What Took You Far Too Long to Figure Out?

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what took you far too long to figure out electric toothbrush stopped on me this morning just made this choking sound and sputtered out i was freaking livid i had this mouth full of toothpaste still and my toothbrush gives up on life on me for a solid 30 seconds i just sat there fuming and ranting in my head until i realized an electric toothbrush electricity equals a regular freaking toothbrush sorry for the convenience that when someone replies to see you later with not if i see you first it means that if they see you first they are going to try to avoid you i always thought it was just a cute thing to say colin it is supposed to be a cute thing to say sorry for your experience if i said you had a nice body would you hold it against me isn't just about someone worried about blackmail or judgment i was 20 before i caught the double on tundra how to use an electric shaver for years either that i just kept buying crappy shavers because they didn't seem to work too well it took way too long to shave and it freaked out my skin sometimes i would use razors just because i didn't want to deal with my electric one then one day i started shaving with the electric one and just barely touched it to my skin suddenly it started working like magic i realized i was pressing the shaver way too hard on my face and that's why it never worked right i never once thought about how hard i was pressing it against my face before once i did it very lightly i could shave in about half the time i can't believe i screwed up something so simple for so long i had a buddy who complained that his electric shaver never worked right he handed it to me i popped it open and a metric ton of hair dust fell out he had no idea that it needed to be emptied i didn't buy produce at the grocery store until i was about 20 years old because i didn't know the procedure for weighing stuff out and paying for it i had no idea they weighed it at the register i'm picturing a guy in his early 20s going to the grocery buying some fruit and veggies and having a mini panic attack waiting in line at the till because he doesn't understand how to do it so there was a conversation on the radio with a man i don't remember the details of it because this was probably 10 years ago now they're really not important before i change the station i caught a sentence from the radio host to the guest so you're basically the mail me a ham ha i was like what first of all it makes no sense and the grammar is weird it was like he had a severe brain fart or something it was literally two three years later when it popped into my head again totally randomly and i was like oh that dude played soccer so you're basically the male meerham huh and this is completely inconsequential but it was so satisfying to finally make sense of that sentence i came home from work one day a couple weeks ago and noticed that my fiance had gone to the store i was hungry so i started checking out the new stuff that was sitting on the counter and i noticed a white box with a purse on it it was the generic target brand up and up and had a word i have never seen pantoloners i started saying it in my head pantolinas was it food why was there a picture of a purse on the box pan till winners what the frick was this it took me a good five minutes to figure out they were panty liners but i still don't know why there was a purse on the box e i'm over 30. this is a very amusing image the purses on the box because they are small and easy to carry on the go in one's purse the double meaning in the sleepies mattress store slogan trust sleepies for the rest of your life for the duration of your life for the sleep of your life make so much sense i don't know sleepy's and with that creepy slogan i'm not sure if i want to get to know sleepies being colorblind brings you all sort of surprises peanut butter was green to me until i was about 12 i assumed glyberries were blue until i asked someone that during mass we're supposed to say peace be with you not pleased to meet you when we do the handshaking part whoops i find most people are lazy and just say peace the abbreviation for example is short for exemplary gracia and is used to mean for example i think of it as example given the abbreviation that is is short for it estate and is used to mean that is to say i think of it as in essence i used to always mess those up example up until i was 18 i thought dwayne johnson aka the rock was rob schneider in a body suit and that the rock was just a joke character that he came up with while working at a ski and golf resort dwayne johnson came to vacation there and this is when i realized that he is an actual person bullcrap no frick way this is a real thing lol that seems like something that would be in a sitcom or some crap where the good-hearted but dull-minded best friend makes a comment about rob schneider being the rock and everybody else just stares at him while a laugh track goes off and they explain the situation in the song i saw mommy kissing santa claus i didn't realize until recently that the dad was in costumer santa i always thought the mom was a cheating w i'm still not convinced that isn't the case and the child is son of santa in civ 5 the way all the resources interact with each other the way manufacturing affects how quickly buildings are built the way food affects how fast a city grows for a long time i just played trying to get the best balance of food hammers and gold from a city as i could one day just clicked sadly i didn't get any better at the game though that's what i love about civ though you're constantly learning 200 plus hours and i'm still working out the intricate mechanics of it [Music] i know it's becoming a rigid cliche but the fact that a lot of people are improvising as they go eluded me for a long time it's a nice realization i don't panic about being forced to make decisions on things i don't feel completely comfortable with anymore as a result of that i've also realized that making the wrong decision isn't always the end of the world either if you have to fix something afterwards just do it sometimes it really really sucks but the only response is to just get on with things a couple days ago i realized this girl back in high school was really into me i graduated six years ago this is why i'm a programmer i thought about it for a minute and i think i can sleep sound with the fact that i miss no such situations that prunes are actually just dried plums i'm 21 and always thought that prunes were their own fruit that always came in dried form oh man raisins and pickles are gonna blow your mind boba fett and jango fett are two separate characters if someone mentioned boba fett i would think that's the star wars bounty hunter and when i heard jango fett mentioned i would forget the name boba fett existed and think that's the star wars bounty hunter i mean you're not wrong that when you sneeze people are saying bless you not bless you what a bless you ask obviously what you say if people sneeze i always thought when people said gesundheit they were saying goes in tight so now i say goes in tight when people sneeze and they say thank you nobody's noticed when kim possible says what's the sich it's actually short for what's the situation i'm 24 and just figured it out a few months ago call me beat me getting over myself life's so much more fun when you focus on life itself and whatever happens to be going on right now rather than on yourself and your petty issues that the reason i felt crappy most of the time was because i was dehydrated it took me 19 years to figure out i have to drink enough water i may be [ __ ] that being myself is okay and if i'm silent and i don't want to go to big parties it's okay not a tremendous deficit i've got to solve related note back in school i used to hate big parties took me way too long to figure out that i didn't hate big parties but rather the pricks at school big parties with cool people friends and their friends tend to be awesome everyone has their own insecurities and their own problems thinking that i was the fricked up exception and that everyone had their crap together was crushing to my confidence in all aspects what was a particularly odd experience was when i found out that people thought i had my crap together that bambi's mother was shot something in my four-year-old brain couldn't process that someone would actually do that i thought they were just separated or whatever fast forward maybe 10 years and i'm reading a book that describes a character as the sort of guy who cried when bambi's mother was shot i sat there and stared at the page horrified and incredibly sad both at the realization itself and my own stupidity your spouse can care about you right up until the point where they break up with you and after that point they can dismiss you like you're just another person on the street i say this because i always try to get some kind of closure out of my spouse after a situation like this and you just aren't going to get it so save yourself the heartache and focus more on moving on than finding out their motivations ah men some people are so selfish sometimes and can just up and leave as if it didn't even matter spend way too much of my time wondering why they did it when i should have just moved on with my life i am turning 26 next month and i just recently figured out that i suffer from visual dyscalculia this explains why i have always struggled reading analog clocks have serious problems differentiating between left and right and don't know the numbers of the months up until now i just thought those things were really hard i always struggle with those things and it's so embarrassing and i didn't connect them before i also have trouble doing basic calculations it was super stressful being a cashier in high school that the vagina and the urethra are two totally separate things i'm a girl and i thought they were just all one thing until my senior year of high school yep i will not tell you how old i was when i looked up at the moon if realized the reason we could see it is because of the sun shining on its surface my wife has used pinterest for years one day after being around her when she was on it for at least 18 months it hit me and i said oh it's called pinterest because you pin things that are interesting her response was something like this [Music] how to pronounce a lot of words i read all the time as a kid but i would basically make up my own pronunciation to words i didn't know as a result i learned a ton of words wrong and have been learning the actual pronunciations over the duration of my life me too normal for readers that articuno zapdos and maltress have the spanish numbers 1 2 and 3 as suffixes seriously i'm 23 i was playing pokemon 10 years ago prefixes come before the word those are suffixes that boobs only produce milk when their owner is pregnant i was 17 and after freaking my high school sweetheart i remember staring at her boobs in silence for like seven whole minutes followed by how do i get the milk out in all seriousness i like how you covered your butt on your stupidity by also bragging about freaking your girlfriend that i shouldn't take myself too seriously i used to be a whiny self-centered little prick who had to make everything about me and thought every little thing was a world-threatening crisis that black people existed until i moved to america i literally did not know there were people with naturally black skin lol my boyfriend grew up in southern bolivia where pretty much everyone is the same color then he went to miami fl for university he had quite the mind-boggling experience there men have feelings they are not all out to get me not all of them just want sex quite a lot of them can love and love very deeply i learned this very very recently i did not understand the joke why is six afraid of seven until like a year ago it took some article that turned children's jokes into posters that i finally understood that seven was eating nine i just always assumed eight and nine were backing up seven and that seemed funny enough for me [Music] it took me until i was about 24 to find out that on your car's dashboard there is an arrow that points left or right to tell you what side of your car the fuel tank is on it's not in all cars though that the washington redskins play in washington dc not washington state learned at 27 year when i visited dc for the first time from my home in nc that i have adhd and need meds for it kept telling myself that i could do it without them even after being diagnosed was getting a 3.0 gpa before i was prescribed 70 milligrams vivants and now i have a 4.0 if you have adhd ad take the meds they work and you feel great with the right dose i had the same realization after talking to a friend about it the test questions hit home i went for a diagnosis and they decided against meds because i had good grades i locked myself out when leaving for my appointment i still don't know what to make of it on one side i'm natural me and i'm doing okay on the other i definitely put myself in crappy situations because of it goombas are walking mushrooms i'm 30 and only realized it in late 20s despite playing mario games my whole life just never thought about it that it's okay if college isn't your thing right away i didn't do well and lost my financial aid i'm being shoved head first into adult life within a month and i've come to terms with it better than my parents have up until 19 years old i was convinced the windchill factor was really called windshield factor i live in wisconsin i've said this a lot i can't love on a pizza delivery salary took me two years but fricked up credit and bad renters history can be fixed just started a new promising career for some reason i really like this typo it's like you're incapable of being in a committed relationship because you're too invested in your work wish you the best of luck though the joke why does waldo wear stripes cause he doesn't want to be spotted i still don't know if i'm dumb or it's just a really bad joke how to spell necessary i still freak that crap up from time to time was an english major in college the burn is eternal if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 2,838
Rating: 4.8834953 out of 5
Keywords: too long to figure out, took forever, forever to figure, dumbest, obvious, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: wt8f_Ys5Qck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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