This Person Has No Idea How the Real World Works

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what is your this person has no idea how the real world works moment a student working part-time at my laboratory at a university came into my office and asked so what all can i eat in the refrigerator i didn't know i was supposed to bring my own lunch i looked at him stunned and replied nothing that food is what people brought for their own lunch but you can use my grubhub to order but he did not understand it took four tries to get him to realize he can't just eat someone else's lunch same student i walked into the lab room and told him i made a full pot of coffee in the office and he could help himself him a pot of coffee what's that he never used a coffee maker other than a courage before and didn't even know it was a thing he was fired a month later for stealing chloroform well that did not end the way i thought it would had a friend who was in some uncredited scam online college for her master's degree in medical billing or some dumb crap she was on a loan program that was sending her about five dollars k every three months directly to her via check in the mail this was her only source of income she kept calling it a grant that didn't need to be paid back she was flat but broke as a joke for two months but then the check would come in and she would be living the good life for a few weeks before being poor again we tried to do an intervention and show her the insane interest rate that would be backdated as soon as her school was done but she didn't want anyone to bust her free money dreams she just kept talking about all the money she would eventually be making billing insurance companies turns out she wasn't even logging into the online college or even attempting to get this degree he thought the money was free the degree was automatic and the job was guaranteed some people are beyond help at a national park the park ranger says stay on the trails there are bears in the area one lady says isn't that dangerous why aren't they in their cages mom we're not a zoo when my roommate who never once paid for rent or groceries or anything turned down the only job offer they have ever gotten in front of me twice they were so desperate they called him twice offering good pay during covet and he had the gal to say no in front of me his excuse was now i'm sure there's something better twenty dollars an hour is garbage in this city listening to a faulty new car story when it turned out the woman 42 was driving for seven months with the handbrake on the whole time a lot of times i drive like for 10 miles with the emergency brake on that doesn't say a lot for me but it really doesn't say a lot for the emergency brake that's not an emergency brake it's an emergency make the car smell funny lever a dude 18 yo in boot camp got a letter from home and i can see he is agitated being 22 and concerned for his well-being i asked him if he wanted to talk about it i'm thinking a dear john letter or the mom and dad divorcing letter he did but told me that his younger brother got a mercedes for his birthday and that he was pbc he only got a bmw can't remember what i said but i knew boot camp was gonna knock his dong in the dirt it did my boss told me about a friend of his who told him after life hack she would get her bills in the mail not pay them and then wait a couple of months to pay then she would cry so the debt collectors would feel bad and waive the fees for not paying on time that was a brilliant life hack when my girlfriend said to me that she was going to easily work three jobs at the same time oh man i did three jobs kitchen jobs for like a month and half when i took half a year off college as i was a bit lost at the time man it was freaking brutal never again the other day my 18 you brother-in-law got married to his high school sweetheart in a parking garage so that they can live off campus at college together girlfriends now wife mother is an ordained minister his parents my in-laws were very upset and he couldn't understand why because it's just a fake marriage for school oh no sweet boy you are married i just laughed and laughed i love him dilly he is a dumb boss in his defense they are going to be eligible for a ton of financial aid because of this when looking for somewhere to rent after university halls one of my mates was annoyed because he didn't like the lounge in the house his parents bought him outright to live in in my defense the black mold has basically caused the walls to start melting my mom was spontaneously in the city i live in and asked me to meet her for supper i told her i was on the bus and it would take me 45 minutes to get to her even though in a car it would be a 15-minute drive she said just tell the bus driver to bring you here now she has no concept of how public transportation works yes yes thank you all public not pubic to be fair pubic transportation sounds a lot more complicated than public transportation i worked for a very sheltered and entitled mother as a nanny shortly after i got hired she called me at 3am asking me to come in because the baby wouldn't stop crying when i said no she responded with but you're the nanny and that was a constant thing at one point she got sick of breastfeeding and asked if i could start nursing all of this was very casual too like she wasn't really mean about it back at the end of university i met up with my rich friend who just got a brand new car from his dad worth and 60 000 pounds after getting his driving license so naturally we went for a ride at one point he asked me what are you going to do after uni to which i answered find a job insist whilst investing slowly growing side incomes he got very confused then and asked me but why do you need a job can't you just start your business he had no idea of the struggle to pay bills and think about your budget etc to be fair he might have known about bank business loans and how if you have a solid enough plan you pay yourself a salary from it as you build the business very standard in the business world mine is a co-worker he believes that any time his ex does something with their daughter and he doesn't agree with it he needs to call cps ex has daughter sharing a room with older sister time to call cps he calls later tonight and kid is sleeping and ex won't wake her up time to call cps and caseworkers ex-current husband won't give the co-worker his pay stubs time to call a caseworker dude his cps and his case worker on speed dial the dude doesn't understand why cps and his caseworker keep telling him that since the child is not abused and or neglected and his ex is doing everything the court has told her that she needs to do there is nothing illegal happening dude is still trying to find ways to control the ex and what goes on in her house oh he understands it's a form of harassment he is wasting your tax dollars on public services to harass his ex my classmates parents or grandparents inheritance bought him a house in mumbai just because he wanted to move there for his three-year degree if you guys don't know mumbai is like manhattan of india expensive rents and jam-packed with one percent terse when he moved to germany his dad bought him a condo there imagined the conversion rates of euros till inr now we're well off too but not like this guy when i wanted to move to berlin for a few months i asked him about rent and process in decent but affordable areas he straight up told me why can't my dad just buy a house next door it's simpler than all this thankfully his ignorance wasn't coupled with arrogance olay roommate was only paying 25 on her credit cards every month but was putting almost every purchase on them i felt so bad explaining to her that she was now in credit card debt you see you now have massive amounts of life-changing and crippling debt we had a relatively new hire where i work a young woman relatively fresh out of college but because we had been colleagues in another department when she was interning she ate often ate lunch with me she frequently complained about how bad her co-workers were i didn't know them but it seemed odd after about a year she applied for and got a different job at the company but the new job didn't start for two months she asked me if i thought she should take a leave of absence until then because she didn't think she could stand working two more months with her current co-workers i asked what they were doing that was making her so unhappy she complained that they often told their mutual boss that she would come in late take very long lunches then leave early do you do those things i asked well yes but they don't have to be birches about it she replied a first-year college student of mine thought that assignment deadlines were guidelines nothing was handed in on time she emailed me the night before her final exam to see if i'd take some of her late work i told her heck no she threatened to report me i let her she failed got reprimanded and was eventually expelled due to plagiarism it's like free money in response to any kind of financing or borrowing car financing student loans credit cards home equity line of credit it's only free money if you have no intent of ever paying any of it back and you're planning on resurfacing with a new identity at some point two things immediately come to mind first being a young girl i used to work with at target she was hired for the 6am to 2 30 p.m shift but she regularly showed up between 8 9am without any good explanation after the third time or so our supervisor asked her if she had something to do in the morning such as getting kids ready for school that required a later shift if so she could be moved to the 8 a.m to 4 30 p.m shift the girl's response was no i still want to leave at 2 30 i just don't want to get up that early she was fired when she refused to acknowledge that you cannot make your own schedule second is one of my roommates a 23 year old who is quite literally unable to take care of herself in any capacity beyond ordering fast food i once heard her yell to her mother because she was filling out a job application and got stuck on a section her mom was trying to help her finish but she got frustrated and screamed can't you just fill it out i want to go play my games before you ask no there are no disabilities she's just lazy spoiled and incredibly stupid what do you mean there's a global bike shortage can't you just order more what do you mean that bike won't show up until august can't you just bump up the shipment date number we can't just order more we can't just bump up the shipment date if we could we would a fed up bike shop employee i had a young girl i worked with ask me why don't you just buy a car it's not that expensive when i complained my bus was late i then had her admit over a series of questions that one her parents bought her car for her two her parents paid the registration three her parents paid for the insurance for and in return for driving her brother to school once a week her parents paid for all her petrol money this was the same girl who had her pay from her job paid into her parents account and was then allowed to withdraw as much money as she wanted to buy things i doubt she even knew how much we were paid i had a co-worker make fun of my glasses saying they are ugly you should get a new pair i said i'd like to but i can't afford it right now even with our company benefits a new pair would still cost me several hundred dollars that i don't have she looked blank and said oh my husband's benefits are so awesome he often gets glasses he doesn't need just for the heck of it my cousin is 47 and a couple years ago a relative died and left him 10k he'd always lived with my grandma and had a structured settlement of 400 a month from an accident he was in as a teenager into heavy drugs never employed bumming around living like a kid with an allowance he told me that he wanted to get a car an apartment and then wanted my advice of is to invest the rest of the 10k come on man 400 a month he can't have been into very heavy drugs at all an example of myself i had thought upon entering college that i could feasibly earn a living and be comfortable through just working in music i thought that performing music playing music and selling my own music would be enough to afford a house a car groceries and all of life's necessities let's just say that i haven't quite arrived at that point yet been down that route myself probably gave up too early but i just couldn't see it being viable lots of friends still surfing sofas for 10 minutes gigs into their 40s probably a friend of mine he's 28 years old he has been on benefits a long time now and has had amazing job opportunities and interviews he has either not gone to turned down or made an excuse to the benefit department as to why he didn't attend an interview because he doesn't see much point in a job and his benefits are spent within the month he gets them sometimes on what he needs and rent to his mum but the rest is on booze or games in 2019 i was unfortunate enough to lose my only three family members and my dog and i have tried to tell my friend repeatedly how much funerals vet bills house upkeep utility bills etc cost and his mum will not be around forever and he needs to get a job because i struggle with my work wage to pay for stuff so he won't stand a chance on benefits my other friend who is also in a bad place financially and does work has also pleaded with my friend to get a job and told him how important it is to get one asap as you don't want to be in a bad place down the line or have no pension saving up our friend just snaps at us and tells us it will be fine because when his mum dies the benefits will cover it all we decided to leave him to it now and find out how far befits get him when he has funerals and mega bills to pay my brother is 26 years old and has had one job he worked there for like two months our cousin helped him get hired it was the easiest job in the world a team of people drilled wells agriculture and my brother would come that night and watch the equipment he had a new rv to sleep in they let him watch tv bring his dog smoke drink eat whatever he wanted the only thing he really had to do was be there he wanted to go to dinner with his girlfriend and asked for the day off his boss told him no because he was the only person they had to stay there at night he told his boss to frick off and quit on the spot to this day he doesn't work pay bills or do anything with his life he smokes weed and plays old video games like random racing games on ps2 it's sad waste of a life immo my son was three days away from when his credit card bill was due and needed to borrow money which was fine he expressed his relief that i gave him the loan saying i was afraid they'd cut off the card and not let me buy groceries this week if i didn't pay the balance in other words he's never let the balance roll over just as i taught him but he has no clue that he can actually let the balance roll over or pay a portion of the bill and he'll be charged the rate plus a fee i think i'm not going to tell him about that part tell him nothing and he'll have an 800 by the time it matters i worked with a girl in her 20s who had her first ever official paycheck she was beaming with excitement as she opened the envelope smile drops and she says wait what are these lines she had no idea what taxes were we're taxed to work to simply live somewhere to buy things to sell things to flush things welcome to poverty young girl in a low-paying career a very privileged flatmate at uni tried to put a tin can of soup in our microwave she had never cooked for herself before i got to the microwave before it exploded bruh one time my mid-20s sister turned on the microwave with nothing inside it because it needed to be cleaned like it was a freaking oven i had to explain to my post-college education sister that microwaves and ovens are not the same conversation with my mother one day subject around the table was about overfishing catches were drying up mum says the government should subsidize fish because fish is good for you i respond that we're already over fishing and if they subsidize it then the situation will just become worse and what are we going to do when there's no fish left her answer well then we'll just have to eat tinned fish won't we i'm like where do you think the fish and the tim's come from yeah we're not gonna survive this century very easily with the average person being about this well informed which unfortunately seems to be the case hopefully our brain boys make an eye to run our world and keep us in check me i was 18 and living in my first apartment i spent 15 minutes looking for a button on the trash chute didn't realize until the third time that i just needed to throw the trash down i had lived with my parents until then and they failed to teach me a lot of basic life necessities love them but man was i stupid i have one that's kind of been woken up from this my dad he used to be the typical boomer always thinking i was just being lazy and not doing things right until he got injured and could no longer work in an industry he had 30 plus years of experience and seniority in it took him several months to get a new job of any kind and was shocked when he realized that he couldn't just negotiate for higher pay he was fired on the spot when he threatened to organize a strike and was barred from the premises when he had to move it baffled him that he couldn't just give the landlord a few hundred bucks and move in right away but had to wait a week for his application to go through and the landlord to do a background check probably my most satisfying one was when he finally decided to get into the industry i'm in truck driving he learned very fast that it wasn't like it is in the movies from the 80s truckers don't now nor ever have given a rat butt about one another sure some are nice to one another but if it's a choice of you with them don't hold your breath most big trucking companies in the us do not give a crap about you or your family and they are only concerned about your safety because it saves them money on lawsuits after his third trucking job ended with him getting terminated and is now living off my income he stopped giving me crap about my problems and is still job hunting coma he was fired on the spot when he threatened to organize a strike and was barred from the premises i know i shouldn't laugh i'm pro-union as heck but dang someone didn't realize how hard you have to work to get there sat in on an interview with a guy who was 18 or 19 he was applying for a job because his parents were going to kick him out if he was unemployed that's fine he is applying for entry level when the hiring manager asked him how many hours he'd be available to work in a week he said he'd be comfortable working not more than 72 because he only wanted to work three days a week when she clarified that 72 hours is literally three full days he replied that he knew but in that tone that tells you internally he thought she was an idiot for asking no big surprise but we did not hire him ran into him a few years later he worked up to be the assistant manager at the car dealership i bought my most recent vehicle from he remembered me and when i asked how he got the job he said he started dating a guy a while after not getting the job i'd seen him interview for that set him straight pretty quick so at least he got over it one year for christmas i custom made a board game for my girlfriend where the theme was about her going on as many holidays vacations as possible the entire thing was full of references to her friends and family with a bunch onion jokes several people said i should try to mass produce and sell it it's like who the heck do you think's gonna buy a game themed about some random person they've never heard of omg i hope she appreciated that gift that's amazing after listening to my father rail against some fake political moral panic i realized that he was incensed by something that happened on the show he watched the previous night and not something that happened in reality i realized then i was 10 at the time he was 40 that he couldn't tell the difference between fiction and non-fiction he believed that it was illegal to say or show in true things on television in all the years that followed he never learned better though once the internet came around he insisted that that was all fraudulent so much so that if a news program had the same story both on television and online the very existence of the online story made the television story untrue and was violating the law since it was illegal to say or show untrue things on television in addition to this i learned that he was functionally illiterate now this is just sad i like in a part of the country with some of the lowest cost of living i was barely making it financially and after paying my bills car insurance etc i had 125 dollars to eat and buy gas for the rest of the month i live in a rural area where public transportation isn't a thing one night i'm at my sister's house and she's telling me i need to go ahead and move because it's just not possible to raise a family around here on 90 000 a year that's basically true if you live on long island sadly but it is not low cost of living here one of my friends fantasized about having 10 kids while also being an actress when i asked her about her kids she said she'd just get a nanny to take care of them and that she didn't need to worry because they'd still love her i hope she grew out of that kind of sounds like my mom she's a cfo and the only income in our family so she worked a lot when i was growing up she would leave for work at 8 a.m and come home at 9 10 p.m our only real interactions were when she would say good night to me or on the weekends now she wonders why we aren't close if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun Studios
Views: 321,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how the real world works, real world, welcome to the real world, reality, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: w2WF3V1MsK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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