What thing do you ENVY about the opposite gender?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what is the thing um be of the opposite sex no ducking periods it's women Ambu men for biological reasons men envy women for sociological reasons very interesting observation I hate making the first move would be nice not to have to this I believe what I say next has to go for both genders but when people call others dense I really feel for them because it's so hard to tell with people one person's being friendly is another person's flirty is another person's OMG having the RN was really flirty and kinda handsy as a team I like the attention in high school I don't remember just being nice to someone or even some mild flirting and suddenly they think I want a dark now ten years later and I feel like I just have to be a stone cold beach all the time because casually being nice or even flirting a little gets me hit with II can I get your number I don't know if it's me that change or the entire goddamn world but I'm no longer a fan of the attention not being ridiculed for being emotional and vulnerable oddly enough this could go for both sides men get ridiculed for that and women are just expected to be emotional and vulnerable hot agreed if a man is emotional or vulnerable then here's a whim abuser etc if a woman is over emotional or vulnerable she is a drama queen having that time of the month etc I think in general society deems being emotional as a weakness as it can get in the way of productivity we need to be more understanding to our fellow humans and listen to people when they're upset being able to whip it out and pee anywhere easily and not having to use toilet paper to dry off okay but random boners right before having to give a presentation is some [ __ ] I guess there is that still trying to figure out our equivalent to that menstruation is all I can think of and it makes perfect sense but I feel a random boner is worse than accidental bloodstains or starting in public at school for some reason periods are viewed as more natural or at least I think what I mean is it's poor bill and understanding versus you and disgust or discomfort clothing options I feel like women have such a broad range of clothing options compared to men and you can wear leggings without being seen as weird I'm going to counter this with a lack of functional pockets I'm going to parry with the availability of men's pants multiple orgasms straight up not all women are capable of multiple orgasms I'm not sure how common that is though I ain't even capable at one WTF being able to pee your name in the snow how much water do you drink a lot still we'll never be able to accomplish this not carrying the risk of accidentally crushing your balls thanks for making me instinctively tense up I just felt it people taking their reports of sexual assault seriously I legitimately don't know what sex you are from this comment and it's kind of sad I mean I know as a male many would scoff at the idea of a male being a rape victim especially if the rapist is a female but it's not like females have it much better off it's a long ducking road either way and people are going to doubt your story regardless of your biological features honestly if your victim of something in American culture you're kinda screwed the particular way that it sucks is differentiated by gender the dominant systems aren't going to take you seriously either way there's a long road ahead but it's been getting marginally better for women not sure if the same can be said for men how easy reproduction is for men yes I understand they have their own issues but I would swap any day the constant unease when you know you are close to your period is it discharged or did I bleed if I stand up will I leave a mark the monthly general uncomfortableness pain loots bloating and Kostov periods the side effects of birth control and cost of it the fear of unwanted pregnancy the stigma of abortions and the fact men don't have to screw up their bodies to bring kids into the world very very envious of this I've used menstrual cups for about two years and it's liberating a bit messy but liberating I have one leaner cup that holds 25 milliliters of blood you just put it up there and you're good for up to 12 hours I don't need pads tampons pantalones I can swim without issue sleep without waking up with the gush and exercise without getting gross way lower chance of leaking spotting once you get the hang of insertion highly recommend as a man being able to be friendly with kids that aren't my own and nurturing in general without being worried about how its perceived by others well some at least as being sinister or weird don't like to say good things about myself raised to be modest and all but I'm really good with kids able to engage with them at a level they understand and teach them while being friendly probably comes from having a cyst six years younger be patient entertain and protect I understand why people are suspicious these days but if I was a woman I don't think I'd have to worry about it so much that would be nice screw having periods though I have some friends who are often absolutely wrecked by those lol how soon till someone posts asking what is the thing you don't envy about the opposite sex do you think have you thought about becoming a teacher not having your body torn up by pregnancy and giving birth right under this comment is a dude who's envious off woman's ability to give birth haha humanity and they're right I mean technically you don't have to do that if you don't want to lol not having to worry about your safety around the opposite sex I have come to appreciate this just hearing from female co-workers in retail how some customers sometimes act conversely not worrying how my presence affects people of the opposite sex am i walking too fast behind this woman the emotional support I may have a dong but I do have heart as well however unbelievable and surprising it may sound I always appreciate someone showing they actually do care about me I always treasure it I find it unbelievable people actually think dudes don't have feelings and don't like compliments I've heard that you guys don't get complimented often and when you do you treasure it and I feel like it should be a normal thing just like most girls although most of us I assume also treasure them I can remember multiple specific instances of someone who wasn't a family member also complimenting me and they all stand out as treasured memories of course it's nice that I have those warm memories but it would be nice if I had more material to work with than five years ago that a high school classmate said my shirt was nice easier ability to agent it'd not be considered something to hide or cover up but something that can even be seen as more distinguished or respectable from my point of view also women don't have to hide the fact they're aging I found more respectable someone who accepts the fact of getting older than those who try to hide it at all cost society generally has biased towards handsome older men though we can date well below our agent can be seen as highly attractive into our 50s women don't have the same longevity for sex appeal divorced dads have entered the chat my eldest brother won custody of his two kids the state was Oklahoma if you're curious wikipedia.org link not having to deal with the side effects of birth control telling men you like pop is 100% effective with no side effects hahaha unfortunately I also take it for period related reasons two girls can have average looks and get fill their inbox with messages it gets so ducking lonely though you might like attention from the opposite sex but it's mostly creepy gross people who want to duck you and nothing else think of it like being a stand-up comic when you're the audience it's obvious which jokes are funny and the ones that don't land seem really pathetic but try getting on stage and suddenly it's next to impossible and you'll get him booed by people who have no idea what you're going through but they're experts being a man means celibacy or getting on stage and trying to make a hostile audience like you I'm sorry you have to sit through so many unfunny jokes but seriously don't tell me it's worse than being the one telling them I want a dog I want to stand on P jerk-off easier and it looks fun you've forgot you can widdle it like a propeller the hill Akaka turn I just want to be listened to you have no idea how impossible it is to be a woman in a small town where everyone still holds the same 1950s values nobody ever takes me seriously nobody listens to what I have to say and nobody thinks I have good ideas until a man repeats them and I can't even get angry about it because then I get you're cute when you're mad or is it that time of the month also being able to exist on the internet without getting pictures of people's genitals sent to me all the time would be nice not being expected to constantly think plan strategize and carry out all household chores while being successful in a professional career you gotta share that burden I shouldn't fall on one party agreed but I also don't want to be the one to teach anyone how to do it either if someone from my sex beats someone of opposite sex people I'm our report the police if someone from the opposite sex beats someone from my sex people he must have done something wrong totally worth the beating I agree with us so much I saw a story of a guy who got assaulted by a woman and he pushed her away yet he got faced with charges I imagine this is was commented by a male and I hate this mindset so much people need to see that both crimes are equally bad I saw her post in our / in Sinha Pia professor book and there was a news report of a woman raping and then killing her husband and people were in the comments like well he probably deserved it besides women get raped all the time so who cares and that is so terrible who thinks that's okay more acceptable to be a stay-at-home parent I just want to raise a shittin of kids damn it I know a dude who owns TF out of being a sedan his wife is a workaholic loves the stress off work head rather watch the kids and live at their current income level then send them to daycare when they're old enough for school he's got plans for work everything signed your local transgender was looking for this xD not getting a boner at the funeral service I mean my grandfather is hot but come on my grandfather never looked hotter than when he was being cremated join our community discord link in description I remember leaving a friend's house with my year old baby girl and she was not having it as I carried her to my car she was crying up a storm I have never felt more judged or nervous about carrying my own child as I did on that 30 second walk to my car my wife and other moms just didn't understand why I felt nervous try the same with the baby that doesn't match your skin color my wife is black and I am white so our kids are a blend between try walking out the door at Walmart with a screaming kids that doesn't match you insecurity is on you like stink on [ __ ] being less susceptible to contracting duties shit's painful whip the front aback use and you condemned pee right after and the mean right after soap doesn't kill vibrators you see clean finger ëifí how workout don't wait and warning to shower and they didn't tell me that in sex education I'm so lucky honor and all that in Yahoo Answers reddit and my doctor's office before getting bottom surgery because that would have gone very badly men are also a symptomatic to HTV meanwhile it gives women cancer and genital warts easier to date guys will literally buy stuff for you just for a date with them and the choice I once put my face on the snapchat app to switch genders on tinder and there were people saying they would Venlo me for a conversation I was disgusted in 10 minutes and deleted that profile I got 99 plus matches they don't have to wear make up and have clear skin to be considered good-looking but I do need a jaw I've never met a woman that finds a circle head attractive maybe just me I'm super into beards for whatever reason so usually I don't see the jaw pretty much nothing between periods being expected to shave and pluck your body hair mouth brothers occasionally harrassing you in public not being able to piss standing up huge disadvantage when it comes to public toilets the hours long hair and skin care routines every night whatever the duck else the poor ducks have to deal with I see no significant advantages whatsoever if anything you couldn't pay me to be a woman no matter how unattractive they are a woman will find it easier to find someone willing to sleep with them than men this is the greatest comedy that they have it all and don't want it and men want it all and don't have it their height I want to be tall to breathe oh I'm 5 featuring possibly four feet 11 but we don't talk about that and my younger brother keeps teasing me about how he's taller now and I just HHH HHH nnnnnn ng gggggg HHH not having periods my current birth control means I haven't had a period in six years but I live in dribble bap disgusting the dirty sweaty feeling always preparing for leaking or staining and painful cramps I have an overactive bladder I do anything to be able to neatly pee in a bottle idk duct tape a funnel walking home at night without fitting my keys through my fingers just a quick tip in case you are really doing bad don't don't put keys between your fingers keys air and Wolverine claws if you punch someone like that it's gonna mess your hand up and essentially render it useless after the first punch since based on your comment you live in a dangerous area I would suggest considering a shocker or a pepper spray instead even just bare fist is better than that but if you are into fighting with your fists either way get a brass knuckle get one that fits your hand while most hi-c use ones that are too big or perhaps moving to a safer area in general I'm a man and I'm still terrified of walking in the dark most men are the ability to hold another ducking being in their body for nine months and then give birth to it I'm good with skipping that seems like a bunch of heartburn swollen feet and kid playing bat off your ribcage I'm sure people vary but for me it was about two percent oMG my body is amazing 2% detached scientific interest 10% neutral and like 86% physical inconveniences of various kinds being able have multiple orgasms in one duck session and not get the energy sucked out of you it does wear us out or at least I think it does it does for me anything beyond for for me makes me super tired and as soon as my partner and I stop I crash and fall asleep almost immediately for is my record for a day four in one session would straight-up kill me the romantic attention that they tend to get and the emotional support a seem so easy to provide I know that the attention very easily and often becomes uncomfortable in many ways but it would still be a different feeling to have some thrown my way and the emotional side of it would be refreshing since people seem confuse that I do in fact have them assuming y'all dude and yet girls definitely seem more willing to give emotional support when they're actually good friends brav course I think it's stupid that people assume men don't have feelings and I hate how people assume that women should always be kind because it's a motherly instinct I think a lot of it is social norms and the fact that men shouldn't cry and should always be strong when that's terrible advice for anybody since NSFW boobs having a million different ways to masturbate the penis is remarkably boring there's really only one way to do it for guys don't have to act or be tough or that the entire sex isn't blamed for a majority of crime and horrific things and society essentially they have the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the law and subsequently less likely to be wrongly prosecuted having to not worry about getting kicked in the junk D I've got news for you buddy it still hurts for women a couple things as a guy dude not expected to make the first move by default I am very shy having me time seems a lot more fun as a woman and I am very jelly deaf not being in extreme pain every month and having your pain be taken seriously by medical professionals in general society giving a damn about their feelings and challenges not having periods not being seen as always chasing sex I hate that I can't sit down and get to know someone without them thinking that I want to get in their pants also people cross the street so they don't walk next to me at night I've started crossing the street first so they don't have to land because I don't want anyone to feel unsafe I totally understand why this happens and why it should happen and I support people protecting themselves I just wish we didn't live in a society where this was necessary not having to keep my keys between my fingers for self-defense and constantly be on guard while taking walks in the Wordle walking home late tonight how easy it is for them to hook up with straight guys trans homies flock thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day you [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Keywords: ask reddit, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit, best reddit posts, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit on tap, What thing do you ENVY about the opposite sex?, envy, envious moment, envy stories, sexual orientation envy, what things do you envy about the opposite gender, what things do you envy about the opposite gender planet reddit, planet reddit
Id: pTpsEVji-xk
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Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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