What The Hell Did I Just Read...?

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yeah how's going everyone this is the anime man and welcome back to another episode of the monthly otaku collection a show that i do at the end of every single month where i go over the anime the manga the merch and other types of cool otaku stuff that i didn't have time to talk about in a video for this month we are at the end of august which means that we are officially two-thirds of the way through 2021. terrifying you know 2021 definitely doesn't feel as dead as 2020 did but my god the the amount of time that just flashes before everyone's eyes this year has just been astounding to say the least but you know what other thing has also been absolutely astounding is the fact that ladies and gentlemen the anime man channel has just hit 3 million subscribers that's astounding seriously though guys thank you so much i mean if you guys catch me on stream which uh by the way you totally should because i been streaming a lot over on my twitch channel go check it out and you would know that we did like a little stream before we hit 3 million we did a little stream after we hit 3 million it's such a weird milestone to hit for some reason it's a milestone that i first of all never thought i would ever achieve in my entire lifetime so it's awesome to think that we got there honestly better late than never because my god it's just an insane number to think about when you imagine three million people standing in front of you but i appreciate the fact that you guys have just been enjoying the content and everybody knew who has come to the channel welcome and i hope you enjoy your stay and hey if you want to go vibe even more then again i have a second channel called joey and i also have the streams over on twitch switch.tv slice the anime man so those are places that you can also go to vibe even more with me but with that out of the way let's just get on to the otaku [ __ ] to start things off let's talk about anime yes i actually watched anime and uh the anime i'll be talking about this month is uh one that i probably admittedly should have seen so many months ago it's an anime that everybody knows an anime that everyone was bugging me to talk about when it was actually airing but now that it is long gone since it has aired and uh i figured you know what better late than never let's just start watching it now i went out and watched uh judith kaisen yeah i know the anime man didn't watch probably one of the biggest shows of that year until about well a year later look i knew i was going to enjoy just the kaisen i mean it's a shine and jump series dealing with yokai supernatural palace your basics shone and stuff it had little bits of bleach in it it had little bits of mushy toroji in it it had little bits of nogami in it all shown in job shows that i absolutely adored back in the day so unsurprisingly uh i blitzed through it in about a couple of days and uh yeah un shockingly to anyone's surprise i loved it what can i say the the story is fantastic the characters uh some of them i had like slight problems with admittedly i i didn't enjoy all of the characters in jews the kaisen but you know what mapper's animation was [ __ ] incredible the fight choreography was absolutely stunning everything just looked and felt really punchy and good and you know the only thing i really knew about jesus kaisen before going into it because it was really unavoidable at the time it was airing when you just went onto the internet you would see every [ __ ] gif of gojo satoru when he reveals his eyes and every single female on the internet creaming their pants with niagara falls you know i finally got to that episode and i was fully expecting it because again i was slightly spoiled in some segments but that's completely fine i still really enjoyed that segment and you know what as as based as this might sound yeah gojo satoru is probably one of my favorite characters too there's nothing not lovable about that character but again i wouldn't say it's exactly the perfect shonen out there again it's really wearing its influences on its sleeve the aforementioned shows that i talked about probably means just some of the influences again nothing wrong with wearing influences on your sleeves but you know if you have watched the shows that probably influenced you to kiss in then it's it's kind of you know run-of-the-mill it's kind of standard especially for shown in jump levels but then again i also say why try and fix something that's not broken i knew right from the get-go even when i first heard about the show that i would immediately love it i'm pretty sure i said i would probably love it when i start watching it that's all i really have to say on that i guess i finally watched jude sukaisen alright take that off the list now you guys can stop bugging me about it here is my review of it it was good what a shocker but with that out other way let's move on to the manga now this month has been somewhat interesting when it comes to manga because admittedly i was put in a position where i had to go out and actually read a bunch of new titles some really really fresh titles off the press in fact some of these are so fresh that i didn't even have any prior knowledge of it whatsoever and a lot of them aren't even available in english legally but last week if you guys saw the trash taste after dark stream that we did where we talked about the manga award uh titles and we kind of went in depth into all of that then you would know that uh we talked pretty extensively about just some of the titles because we had to do that stream and i was also curious about it uh i went and pretty much read everything we talked about in that stream and you know all of the manga we talked about were all great in their own way but i figured i would kind of just pinpoint some of them that i guess i didn't really have enough time to fully fully go in depth about and really give my personal thoughts about so the first one i definitely want to show off is this one right here simply titled i [ __ ] love that title it just rolls off the tongue so much now if you guys have been on my streams you would know that this manga has pretty much been recommended to me probably every [ __ ] time i stream there's at least a handful of y'all [ __ ] in my stream just constantly going hey joey have you read dun dun you have to read the first volume i've done or done it's so [ __ ] amazing please read it please wait a little bit weirdly enough though i think only this first volume is currently out so it's very very new and uh no matter how many times i looked in bookstores all across tokyo i just could not find this sitting in a bookstore which is weird because this is from jump comics plus which right now is riding this insane wave thanks to the success of some really really big shows out there like kaiju number eight so you think that with the aid of shows really boosting the popularity of jump comics plus that you think oh you know the first volume of this obviously is going to be put in bookstores but no again i maybe i was looking in the wrong places i just couldn't find this so i had to go into amazon and buy this brand new which uh you know a fun life hack about japan when buying manga usually uh the amazon prices they jack it up a little bit um so yeah i had to pay a little extra for this compared to if i were to buy it at a bookstore but it was all worth it honestly because after reading this first volume yeah i can definitely understand the hype behind this for the first half i was like oh my god what the [ __ ] is this this is insanity so to give a brief little recap of uh what dun dun is all about essentially you have this main girl right here who is trying to look for a boyfriend she's this really like tough boyish kind of tomboyish honestly the type of character tropes i [ __ ] adore who just wants to look for that strong boyfriend you know that they're really like manly man boyfriend but instead steps in to help this like kind of otaku-ish kind of wimpy glasses boy character from getting bullied basically they start a weird little friendship from there because both of them believe in two supernatural phenomenon that have on completely different sites so ayase whose grandmother is a exorcist believes in ghosts meanwhile the boy known as takakura believes in things like ufos and uaps so to prove to each other that what they believe in actually exists they basically challenge each other to go out to a place where ufos are known to be seen and a place where ghosts are planning to be seen and basically say hey go out there and uh see for yourself that the thing i believe in exists and the thing you believe in doesn't exist [ __ ] you what ends up happening is uh okadan the the wimpy kid who doesn't believe in ghosts but believes in ufos gets possessed by a really [ __ ] evil ghost and ayaseh who does believe in ghosts but doesn't believe in ufos gets uh abducted by aliens and what ends up happening is that as is about to be alien probed in the most weird and really graphic way possible in a shonen magazine from her telephone the evil spirit possessed okarun appears and uses his ghostly abilities to save ayaseh but then at the same time ayase i guess kind of unlocks this like supernatural telekinesis power that she apparently always had because of her grandmother being an exorcist so basically uh ayasir learns telekinesis and defeats the aliens through this telekinesis power and orcadon who is possessed by this evil spirit defeats the aliens through this evil possessive power and after they get through all of that they realize that they have to somehow defeat this evil spirit that has possessed okadun but then they realized that it's literally one of the most powerful evil spirits in all of japan so now it is their quest to try and fight through the horde of ufos and evil demons that now each of them believe in to finally get rid of this evil spirit that is upset uh possessed okada i realized that that was a lot of information i just unpacked and some of you might be you know maybe blocking your ears thinking that i went into spoiler territory but i kid you not everything that i just said happens in chapter one this manga runs at the speed that sonic wishes he could achieve it is so goddamn fast-paced but at the same time author tatsuyukinovu who created dandadan does this amazing job of making it really fast-paced but not seeming like the story is rushed in any way because he somehow not only paces the action really well in that it makes sense but he also paces dialogue into it so that by the end of chapter one we are fully invested in these characters who we only were introduced to less than 50 pages ago and i feel that is really hard to do considering the plot to this entire manga is just so outlandish and wacky and out there that it takes processing power just to fully comprehend what the [ __ ] is going on like there are so many what the [ __ ] moments and what the [ __ ] pieces of dialogue just in the first chapter that for normal people they'll just be completely thrown out and just probably set the book aside and go this is too weird i don't get this but you know as someone who does love these kinds of really unconventional wacky just no holds barred type of storytelling if it's done right and done in a good pace with some amazing [ __ ] artwork here by tatsuyuki noble like that like this guy's artwork is it's just so goddamn clean yet has this kind of filthy quality to it that really works with the somewhat gruesome and grotesque portrayals of the spirits and ufos and some of these fight scenes in this first volume yeah i absolutely [ __ ] loved this first volume and i again can definitely see why there is so much hype behind this manga and i am so looking forward to the next volume of this so so to all you mofos over on twitch who were constantly recommending me this manga first of all thank you but second of all please go and check this out this is such a refreshing piece of shonen craziness and the second manga that i would like to definitely highlight is one that when i saw the cover and i saw the title of it i thought oh no this is not really a topic that's for me this is not really a topic that interests me i gave it a go again because it won a manga award and then i expected something that absolutely blew me away and you can probably see her right here but it is now immediately you can tell that uh this is obviously has to do with idols and the title or sinocor literally means uh girl i simp for so when you see a title and a cover that looks like this you might be thinking to yourself oh this is like a weird romance that involves idols and look admittedly i'm not really big into the idol culture there's so much about it that is just so creepy so weird and you know with the success of so many idol anime out there which i personally couldn't really give two shits about i thought to myself damn is it gonna be like another one of those is it is it gonna be just another love live or idol master but just with a different touch but then what got my attention was the two people involved with the creation of this manga because this manga is created first of all by one akasaka aka who is the creator of kaguyasama manga and the other person being yokoyadimengo who is the creator of one kuznohonko which are two manga slash anime series that i thoroughly enjoyed for completely different reasons obviously akasaka akka's kaguya-sama was first of all really funny the art style was really great and again it's just like a really refreshing almost parody of the romance genre really delving into different sides of romance in very hilarious comedic ways and then we have yokoyari mengo's kuznohonkai which also takes a different jab at the whole romance trope but definitely takes it more in a darker direction definitely more of a a dark side of romance and especially in the case with kuznets the dark side of teen romance so that immediately kind of tipped me off and being like okay maybe this isn't just another idol anime maybe i should give it a go i'll just give this first volume a go and uh holy [ __ ] i wasn't expecting to read the oyasumi poonpoon of idol manga yeah i know that's a big statement to make considering uh how much i love oyasumi pimpin and how [ __ ] dark oyasami punpin is but this manga is everything i was not expecting out of this title and cover so let me just give you a synopsis of the first chapter okay so the first chapter we have this doctor who is our main character who is in love with a certain who is the character on the cover here she is a 16 year old idol who is pretty big in the underground scene basically she's the doctor the main character's waifu the idol that he sims for and one day he's just doing his doctorly duties when a young girl comes to his office and says that she might be pregnant and turns out it's the girl he sims for so naturally he goes holy [ __ ] the 16 year old idol that i was just watching and screaming at on the tv has just come into my office with twins in her stomach with a father that nobody knows who it is so already we're on some deep dark dumpster fire territory and so the doctor putting his uh personal matters aside decides to basically help out aichan to you know give a healthy birth to these twins because at the end of the day you know even though her idol life might be on the line because once her fans find out that she's pregnant with a dude who ran away from his obligations her idol career is just in the gutter so while hiding her secret and doing her best to support her as a fan he says you know what i will help you give birth to these twins and what ends up happening is the night before she is set to give birth to these twins uh he reluctantly gets killed now you might think oh it's all over but what ends up happening instead and i and i couldn't believe this when i was reading this is that he gets reincarnated as her son like isaikai eat your goddamn heart out this is reincarnation in the same universe and not only has he been reincarnated as the idol that he seemed for his entire life but he also has retained his memories from before he died buddha rolling in his grave right now so basically he has to go around pretending that he is this newborn baby even though he still can talk and think like the 27 year old doctor he was and i was just like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] i did not expect something like this to come out of a manga that looks and sounds like this and it really goes to show just how insane of a mind two fantastic established mangakas have when they come together and basically criticize and analyze the actual idol industry in the most insane wacky reincarnation story probably ever conceived in the genre and i believe yokoyadimengo who was the creator of kuznahongai was the one who illustrated this and akasakaka is the one who's creating the story of it because the art style definitely reminds me more of kuznohonkai than it does kogia summer not only does it follow the kind of and criticize the dark side of the japanese idol industry to some really strikingly realistic results and ways but there are later segments in just this first chapter that really are some of the most insane plot twists of this year and i think that honestly might be the reason why as to why it won a [ __ ] manga award because yeah after even reading just this first chapter because there's already i think about three or four chapters out right now yeah i could definitely see why people would be so invested into thinking that this is an amazing piece of work because it truly is again i think it's just because of the fact that the story really starts off as this kind of run-of-the-mill human drama story and then goes into some real [ __ ] like supernatural or fantastical ways without leaving reality is what i think really threw me for a loop and again just how dark some of the things they say in this manga like it really is like taking a huge like kick to the shins of the idol industry like it's really stabbing them where it hurts i can't say any more praises about this manga very well paced the art style is fantastic the dialogue is so brutal at times that it really should almost be classified as a psychological horror and again it's just a concept that i think is just so fresh and i've never seen anything about i mean we've definitely seen manga series of you know our main character going back you know to their younger selves or you know going back to another timeline to like change their future you know look at stories like erased and re-life but it's very rarely we get a story where the main character dies and then is reincarnated as a baby so even if you have no care in the world about idols in your manga of any kind because i certainly didn't i would still implore you to check this out because this truly is a idol manga that really does not [ __ ] around it is definitely not as candy and rainbows as all the other idol manga and anime out there and i know idol manga and anime sims are going to come out and probably tell me that oh love live and idle master and akb004 right art has candy and rainbows as you make it out to be bro but i [ __ ] doubt they are any level of closeness to the darkness that comes out of ocean alcohol this manga just this first volume [ __ ] me up but of course in a fantastic way i love manga that [ __ ] me out mentally so hey if you're down for that and you think you can handle that check out austin of course but anyways let's move on now to the questions and answers the segment where i go over to my twitter and check out some of the questions that you guys have sent to me through my twitter with the hashtag moc that's short for monthly otaku collection and i just answer some of them in this casual q a segment where you get to know me and i get to know you but of course there are many many questions that i get sent every single month so obviously i don't have time to go through all of them so if you have a burning question that you would like me to answer every single month then well maybe go check out my patreon because if you go over there every patron of every level regardless if you're paying me three dollars all the way up to 50 will have a chance to ask me a question every single month in my super secret q a time which is my patreon exclusive q a segment and i will answer every single question that gets sent to me without fail this month's one will be up by the time this video comes out then again go over to my patreon patreon.com links down in the description but with that out of the way i'm gonna go over to my twitter and uh check out some of the questions you have sent me do you know about the new action rpg pokemon game in which pokemon can attack humans it's a new game called legends arceus releasing next year yeah so i saw a little bit of it at the uh the pokemon direct that happened i've seen this being advertised at like the pokemon centers here in japan for a couple of months now and it looks pretty nuts like it looks like breath of the wild mixed with pokemon and i [ __ ] loved breath of the wild and i love pokemon so this just looks like a match made in heaven for pokemon fans obviously i've seen already a lot of complaints because of course the internet is so good at complaining about [ __ ] like this you know saying like oh the graphics suck you know it looks like the movements are limited honestly man i'm saving my judgments for until the game comes out so far it looks great the concept sounds cool so hey if the game ends up sucking then you know what we can all lock our arms in merry ways and dance around the fire and you know singing and praising about the fact that the game ended up sucking here's my question are there any anime or manga that are based on true stories or shows yes actually i in fact made a video about one such story unfortunately it is based on one of the most brutal murders to ever happen in modern japanese history you can go check out that video links in the description if you're brave enough i'm sure there's more prettier ones out there that i don't know of but uh yeah the only one i know is the really [ __ ] up one so enjoy that hey there is someone who would like to give this whole youtube thing a shot i was wondering what kind of camera and mic do you use also do you think i would need the best quality equipment when getting started currently right now this camera i'm using the a7 s3 from sony it's a pretty high-end camera so uh yeah you might get a little bit intimidated by the price on it you don't have to start off like that i mean it's a lot easier now to get a lot more affordable type of really really good cameras out there like there's lots of vlogging cameras out there that you know you can pay like 100 something dollars for and it's pretty good quality nowadays if you have an iphone like this like this thing can shoot at 4k 60fps which is better than some cameras out there so you know when i first started i started with my iphone 3 that could barely shoot in 720p you know and i use the inbuilt microphone i think it's all about uh you know building up your personality first before you can start upgrading equipment i mean i'm still not using fully upgraded equipment or fully like up-to-date equipment you know even to this day right i'm still i'm still working on upgrading equipment so uh you know i think what's more important when getting started off is just to you know get get an idea of what kind of videos you want to make and what kind of personality you want to send out there but thank you all for your lovely questions again if you want me to answer a question that you are just so driving to get an answer out of me for then consider supporting my patreon patreon.com the anime man links down in the description below alright guys but last and certainly not least we have the monthly figurine giveaway brought together a lot of folks over at tokyo otaku mode and this month's is a another big one if you thought the riser figurine that i gave away last month was big oh we going even thicker my boys oh lordy coming and this is a very very nice figure and i'm very excited to give it away to this is the no game no life 1 to 8th scale painted figure of gibral the great war version by good smart company i don't know why but no game no life just does some of the most aesthetic looking figurines i mean look at that dude i mean gibral is already such a cool [ __ ] character and then you get one that looks like this dog god damn but yeah this is an absolutely beautiful beautiful figurine straight hot off the press this is brand new as well i think this only came out about a couple of months ago as of me recording this video so there's a lot of no game no life fans who watch this video i mean i love no game now like the aesthetic of these characters this chef's kiss so you'd be happy to know that i am giving away this gibril great war one to eight scale painted figuring from goodsmart company with the box signed by your boy to one lucky viewer watching this video right now as always to enter the free giveaway all you have to do is follow three very simple steps like the video subscribe to the channel and click the link down in the description below the enter the free giveaway and at the end of the giveaway period one random lucky viewer will be selected by the folks over at tokyo attack mode and it will be shipped off to you it's just one little thing that i can kind of give back to the community for supporting me especially now that you know we've hit this new million milestone and hopefully you know we can keep riding that wave to the next million but again guys if you'd like to join on the giveaway links down in the description below and good luck to the winners anyways guys that's gonna do it for this month's monthly otaku collection thank you once again for joining until the very end let me know how your month has been going so far what kind of anime did you watch what kind of manga did you read what kind of merch did you buy and again if you'd like to see more of me and the shenanigans and wackiness that i've been getting more and more into these past couple of months than my second channel on youtube and my twitch twitch.tv slash the anime man are great places to start off so i've left a link to those as well in the description just open up the description there's so much to watch and check out after you finish this video since you've already made it to the end but again guys a big big thank you for 3 million subscribers it's honestly insane it doesn't even feel real right now but um yeah i've just been loving everything i do you guys have given me honestly one of the greatest jobs in the world that i'm so happy to show off to you guys and uh yeah i'm just gonna keep doing my best to give you guys the best [ __ ] i can make but anyways guys thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one like your favorite if you enjoy subscribe for anime banter keep watching [Music] you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 599,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Oshi no Ko, Dandadan
Id: kvf2o0V_Mq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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