2 Hours of the BEST Medical Stories (Reddit Compilation)

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doctors and nurses offered it what was the creepiest last words you heard from a patient right before they died not a doctor but i overheard an old lady whisper this to her old husband dying of kidney problems you are going to beat this you got away with murder this is nothing i work in a cardiac aiku we had a patient who had a pulmonary artery rupture a rare but known complication of a swan gans catheter one minute he was joking around with us and the next bright red blood was spewing out of his mouth his last words before he died were why is this happening to me it still haunts me years later i can't imagine how awful that was nurse here had a patient come into the ear with shortness of breath he started deteriorating in the air and then quite rapidly on the transport up the aiku we got him wheeled into his room replaced the air lines and tubes with our own and transferred him from the transport stretcher to his aiku bed he actually did most of the transfer himself he didn't say anything but just before he died he pleasantly adjusted his own pillow laid his head down and then his eyes went blank this man just made himself comfortable before laying down to die i'm a nurse and was previously working at an assisted living community on the dementia alzheimer's unit my very favorite patient had been declining pretty steadily so i was checking on him very frequently we would have long chats and joke around with each other but in the last two weeks of his life he stopped talking completely and didn't really acknowledge conversation directed at him at all i finished my medication rounds for the evening and went to see him before i left i told him i was leaving for the night and that i'd see him the following day and he looked me in the eyes and smiled so genuinely and said you look like an angel i thought it was so sweet because he had not seemed lucid in weeks he died the next morning it really messed with me row that put a tear in my eye and i'm not the kind of guy to have that happen to me you obviously had a very positive effect on the final weeks of that man's life hold your head up high i don't care that i'm not a nurse but this was said by my dad to the nurse so close enough backstory dad had me's he'd had it since he was 18 diagnosed at 20 married my mom at 24 had me at 29 died 15 days short of 45 six months before that he was put on hospice he and mom were discussing funeral arrangements and my mom jokingly said you know tim the best thing you could do would be to die on a wednesday that way we can have the body prepared on thursday the viewing on friday at the memorial on saturday so more people could come the morning we got the call that it was time my mom two sisters and i were about five minutes too late after we said our goodbyes the nurse pulled my mom aside and asked if that day had any significance it's not even 6am yet so mom doesn't even know what day it is much less if it's important the nurse tells her it's the 21st of may number nothing is coming to mind the nurse told her that the previous day he kept asking what day it was and they'd tell him it was the 20th he'd look irritated but accept it that morning he asked what day it was and they said it's wednesday the 21st of may he smiled squeezed his favorite nurse's hand and was gone almost immediately it was memorial day weekend and we did just as he and mom had planned and despite many friends being out of town for the holiday we had over 250 people show up at the memorial service overflowing the tiny church more than it had ever been filled to his dying day he was trying to make things easier for our family i miss him hey out of this whole thread this one got me the most people who think of others in their last moments are really the example we should all live up to thanks for sharing hugs for you my dad fell into unconsciousness around noon we managed to get him into bed and he responded with a hand squeeze when i said i love you we watched and waited the rest of the day around 3am his breathing changed and as his breathing become more and more labored he bolted upright eyes wide open looked at his wife my sister then me smiled exhaled and died thank you for sharing that my first hospice case she was on morphe and started mock smoking she looked at me took my hand and said please in the most pleading voice i've ever heard i sat with her body until the corner arrived she has no friends or family only her lawyer showed up i've only done one hospice case since that's so sad she must have been so lonely get home safe little one it wasn't what he said he said the same thing to me anytime i had him as a patient for the evening it was how he said it he gave me this look and pause like he knew the dnr's in my experience always know when it's time it's creepy relieved they're relieved when it comes most of my patients were older and usually happy that they might see their friends and family again and relieve that the pain will be gone and that they won't be lonely ever again speaking of if you have older relatives that on buttholes please visit them they miss you cardiac aiku had a gentleman who was dnr on comfort care he was demented and was cursing like a sailor he seemed to have moments of clarity and would ask to see his brothers who were both past after a particularly worrisome heart rhythm he went back into a sinus tachycardia and looked me in my eyes and said hey what's your name what do you do here i'm a nurse after this he was quiet for some time then he said frick you and then he died about 20 minutes later i can only imagine what was going through his mind as he passed nailed it ugh i was a hospice nurse for many years super gratifying job for a nurse surprisingly as a regular nurse you were rarely offered thanks hospice nursing is an island into itself mostly peaceful lots of times sad often a blessing this is sad but also creepy and i wouldn't believe it if i hadn't seen it had a 20 year old kid gang member who was dying of primary liver cancer super unusual aggressive and terminal he was angry at the universe his family was there to comfort him but he literally spit in their faces every ounce of energy he had left was angry and mean and ugly his mom would beg him to lighten up and accept jesus into his heart he would swing at her and tell her to wear herself the family remained beside in hopes he would chill out at the end his last day hours moments he was angry the family called me into the room and told me they thought he was going he wasn't responding change stokes breaths eyes glossy and skin cold the end was imminent his lovely mother in her dearest attempt whispered to him to go towards the light to her jesus with his dying breath he opened his eyes looked at her and said if you're jesus a second or two later he slowly turned his head to the to the left and got the most horrific look on his face as if he was looking at something we couldn't see and horrifed like in a bad movie his face contorted and he screamed with his last breath eyes wide oh crap oh crap oh hyoneu then made a guttural noise and promptly fell back into the bed and died every family member was shaking and too frightened to speak and i left the room and took two days off i don't care if i never find out what he saw well he was angry at the idea of jesus right so maybe jesus showed up and took him to heaven and now he's up there sitting in a corner scowling my grandma died in 1989 my grandfather bob died around 1965. she never remarried never dated but she did have a great life when she was dying she yelled bob bob here i come oh honey i've missed you so much we always joked that we were glad she didn't yell bob who the heck is that elizabeth i'm coming to join you honey sorry but this came right to mind my mom was watching over my great grandfather in the hospital he'd been unresponsive for a day or so when suddenly he said it's about dang time you got here i've been waiting and then he died i found one of my comfort measures only patience standing at the side of his bed it surprised me because he had been mostly unresponsive during my shift i helped him back into bed and he asked me why all these people were in his room he suddenly became quite again and i noticed he wasn't breathing he was a dnr so there wasn't anything to do to try to bring him back looking back he may have been talking about me and the cna that was helping me get him back into bed but who knows what or who he was seeing the last minutes of his life still creeps me out a little when i think about it my father-in-law sat at his mother's bedside for days as she was dying she was in and out of it and spent a lot of time in conversation with her parents and siblings who were all long dead one of the last intelligible things she said was leave the gate open rodney i'm coming not a nurse not a doctor but i'm an apprentice funeral director we went to a nursing home on a removal and as we were walking down the hall one of the patients got antsy and opened the door to his room and saw us walking with the stretcher i'll see you next week boys and guess who we had to pick up the next week it never ceases to amaze and entertain me how gallows humor makes it into our lives dnr patience was on comfort cares was on a high dose of morphine and helonating she would alternate between grasping for things not there and trying to climb out of bed she was too unsteady to walk so my job was to sit in the room and make sure she was safe she tried to get up and i went to ask her what she needed she grabbed my arm and pulled me down towards her face and said very angrily kill me that one flicked with me for a while i was in the hospital for a week on morphine after a while that stuff really starts to mess with you checked in on a patient before the end of my shift and she was in good spirits had been joking with me the whole time her condition was tenuous new track but she had been positive throughout i asked how she was doing and she replied by singing the old gray mare ain't what she used to be and wished me a good night i came in the next morning and she had coded and died overnight last year my grandfather started desperately pleading for his life with his german captors from world war ii the doctor present was smart and said in german you are free hair caticature you are free and then he died that was nice from the doctor came into an early shift and was handed over a patient who'd been very anxious and had a panic attack overnight he was anxious all morning but absolutely fine ecg fine and so i just asked someone to sit with him to keep an eye on him reassure him for me he gets worse really panicky heavy breathing he's on his side in the photo position doctors will be in in 10 minutes so i tell him i'll get them to him as soon as they come in but ask if he'll lie on his back for me to help his breathing he tells me he won't make it until they get here and that he won't face the other way obs still all fine at this point but he's more agitated so again i suggest he move position for comfort and that's when he says i won't make it until the doctors get here if i turn to face the other way i'll die he repeated this a few times to me he arrested literally as the doctors walked in and he died on the side he'd been refusing to turn to i'm convinced he knew comma if i turn to face the other way i'll die that was my exact same thought the first time i had a panic attack back when i was a cna this one resident fell off a bike for exercise in pt and seized they came to and became lucid and said i think i'm dying but everyone in the room assured her that wasn't going to happen she seized up and was dead within minutes not a hospital story but according to my family my great-grandfather was unresponsive his final few days but suddenly sat bolt upright in the bed and then had a huge smile and raised his hands out as if greeting someone then he fell back and died it was the same with my brother but he didn't sit up he just smiled lifted his hands up and out and died i've commented this somewhere before but it stayed with me i'm an rn and while i was a student i was caring for a lady who had end stage renal failure had a dnar and was shutting down we were having a little chat well i was chatting away while helping her put on some lotion when she stopped looked over my shoulder and said bills here love i've got to go and swiftly stop breathing read her old notes and bill was her deceased husband what a way to go i worked a bank shift in a e a few months ago a young man was in a horrible car crash his face was covered in blood and had a compound fracture of his clavicle but conscious he was screaming don't tell me she's dead where is she before succumbing to his injuries an hour later his girlfriend had died instantly in the crash coma old man he must have been in so much pain but he's panicking about her that would have been so rough i'm a hospital chaplain when i was a cpe intern a green horn i went to see a patient in the aiku who had 10 to 12 oranges on her table we talked about oranges for about 20 minutes and then she said something's going to happen i went to check on her the next day and the nurse mentioned that she passed the previous night i asked if anyone else talked with her and she said no so the last conversation she had was about oranges with me i kind of wish we talked about something else however the nurse said that was a worthy conversation that the patient wanted to talk about it made me feel better because oranges are foreshadowing someone is gonna die i was in the army in pakistan to for humanitarian support after an earthquake there was a very serious civil bus crash when a road gave was and a dozen kids were killed the first kid that we took off the ambulance and put on the stretcher to carry into artridge tent said more like screamed something in andrew when we got there the doc asked the translators what he said it was the spiders are eating pepper we all just looked at each other for a second then just proceeded with trij honestly tridge is easier when you don't speak a mutually intelligible language not a doctor or nurse but my grandfather was on hospice care at home and for two days he told us that he had to go with the little red-haired girl we didn't know what he was talking about when he died we cleaned him up and called the hospice nurse on duty who came right over i happened to be the one to answer the door and there she stood five for two or so with gorgeous blue eyes and the most beautiful red hair you've ever seen i couldn't even manage hello but my grandmother looked around me and said very cheerfully please come in he's been waiting for you sounds like the opening of some kind of feel-good ghost story i actually have three that stick out in my mind an 83 year old woman that said my mom's here are we going she died a few minutes later another older lady said i think i'm going to die today we took vitals everything seemed fine she was stable she had a heart attack a couple hours later not her last words but the last she ever said to me the last one is definitely the creepiest a nice old lady who told my cna she wanted to wear all white when asked why she said the man in black is here she looked in the corner of the room the cna looked but there was no one there that's when i came into the room we asked her to describe what she was seeing and she said he's an all black and he's got a top hat on then she whispered and his eyes are red while her eyes moved across the room to directly behind the cna like she was watching him move closer to us she died later that night but it was unexpected that room creeped me out for a long time after that sounds like she was talking about the hat man that is creepy as frick my grandfather's brother he died exactly six hours after my grandfather and just minutes before he died he said i'm going to see you again brother he didn't know at the time that my granddad his brother had died the family were going to tell him the next morning because he was having a bad day yup the day doesn't get much worse than that i'm working on my mother's eulogy for tomorrow's wake i'm going to go into detail for anyone that is smoking because i think it's something you should reconsider my mom was diagnosed with terminal lung and pancreatic cancer mass had developed around her vocal cords and made it hard for her to speak she smoked all of her life and it finally caught up with her it attacked her quick from time she was diagnosed to time she passed away it was less than two weeks first she lost her voice then she had difficulty breathing became weak she couldn't walk too far then she could only walk a little then nothing at all she had trouble eating the night she died i let her smoke her cigarette doctor said it didn't matter anymore and my sister and i took mom into her bed and i knew as did my sister it was the last time we spent a few hours with her holding her and i got up lost it a bit and my mom said don't be sad loudly with all her might i was fortunate to be with my mother at that time she was due to have hospice that monday but she did not make it lung cancer kills quickly i hope none of you have to deal with that consider it that next cigarette it's just a matter of time well enough preaching i'm sorry for your loss intubated pt wrote on a clipboard if this hurts i'll get you just before the surgeon pulled out the pt's chest tube post open heart surgery the tube ripped one of the coronary grafts he bled out in about five seconds grandfather died this year at 86 he was in nashville in a hospital for pneumonia i was working and was going to go down there the next day to see him my mother called me and said he was passing soon and if i wanted to talk to him i said yes and this was the conversation verbatim me hey papa it's marky how's it going grandfather i'm sick me can you hang on for a few more hours and i'll be there grandfather nope i'm outta here me i love you grandfather all right he died before the phone hung up really bothered me with how accepting he was of his own death i think about it every day you i love you him all right nice i'm a cst certified surgical tech in a specialized area of surgery that sees mostly people who are up there in age this is more of a general observation than a specific story about a patient but more than once i've been one of the last people to see someone's loved one conscious or even alive i never forget the ones that tell us about how they should have come in earlier or how they were scared and in a lot of pain before being put under by anesthesia i've also experienced seemingly lower risk patients never open their eyes again always tell your loved ones how you feel you never know if you may not see them again cath lab tech here this is so true the ones we don't expect to make it usually do then there's the ones that walk in joking with us as if nothing's wrong with them at all an hour later they are gone you really never know when your time's coming not a nurse or doctor but my beloved grandpa was in the hospital ill with pneumonia and sepsis i thought he would recover he was asking to see me and my family so i went with my parents my husband and my two little boys grandpa couldn't talk but he was lucid and was watching tv in his room he motioned for a pen and paper he scribbled something on a scrap of paper and gave it to my oldest boy who was about 12 at the time it said i love you when we were leaving the hospital it hit me me that grandpa was saying goodbye and i started to bawl like a baby grandpa had passed before i got home he held on just to see me and my boys one more time i still see him in my dreams only he isn't the sick old man i had known since my grandma died in 1977. he is about 40 in the prime of his life he is healthy and strong taking long energetic strides across the front yard of the house he shared with my grandma for 45 years i have never known him to look like that and yet there he is popping in to say hello it's funny that you say he is popping by to say hi a lot of people i know believe that when you dream of the dead they are actually coming to visit you not really creepy but you'd be surprised how quickly patients in death's door will pass when they've had a final moment with their loved ones one of my professors in nursing school called it permission to die no one wants to see their loved ones go but when the inevitable is at hand is better to send them off with good feelings don't let your loved ones feel guilty for leaving you behind let them rest in peace my first code as a nurse was of a middle-aged mother who we think ended up having a brain bleed i was trying to check her vitals and she was super agitated and had been all day she managed to bend her iv pole somehow she was ripping her gown off and the sheets off the bed and she'd yanked her heart monitor off i was trying to start a blood transfusion but needed to get her vitals beforehand which was impossible because she wouldn't stay still long enough for any of it to read i'd given her a sedative for what we thought was anxiety and i was praying it would kick and soon she kept grabbing my arm saying come here look at me help me with fear in her eyes that i will never forget i'm pretty sure i snapped back i'm trying which i of course wish was something comforting instead then she leaned back her eyes got droopy she shut to her mouth then snapped her eyes wide open but totally glossed over she took one last breath as a co-worker was helping me while i called the code patience with feelings of impending doom are a major red flag that scare the crap out of me she was going to die and knew it btw bending her iv pole super impressive i had a patient in my first week of being on a hospital floor as a cna she was really sweet and wanted to know all about my nursing school right before she went to bed i helped her move from the chair in the room she jokingly danced with me for a few seconds humming an old tune before sitting on the bed that she thanked me as she drifted off to sleep don't worry it will be okay referring to my trepidation about the new job i assume she was scheduled to go home and died from a complication of medications about four hours later the first song on the radio that morning as i got in my car was shut up and dance yeah that messed with me for a long time i'm not a doctor or nurse but i'll share my grandmother on her deathbed dying from cancer the afternoon she passed she sat up in her hospital bed and asked my father for a mountain dew she never drank soda my father loved the stuff my dad went to the vending machine and the hospital got them both a soda and they both drank it even with the hole in her throat she drank the soda and said something along the lines like wow that's delicious and passed away i tear up every time i drink a dew nice try mountain dew advertising department just kidding i'm sorry for your loss my brother died just a little over two years ago from cancer he was a medical doctor i'm a phd history so i guess we've got it covered as we were in the hospice room of the hospital my friend came in to visit on youguna's last day he was a redditor too ug00n says my heart my heart is under the tv in my room bob goes it's cool man don't worry about it no my heart it's under the tv he died later that night couple days later we were gathering up his stuff and found his stash of pot under his tv lol he seemed to want to tell my friend because that's who was procuring pot for him never smoked before he was diagnosed and had fun with that during his treatment doctors nurses offered it what is the most obvious case of a patient faking it you have ever seen not the most obvious faking but the craziest drug seeking taken to the next level young person with admittedly serious history of gastrointestinal issues portal vein thrombosis fake to gi bleed how the heck do you do that you ask went to the ear with a picture of blood in a toilet saying they threw up a lot of blood immediately put two ivs in bilateral acs iv in each inner elbow and started working them up says they have to go to the bathroom and allows them to walk in their cause they still seem strong enough comes back out and said they threw up again blood was everywhere they get twisted away to the iq my unit for immediate intervention due to the amount of blood that has been visualized called the on-call gi doctor got a unit of blood transfused without checking their blood count again to stay ahead of the gross loss of blood they throw up in the bathroom again with same bloody show though they aren't pale and still strong blood pressure is still good they are young and maybe can handle more before showing signs of deterioration they are then sedated and intubated to protect the airway if their bleeding is that bad and an egd is performed to find and stop the bleeding egd is perfect nothing is seen went down with the scope a second time just to be sure the gi doctor says there is no bleeding and doesn't know what to make of it everyone's confused nurse starts trying to figure out why finds an empty bloody syringe in the patient's pocket while they are still out cold this person took a saline flush emptied it and used it to draw up blood from their iv and then proceeded to squirt it all over the bathroom to fake them throwing up blood even squirted some in their mouth the second time to really sell it patience so said they've been a drug seeker before and that they will stay as long as we give them drugs we removed both ivs before they woke up then explained to them nothing was found and they are perfectly fine but we did find the syringe patient gets angry says they're gonna leave that's fine sign this form your insurance might not pay now we'll call you a cab and pay for it cause you're still just recovering from being fully freaking sedated and intubated for that egd patient denies cabin walks home with no cell phone or wallet cause so had abandoned them as soon as we explained the patient was not bleeding not sure how long they had to walk or how far they got sad we couldn't do a psych hold the patient probably needed some help craziest one i've seen speech therapist here it's impossible to fake a hearing loss and i had a few during my training you can't be totally deaf in one ear and totally normal in the other during a hearing exam your head is a ball of liquid so the sound travels through and into the good ear registering as a moderate hearing loss in the deaf ear further testing is required to determine how severe the loss actually is i had one guy flinching each time the sound went in his deaf ear reflexive response and insist he couldn't hear it the audiologist sent him for an expensive auditory brainstem response study where they can test your hearing without participating don't fake a hearing loss guys you end up blowing a bunch of money and looking stupid [Music] maybe not the most obvious in conventional terms but perhaps the funniest story involving faking it from my work in prison health care every morning the prisoners get a chance to move mostly freely around the prison to go to their workplaces or visits or healthcare if they are on daily meds etc often if people are unwell they will come to healthcare and get a sick note so they can get a day off work without being penalized well only about 30 40 lads turn up at our healthcare window complaining of headaches stomachaches a few claiming to have vomited although no confirmation from any of the officers the really weird part was that every single one of them was from the same prison wing we put in a security report worried something fishy was going on it turned out that one of the guys on that wing had family appearing on the jeremy kyle show uk's version of jerry springer and all the guys wanted to stay in their cells and watch it not gonna lie that's actually kinda sweet i've seen patients faking seizures but not like this guy arms and legs shaking not the head or torso looked more like a rain dance than a seizure talking through it neurodoc happens to be close by and comes in the room when we call for him stop that he says i can't patient replies doc puts his hands on the patient's legs hardened firm and says stop patience stops it's it's a miracle as a radiographer my favorite is always the kids who are trying to milk some extra time off school they'll come in with their helicopter parent flinching and sometimes crying as you move their arm into the required positions for the x-rays then use the affected arm to push themselves up out of the chair when they leave or if it's an ankle they'll enter the x-ray room cringing and not putting it on the floor then we'll jump off the x-ray table nice try kids no plaster for you not so much obvious but definitely outrageous i was a midwifery student working in an antenatal clinic when a 15 year old girl her 15 year old boyfriend and his mother came in for an initial appointment the first appointment always involves sourcing as much history information as possible setting up an initial plan and then checking that the baby's heartbeat is tracking as expected the family was very friendly and the pregnancy was obviously implant his family had taken the young girl in and she looked very uncomfortable the boy was daunted but doing his best to be involved when we got to checking the heartbeat i want able to find anything the midwife supervising me couldn't either we were concerned she may have miscarried but brought in the most experienced midwife to check we had been treating this as a purely medical issue until both the supervising midwife and i took a step back and noticed that while the boy and his mother were distraught the girl was looking more ashamed than anything else it was the first indication that something wasn't right as a group they all went up to see the doctors in another building and i had to head back to uni for a class the next morning i found out that after an hour with the doctors she confessed that she had made it all up so she could move to australia with her boyfriend so they could stay together i'm a midwife we had a lady who would come in every few weeks with a new guy claiming she was in labor or experiencing a miscarriage ofc we had to take her seriously every time even though we knew she wasn't so we'd scan her etc only to tell her that she's not pregnant and isn't experiencing labor or a miscarriage thankfully she's then turned to her guy and say that modern medicine is unreliable and he should just trust her instinct and will he help her raise the baby the guy would often become afraid how am i gonna raise this baby what are the chances a scan is wrong etc we'd reassure him that 100 she isn't pregnant they'd argue break up and she'd be back a few weeks later also she'd come in by ambulance every time my friend told me this story and it is probably the worst account of munchausen by proxy i ever heard of lady came in the air with what was revealed later as fake ids for her and her baby baby was puking blood so she was taken in fast strangely apart from the blood puking the baby didn't seem that bad cbc revealed normal results which was definitely not expected doc found this suspicious and had the blood analyzed to reveal it wasn't the babies they finally realized the woman was making her baby drink her diva cup to make her sick and get attention faking being unconscious while peeking hard sternal rub presto no longer unconscious and very angry a patient who came in with seizures it was questionable began to have one when the doctor was in the room but noticed the patient's movement slow and they opened one eye a teeny bit to look at him and make sure he was watching and then resumed shaking discharged after basic workup i forgot where i read it here but someone told the story of a doctor that when confronted with this exact scenario would say you know it's not a real seizure because they're not peeing themselves then on cue the patient would pee themselves i have had patience fake seizures to try and get admitted they are usually careful to make sure everyone is watching before thrashing around on the stretcher if you turn around sometimes they stop and then will carefully peek to see if you are paying attention after the reports of people peeking while faking seizures and unconsciousness in this thread i'm pretty convinced no one ever mentally grows up past the age of seven having a seizure while doing the worm on the ground and telling me that only dilaudid ever stops these yeah narcotics don't break seizures you have no idea what a seizure looks like and you can't talk while having a tonic clonic seizure nobody is buying your crap obstetrics here we had a 27-week pregnant girl come in claiming her waters had broken and she was in pre-term labor attested with a dipstick not positive for amniotic fluid but she was in our hdu just in case she went to the loo and came out with a soaking pad and tried the my waters just broke thing again yes she'd run it under the tap then we had a lovely chat about how amniotic fluid and water do not smell at all alike and she stopped doing it for a couple of weeks and started faking pv bleeds by putting lipstick on her pads instead i wonder what she was trying to accomplish had a patient complaining and passing we heard them go plink in the bowl bladder stones meds galore of course those things hurt we sent the stones for testing turned out the joke was on us they came back as gravel even the lab said not usually found in human anatomy no more drugs for you lady not me but a fellow nurse used to work in the year in albuquerque had a lady come in with severe pain from her varicose veins seeking opiates he washed the red marker lines off part of her leg and told her to leave a nurse here so many people fake seizures in our waiting room and hopes of getting a room quicker most recently funny one i had a family member run over in a panic yelling he's having a seizure i hopped out of my chair and took a couple quick steps only to witness a full grown man leaning against a wall shaking in a way that can only be described as a terribly uncoordinated dance move whilst peeking at me to see if i looked worried as he shook his head back and forth i stopped in my tracks and said he'll see a doctor soon with the most energy i could muster and retreated to my other tasks in exasperation i had a girl in my team at my previous job when she didn't feel like working she would drop on the floor and fake a seizure we picked up straight away that she was faking it when she realized no one was paying her any attention she would stop flopping about and get back to work doctor here had a patient faker stroke to get pain meds did it during her 10 year old's birthday party of all times she perked up quite a bit when we mentioned pain meds and she requested a particular drug dosage which was much higher than we were going to give her she clearly had issues but it made me sad for her kid former l d nurse here watching someone try to fake labor is quite funny they will push on the contraction monitor to try and make it look like they're having contractions but they look like squares not hills like normal contractions they never have them if you're in the room watching or they scream and holler while pushing on it you can't fake labor little girl says she can't see a thing swears she needs glasses do any of your friends have glasses yeah chloe and courtney have them biggie no i can't see it i put 0.00 powered lenses on oh i can see it now here mom this is how blind your kiddo is my niece did this my poor sister sat in the exam feeling like an awful parent thinking omg she can't see anything no wonder she's struggling at school how could we not realize until the optometrist had her try on the glasses that my niece insisted made her vision miraculously sharp nurse here it's impossible to fake a seizure the more you try the dumber you look what if i heat my body up to 107 degrees for my empty here we had a patient who had a plethora of actual problems but she would fake having seizures in order to get into the air i had heard dozens of ridiculous stories about this patient so when i finally got called to her house for the first time i was actually a little excited to see what she was all about when we got there i began setting up ekg leads and getting vitals from her while my partner was getting the stretcher out my partner yells from the truck hey be careful sometimes she likes to fall out of her seat when she has seizures no more than a second after he says this our patient just so happens to tip right out of her seat i swear i almost saw her smile as she did it not a doctor but when i was younger i wanted glasses really badly so i kept telling my mama couldn't see but she took me to the optometrist and she did the usual letter stuff and then put a picture of an orange on the screen i told her i saw a banana back when i worked hims and before i worked in the hospital we had a little more freedom on how we would assess if people were faking i had a guy that was pretending to be unconscious conveniently i was orienting a newly hired emt i explained to the new emt if this guy was unconscious his arm wouldn't move from where we placed it i lifted his arm straight up in the air and he held it extended there for the entire 30-minute transport to the hospital i was actually impressed he was that committed i finally had to lower it to unload him from the back of the ambulance she thought she had a stroke and was completely paralyzed on her left side but that was obviously not the case as she periodically used her left hand to wipe her eyes she was crying so hard she didn't even realize she was doing it and continued to think she was paralyzed i thought she was faking it at first but it turns out the patient had conversion disorder which means they thought they had a physical medical condition and they were manifesting symptoms of one but they actually didn't have it and their brain was tricking them into thinking it in essence they weren't faking it but they also weren't physically sick literally today tried to fake being non-responsive asleep when you would go to pull their eyelids up to check their pupils they would tense them up and not let you open them if you tried to passively move any limb they would put equal pressure against you in order to not move now for the second story had a guy coming in at least twice a week for gallbladder attacks it became obvious in short time that he was drug seeking as he refused all drugs but the stronger opiates and would all of a sudden be in no pain and storm out when denied after a while when denied he would vomit extremely loudly to show how serious this was the only issue was as he is holding the emesis bag to his mouth you could see him bending his middle finger into his throat to stimulate his gag reflex he continued this for close to two months before he realized he had seen almost every provider and none were going to prescribe him opiates of any kind patient played possum and pretended not to be able to talk move etc and did a pretty good job of sticking to the act until the foley cath the patient was then not only able to move around the patient was also able to scream fck very loudly obviously nothing was wrong with them they just wanted a place to stay obligatory not a doctor but i work in the ed as a security guard i had one patient that had escaped police custody causing a massive pursuit through the hospital wherein we apprehended her in a faculty break room on the way back to her room she assaults my partner and i tackle her to the ground as we get back to the room she begins screaming that bee broke my leg 30 seconds later as the nurse is putting the blood pressure cuff on her she begins screaming she yells that now her arm is broken she just wasn't sure of it until that moment everyone is rolling their eyes and i guess she realized she wasn't garnering any sympathy from anyone so she starts faking a seizure at this point i've wasted 30 minutes dealing with this nonsense so i tell the police officer she's faking this woman sits straight up stops seizing and yells no i'm not you freaking be and then lays back down to continue her seizure that was the first time i laughed at a patient patient was a man with a fistula with copious output created by himself by picking at an incision site he had a controlled substance alert was continuing to request his oxy every four hours on the dot which i gave bc abdominal wounds are painful and also requesting iv diluented when i told him that i wasn't going to be giving him the iv diluted he was very upset and tried to manipulate me into changing my mind but i didn't cave later i enter into the room to see him happily picking it and extruding his own bowels the ostomy bag that was catching the output was completed filled with blood the first thing he requests when i enter was the iv diluted probably one of the grossest things i've seen in the hospital also you get a lot of requests to push the iv diluted quickly oh no really all the other nurses do it that way and always commenting about what a waste of time it is to push it slowly i had a patient in the air complaining of severe pain while literally eating a whole bucket of kfc fried chicken and mashed potatoes while sitting in the bed i asked her how would you rate your pain on a scale from 0-10 her with a mouthful of chicken a 10 i guess right hospital workers over at it what was the dumbest thing you saw a patient do immediately after leaving i work in medical imaging where patients have to drink oral contrast for their exam some folks really hate the stuff and one patient after being given the oral contrast went outside and dumped it in the bushes and came back in and said that they had drank it our front desk lady actually saw her dump it in the bushes and told us about it but we would have seen the lack of contrast in the image even if she hadn't told us i talked to the patient and was like we can see inside of you we can tell if you drank it or not i work for a medical device company that makes bone screws we had a patient's use for faulty implants apparently his screws broke less than a month after surgery but this is a big deal and not just from a financial standpoint so of course we launched a full investigation turns out the dumbass decided to play tackle football less than a month after his major back surgery our bone screws are strong but not tackle football strong his case was thrown out when i was a nursing student i did a rotation on a transitional care unit in my first year of school where people go to wait for a nursing home placement had an older man has a client who did not have any cognitive impairment complain about abrasions on his penis okay all is well and i call for a doctor to look at it to get some antibiotic ointment for it the doctor can't come up to our floor for another few hours i tell the patient this and leave to go do something else about half an hour later it's time to go take his blood sugar and guess what i find the man doing jerking off in plain sight and his hand and penis are bloody and raw i literally had to have a conversation with a man my grandfather's age and have to tell him not to masturbate while the abrasions are healing and to take it easier once it was healed talk about burning the bloody rubber that dude really loves his egg roll discharged a patient after hysterectomy removing uterus stitches at top of vagina and she went home and had sex busting her stitches and allowing for her bowel to protrude through the vagina had to have an emergency procedure to fix it ah and that's enough of this thread not after leaving but this elder gentleman had his wife bring him in out the literal day after his heart surgery i couldn't believe it now retired but one of the things i liked about my hospital was the food we have a lot of immigrants in our area and some wise person decided to hire a pretty diverse crowd of cooks jamaican ladies making spicy chicken japanese cooks making sushi mexican dudes making made to order burritos local barbecue etc and it was all very clean from a nutritional viewpoint all of it was inspected by our rds and just about every day i would see patients turn down this excellent food and have their families bring them crap from fast food joints in town being in a hospital is strange and fast food is familiar you heard me at jerk chicken though i feel like i am that person when i was 15 i broke my arm went to the hospital got a cast went about for a few weeks and got it removed great i have my arm back now i wasn't the brightest kid needed everything explained to me no one told me not to have an arm wrestle with my fresh out of cast arm no one explained it was still healing four hours after having my cast removed i was back in a and ian getting a new x-ray and then a new cast put on by the same nurse who just took it off i have never seen such disappointment in the eyes of someone who wasn't my mother your last sentence is priceless countless copd asthmatics coming in for wheezing sob rapid breathing we treat them in the second they feel better they will state i forgot something in my car only to leave and light up a sig a lady came to ira for tachycardia and anxiety the trigger nurse on a hunch asked what she'd eaten that day and if she'd had any coffee i haven't had time to eat this now being mid-afternoon and only four or five cups of coffee genuinely clueless not a hospital worker but i was in the emergency room due to a sports related injury finally got let out after hours of x-rays and examinations as i was learning how to use crutches and watched someone with stitches on his arm start stretching like he was going to run all the way home he turned around walked towards the desk and yelled your nurses a crap after the cut on his arm reopened mid-stretch the woman of the desk looked so tired somebody lit up a cigarette in a no smoking area with a nasal cannula on and lit their face on fire had to come right back into the air suru men are smokers with cannuli omg always outside of the main entrance puffing away beside their o2 tank jesus take the wheel guy was discharged from our emergency room and wanted a cab voucher to get downtown we wouldn't give him one because he didn't meet our requirements he walked outside called 911 and told the ambulance to take him to a hospital downtown i had a pt who left ama that called 9-1-1 from our main entrance they refused to pick her up and asked her to go to red go out to the car park meet their dealer in a car and shoot up through their iv cannula then saunter back into their room as if we couldn't tell that's why more and more hospitals won't let patients leave the floor it's a huge liability not to mention when doctors come to see the patient they may not be in the room in the darwin awards is a tale of a man in hospital with a skin problem the staff coated him all over with a cream which is highly flammable warned him about it and told him to keep away from any sources of ignition he immediately snuck outside for a smoke went up like a roman candle not a doctor but i knew someone that is a fitness freak to an obnoxious level she had a medical emergency intestinal blockage one day that involved major abdominal surgery and removal of part of her intestine the day she was released from the hospital she went back to her insane workout routine trying to make up for the muscle she lost she claims her doctor told her she could her intestines ripped open she barely survived she still claimed after the fact that her working out had absolutely nothing to do with her body ripping open and it was just bad luck over exercising can be a form of eating disorder body dysphoria she should get help inject h into their piccc line big iv leave to go smoke a cigarette and get hit by car steal from a 7-eleven while in a hospital gown escape from the air and steal an ambulance how do you manage to steal an ambulance patient came in for shortness of breath she was seen and discharged a nurse saw her walk into the parking lot jab herself in the leg with an epipen and come right back in saying that she's short of breath that's not dumb that's a mentally ill patient [Music] my brother works as a volunteer for the red cross he mostly volunteers as a medic in ambulances he told me how they picked up a guy because he crashed his bike after he didn't pay attention and got his tire stuck in some tram tracks about three hours later he was picked up again after he tried to ride his bike with one hand in a cast first time round he sprained his elbow second time round he broke his shoulder on the same side well he didn't disable himself on both sides there is that as a silver lining i don't work at a hospital but off the top of my head one the patient who refused to get in an ambulance when he was having a heart attack until we let him have a cigarette too the patient who while having a stroke insisted he was fine and was just going to go home and nap we got his niece to come and bring him to the ed three the patient who insisted he knew his body and was able to frighten his paralyzed limbs into working correctly and that was why he did not need an ambulance to go to the hospital for the stroke he was currently having his limbs were paralyzed because of his first severe stroke this was his second four the parents who when their infant had trouble breathing gave him a lot of milk to drink and laid him down kid was fine but these people were clueless i have way more can you believe the patient did that stories but these were the ones i saw myself as requested more crazy patient stories one the iv drug user who refused free vaccines because they didn't want unsafe substances in their body two the addict who wanted to know the safest way to use c because their dealer kept mixing c with h we told this patient there is not a medically recommended safe way to uc this person just decided to switch dealers three the person who knowingly let and i do not use the word let lightly her child be sexually abused complained that we made their child sick and were not providing sufficient care for their child's recurring nightmares and depression for the patient who had tumor grow to the size of a watermelon before they sought treatment this person is actually doing really well now and last i checked expected to make full recovery 5. the mother who was convinced her kid had hearing issues kids hearing work just fine they just ignored their mom 6 the patient convinced they had memory loss they didn't they did have four kids under five and a newborn though seven the patient who was frustrated that is seven-year-old was obese and not losing weight despite the fact he kept buying her junk food eight the patient convinced we were going to hurt him during specific minor surgical procedure needed to diagnose his health problems and just scream that at us at different visits we have never forced him to get that procedure nor do we provide it on site 9 the patient who was very very poor with no real assets who refused to speak about dnr's and her will while i was in the room the only patient who has ever refused to speak in front of me i think she thought i was trying to steal from her idk i'm just basic staff 10 the patient who called me cute he was completely blind in one eye to date he is the only patient that has ever called me cute i am a regressively average looking person i just find this story funny not a hospital worker but my grandfather's wife tried to sneak kfc into the hospital for him immediately after triple bypass surgery i am in i.t and was working an overnight shift in the emergency room supporting a new software rollout a dude was brought in because he had drunkenly stumbled out in front of a car and got hit when my shift ended around 11am i went to a little irish pub down the street to have a beer and some lunch before i headed home to get some sleep and lo and behold guys who is in there drinking again yet same dude from there was already drinking whiskey again just hours after being released from the hospital with a broken arm and a few other injuries this is just sad had a guy in his 20s coming with at b from a car accident decided to discharge against medical advice showed up the very next day after attempting to back out of his driveway and slammed into his girlfriend's car i work in a covered clinic and i had a patient come in who was just a ball of anxiety about all sorts of things but mainly covered he had no symptoms either just general anxiety anyway he walked out of the clinic immediately took off his mask and went into the jimmy john's across the street seriously you come to specifically talk about your fears of covered and then you take off your mask before going into a store why i i on my ob rotation in med school we had a 32-week pregnant woman with cardiomyopathy heart failure-like condition and an ejection fraction of 15 bad she's impatient until delivery and everyone's worried she will die during or after delivery one night a unit clerk calls and asks the nurse on duty have you all seen ms x tonight the nurse says she's in her room i assume the clerk then says well that's weird because i'm looking at her eating a funnel cake at the state fair right now the patient just decided she needed a break from all of this hospital life okay this was me i had finished a sleep study as to which i barely slept and had to redo it i was six am and i was leaving the hospital i walked into a glass wall which was clearly a wall it even had the visibility stickers on it twice twice i bounced off the same wall in my attempt to leave the hospital sleep depravity is a blol a dentist had to put a little boy maybe three under general anesthesia to treat his bad teeth everything went fine until he was about to leave and i saw his mom getting him gatorade turns out it was his favorite drink and it was almost all he was drinking the parent thought it was a fruit juice and that it was okay for him to drink no wonder he had so much problems with his teeth poor little guy patient obese enough to be in a wheelchair went outside for a smoke cigarette in one hand inhaler in the other one puff of the cigarette one puff of the inhaler inhalers are often used for bronchial dilation i imagine that would increase the effects of smoking mind you i'm not saying it's a good thing i just recognize how it might work [Music] this doesn't fit super well but i once had a patient who insisted on leaving the hospital discharge against medical advice because it's hard to get a good night's sleep now i will admit hospital is not the quietest place at night you have doctors going around checking on sick patients machines beeping etc but they are there for a reason we could not convince him to stay so we turned to his wife his wife said she agreed with us but she can't change his mind he died the next day it was a very treatable condition serious but he had a good chance of recovery if he stayed i guess he got a good sleep after all holy crap that was darker than i thought i'm a pharmacist and one of our patients has been coming in to get nicotine chewing gum regularly for at least five years now problematic in itself i know this time he really wanted to quit so he asked about nicotine patches but decided they were too expensive as i was walking home from work minutes later he rode past me on his bike with a lit cigarettes in his mouth we had an angry drunk that came via ambulance from a city about 30 minutes away he left ama walked to the nearest motel used their phone and then called 911 hoping to be taken back to his city but he ended up back in our ed needless to say he left ama again a few minutes later when i was working in the hospital i had a patient who had a central line which is an intravenous line into a large vessel in his chest he went in a wheelchair with a friend of his to the parking lot where his friend injected his central line with he overdosed his friend pushed him into the elevator on the wheelchair and left him there he was found in the elevator unresponsive he was successfully resuscitated so that he could return to his life of substance abuse they don't always wait until they're out of the doors to do something stupid they'll have their friend sneak in drugs and shoot up on their bed addiction is a disease after all when my sister was about three she refused to leave somewhere can't remember and my parents were holding her and my sister went limp and popped her elbow out of place so they took her to the hospital and they fixed it i crap you not i'm not lying they second they opened the door and stepped outside she was already throwing a fit and went limp again the second they walked out and popped her wrist so they had to walk back inside and get it checked and while the nurse was trying to get her to sit still he accidentally popped out back and then they investigated your parents for being abusive lol not a hospital worker but when i was five i was visiting my grandpa in the hospital and when we left i was walking backwards talking to my mom i turned around and smacked my head against a parking sign had to immediately go back into the hospital to ask for some ice i imagined the nurses watching got a laugh out of that one my mom sure did i know someone who fell and broke the bone above the eye by hitting the door handle when her mother and brother were visiting her in the hospital she shared the entire experience in great detail which led to her brother feeling uneasy he tried to leave the room but fainted hit the door handle and broke the bone above the eye i work as a respiratory therapist so part of my job is to manage ventilated patients often they'll have patients who are in due to drug or alcohol overdose i remember one patient who had been intubated because they were found unconscious in their own vomit we had the person for about two weeks intubated to protect their airway while they detoxed long story short they finished detoxing left ama against medical advice went home and same day pounded a 2l bottle of vodka vomited aspirated and was found 45 minutes after and suffered an anoxic brain injury they were back in the iq same day intubated again and if they are still alive it's not without massive mental deficits happens often people go through the whole detox cycle just to repeat the same mistakes when i went through bariatric class the instructor told a story of someone who after surgery ate a burrito on the way home from the hospital they had to have another emergency surgery to fix the damage had a mom in the angry that we hadn't gotten to her daughter yet minor injury already trigged and needed to wait for others with serious issues she got so mad that she left with her kid stood outside our entrance and called 9-1-1 but the ambulance came about 10-15 minutes after it would have been their turn on to be seen would have been a grand total of 30-minute wait to see our dock had them take the kid to another hospital instead way to go mom of the year had a patient get an extensive and free to him surgery to fix the arm he messed up by injecting him into it he was motivated to stay clean since he went through such a big procedure he had to wait an extra two hours for discharge on his day to go home got pee had a full-on meltdown said he was going to go home and get freaked up he didn't want to stay clean anymore came back to the ed that night drunk as a skunk well at least he stayed off the end that night presumably not me but a former co-worker had a patient who snuck out to puff a crack pipe in the parking lot mid visit while they were busy with another patient got to the hospital with a heart attack decided to start a healthy life the next morning died in a hospital yard doing workout that's sad colon i had a patient leave ama one night at 2 a.m he said he was walking home he signed the papers and left i was busy so i didn't get around to the computer documentation and discharging from the system about two hours later the air called the floor and asked if we had had a patient my asserting name i told her he had left ama turns out he walked a few blocks and realized he couldn't go on and called an ambulance since he was never officially discharged he just came back to the floor and went back to bed my grandad was this person we had a family reunion trip to cancun mexico in 2015 if i recall correctly one of the days we were there we took a day trip to a cenote deep freshwater lake and did some touristy things one offset touristy things was a 30 feet cliff dive where you could get your picture taken as you leapt into the water my grandfather wanted to do it as it was a once in a lifetime opportunity he failed to tell us this before he did and it wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't had a quadruple bypass surgery just weeks before he did a fat belly flop it was admittedly pretty badass as soon as he bobbed to the surface and doggy paddled ashore his wife yelled at him on end while our poor confused spanish speaking tour guide paste around nervously grandfather was perfectly fine but he wasn't allowed to go swimming for the rest of the day i had a patient that had surgery to remove her intestinal polyps then went out and drank a bunch of liquor and began her more hitching blood customary not a hospital worker but my grandpa ranks up there in dumb crap he was in the hospital for lung cancer ended up being on oxygen and would stay on oxygen the rest of his life as soon as he left the hospital he pulled down his mask lit up a cigarette and started smoking personally i think that this says more about how addictive nicotine is versus how dumb your grandpa is you'd think he'd stop using the thing that's actively killing him but addiction is a strong pull we used to have this young guy come in frequently for diabetic ketoacidosis dka for those not in the know dka typically occurs with type 1 diabetics when their blood sugar for whatever reason goes out of control triggering a chain reaction in the body that if left untreated is fatal every time this guy came in he was extremely sick and practically knocking on death's door and he would do this every couple of months one night i headed into work but stopped at the lobby's tim hortons to grab a coffee ahead of me in line i see that same guy our eyes meet so i say hey they let you out today as i knew he had been admitted to my unit over the last few days yeah he says excitedly then he goes up to the counter and orders a sugary doughnut he literally chows down on it as he leaves and waves goodbye at me in my head i'm saying and thinking see you soon we haven't seen him in a long time though so i assume he's been doing better with his blood sugar control nowadays either he is doing better or a lot worse medical professionals have read it what was a time where a patient ignored you and almost died because of it i am a nurse and i had a very polite and lovely patient trying to remove all manner of chest tubes and ivs after a motorcycle accident he was obviously delirious from the pain meds and the head injury but very nice still i left him in the care of my co-worker for my lunch ten minutes into my lunch break i see him stagger past the break room door like something out of the walking dead trailing blood everywhere only to collapse out cold a couple of seconds later said he needed the bathroom idk how the frick he pulled his own chest tubes out removing them always makes me cringe let alone doing it to himself he was put back to bed this time in the aiku and got some more sedation and even though him ripping it all out set him back a couple of weeks he still discharged and came to say hi and thanks on the way out the happiest delirious patient i ever had what a bloody trooper had a post cardiac surgery patient get out of bed naked and walk up to the front desk demanding to talk to the charge don't remember why he unhooked his chest tubes from the suction surprisingly there was no bloody mess because he actually clamped them off when asked about it later he said well i thought about pulling them out but it seemed like a bad idea had a throat cancer patient we offered him surgery to remove the tumor it was a fairly conservative surgery he left because he didn't want a mutilating surgery and his daughter-in-law had been studying magnet therapy and she was quite good with it his words he came back a year later and was out of reach from any treatment his cancer was so advanced that there was nothing we could do for him patient came in with syncope and general malaise found out she had a tiny patch of skin cancer on her ear which she hadn't treated in over a year because she wanted to go to a different hospital to have it removed and just hadn't found the time it metastasized to her brain and i think other places they gave her five months maximum we had a college student come into the year and had a wonderful case of appendicitis he needed to get surgery asap as surgery is way easier and safer if done before it ruptures he called his parents to let them know and they told him to refuse because he had a test up coming in the week and they didn't want him to miss it he left the air against medical advice while we were all telling him that if your appendicitis gets worse and ruptures it can definitely lead to death the kid luckily comes back about 10 hours later after it ruptured he gets the emergency surgery and the amount of time he got to spend in the hospital probably doubled holy those parents are beyond stupid had a repeat patient not quite frequent flyer status as a medic that would always call for a severe allergic reaction to shellfish every other month or so she had always had the allergy and knew her reactions were getting worse after a year six or seven calls of the silliness my crew and i stayed in the hospital with her and talked at length about the situation since she'd always stay mum about how it kept happening she told us she comes from a patriarchal culture and her father made this amazing seafood soup if she didn't eat it and force her body not to reject his gift to the family she would lose her car phone or whatever punishment her father deemed necessary we pleaded with her to do whatever it took to show him it was deadly and carry her ep pens with her fast forward a few years when i altered court into nursing and joined that uh saw a familiar bloated face turns out she had gone off to college in another state and hadn't been home for a while but had visited her folks for a holiday of course she had the soup and despite hitting herself with the ep pen when her throat started tightening the reaction continued her mum who i had never seen before told me she tried to eat it fast and rushed to the bathroom where she was found on the floor the medics couldn't tube her in the field so tried medical management until they could drive her to horror doc performed a tracheotomy at the bedside and she went to the aiku took a week for her to recover and i was told by the iq nurses that her father finally got it that her allergy was a real medical condition ro poor woman hopefully the father actually did get it because that is bulls shellfish allergies are severe we had a mom and the niku who would constantly kiss her premature baby on the mouth several nurses educated her around why that's not safe for the baby and thankfully documented their teachings this was during cold and flu season and became even more concerning when the mother was coming in with cold like symptoms coughing sneezing and obvious congestion she still continued to kiss the baby right on the mouth the baby was almost ready to go home by this time but got extremely sick the baby ended up on a ventilator and had quite the extended stay with many many close calls animal hospital professional at least once a week we have to raise suture upper spay because the owners don't want to keep the cone on their dog cat and let them tear up their surgical site their organs are right there keep the dank cone on i don't care how sad luna is with it on then they yell at me because it costs money to sedate and race suture an animal pet owners are some of the worst in that way good owners are great but those ones that buy an animal for the aesthetic are terrible i've read that the most common reason for a surgery to be rape performed is the patient not following doctor's orders during recovery doctor says don't ride your bicycle for six weeks patient ears don't ride your bicycle until you feel you can patient came to see me having a stroke due to a blocked brain artery i'd activated the code stroke team everyone was ready in the theater to get the clot out of her artery nurses anesthetist technician [ __ ] 42 insisted on updating her facebook status and checking in before allowing me to treat her wasted three five minutes and six ten million brain cells if she had that minute to start with winner of the wtf award for me didn't die but did lose an eye as a result young kid 20 with bad diabetic retinopathy from uncontrolled dm type 1 had eye surgery to remove blood and scar tissue from inside the eye we told him to take it easy for a few weeks he went to six flags roller coasters are bad retina completely detached i got soft and painful had to be removed i got soft no please don't get up on your own then he gets up on him and pulls out line going into jugular that leads directly to the heart and proceeds to bleed all over everything until he pass out and almost dies again no no no no no one time at the va after adult circumcision do not have sex or masturbate for six weeks decided to masturbate the next day all stitches tore when i was in medical school had a gentleman in his late 60s come in for chest pain found to have a large heart attack very impressive steamy and lad by ekg refused emergent cardiac catheterization go through the arteries and put a stent to open up the vessel of the heart so he could bring his car home and planned on taking an ambulance back to the hospital he was in the parking ramp and it cost 20 day to park came back by ambulance in full arrest no pulse and died doc had to call his son and explain what happened he was like yeah that sounds like dad he has always been cheap obviously what happened wasn't worth saving the 20 but that seems like really expensive parking friend told me a slightly overweight homeless woman was shooting in her butt and the spot was necrotic she came in with sepsis and somehow standing and talking with what he could only describe to me as near full body organ failure they stabilize her somehow she survives but is now missing half and but he said two years later she came back with her foot now rotting off from shooting in between her toes and on her ankle same condition etc just now the leg they amputate and he says somehow she survives again except two weeks later she is pushed back in on a wheelchair drooling and nearly dead from overdose i put an aiku son comes to visit her at this point the hospital staff and my friend know her by name by the multiple visits she hasn't seen her son in nearly a decade he convinces her to promise to try to clean up for her grandchildren less than 24 hours later she od's again inside the hospital bathroom somehow having snuck her kitten nobody knows how friends said she was on the toilet with the needle in her arm still warm but very very dead comma snuck her kitten nobody knows how probably in that hollow spot where her butt used to be that's what i'd do not necessarily the patient but the caretakers at the facility where the patient was living i used to visit different board and lodge facilities for adults with mental illnesses and meet with clients to discuss their mental health help them set up job interviews therapy sessions and help them set up their medications for the week if they were unable to do it themselves most of these facilities were places for people who had left the hospital and were deemed independent and stable enough to have the freedom to come and go as they pleased in a shared living situation much like a dorm despite having a place to stay and food provided they were usually pretty poorly supervised by the mental health staff workers there i often hated these places because while they were ideal for some people who were truly getting back on their feet and thrived off being able to live a semi-normal independent life they were way too lacks for many of the sicker more isolating patients who were not at all well and slipping under the radar some of this included them not taking their medication as directed which was one of the requirements for keeping their housing but unfortunately it was not strictly enforced there was one man who had paranoid schizophrenia who was extremely quiet and kept to himself i had met with him a few times and he seemed to be going downhill in his appearance and general mood i spoke with his doctor and urged the facility staff to closely monitor him and his medication intake as i saw in his logs that he often skipped coming in to get his medication at all i was told that they were going to be sitting down with him to remind him of his living agreement and that he had 30 days before losing his housing if he wasn't med compliant i was also told that his psychiatrist was aware and they may be sending him back to the hospital that week apparently this never happened and he went out into the community and acquired a knife and used it to slice up his roommate while his roommate slept he carved him from mouth to ear and stabbed him in the stomach several times the man survived the attack but the man who had gone off his medication claimed he was being poisoned by his roommate through the window ac unit if for anyone with a violent incident like that on their medical report it is incredibly unlikely he will ever be able to find a better rehabilitation house ever again that will accept him the system basically screwed over two people that day as the man who was hurt was already there for ptsd and as you can imagine it not only scarred him physically for life but exacerbated his illness with more trauma that is terrible negligence created two victims and made them worse off that is one of the worst stories on here i doctor here i had a patient who came in and on evaluation i determined that her diabetes was out of control by the look of her retinas which required immediate intervention i sent her straight to the retina specialist who then scheduled her for and all she decided that day not to go in because she had work and couldn't afford to take off she was cleaning houses and the sprays made her sneeze causing massive hemorrhaging in her eyes due to the weakened vascular state from the diabetes but she went immediately blind and got into emergency surgery that day it took months of recovery and injections to reverse some damage and she now years later has functional vision again her kidneys were also failing her and she had no idea this kicked off a massive lifestyle change and a chain of doctors appointments that saved her life all starting from an eye exam patient was supposed to have starved for eight hours for her morning scheduled breast surgery during the procedure she regurgitated what can only be described as a full partially digested english breakfast with identifiable sausages egg beans and possibly black pudding up into her unprotected airway and attempted to inhale the lot managed to prevent the majority of it going down but she needed hdu care for a day or so for her lungs to recover from the stomach acid i used to work for a surgery center and the amount of morons who did this was astounding there's a freaking reason you are told not to eat drink eight hours prior to surgery they have no idea about aspiration when i'm told the eight-hour rule i fast for over 12 hours i dang well make sure there is nothing in my system to frick me up emt paramedic student here so we had a patient who was morbidly obese and couldn't get out of his house he decides after about four days of uncontrolled chest pain to call it in while we get there and find evidence of several mis but refuses care and wants us to leave about 45 minutes later we get a call from the building he lived in and we got there and it was him and full-blown cardiac arrest this man was so obese that we couldn't get him through the door and had to knock out a wall and lift him down off the second story with a lift all the while me and my paramedic lead were bagging him through an e.t tube lots of firsts on that call first et2 by putin and first io is ever seen done in the field [Music] but whole patient on a centrimag basically a hard pump with hoses that draw blood from your heart into a pump next to the bed and brings the blood back to the heart through a different hose as you could imagine there is little room for movement since they could dislodge and you'd have blood squirting inside your body or outside this guy was adam and he had to sleep face down well he did and then he died i would want the completely strapped down and anchored to the floor option i'm on dialysis and one of the nurses told me about patients that after kidney transplants just will stop taking their anti rejection meds after a few years because they think they don't need it anymore and it's really frustrating for them nurses because the patients just ruined a donor kidney my mother-in-law has been on dialysis for a while now awaiting her new kidney problem with this is that she smoked about nine ten cigarettes a day now she is only down to four cigarettes two joints of weed and her vape she is never getting her donor kidney and she will probably be dead in the next year only thing is that she makes all her dialysis appointments and takes all her meds religiously i had the snip and my doctor told me to take a week off wear tight-fitting underpants and not lift anything heavier than a cup of tea i did exactly that and had no problems my best mate thought that was all nonsense and went back to fitting kitchens the day after his vasectomy and the day after that he was in hospital with a testicle the size of a coconut not a doctor have worked in addictions field too many clients have died or will die because despite the repeated warnings from their doctor that they have almost no liver function or that what they're drinking is giving them all sorts of brain damage they continue to drink hard but a lot of these guys feel like they have nothing to live for but the bottle it's really heartbreaking this would be my father-in-law at this point the alcohol is just slow working poison that is eating away at his body not a professional but a patient who got scared by their doctor i had my second c-section my surgeon had to leave before i could be discharged so the other surgeon have me my discharge orders he'd just come back from having to resew a woman's abdomen back together because she decided to stand up and pick up a five-year-old the day she left the hospital well he let me know under no uncertain terms that i had better not pick up anything over eight pounds or stand up while holding anything or we'd have words man he was scary but he'd also had to push this women's guts back in and see her terrified child covered in his mom's blood so anyway i did not pick up anything heavier than my child for two weeks until they said i could he also told me husband all about not having sex and he shouldn't even talk to me about it for three months sounds like a competent doctor i'd follow that advice patient had vague abdominal symptoms and i recommended a ct scan he refused cause he was afraid of radiation he also refused colonoscopy so all we could do was an ultrasound which found nothing cause he was fat and abdominal ultrasound is a crappy examination anyway a year later he was admitted again and this time he couldn't refuse a ct where we found a massive colon cancer he's probably dead now my ex's dad refused to go to the doctor when he hadn't taken a crap for over two freaking weeks when he eventually went they shockingly found a big old tumor obstructing his bowl it turned out to be benign but there was so much crap backed up in there the doctors said it was basically a miracle his colon didn't rupture and kill him with skeptic shock had a patient signed out by another a doc at shift change pending chest x-ray cxr showed aortic dissection this guy should have been dead already being a small hospital level three trauma center in the middle of nowhere we call the closest level one for a transfer ambulance shows up for transfer and the guy decides he's not going he's got enemies in that city and they'll kill him after a standoff in the hallway involving security police emts multiple docks nurses and a very scared scribe me the guy a very large man gets on board with the plan and decides not to leave ama later we find out from emts he tried to jump out of the ambulance and route to the other hospital once he arrived he left ama no clue what happened to him after but dang the dissection was insane sounds like you were the side character to someone's movie character i wasn't there that day but we had a patient who had been non-compliant with his leg pumps these inflatable velcro things that forced blood to continue circulating so that clots don't form in the legs he didn't want to wear them and he had the right to refuse so we couldn't force him lo and behold when therapy finally got him up to walk the halls he immediately keeled over from a massive heart attack they coded him right there on the floor and got him back but he passed later that night i just can't comprehend this one those leg compressors aren't uncomfortable i actually think they feel kinda like a leg massage what an idiot my dad tells a story of a morbidly obese woman who came into his clinic and after an exam told her simply if you don't make drastic changes to your lifestyle and diet and start losing weight you are going to die she was dead within the week her family tried to sue because my dad was clearly a witch doctor and cursed her to death it was sad all around this is an interesting cultural thing that we talked about when i was in nursing school some cultures like traditional native americans or haitian cultures believe that if you tell them that they could die from their disease then that's basically like you're wishing death upon that person that sucks that your dad was accused of that once i was the only doctor on duty in a rural village with diminished medical supplies the village is called shanafire and lies in the desert southern iraq a four years old child came to what was supposed to be with diarrhea and some dehydration they didn't have tab water and they drink from a nearby river directly that is from what i gathered it seemed that the child had cholera cholera has some unique reputation in medicine that i will skip here for the sake of your appetite i strongly urge his father to keep him longer for observation but he refused a few hours later he came back and the child was very ill and severely dehydrated he was as we described such case medically drowsy he looked like a rotten wooden doll with the sunken eyes of an old man i couldn't get an iv access an accessible vein for fluids and didn't have a central line set i had to cannulate one of the large veins of his neck and he barely made it cholera wasn't endemic not usually seen there so i had to make some calls and provide some samples to be tested about 200 miles away and send the child with an ambulance after he was stable the father and his son came back a couple of weeks later to visit i gave him some chlorine tablets and cookies for the kids awesome job man i was assistant manager of a group home we had a resident who had epilepsy and was also very reclusive he would get agitated if we came in his room or even knocked on the door however policy said he had to be checked on every 30 minutes because of his seizure risk that wasn't being done so i brought this up to the manager she said she was aware but it was okay to bend the rules because he would get really upset when we checked in on him i really wasn't comfortable with her answer but i was young and assumed she knew better than me when i was on duty i checked on him every 30 minutes and he would yell at me but i didn't let it bother me about six months later after i had been reassigned to another group home he had a seizure alone in his room and was found dead a day later now i'm older and a little smarter when i find a problem like this i stick with it don't let people talk me out of it not again rest in peace d gone but not forgotten omg i'm currently a pediatric neuro nurse so 75 of my patients are kids with epilepsy i wish more people would take seizures more seriously i'm constantly trying to educate parents about the risks and so many of them are so non-challenged about the condition i was working on a general medsurg unit as a new nurse an elderly diabetic patient ran over her second toe with the bedside table and the nail was ripped off she was incredibly mean and didn't want anyone touching her or talking to her i tried to explain the severity of her injury especially because she was an uncontrolled diabetic and already had compromised circulation to her feet she still refused to let me treat the wound she also refused care from the physician there was really nothing we could do more than a gentle cleansing with antibiotic ointment and sterile dressings which she eventually relented too she was refusing everything and not demented or disoriented so we had to respect her wishes she had overall poor hygiene and days later still refused more than just the bare minimum care she came back to the hospital about two months later with an amputated leg that toe was gangrenous and everything below the knee had to go the doc told her she likely would have been fine if she didn't refuse treatment after her amputation she again tried to refuse care we did what we had to do and eventually she was discharged back to the nursing home she came from she sabotaged her own healing several times by introducing infection to her wounds because of neglect and carelessness i saw her obituary in the newspaper a few weeks later sounds like she was actively trying to die but still in a passive way like a suicide you can claim to not be suicide nurse paramedic here frequently went to a patient's home for a shortness of breath call she was always smoking while receiving supplemental oxygen which is quite dangerous i told her to stop doing it a few weeks later she burned her house down and nearly died of third-degree facial burns after continuing to smoke while on oxygen had a patient who was npo not allowed to eat because he had a bowel obstruction he didn't like that we weren't feeding him so unbeknownst to the nurses he called up papa john's and ordered some garlic knots he ate the entire box then predictably he vomited them up aspirated his vomit went into respiratory arrest and coded we did cpr and got him back he had some underlying lung issues so we never could get him weaned off the ventilator he spent a month in the aiku and was eventually discharged to a long-term care facility with a tracheostomy on the vent i'm not a medical professional but i used to get allergy injections to build up my immune system because of the crazy amount of allergies i had i would get these injections every week and i was instructed by my family doctor and the allergist to wait in the waiting room 30 minutes after the injection in case i received a reaction well one day i decided i didn't want to wait anymore also because it had been a few months without a reaction and left immediately after my appointment i went into anaphylactic shock not even 10 minutes later it was crazy because i didn't even know what was happening at first and didn't even know how to use an ep pen my wife is a labor and delivery nurse when a baby is born they give it some vitamin that the baby can't produce itself for the first six months of its life or something like that i think it's vitamin k to help with blood clotting it's potentially lethal if the baby doesn't get this obviously as they can bleed out internally well one mother didn't want their kid getting vitamin k cause antivaxxer baby ended up dying in the nicu no way to know if the lack of vitamin k contributed to the death or not but i think most medical professionals would point to it being part of the reason the baby died it is vitamin k which is produced by gut bacteria babies have sterile guts until they start nursing feeding serious medical professionals have read it have you ever successfully changed an anti-vaxxer's mind how i did once saw her ate mo old india with a chronic cough spent a while with mom talking about what pertussis actually looks like and why there is a vaccine for it she agreed to get her child vaccinated at the end of the talk i listened to a great lecture once where the speaker said that people aren't afraid of the diseases anymore because they don't see them they see autism and that's concrete they can't describe tetanus or pertussis so they don't fear them that's why they refuse vaccines good food for thought i had a video of a baby suffering from whopping cough it is a truly awful thing to see but i invited mum to watch she agreed to every single immunization available i pointed out to a co-worker who was on the fence that the only reason her kid had such a good chance of surviving childhood in the first place was that generations of parents before her assumed the risks associated with far less developed vaccines i suggested that she owed them all a great debt and that she should really consider paying it forward that's a really amazing way to look at it we humans have to work together generation after generation i do private duty nursing i convinced a family to vaccinate their toddler one i understand you're worried because your daughter has a history of a compromised immune system that is a good and valid worry to have two the pediatrician is saying it's okay to have her vaccinated now three were having a measles outbreak which would kill her for your daughter won't get autism if she didn't get autism from the thing they wrongly blame her disability on then she definitely won't get it from something as simple as a vaccine it took a heavy hitter to give her a bad reaction this is kids play for her strength and fortitude bam shorts done wasn't me in partial but we had a dad bring his two-year-old son into emergency three times in one week because he was having trouble breathing i saw them their first and third visit after the third visit dad says that's it i don't care what your mom says we getting you vaccinated poor little guy was only two and got whooping oof but i bet he's better now some sad encounters i had were parents who had not vaccinated their children when they were babies but now the parents needed government assistance and to get child care or other funding in australia your children must be vaccinated and so they decided money was a good enough incentive to give up their anti-vaxxing beliefs this in itself isn't the saddest part it was then being responsible for having to vaccinate children with multiple injections at multiple visits at an age where they understood pain enough to create a negative association with doctors and nurses and vaccinations i do see australia's vaccine requirement for families with kids seeking government assistance as a good thing you'd be surprised by how fast someone will give up a genuine belief when there's money at stake i had my son at 17 years old he ended up having autism my doctor told me it could be from his first set of immunizations i was young and believed her since you know she was a doctor i'm embarrassed to say i was an anti-vaxxer till i decided to do my own research and couldn't find a reliable article of evidence to prove that immunizations caused autism in my son i believe it was genetics as autism runs in my family i'm actually p that a doctor made such an impression on me that i look like a fool for 15 years i'm 33 now and i'm not an anti-vaxxer any longer the fact that your doctor told you that is mind-boggling she should have her license removed farmed here i do a lot of health education with my patients there's some great info here and my post likely won't be seen but i'm happy to add if it helps anyone here are my tenants for the vaccine discussion be respectful and patient empathize with their concerns 99 of them aren't malicious they are just trying to do what's right for their kids they acknowledge the fact that nothing in medicine is ever 100 harmless my line is anything that has an effect will have a side effect in someone at some point provide examples of vaccine safety and disease harm both from studies and your own experiences the latter is not as objective but some people connect very well to it understand that it will likely take time to get them to come around if they do many have no interest in changing their mind i also encourage my colleagues to read up on why people believe in pseudoscience and how these beliefs often tie into people's own identities and how they view themselves it's a big reason why these conversations are so difficult this post ended up being a lot longer than i anticipated the useful info is above feel free to ignore the bottom portion just some ramblings of a pharmacist who gets really worked up by this sort of thing the whole process can be time consuming and time is a rare resource in health care these days but if you can do it it's very worth it many healthcare providers are discouraged because the tide of fake news in medicine seems unstoppable especially with quack professions getting recognition by governments and exacerbating people's paranoia my best success story was a woman who at first didn't even want her child admitted to the hospital had some serious fears that he'd be harmed and wanted him to be managed by his naturopath instead every time we wanted to add or change therapy myself for the md sometimes both of us would have to talk to her and review what we're doing and what our plan was and whether we had a backup plan for x y or zed the child unfortunately had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks but during those weeks and through education by almost everyone on our team we started hitting multiple milestones with her coming to accept the food intolerance tests the naturopath had ordered were meaningless homeopathic preparations are at most no more effective than placebos and at worst dangerous dt contamination antibiotics will not negatively suppress his immune system vaccines are effective vaccines do not cause autism i was thrilled when we hit this one i took care of a patient to his super conspiracy theory i asked him why we would bother putting microchips in the flu vaccines when we already know what he's doing based off his facebook instagram and other various social networking accounts for his conspiracy theories i was able to tell him what he had for lunch within 30 seconds on my work computer by googling for his conspiracy theory account well crap i guess that does make sense go ahead and start me up fresh god this is great he's terrified of being spied on yet literally gives away all his details anyways i'm glad you were able to bring him around and i hope it gave him reason to reconsider his social media habits i have never seen a true anti-vaxxer in the sense it is used today anti-mmr dap etc but i have seen many people who did not understand how the yearly flu vaccine worked most of them were people who had gotten the vaccine in the past and still got the flu thinking the vaccine gave them the flu i took the time to educate them about the vaccine and the 0 chance of getting the flu from the vaccine once they understood they could possibly get the flu even if vaccinated but that the chances were much lower most would get the vaccine not to mention that neurovirus stomach flu circulates at the same time and is very often mistaken for influenza no you didn't get the flu shot then got the flu you've got a totally different virus i have changed many on the fence vaxxer's minds antivaxxers are a whole other breed on the fences can be swayed with reputable sources and studies i once had an anti-vaxxer completely go off on me simply for asking if her tetanus shot was up to date she started accusing me of conspiring with big pharma to push deadly toxins on her just so i could make a profit i calmly looked at her and asked if she thought i was such an evil person why would she assume i would stop at vaccines i mean it would be just as easy to push toxins through pills or any number of other medical treatments for a moment you could see the hamster wheel turning in her head then after a brief tantrum filled with quite foul language she promptly walked out when asking about changing an anti-vaxxer's this might not be the direction you were hoping for i was able to once this woman was anti-vaxxed because her daughter had gotten reactions from the vaccines on more than one occasion and that led her to believe that all vaccines were bad as it turns out the girl had a rare condition that caused her to react badly to vaccines i was able to explain to the mother that rather than trying to remove vaccines she should be advocating for them as her daughter falls under the group that requires herd immunity i told her that her daughter would be exempt from vaccines due to medical necessity and that she would now depend on the protection of the vaccinated the mom was able to understand my points and is now on the provac's side when i was a medical student i met a pediatrician who was missing most of her fingers and toes she had gotten the flu when she was younger and had gotten so septic that her body shut down blood flow to her extremities and her fingers and toes died and had to be surgically removed she said that after sharing that story most of her anti-vaxxers change their mind medical student in the united states here it all depends on where they fall on the anti-vaccination spectrum if a patient or parent is misinformed but willing to discuss it's not too difficult to have an open dialogue and try to ease their concerns about vaccination if they're a little more firm in their position it's much more difficult to provide recommendations ultimately it comes down to respecting the patient and earning their trust rather than spewing facts at them i've had the most success when i provide personal anecdotes for instance my father required a bone marrow transplant a number of years ago and was unable to receive any vaccines afterwards due to his weakened immune system if he came into contact with an unvaccinated individual that carried a disease that we prevent with vaccines he could have contracted the disease i was able to connect with an anti-vaxx parent in a similar situation and convince her to get her kids vaccinated it's rare to have success but it does happen especially when you have the time to foster a relationship built on mutual respect similar to others started by acknowledging that they were concerned given all the misinformation but careful to not suggest there is any merit in the current anti-vaxx argument led with the history irony of wakefield i.e how he forged data and was paid the exact behavior that anti-vaxxers hate and used to support their conspiracy about the big pharma medicine machine shared facts about vaccine safety show them the autism speaks statement that clearly states there are no valid data to suggest an association between autism and immunizations shared stories of actual patients who suffered major consequences from acquiring a vaccine preventable illness it took a lot of time i'm a subspecialist though and it was especially important for the child to be immunized given their other diseases but bottom line is that it's especially important for everyone to be immunized who doesn't have a medical contraindication yes but unfortunately it wasn't until i was involved in her infants care while he was suffering from pertussis contracted from her older children her baby was coughing so hard he wasn't able to breathe and had to be placed on supplemental oxygen and she asked me if it was her fault we had a talk and i feel like i changed her mind who knows if it stuck though yes the mother of a 13 month old who was hospitalized last night in fact the funny thing is the kid was up to date on all immunizations through six months then mom's friends convinced her that shots were dangerous and she stopped allowing his pediatrician's office to give them after that i think seeing her son in a hospital bed must have given way to a moment of clarity because after we just gently explained that without vaccines her child could very well end up in the hospital again she pulled a 180 and agreed to get him on the catch-up schedule prior to discharge no lectures or guilting necessary sometimes people can make irrational decisions based on fear i think most anti-vaxxers genuinely believe they are acting in their children's best interest even if that puts them at odds with the overwhelming majority of the medical community but in this case coming face to face with a different sort of fear actually sets things right okay can someone explain the vaccine shading thing to me like recently vaccinated people aren't allowed around cancer patients etc is that true someone on my fb is an anti-vaxx person and the only thing i can't dispute that thief shared is the shedding thing because i don't understand it is shedding an actual thing keep in mind even intelligent people are susceptible to common misconceptions i have an incredibly intelligent family and even still some of them think getting a vaccine equals getting sick for a short time i've had to explain how flu vaccines contain a deactivated flu virus and remind them that the reason a lot of people get flu symptoms around the time of a flu vaccine is because when do people get flu vaccines the most flu season as someone who has been diagnosed with high functioning autism it really doesn't affect me in my day-to-day life so it makes me sad that people would rather have a dear child than an autistic one but then again people who think lol should probably not be parents yes aim but it makes me p not sad i'm not sure i completely count it as changing someone's mind but i have a patient that is about 12 who got her first vaccine last year every year we talk about risks and benefits of vaccines and which ones make the most sense to do next i think some other providers might have understandably approach this family with frustration or anger for waiting until age 11 for the first vaccine but instead i've partnered with them and worked with them and she just finished her mmr series and is about to get her next tetanus booster baby steps are worth it in the end run i've thanked parents with entrusting their children in my care and then told them that vaccines are absolutely the most important thing that i do as a pediatrician so if they trust me they got to know this [Music] nurse here short answer no the sickest kid i've ever taken care of was only 18 months old when he became ill very quickly but we did an emergency intubation while we tried to figure out what was going on turns out the kid wasn't vaccinated we were trying to figure out if he'd been exposed to anything recently that would have made him susceptible mum's walls went up as soon as we asked if he was up to date on vaccinations number and we're not vaccinating so don't waste your breath this is her child laid there too weak to breathe on his own i threw up my hands and walked away there's no talking sense into people not really i've nearly gotten through to one of my friends but after consulting with her facebook group she doubled down on her beliefs it's a shame too because i did everything right cause everything on facebook is true s you really can't fix stupid but years ago my mother was going to intentionally expose my brother to chickenpox to get it over with but our awesome pediatrician stopped her with this you know the most kids i have to hospitalize in my practice for complications from chickenpox they get staph from the open sores then quickly turn septic stopped mom in her tracks and this was in the 70s we also have a cousin that contracted polio in the late 50s early 60s did we vaccinate the vaccine for chickenpox didn't exist in the 70s it's barely been a decade since it was available if i recall correctly and i think the logic for exposing kids to it was that it was marginally safer than risking them catching it when they were older i'm not sure you can say i changed it her kiddo got the flu and it was really bad hospital bad she got the rest of the family vaccinated after that didn't go for all the shots but we did negotiate her into the flu mmr and varicella i want to say hip and hep and b as well i'm an office administrator in a clinic that bills itself as vaccine friendly we take patients who are all across the spectrum from those who want the cdc schedule to parents who are militant anti-vaxx i really had to do a lot of soul searching before taking my job because i love science and facts and it's pretty well known that hardcore anti-vaxxers are pretty nutty however the providers that i work with really change my mind they all firmly believe in vaccines and the cdc schedule but what they realized is that a large majority of people are really on the fence they get confused and overwhelmed at all the misinformation that's out there and being told that you're just not smart enough to understand the study i'm a doctor so you'll do what i say or get out isn't always a successful way to win people over these parents are just trying to do what's best for their kids they want someone who is willing to listen to them and address their fears without making them feel small and stupid i can also see the value of taking children who aren't vaccinated when you see all these notices posted by doctors offices stating that they will refuse care to those who aren't properly immunized you are not going to win over those patients and in case of an illness the parents will either refuse to seek any treatment or will go to someone who has no business treating them like a chiropractor or homeopath everyone who brings their children into the office understands the risks they assume if you want an office that's strict about vaccines that's awesome but children shouldn't be denied care because their parents make dumb decisions i've found polio supporters to be about even with flat earthers when it comes to looking at opposing evidence with an open mind in other words fingers and ears humming loudly and occasionally punching themselves in the nuts hoping to black out from paint so they won't have to hear it i met one of them iral i was just finishing my degree in public health and we struck up a conversation it was a mother and daughter her daughter was very bright bill had bought the antivax crap hook line and sinker she wasn't vaccinated the mother said she knew someone who had had a vaccine injury most tentative asksas have moved the goalposts and don't think they cause autism anymore i talked with her for probably an hour or two about the safety of vaccines why they're important childhood diseases and how it's not just for you but to protect the people around you i told them about my experience of getting the flu even after being vaccinated and why that happened basically i was vaccinated against the current strain of american flu going around so i wasn't protected from the english strain of flu they actually listened and seemed interested in what i had to say i like to hope that i at least push them in the direction of talking to their doctor they seemed at least somewhat convinced i don't know if they ever got to come to jesus moment but i sure hope so it seemed like they were most convinced by the idea of herd immunity that because some people can't be vaccinated for medical reasons you getting vaccinated protects them yes all the time by treating them kindly going over risks and benefits while at the same time wanting to scream ah and addressing their concerns which is the hardest part more success with the flu shot than anything else but i've been successful with others nope in their minds i am part of an evil system paid to keep them sick stupid people are stupid and you can't sign someone out of ignorance they didn't use science to get themselves into my daughter was supposed to get the mumps vaccine on a wednesday at one week i had work so i rescheduled for friday or the same week wednesday i come home and see her with symptoms of mumps i'm just a nurse so i can't diagnose but it was almost definitely mumps my wife has several friends who doubt vaccines but after what happened to my daughter none of us took any chances with vaccines heck i would even give her the flu shot myself if it was legal well i'm not a medic currently studying aerospace engineering in italy sorry for my english but i successfully changed the mind of an anti-vaxxer his main thesis was if we don't have huge problems with for example hepatitis why have i to vax my kid i'm started from introducing the survivorship bias i didn't really studied it but i know the sense of it basically during the world war one there was an engineer that was engaged to enhance those wooden aircrafts they were looking at bullet holes on aircrafts returning from battles he decided to enhance areas with holes with better materials the problem was that if an aircraft can return from a battle even with those areas ruined they don't really need to be enhanced because they are not vital they had to entrance the areas that on returned aircrafts was intact they returned because those areas wasn't hitted by bullets this example of influence is pretty common in statistics sometimes we're going to consider only one part of data making huge decisions while we're not considering others at all so if we didn't has hepatitis epidemies in last years it's not because nowadays it doesn't exist but because humanity learned enough about it and know how to prevent hundreds of thousands of victims and the cost of prevention is to vax your kid even if the statistics is talking about one dead in a million you're not going to consider that maybe this one dead was the only one without the vaccine giving you the probability of 100 of mortality if not vaccinated to btw ours discussion was long about two hours can't write a book on reddit generally you don't change the antivaxxes mind their child does when they come in on life support because they didn't want chemicals harming their child in the form of the pertussis vaccine then they realized too late that the diseases are far worse than they realized and the amount of chemicals going into their system just to keep them alive and everything is awful although some still don't change their mind like the kid who recently had tetanus in oregon which doesn't cause you to develop immunity the parent stood by their choice i guess technically this counts i'm a pharmacist and i will post anti-anti-vaxx stuff to my facebook feed occasionally after a while of this i was talking to a friend and she said that she used to be anti-vaxxed but my posts and those of other friends on the same subject had changed her mind doctors nurses and hospital staff of redit what are your experiences funny sad horrible with people waking from anesthesia nsw a patient woke up from his wisdom tooth removal begging the doctor to let him be david bowie but the doctor actually asked how that was supposed to happen and the answer was that it would be fantastic he then sang a pitch perfect rendition of space oddity in an admirable bowie impression p himself and passed out had a patient in foreign endoscopy as a matter of course we place a speculum think bull gag but a metal ring instead of a ball in the mouth through which to pass the scope so the patient doesn't bite the scope once they are under we typically place it right at induction of anaesthesia this patient had the presence of mind to ask us what the safe word was before he lost consciousness as we placed the speculum one of the rare times the whole or erupted in laughter well at least we know he's prudent [Music] i once had a patient start totally trashing her sister telling me how she has always been the black sheep of the family is a scumbag and wants to bang her husband she's just going off and sitting in the doorway with the sister the only one there to support her after surgery you could tell it was crushing for her this was probably an hour after the patient left paku conscious but still pretty whacked out yikes i had a patient pet an invisible kitty that was named after me the next day was completely with it and was wondering what happened to that kitty i think the patient wanted you to sit in their lap so they could pet you i'm an anesthesia student currently doing my clinical rotations and i had an old guy wake up and the first thing he asked was do i still have my balls and i told him yep both of them and he said both or you guys are great i like to imagine he only had one ball and was thrilled to hear that you gave him a new one not a hospital staff but my great-grandfather had surgery one time and i was in the room when he woke up he was a world war ii veteran and was convinced that he was in a nazi pow camp he recognized me and told me i had to help him escape by killing the guards nurses because he knew i knew how to kill people i was 16 obviously a train caller when the nurse came in he was calm and kept motioning with his head at her to me and finally looked at me and said kill her now she always came back with another male nurse after that nurse here this really big hairy turkish guy whom i've never met before told me how much he loved me and that he wanted to kiss me i'm male btw he wanted to kiss you my father-in-law was in a car accident that shattered his face several vertebrae and his pelvis this isn't so much a story about what he said but what he did he was in a coma for three weeks and had to be heavily restrained when coming out of it he was a marine in vietnam he was captured and escaped and he still hated being restrained my wife went to visit hom on a sunday and the doctors told her that tomorrow he was going to be the first patient to use a new 30 000 restraint system that would cause him less discomfort on monday afternoon she visited again and he was in the same restraints as before my wife asked and the nurse explained that he destroyed it restrained system it lasted less than an hour it wasn't salvageable that's a bad butt right there not the doctor or the nurse i had a lot of ear infections when i was younger and my final time i was about seven i woke up to the rugrats on a tv in the room i hated the rugrats at the time cue the following conversation me why are the rugrats on doctor you woke up earlier and said you wanted us to put on the rugrats we asked why and you said that you hated the rugrats and wanted to watch it so you could be angry me why did i want to be angry doctor you said you wanted to be angry because you don't like being so happy all the time told to me by my wife confirmed by the nurse i was in bed hospital room waiting for surgery they already gave me meds to calm me but they knocked me out two nurses coming to move me to a gurney but they were small and i'm big they can't move me over my wife came over and poked me in the ribs saying you're snoring roll over and i rolled right onto the gurney your wife is brilliant went straight from the air to surgery to put a plate in my badly broken arm so i hadn't been on a ward etc prior to the operation it came out of surgery and recovery and was being pushed in a hospital bed to award we turned into a ward and it was full of elderly people i was in my early twenties i turned to the hospital porter pushing me and shouted sorry we seem to have taken a wrong turn we're in the morgue mumfo i hope they didn't hear you my first memory when waking up from shoulder surgery was a somewhat panicked nurse rummaging through the blankets at the bottom of my bed repeatedly muttering where are his legs where are his legs i always cross my legs when i sit lay down and apparently i must have done this as i was initially coming off the anesthesia it freaked me out for a second but then i processed what was going on the nurse seemed relieved when i mumbled their right hair and nearly kicked her in the face when i extended my legs what an odd thing to be saying out loud patient checking in i was 18 and just had my appendix removed my mum was at my bedside i wake up and more pain from the operation than the appendicitis and even worse my balls are itchy i'm wearing a hospital gown and i'm out of it so i put my hand on my stomach and run it down to my skin so i can scratch my balls obviously not wearing underwear and my hand runs down an excess of smooth skin then suddenly i'm touching my goods i rummage around and come to the conclusion that someone has shaved my pubies no one told me this would happen i was livid it's the hype of visiting ours and i'm shouting in my broad scottish accent awww mum they've shaved my pubies i'm no happy about this i want my pubies back that's no right no one told me about this get my pubies my mother was mortified and she's trying to get me to calm down while laughing and trying to avoid a scene they grew back in about four weeks so it was no biggie but at the time it was a serious issue so i'm an attack and we have this regular that comes in all the time she's an old black lady who has a lot of health issues including dementia this time i'm actually not entirely sure why she was coming in but whatever it was she needed to be intubated so we sedated her put the tube in and did what we needed when everything was finished we called ems to pick her up and take her back home when they arrived the nurse and i went in to prep her to leave the lady is just starting to wake up from sedation so with the emt standing in the room we take out her foley catheter then she queefs the nurse and i smirk at each other but this is fairly common and not the funny part the funny part is that the noise seemed to surprise her and apparently remind her what was going on because she gasps and then looks over to the emts and says in an attempt at a sexy voice you boys either seen a black coochie befo everyone in the room had to take a second to attempt to regain composure but the emts ended up having to leave the room and the nurses crouching on the ground trying not to die i since i still have the foley in my hands don't have this freedom and i'm forced to try to keep my sides from launching into orbit it's since become a running joke around the air no way this literally happened to me i was the paramedic taking her home lol when my husband woke up from having his wisdom teeth surgically removed his nurse was a rather large lady like 350 plus he looked her dead in the eyes and said you're too beautiful to be a nurse you should have been a model why don't you just come home with me and my wife yes he was propositioning a three-way with a 50-year-old 350 pound nurse most awkward moment of my life how nice that he wanted to include you though [Music] i got my wisdom teeth out last month and was curiously subdued my wife informed me at least at the office she loaded me up in the car and away we went about halfway home she called my mother to let her know that the surgery went well and i remained stonerly quiet after she got off the phone i demanded that my wife call my mother back when she did so i told her mom you have lots of dogs and they need lots of love then i made the cut the call motion to my wife when we arrived home i was brought up short by my wife's pillowcase which has a sloth on it i asked out loud honey there's a freaking sloth in here how did we catch one they're so fast then she tried to take my jeans off of me so i could go to sleep and i yelled woe they're missy when she grabbed for the fly all in all a pretty great morning they're so fast lol when i was 14 i had eye surgery coming out of anesthesia the nurses asked me if i could remember my name i slurred my name is worcestershire sauce no wait that's not a cool name my name is shark i can't even pronounce worcestershire completely sober impressive wish i was earlier to this one my fiancee recently had her tonsils removed her mother and i were there when she woke up after a few minutes she told her mother now that i've got my tonsils out i can fit more of his dong in my mouth it was awkward i am so glad i made it down to this one when i got my wisdom teeth out i apparently called my middle eastern surgeon a sly arabian tooth thief after coming too that was fun to learn about when i regained mental clarity dying glad i scrolled this far down i had surgery on my wrist and came out of anesthesia screaming my balls hurt the doctor came in and asked what was wrong i said my balls hurt he replied dude you had wrist surgery no one touched your balls [Music] two stories one i had a lady in her 70s who drank martinez and took xanax all day every day so she had such a strong tolerance to the sedation i was giving her that she just totally stopped breathing while still awake i had to say ma'am i'm going to have to bag you now and she mouthed okay and i put the ambu bag on her face and force breathed for her until she got her respiratory effort back two i was in helping with a heart procedure and the patient went into complete heart block and his heart stopped beating i hop up to the table and start chest compressions while they are hurriedly trying to put in a temporary pacing wire i had an arterial pressure waveform on the monitor so i could see exactly how hard to do the compressions and the man never lost consciousness so i'm doing chest compressions on a dude while he looks right at my face the whole time so it was like press press sorry press press sorry for about two minutes until the pacing wire was in place that's amazing both stories i was the patient i'd had all four wisdom teeth out at once and i woke up earlier than expected in recovery early enough that they hadn't taken out the wadding at the back of my mouth meant to absorb the blood so i woke up immediately felt like i was choking and panicked i leapt off the bed and a bunch of nurses came to restrain me still out of it i fought them and definitely gave one of them a good punch before they got me back on the bed i passed out again straight away still feel bad about it poor nurse came out of an aesthetic and the lead nurse decides it's time to tell me all about post-op care she says now this is going to be a pain in the butt and i said if that's the case then you guys performed the wrong procedure it was a nose operation the assistant nurse started laughing led nurse not so amused not a doc or nurse when i got my wisdom teeth out they strapped my arm down for the iv anaesthetic apparently before passing out i looked up at the whitehead german dentist and said in my best conory goldfinger do you expect me to talk the dentist didn't reply but he did tell me after surgery that it was one of the funniest things anyone asked him in a haze no mister bond i expect you to sleep not a doctor a friend was in a car crash pretty bad he was in a coma for two months he had a female doctor for two months until he came out of his coma every time his doctor was checking on he would reach up and grab her breast guessing he heard her voice when we told him about he did not believe us so he asked her and she confirmed it said she never stopped him because it seemed to keep him calm the doctor deserves a medal i was the patient but i think this qualifies colonoscopy in this big lounge chair still half asleep in recovery i half roll over and let rip the biggest fart in history the devil himself created this one i open half an eye at a nurse ask was that me do on the ground she nods and i go back to sleep you have to fart after the colonoscopy or they don't let you go home i was working in the pediatric and sedating a skater kid 14 or 15. we are talking more a wannabe suburban kid rather than a punk kinda kid that obviously joined a frat in college his mom is there in the room as he starts waking up once we had his wrist set and in the cast his mom is typical well-to-do suburban mom who spends lots of time at yoga and pta meetings that is not trashy at all and family was likely from a well-to-do part of town my buddy who is fairly hairy on his arms etc reached across his upper chest to grab an iv line kid was half asleep raised his head up with his eyes still closed and licked my buddy's arm with this exaggerated lick like it was an ice cream cone kid flops his head back onto the pillow and his mom just looks mortified in the two three seconds that pass before he slurs out man i sure do love to lick some pee his mom immediately turned bright red and walked out of the room and we all busted out laughing except the guy who got licked the adoc was this young petite girl and she said she peed herself a little she was laughing so hard for months we would give that garlic motions in the air when we passed him in the hall and putting rolling stone stickers on his locker etc i still give him crap about that from time to time my favorite is to catch him chatting or something standing at the desk and to lean over and sniff his forearm and ask if he has been fishing sniff his forearm and ask if he has been fishing and this is the comment that killed me no more sides not enough but i have a good one it's been 15 years and i'm still horrified when i think about it i have to preface this story by saying that i have a super conservative girl next door type of personality i am shy somewhat of an introvert and most definitely never want to be the center of attention on purpose i went in for a colonoscopy with the yum yum juice that made me forget everything that happened although i vaguely remember talking and hearing laughter when i woke up people were smirking and glancing at each other trying to suppress their laughter i asked if something happened and the staff reassured me that everything was good so when the doctor came in to talk to me before i was released i asked him if something funny had happened he reassured me that i had a very normal procedure and then told me that sometimes the medication caused people to lower their inhibitions but that the effect wore off very quickly as does the medication i asked him what he meant by lowering their inhibitions and he paused again and reassured me that it happens to a lot of people so yeah i spent my entire colonoscopy talking dirty to my doctor and his tools i never went back to that doctor again tl dr yum yum juice made me say dirty things to the doctor changed doctors and considered moving out of state due to my humiliation till doctor tools get more action than i do i had to get hardware installed in my leg for a nasty bone break at an overseas base a few days later my buddy and i were having lunch on base a group of women came in and sat down at the table next to us and we struck up a conversation one of them asked what i had gotten done i was in a huge cast and on crutches i tell her the procedure she gets a funny look on her face and asked when it was done i tell her the date she immediately starts laughing and tells her friends this is the guy now they're all howling with laughter it took a while to tell the story because they're in tears from laughing apparently when i was coming out of sedation i grabbed a corman's butt and hung on for dear life the woman i was i was currently talking to at the restaurant i just wanted to crawl into a hole when i heard the story tl dr grabbed the girl's bus in the ore got named asman by the staff and became the talk of the hospital for a while edit my top comment is how i perved on some poor woman when i was out of my good on drugs wonderful additional edit thank you for the gold now i just have to figure out what to do with it can i redeem it for bitcoin trade it for beer perhaps hey everybody the ass man's in town i was the patient but i had to get five teeth pulled the nurse was helping my mom shuffle me to the car i turned to thank her big couldn't get my mouth to work so i bowed and doffed an imaginary cap in anesthesia my bff had a vasectomy and when he was first given the drugs three nurses walked in that were rather attractive he looks up with his wife in the room and says if i would of know there was going to be hot women in here i would have worn my big dong i've had a vasectomy so this one is especially funny to me since they usually only use localized numbing agents unless he got a special doctor that comment was 100 him once i woke up asking if the ends justify the means once i went under while reminding all the women in the room that the room is very cold and they shouldn't judge not a doctor or nurse when my sister was 16 she had back surgery to repair a ruptured disc in her lower back apparently the meds that they gave her before she was put under gave her low enough inhibitions that instead of counting backward from 10 she started belting out the lyrics to roxanne the your staff later told my mom that not only were they amazed that someone that young knew the lyrics that the way that she started singing was one of the funniest things they had seen in an awe okay starting on my left with one your number comes up you go after waking up from my wisdom tooth surgery i remember her asking my mom i didn't fart did i i had a bunch of gas before the surgery and now it's gone i hope i didn't fart in front of the cute nurse a cute nurse is behind me during the whole speech welp plot twist that's the nurses fetish i woke up in a recovery room after having my wisdom teeth out and no one was in there with me so i thought it would be a good idea to get up and have a look around apparently i had been awake a minute before and asked the doctor for some water but when she left to get it i went in and out of consciousness and forgot all about it they were pretty terrified when i just up and vanished a few months later my brother had his wisdom teeth out we left the surgeons with no issue but on the drive home my brother lost his crap i had to take a circuitous route home because my brother wanted to see the circus every house we drove past he was pointing out imaginary animals and giggling hysterically he was 17 at the time anesthesia apparently does weird crap to us i've been under anesthesia several times over the last three years and no i'm not a doctor or nurse either the most recent time however i went in for an outpatient procedure where a stint was in place into ureter tube that leads to kidney they go through your dong to put it in hence the anaesthesia anyhow it took more than the normal dose to put me under and my wife later told me that when i came to i was playing with my dong and asking her if she wanted to take a ride to make sure this thing still works before we get out of here the nurse was there at the time also my wife told me she attempted to keep me covered for the nurse's sake but i wasn't having it i have no recollection of those events don't worry op the nurse has seen smaller [Music] i work on a floor full of patients post surgery one of my favorite patient comments was someone fresh from the paku post anesthesia care unit who looked straight at me and said you put a bag on my whiner didn't you referring to his catheter his mom and i were in stitches it made a surgery that went longer and worse than expected a little bit happier not a professional medical or otherwise but on the way home from the dentist i was gone and something in my mind remembered metal gear solid and i started yelling the queen a la snake apparently i almost caused my mom to crash the car and it quickly became annoying very fast as one could imagine my fiance is a fanatic of metal gear solid i'd imagine this would be him if he had to be under anesthesia i'm not a doctor nurse but i heard about this after my wisdom teeth surgery i apparently was still on anesthesia and when they wheeled me out i had both arms stuck out and was making plain noises they asked me what i was doing and i told them i was becoming my final form of a plane i still do not know why i was doing it just coming out of surgery and the nurse says i'm going to take your temperature now to which i respond will you give it back [Music] was the patient in this one when i was 12 i had heart surgery and was getting wheeled down to the operating room i was completely transfixed on my knee when i then asked a nurse if i could pet the kitty she said sure so i started petting and scratching my knee going aww good kitty kitty when i woke up from that surgery i spent about five days in anaesthetic heck like a medically induced coma but not quite as severe and cussed out every nurse that asked me how i was doing i was intubated so i had to scratch out my hatred onto scrap paper and hope they could translate it when i was off of the cocktail they were giving me i was back to my cheerful self and felt mortified about calling the pretty nurses working the aiku ward at children's hospital a bunch of stupid see apparently it happens all the time but i still cringe when i think about it as an emt who deals with the nurses at children's that might explain some of their surliness three times the first time when i was five tonsil surgery my family is from norway and my grandmother always kept a pewter model of a long boat on her mantel just to explain why a five-year-old would wake up screaming get me back to the longboat and then apparently to quote my mother go all linda blair on the doctors when they came in to try to give me antibiotics that was nearly 25 years ago and my family still likes to joke about me managing to shriek my head off and throw punches after having just come out of throat surgery by age 13 i tamed down some and apparently only muttered angrily at everyone while waking up age 26 all the fight had gone out of me and i just cried whenever a nurse asked me a question how is your pain not bad i'm so sorry don't be sorry can you sit up for me uncontrollable sobbing okay then let's get you some apple juice fully disconsolate got my wisdom teeth out two weeks ago and all i could do was cry i tried sitting there focusing on not crying but every time my dad looked at me i started to bawl and when the doctor asked me how i was doing i burst into tears and laughed at the same time in 91 i had my appendix out but there was a complication instead of being inflamed and ready to burst they found my appendix dead and shriveled the poison in my appendix had drained to my lymph nodes in the center of my stomach the doctor doing the surgery had to feel around to find where to make the second incision problem is that i was in the operating room for so long i built up a tolerance to the anesthesia that i woke up as i started to sit up with two huge holes in my stomach all hands came out of me and a nurse forced my head down making me look at the ceiling i thought this was a dream from the meds they gave me but my doctor later confirmed that this actually happened the anesthesiologist decided to up the dosage on the anesthesia to an adult level then double an adult level and i finally fell back asleep because of the high dosage they gave me my arms and legs twitched and i almost turned over on my side with two huge holes in my stomach they had to grab straps and strap me down to the bed including my head i do not remember it but the doctor who was my family doctor until the day he died told me that i woke up three more times during the operation and one time i saw my open wounds and freaked the heck out after that they strapped my head to the table the anesthesiologist refused to give me any larger dosages of the meds because he was at the danger levels for an adult i was a child and it was not working on me ever since then i have had to be prescribed large dosages of anything or it will not work dental work has to be done with both a local and gas as well because of this with the exception of heartburn meds and antibiotics medicine is something i usually do not take because it does not work one me well unless i take illegal doses if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun Studios
Views: 29,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctors, medical, medica stories, doctor stories, hospital, patients, nurses, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: 2ZxPpJDzJo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 28sec (8548 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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