We are NOT okay with this... (ft. jacksepticeye)

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That was actually so cursed

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Subhashis_7 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dude, I couldn't watch past the first 7-8 mins. Needed some unsee and unhear juice right after. Jacksepticeye did a fine job in voice enacting lol.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Smoke_Santa 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

I felt so bad for them lmao. Truly cursed.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Bleh_Bleh_Bleh_12 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
yeah how's going everyone this is the anime man and today i'm here with this guy me guess who it is you have to you're not allowed to know who it is you have to guess don't read the title it's pewdiepie right it's pewdiepie well formerly green pewdiepie i go by spedici now you sound an awful lot like that jacksepticeye dude though no hate that guy really i said that once at a taco bell in texas and the guy was like oh okay sorry i felt so bad so yeah i am here with jacksepticeye and uh i'm gonna rope him into some horribly cringy [ __ ] by reading this very questionable attack on titan yowie fan fiction because he didn't wrote me into anything i've wanted this for so long please i need to read some yowie fanfics and i was like my boy i got you so yeah we're back uh on fanfiction.net as uh as any good christian boy would and uh we're about to read uh this little one called captain levi's little test by pin dolls as you can tell by the title it is a yowie between levi aaron and uh ironman slash i don't know who aaron slash is is that his actual surname no his name is aaron r alert i knew that and i don't know why i didn't remember it okay then i don't know who this arm and slash character is let's find out you want me to start off i can do the first line okay please please kick it off for us jack answer up you piece of crap said captain levi as he stood in the dungeon staring in an eren jaeger in his cell what is it that you want to do levi asked well they really just like went bowling right from the first sentence he was in a cell immediately aaron looked out at his cell at captain levi i i just want to join the survey corps said aaron as he breathed heavily it's literal the titans he continued with wide eyes oh classy aaron he just clapped he hates those titans could you imagine like like every situation it just becomes like a ptsd where he just has to say that after every sentence what do you want on your rice curry sauce and slaughter all the titans captain levi took a breath oh not bad erwin i'll take responsibility for him you may leave but first bring in the boy airman our alert said levi yes sir aaron irwin responded as he walked for the door and exited captain levi grabbed the bars to aaron's cell so you want to join the survey corps well i can accept your request on a view conditions on a view conditions okay you're gonna have to look at me a lot look me dead in the eyes and i'm gonna and i'mma finna drop these conditions on you leave i sir i have brought armin alert said erwin as he re-entered the room holding the boy by the arm leading him in to sit on a chair in front of aaron's cell wait what i brought armin alert what does that mean i thought his name was aaron aralert oh i didn't even see it wait did they misspell r alert like they forgot the r and it no especially in your accent airmen alert airmen are alert army arrow come on man it's like trying to say mirror in an irish accent it's just all ours i i've perfected the the irish accent would you like to hear it yes please all right this is my best irish accent write me on my irish accent ready okay hi nye brian kai that's not bad really that that's that's northern irish for anybody who doesn't know guess what he said write it write a comment down below don't forget to like comment subscribe thank you for getting enjoyed the channel don't forget to become a member don't forget smack that motherf like button yeah not too hard though it's precious levi removed a large knife from his back pocket and grabbed airmen by the hair wait i think you i think you skipped oh yeah my bad i'm getting i'm just so hot and bothered getting too into it aaron airman shouted airmen aaron shouted in return silence levi demanded good work erwin you may leave now yes sir erwin replied as he left the room once more wow you just played four characters in one paragraph dude i don't even know who i am half the time your throat is just hella confused right now levi removed a large knife from his back pocket and grabbed iron by the hair oh no pulling his head back to place the knife to the boy's neck don't move said levi aaron pulled forward onto his knees but the chains on his legs and wrists suppressed him captain what are you doing i'm pretty sure that was not aaron's voice well anyway don't you bear hurt aaron i'll leave him out of this aaron shouted yeah every one of the protagonist lines have to end with that like just like way too way too into it oh or what do anything stupid and i'll cut his head off oh it's so hot i'm not talking about the head that's got his face on it if you know what i'm talking about how can i trust you won't bedress you're going to need to prove you can follow orders you little brat oh levi said believe i said as he says yeah you know he just casually said nonchalantly aaron became frustrated what do you want me to do to prove it to you i'll do anything shout it aaron and kill all the titans slay this titan aaron if they don't say that if there's there has to be some yeah like attack on titans that the titans are it's like oh titan is another name for my butthole and i need you to slay it i want shinjeki no chinchin okay it needs to happen you know that already has to exist somewhere yeah that's about the the birth of my japanese knowledge i'm glad i used it to shame myself i'm glad that your limited japanese skills could both shingeki no chinchin levi's eyes shined in amusement anything huh let's find out if that's true said levi as he unbuttoned his shirt and lowered his pants oh [ __ ] keeping the knife pressed to airmen like he's unbuttoning his shirt and lowering his pants with a knife to aaron's neck just one-handed just like [ __ ] i can't i can't get this belt off boy has a grip of a vice just holding that knife steady levi ordered the boy to stand up and remove his clothes oh no what are you doing aaron asked confused aaron was too scared to resist as he removed his clothes until he was completely naked oh [ __ ] aaron lower your pants said captain levi or i'll kill him whoa levi continue it as he grabbed the naked boy by the crabbed crab to be fair they're not fair off you can't grab somebody by the neck again boy has the grip of a vice dudley and dragged him forward sitting down in the chair placed in front of aaron's cell levi pushed arm into the bars of the cell about to get crabby let's go to the door very quickly aaron did as he was ordered to save his friend's life believe i've removed his underwear and is a popped out over the top just oh right there there it is the two of you start to pleasure yourselves in front of each other now said levi as he pointed the knife at ironman's back and began to slowly stroke nice wow dude i am half chopped right now after the same aaron was sickened but had no choice aaron grabbed hold of his began to work it up and down airmen began crying as he slowly reached for his blow aaron no one likes a cry wank man armin shyly cried as tears rolled down his face he didn't want to be doing this good said levi as he stood up and walked forward to airmen's backside oh no god bend your butt towards me airmen yes daddy keeping the knife to the boy's back airmen did us commanded and bent his butt out to the man both of you keep touching yourselves or else oh my god as he slowly began to work two fingers into herman's airmen moaned as levi's fingers entered him from behind my god oh my god wow levi i don't know what's so funny about like all of this like world building i don't have world buildings the correct word but all of this like setting up of the scene and like you know really like adult blingo and then they just throw the word butt yeah two in the stink ew captain stop do you want do do what you want to me just let irvin leave aaron screamed and began to cry so not a chance this is just fine levi coley said with his usual expression i mean yeah it's fine for you because you don't have to in the stink i mean he was able to hold a knife very steadily i can't imagine what he can do with those two fingers yeah like all i imagine is like you know that like episode of family guy where quagmire first discovers internet love he comes out and his left arm is just jacked like crazy and the rest of his body is just nothing i don't know what's worse the fact that somebody sat down and wrote this and proudly put it on the internet with their name attached or the fact that i can picture exactly everything that's happening in the scene right now it's like it's a horrible situation but you know you know what yeah i'll give points to the visual aspect of things like i hate the childhood in me that can imagine anything my imagination was amazing as a kid and now it's coming back to bite me in the ass bite you in the butt yeah it's okay aaron if this helps save you i'll do anything said airman he moaned as levi fastly stuck a third finger oh three in the stink airman aaron softly cried as the two boys continued to stroke their up and down airman moaned as levi removed his fingers and stroked his preparing to enter the young boy from behind i hope he didn't use the same hand yeah yeah it's a disaster waiting to happen try to relax levi said with a cold smile and expression as he looked down on the boy pressed to the bars and back up at aaron's love himself wait what anyway he pushed his pen island into the boys but in one quick push wow no but this time yeah no no pillow to bite down on just just straight in dude yikes jesus that's uh that's called a carpet burn if i've ever heard of it airmen screamed as the pain and pleasure strike into him he continued to moan as levi slowly pulled out and fastly pushed back in repeatedly why did that sound like a how he screamed [Laughter] i'm really glad that just out of pure coincidence you're doing every single one that has a scream in it i'm on brand baby oh god i feel like a a voice actor right now at this point you're basically doing it now we just need like an animation over this i think you know he's ready to exchange hands and i've technically done it it hurts armon cried struggling to keep touching himself as tears of pain rolled down his face man this is not the door at all no all aaron could do could too was watch as captain levi thrusted his in and out of his best friend on the other side of the cell bars aaron continued to adopt himself in fear of what might happen if he stopped a fierce adult dude female adult stuff not cool man whoever wrote this shame on you you need to leave the house sometime you need to go outside and figure out what real people actually talk like not to king shame or anything because i mean you know what dude if you're into this kind of stuff good on you man like you found your kink i'm all for that man like all the more power to you but holy [ __ ] like who watched attack on titan was like yeah i could make it better yeah yeah yeah i can fix this levi watched an amusement at the boy in the cellar while the boy's friend in the are you missing a bit of punctuation here yeah right but felt himself coming to a climax and stopped leave i pulled out of the boys behind not butt anymore but behind you know what yeah what that's that's how you write an english essay you don't use the same word for everything every time but why is it that the more adult the story is getting the more christian the language is getting we're feeling the remorse of the writer as we go along yeah they're like i gotta i gotta i got a self-center right here like it's too much even for me i also love how it ends in a comma you know just just why not turn to me and kneel levi demanded and iron collected himself and did as told the boy turned and kneeled in front of levi oh god well there's going to be audio of this on the internet i guess cleaner with the inside of your mouth believe i commanded the boy coley that's that's that's what that's the sexiest way you could have said it but to mouth that's disgusting yeah wrong again who finds this hot the person who wrote this yeah what the [ __ ] airmen swallowed and got closer to the man that was a bad place to put the word swallow put it all the way in said levi is this his small test is it actually small that's the block twist [Laughter] it's like it's like put it all the way in the whole two inches it's like okay it's like eating skittles but whatever airman opened his mouth and lowered to push the man's deep into his mouth and he began to lick and suck it clean as the two boys continue to adore themselves send themselves themselves i hate themselves aaron didn't know why but this felt good what aaron what you're supposed to be the normal dude in this story aaron didn't know why but this felt good much more than when he would do it alone really man how how bad are your adult stuff aaron continued to adore himself and felt himself coming to a climax i'm gonna slay him [Laughter] yes oh we are so in sync yeah i've slayed a few titans in my day yeah i'd slay one every afternoon do it levi said through clenched teeth as he felt himself seconds away from climax as well oh god airman continued to adopt himself and suck lev levis then suddenly levi moaned captain levi came into the boy's mouth oh good oh plural boys cool that's the thing i'm taking problem with is the punctuation in this story it's not everything else i'm calling it the punctuation yeah aaron was like come on man give me some of that less than a second more and aaron came as well moaned feeling his orgasm you took the time to write this put it on the internet but you couldn't proofread it orgasm sounds like black metal man what's up we're orgasm what the boy oh while he watched levi pull his nope drenched nope all good from his best friends nope aaron's nope fell into a puddle in front of him on the bed oh there was a bed here oh yeah magically there was a bed the entire time in his house i know that i have to rework this entire imagination like scene in my brain now i would also just like to preface right now that uh this is the first time jack and i are having a voice call and i had the absolute privilege to hear the words nope drenched nope from his mouth yeah i would talk about that yeah i know dude people would pay good money for that and i just got it for free do not animate this for the love of god i know all of you people right now how would you even analyze this there has to be at least someone jerking to this right now armin fell down on his hands as levi stepped away and walked to the boys behind which boy both boys i guess they were both boys they just both had their behinds presented to him i guess the boy season two on amazon prime aaron lick it up juice i mean thank you that's what it's like it's like it's like he tried to be sexy and everyone was like like like what up and he's like juice what do you think yeah come on you know that thing that's in front of you right now that levi said in a heavy voice aaron felt revolted but did as he was told when levi pressed the knight yeah but it did it is it was tall when levi pressed the knife to ireman's neck once more wait did he have the knife the entire time the whole time the whole time as he adult stuff aaron and then made almond juice his mouth he just had a knife in his hand the entire time the knife is um maybe there's a euphemism for it that's the test right it's like it's it's like okay it's a shop yeah so you better watch out levi pushed three fingers into airmen again oh my god again the boys just had your dong in him man like give him a break and thrusted them in and out as aaron struggled to lean down and lick up his own juice aaron moaned as he felt himself coming to climax oh armin having her yet you're poor boy yeah jesus i mean you you were blue balls the entire time apparently look levi i'm in mind as he juice all over the dungeon floor i thought that said dungeon wall i'm like jesus christ this boys levi stood and kicked arm into the door uh to the wall you made a mess clean it up with your mouth demanded a levi damn levi do an [ __ ] yeah give the boy a break dude didn't he didn't he just slay all the titans for you is that what you wanted yeah who knew that in the world of attack on titan the titans were the least of your worries titans don't kill people humans kill people aaron had finished devouring his own sea juice oh to lick the ground in fear to clean up his own juice that is the sentence that i have said on the internet now yeah it's certainly a sentence that's for sure for anyone who's watching this and being like how can he continue going oh believe me the body is filled with shame right now i'm in a shame spiral but i'm half i'm like almost at the end so why not why did you agree to this man i don't know most people would hear hey so uh i found this cursed anime fanfic you want to read it with me if if some if you said that to me i'd be like no no that's no that sounds like a horrible idea why i'm opening new doors for myself and closing them just as fast as i opened them would you say that you're opening the back door i see he said captain levi good boys aaron i will accept your request what requests were we talking about i just played that i have to slay the title most of this yeah some plot point we didn't care about at the beginning levi said as he walked out the dungeon door to find heroin standing waiting for him in return wait everyone was standing there the entire time oh he's just as guilty oh no bro was he also joking it oh god clean them up i've decided they will both join us i don't know i don't want to join you afterwards i want to stay far away from you please let me stay in the cell the end and hooray the nightmare is over i'm not affiliated with any of this i don't agree with any of this story this story is actually that other disclaimer this is a [ __ ] absolutely yeah we're laughing at this but only because this is a thing that somebody made unironically pin dolls i'm with you i get it dude you love attack on titan but there's better ways to express that love i'm just saying you know you never ever heard of like you know like pictures like drawings you know maybe buying merch no never never never crossed your mind at all go to joeytheanime.com that is not a real website is this the first time you've ever done an anime yowie fanfic reading yeah no god you know i showered right before this call and i feel like i'm gonna have to shower many more times today to get this filth off of me yeah it was i mean look like i've read some [ __ ] in my lifetime but this was uh this was something else i'm uh does this take a cake uh oh dude captain levi's little test this was a big test right this is like all this time aaron could have gone titan mode and he didn't oh my god could you imagine if you went titan mode halfway through dude i know how to fix this you can feel your fingers typing already yeah well thank you uh jack for putting your career and reputation on the line for this horrible video that's absolutely fine if this is the thing that makes me crash and burn god save us all yeah well god save me because i'm gonna get the brunt of it yeah it's all joy's fault blame him for everything my reputation is going down the toilet i have no willpower or brain of my own well guys hopefully you enjoyed this uh i don't think i need to tell you to go subscribe to jack because i'm sure you all came from over there but if not go subscribe to jack turns out this is the thing that gets us like five million more subs each could you imagine it's like someone like how you did it yeah so how did you how did you grow so fast it's like well it was it was a little test two words airmen slash we never figured out the mystery to arm and slash yeah leave by aaron and aaron slash i think i'm fine not getting some of this yeah true i don't want to get any of this to be honest i read it but i don't agree with it well guys hopefully you enjoyed this again go check out jack and uh is there anything you want to say as a party gift to our probably now traumatized audience uh i'm sorry you know what correct answer thanks for watching see you in the next one like your favorite if you enjoyed it subscribe for more banter keep watching anime [Music] with [Music] you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 972,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, we, are, NOT, okay, with, this, jacksepticeye, attack on titan
Id: rZPG7rv86J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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