding the first and middle parts of the name with each new name discovered the sword would become more powerful and do more fantastic things the crux of the campaign was a huge what-the-fuck moment for my players the PC they assassinated well I had deemed him on the side he had escaped from the lower Plains and returned and had followed the group to the final resting place of the last name for this weapon the tomb of a lich king when the group reached the final room of this dangerous dungeon slash tomb the PC they murdered sprung his trap of stealing the weapon and causing a cave-in to block the group from stopping him yeah I let a PC become my bad guy I love these twists the player himself was having a blast as everyone else was like what the [ __ ] had this happen and he regaled to them his escape he went to the tomb where the full name was written he spoke the words and the blades surged with energy I told the PC you get to level up to 30 and we ended the game he came back next game proud of himself and how powerful he became when we started up again the soul of the blade took over the players body and pushed his soul back to the lower plains again I got to deliver the mindfuck for this two-year campaign you've spent two years resurrecting a lich you gathered his parts assembled his soul and unholy fire discovered his identity and completed the ritual and sacrifice to give him shape and his full power further mine [ __ ] they were the bad guys the group of assassins I had attacked them with many times throughout the game and who they thought were the final enemy of my game is an ancient organization made entirely to prevent this Lich King from coming back I am still proud of that game I have held all my following games up against the standard I made with this one why do so many dm's insist on doing this I might as well throw in my story of this happening in our campaign too I won't go into the specifics of why there is a past and future timeline though please someone ask for them and I will willingly oblige to give them to you in a larger post that will hopefully span multiple posts a less stealing immortality status this part of the story occurred in the past our party consists of a Goliath fighter me spell scale dragon shaman changeling rogue and the [ __ ] pixie sorcerer loved the player hate character in our world the Sun was blotted out by love drow God and basically all gods were deleted from time little Sun worshiping pixie is catastrophic Lee mentally damaged and converts to loathe without telling any other player characters though out of character we know his character progressively became more and more tainted and kept hinting and trying to get us to turn ourselves in and stop fighting but we just ignored him thinking him a coward but after a few days journey outside of town we arrived back at a cave we fought a purple worm in low and behold there are two retrievers in the cave a DMS favorite monster a big drought tool blah blah blah we think it's a common occurrence and we initiate pixie claims he is going outside to go make sure no other people come [ __ ] liar it was actually texting the DM about his plans to turn us in the entire session and now his plan was happening with those two retrievers starting it after two bad roles Goliath has turned to stone and the Rogues arm is cut off the pixie proceeds to bring in five drow guards which under normal circumstances would have been a joke but I was stoned Hey and the rogue was flipping out TLDR pixie [ __ ] converts to evil religion and brings in evil guards and monsters to capture my group pixie was a PC working with DM more fun with powerful swords I once led my players on a bit of a hunt delving into a town's sordid history having to track down certain books and leading to an old map of the town before it was rebuilt after a puzzle and unlocking a secret entrance under the church they discover what looks like an old shrine or chapel underground it's in ruins seemingly nothing of value down there a dead end one eagle-eyed PC spotted an ornate blade underneath a fallen statue in its hands after some creative pulley work they lifted the statue and freed the blade the statue was seemingly that of the morning Lord and the blades enchantment revealed it to be particularly nasty against Undead the inscription on the blade was an ancient tongue but in another pass through some of the old books they found reference to the sword with the translation my heart my vengeance my soul they assumed it was some odd reference to the sword of the morning Lord and moved on paladin happy with his new blade the inscription was actually a tad more sinister the blade itself was the phylactery of a powerful Lynch one they weren't aware existed yet but having that blade on them at all times the enemy was a very aware of them and began to move against them a third party was also attempting to retrieve the blade with the destruction of the Lich in mind it became a 3-way tug-of-war for the blade and the PCs still had no idea what was going on I threw plenty of subtle hints along the way no one picked it up though the final showdown was a revelation to the group they had uncovered enough of the town's shrouded history to discern a powerful wizard was in control there were a series of events and battles that led to the destruction of said third party and the revelation that this wizard was a lich they still didn't put it together they realized that the lich was indeed powerful they may have been able to take him but the losses would have been severe after a heated exchange the lich revealed that he wasn't interested in murdering the town folk or anything of the sort his pursuit was knowledge the blade was fashioned to kill the three other lynch that once ruled as a mega cracy the PCs realized they were outgunned and decided that the Lich posed no immediate threat to the town's foe in fact much of the evidence supported his claim that he did a lot for the prosperity of this town as they went to leave the Lich called out I'm sorry but I can't let you leave with that blade all I heard and reply was [ __ ] it's a phylactery isn't it I laughed far too hard probably not the craziest outcome they played it well the possibilities would have been hilarious though had they tried to kill that Lich and not discovered what that sword really was [Music] you [Music]
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 212,614
Rating: 4.8986979 out of 5
Keywords: top posts, reddit compilation, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, best reddit posts, askreddit stoires, askreddit stories, dnd stories, dnd, dungeons and dragons, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dnd music, dm tips, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online
Id: GYVxKbRsI04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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