What's The Creepiest Family Secret You've Discovered? (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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what is the creepiest family secret you had discovered serious after my uncle died of a heart attack a few years ago it came out that he was the leader of a six cult thing his wife and five kids had no idea and I think his wife is still in denial whenever his kids go to clean off the grave at least initially I don't think it's happened lately there are usually six toys on it that they have to throw away not super creepy but definitely a crazy curve ball my grandmother was addicted to those speed diet pills in the late 1960s and had a collection of wigs that she used to impersonate other people to pick up their prescriptions edit since this got so many likes I thought I'd add to the story she had gone through a lot in life by that point her mother died when she was six and her dad remarried six months later to a woman who used to starve her and only let her eat leftovers she married at 17 to a man in his late thirties to just get out of the house her husband my grandfather committed suicide in 1961 when my mom was only one years old leaving her alone with very little money and four kids she had wigs because she lost her hair in the aftermath of her husband dying from stress she still had them when I was a kid in the 90s and I used to wear them for fun although I didn't learn about their true purpose until a long dinner on a family holiday many years later she told her entire life story from the start and every detail has stuck in my mind she stopped the pills cold turkey when she saw the police at the house of one of her neighbors one of the women she'd been impersonating it scared her straight to look at her later in life you would never have guessed she went through anything the diet pills weren't even the end of it she had a rough time with the menopause later on got pregnant in the early stages which then sent her a bit off-kilter and she was sectioned because she kept sticking her head in the oven and the doctors didn't properly understand why at the time she was the sweetest little old lady you'd ever meet although she had a wicked dry sense of humor all of my best memory growing up were with her I was always the awkward weird gay kid and she let me be myself be creative dress-up she was honestly my best friend she died surrounded by her family in 2014 in her 80s a few years ago one of my dad's cousins did one of those DNA kits a few weeks later she was contacted and told that there was several close relatives in their database that aren't listed on the family tree she made it turns out that my great-grandfather faked his death in a life insurance scam and then started a new family on the other side of the country he never got in contact with my great-grandmother or his children with her my grandfather and his sister it kinda of crazy because he only passed away a few years before this all came to light my grandma and her nine siblings are very close so when they each got a call saying a family member had died and they had inherited a large sum of money they thought it was a scam turns out they're very strict and religious father had a secret affair and an additional child marry well marry now in her 80s had passed away so had her husband they had no children so that closest relatives were my grandma and her siblings and that's how ten religious people in their 70s and 80s learned their dad had cheated on their mom and they had a half-sister they never got to meet my mom told me this over dinner a few years back like it was no big deal when I was six my grandma mother side wanted me to sleep over at her place for the weekend it's noteworthy that she never really liked me I remember her as a cold witch six year old brain her housekeeper was nicer to me than she was my mom said no she won't let me sleep over at her mom's granny got really angry saying something along the lines of you will regret this so she didn't hear from her for a while and went to the house to check up on her granny had suicided herself with sleeping pills here is where it gets creepy my mom found her diary and her last entry were things like granddaughter me is rotten needs to be killed and it's a job to do so my name was in her calendar for that weekend basically my grandma wanted to kill me when I was six in really glad my mom trusted her gut and said no to the deadly sleepover edit Wow thanks for all the feedback - Connor 5k up votes just wow I'm trying to answer your questions as best as I can edit - thanks for the silver edit three evil was the wrong word changed it to rotten instead which is more fitting my dad once found a mummified human foot just chillin in a trunk in his basement my grandfather was an orthopedic surgeon who was stationed in New Guinea during ww2 and by all accounts was never quite the same after the war our best gets regarding the footage that it belonged to one of his patients and either had some sort of abnormality my grandfather found interesting or he was just super proud of the amputation job he did my dad and his buddy who were 12 or 13 at the time naturally decided that the best course of action was to hang the foot from the front porch of the girl they were crushing on and apparently no one in town batted an eye over it other than thinking it was a good prank that my grandpa was a drug addict and was eventually cast out of the family my aunt woke up one night to find him in the house talking to a real estate agent he snuck in and tried to sell their house while they were asleep he also double mortgaged their house so he got basically all my Nan's income when my nan tried to move the family away from him she realized she had almost no money due to this bank director said it was okay because men are supposed to control the bank account she was stuck there because of him and he was leeching off their money and there was nothing she could do about it my aunt and uncle had their oldest daughter lobotomized because she was was probably a bit mentally ill was very combative with them and was in her teens and becoming interested in sex this was in the late nineteen sixties my father never spoke to his brother again over this we had no contact with them whatsoever when I was growing up my mom and dad told me what happened a couple of years ago my cousin Eric died of aids-related cancer he never told anyone about a partner and he died essentially with no contact with anyone outside of his family I was maybe 8 when he passed and I don't think I met him more than once he was only in his twenties my grandfather from my mother's side died way before I was born I was always told that he fell off the balcony and died a year or two ago I found out what really happened when I was I think 13 my mom was telling the story to my uncle's girlfriend while we my mom uncle's GF and me we are sitting at the table I was just minding my business while my mum was whispering to my uncle's gf at some point I heard my mom tell something about her dad and I started listening to what she was saying she explained that her dad was an alcoholic and could be pretty abusive at times when he got like he would sometimes threaten to kill himself on the night before my mum's birthday after he put her and her siblings to bed he got drunk and threatened to throw himself off the balcony he stood on the edge of the balcony on the other side of the fence thin can't remember what it's called in English sorry my grandma tried to calm him down and to get him safe inside it worked my grandfather calmed down but instead of getting inside he accidentally let go of the fence and fell off the balcony he probably thought that if he landed in a correct way he wouldn't break too many bones or something so he tried to move while in the air it didn't work and he died so yeah when my mom woke up the next morning on her birthday her father was dead some details may be wrong it's been like I said a year or two ago since I heard the story and frankly I'm too timid and kind of scared to ask my mom the whole story again because it'll always be a sensitive topic my father's parents both died in the 90s around five to ten years ago I did a 23andme test mostly for kicks and to look out for any health issues last year I was contacted by someone through the service who was trying to find blood relatives because both of her parents had been adopted as infants and we had a pretty strong genetic connection long story short my grandfather had an affair in the 1950s and fathered twins my aunt and uncle were pretty floored to find out they have half siblings my father died four years ago from suicide so he never knew to get even weirder my mother grew up with these twins after they had been adopted she was friends with my father's half siblings decades before she married him my grandfather had a little crazy aunt who lives in the Attic his father's sister had some sort of mental illness and they were apparently worried about how that would look for the family so they locked her in the Attic of his boyhood home Jane Eyre style and basically just kept her fed and otherwise ignored her I found out about this when he briefly mentioned it a few years ago like it was an entirely normal thing to do with a family member my grandma had six children with autumn I last uncle looked and acted different from the rest of the siblings when I was 24 I found out he didn't share the same father as the rest of them but that isn't the juiciest part his real dad is my grandpa's brother my grandpa my mother's father killed his first wife my great-grandmother tried to kill my grandma my mom's mother several times when she still was a child my mom had an affair with her sister's husband my dad got killed because of a wrecked car I'm pretty sure my grandfather killed my grandmother this is based on the fact that women rarely use a gun for suicide that the whole family subsequently fled the state leaving everything they owned behind because they were in such a hurry that there had been domestic violence in the marriage and that my grandfather traveled separately and left his daughters with his mother for awhile I'm assuming so had be harder to track back then you could escape the law by crossing state lines easily but the family story was that she killed herself I always thought I was born of an affair between my my parents who were both married to other people at the time last year my grandmother told me that in fact my dad and his first wife wanted a son but had a daughter they tried to buy my mom's son mild a half-brother from her but my mom wouldn't sell instead they agreed to give my mother dollar sign 10k to have another baby the deal somehow fell through after my dad had gotten my mom pregnant my dad went to prison and got divorced from his first wife and the first wife tried to steal me from the hospital not really a well-kept secret but one of my cousin's worse lashes a neo-nazi it's safe to say no matter how bad I freaked up my life it'll never be the black sheep in the family may be more sad thsm creepy my great-grandfather died in a mental institution however everyone who asked was told he died in prison because it was less shameful in the thirties than being crazy my mum told me this when I was probably 14 though it happened a few years before this I found out that a sister's husband my uncle by marriage was in prison and would stay there for a long time it came out that he had graped and sexually abused my cousin daughter to my mum's brother when she was younger and had been doing do for a while she had gained the courage after many years of this to tell her parents and he was arrested it's been maybe five years since my mum told me and has still going to be in prison for a long time my cousin is an adult now and she's doing much better from what I heard and is happy with her life now my dad tells us that whenever he smells nail polish remover he feels extremely sick because when he was a toddler he drank his sister's nail polish remover and went to hospital but then one night I was up late chatting with my younger brother in his bedroom talking about out dad and my brother tells me about a conversation he was either part of or overheard apparently according to my dad when his parents my grandparents were going through the Great Depression they lost everything as many families did but it affected my grandmother horribly something must have snapped in her mind and she became a little bit insane the real reason the smell of nail polish remover was so horrible - my dad was because one day my grandmother had decided that feeding my dad the nail polish remover as an infant in a crib was an easy way to kill him it was only my grandfather rushing in and stopping her that stopped my dad from dying makes me wonder what sort of behaviors I might be prone to given some trays are more prevalent every other generation my dad secretly named me after his one true love not my mother she was 12 he was in his late twenties he told me the first bit when I was in my twenties which was bad enough when he died I inherited his papers and stuff and found out the rest which tbh I could have happily lived without knowing apparently he was staying on and off at grey Haven Marion Zimmer Bradley sort of artist slash pedophile commune and he had named me after one of the victims in that whole shoot show she does look like very very similar to my mom and therefore to me gessie had a type I found out that my aunt and her family were in a cult for 10 plus years over the years of being a kid I had always wondered why my cousin's never came to family get-togethers anymore and why I never got to see them my grandma would always tell me it was because they were reserved and liked their privacy I always thought that was weird but never questioned it one year they moved from their home state to the state where my grandma and the rest of my dad's side of the family now lived now all of a sudden I was able to see them when I went out to visit in the summer which I thought was a I also thought it was weird that they lived with my grandma and literally had moved out with nothing but a few suitcases turns out my aunt's family had been in a Christian cult for years and weren't able to leave it because they were threatened by the church they told them that they would kill them and make sure they never escaped they would keep track of when they went to the church on Sundays and Wednesdays they were forced to give the church thousands of dollars a month just to survive one day my aunt said she had enough packed a few bags and booked it to the stig my grandma lived in during the middle of the night they left their furniture a majority of their clothes the kids toys almost everything they moved in with my grandma and lived with her until they got back onto their feet now the oldest of the kids talks about it with me like it's nothing and how scary it was they have been out of it for years now and have made a good life for themselves I'm very happy they can move on from what happened Story one not so much creepy but certainly juicy my cousin is trying to pass off her own biological daughter as an adapted daughter because in my family it's heavily frowned upon to have six outside of marriage let alone have a baby the story she is trying to sell is her friend died giving birth to this baby and conveniently has no direct relatives for the baby to go to and the dad is in jail and pretty sure her siblings and her parents are in on the sly and just don't want anyone looking down them we can all see through the lies and we convient Lee didn't see her for most part of the year before this kid came into the picture she also treats this kid pretty poorly lunch sin denial she has a kid at all I feel sorry for the kid story too this one is sad but he'll sum it up quickly my grandmother passed late last year and her oldest son my uncle relied heavily on her for money because he would often blow his honey on gambling we all knew my grandmother wanted to be buried back in her home country and in our culture the eldest son is the one to handle all this stuff so the responsibility landed on him to go to the homeland and make sure my grandmother is buried in all the working papers are done correctly my grandmother also has landed name that automatically went to him and his brothers and sisters my grandmother wasn't even buried yet and he sold the land took the money did God knows what with it and lied to the entire family about what he was really doing they all know now and have cut him out he is fricked editing spelling my parents are directly responsible for at least eight deaths due to workplace accidents over the years indirectly responsible for probably hundreds more thanks to family interests in chemistry and mining grandparents on both sides were also more than a little helpful to the Nazis during WWII resulting in a lot more deaths over time on on site and a lot more dollar sign dollar sign to the family coffers my great-grandmother was a victim of Stockholm Syndrome and everyone treated her like she had this fairytale marriage I'm not sure if creepy is right but in ways it is my great grand uncle fought in WWII he never talked about the war ever like ever his wife knew nothing of it and she was married to him when he went off to war well we found out after he died at his funeral that he was highly decorated we found out some of his war stories and one included that he was shot and thrown into a mass grave presumed to be dead by the Germans and two days later crawled out like a badass I never tell people this family secret but it weighs heavy on me and I have no idea why on earth my mother told me this in the first place apparently when my mother was 12 she walked in on her mom having sex with a super young guy and my mother developed a crush on this guy who whould have been about 20 at the time well this guy hangs around both my mother and my grandmother and then proceeds to knock up my mum when she's 18 I've never told my dad I know this about him I mean he hung around my mom when she was a teenager while also banging my grandmother who old bean in her 30s idk if he groomed my mother or just waited until she was of age he married my mom for a few years and I have a brother my grandmother is dead now but I kind of wonder if that's why she never really liked me maybe she only saw my father in my it's pretty weird and freaky now my great-grandfather on my mom's side was a pedophile and rapist he molested and raped all three of his own daughters including my grandmother and molested my mother he shot his wife and then himself in the head before he had the chance to lay a hand on me the hardest part for me to come to terms with is how the Frick my grandmother who was the sweetest person ever allowed her only daughter my mom to be around that sick freak knowing damn well what would HAP am a descendant of one of the families from the Donner Party the Murphy family I told one of my history teachers in high school and she told me easily the most unsettling thing someone has told me those people your ancestors eight are still inside of you that makes no sense at all but it was so creepy to hear that my aunt my dad's sister had an affair with the brother of her husband and when he found out he hanged himself and after his death they both Harris the wife of the brother so much that she drank poison and died they live happily ever after p.s English not so strong sorry edit just to make it simpler for everyone on today there is married to husband H H has a brother B who has his own wife W so a sleeps with B her as cheating on H and B is cheating on W H finds out hangs himself her and me torment w-who is Bea's wife she kills herself too now both cheated on partners are dead and the two cheetahs R and B live happily ever after not necessarily creepy but my grandpa was as my mom put it a major man horse back in the day his first two kids my aunt's are from his first wife his next kid my uncle was with a 14 year old girl he spent time in prison for that one then his youngest my dad was with my grandma they got divorced and he met this guy who was in the late stages of cancer or some other serious illness and cold would satisfy his wife sexually and had my grandpa live with them and he did that stuff for him they got married after the original husband died no one on my step grandma's family knows the true story they were all told their parents got divorced because they were all adults and moved out when all this happened and according to my dad there were other women between the ones that carried my grandpa's children this isin't about my family but my friends that when parents were staying over at a house and so was i her mum called me into the kitchen and said that the grandfather might try to get my phone number and that I should never give it to him I pretended to throw up and when her edit yeah my friend was okay she hardly ever saw him my great uncle by marriage had a one-night stand after high school that resulted in a pregnancy and baby girl when he met and eventually married my maternal great art she made him lose contact with his daughter my mother's cousins have no idea they have an older half-sister my mother only knows because my grandmother told my mom while she was drunk and my mom told me while she was drunk this isin't necessarily super creepy to me but when I tell people they sometimes think it is when my great great grandfather was younger he ended up losing I think it was like seven or eight fingers over the years I think he lost two or three in war somehow then he lost the rest in an accident but the ones he lost in he accident he saved in this jar pretty much his thought process was that if he saved them he could be buried with them and presumably be held in the afterlife more sad and creepy but before I was born I think I was in my mother's womb still my grandma had went into a deep depression and was getting ready to kill herself she had written a suicide note to everyone including me thankfully she didn't go through with it and we ran into these notes a few years ago I read a note she wrote to me and pretty much talked how sorry she was that I'll never get to meet her and stuff despite that she didn't go through with the suicide it really made me emotional she is now happily out of that nasty depression though but honestly she is the best granny any grandchild can ever ask for pretty much a second mother to me after my dad died my granny has been the second parent in this house my mom goes out of the city to work and my grandma take care of the house while my mom is gone I'm so glad this woman is still with us [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Cubed
Views: 61,529
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny askreddit, reddit funny, funny reddit stories
Id: Se71F2y50Gw
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Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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